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ATTENTION to those who are less than 3 months post-op and discouraged-READ HERE!!!

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Tell me about it Illuminationlady! This guy has me on an Atkins type diet. Less than 30 carbs a day, high Protein and no sugar. No pastas, fruits, etc., due to carbs. My Internist says he is crazy, but of course has a good reputation for great results. He says all fat patients are addicted to carbs and eating a bowl of Cereal is like eating ice cream. I have not cheated so far and have lost 30 pounds. I lost 12 preop and the rest postop. My surgery was 6 weeks ago. I am not eating due to the pain in my upper abdomen when I eat and drink. Since I have a split pancreas and it is getting worse, I think I will go see my Gastroenterologist and maybe he can make sure I don't have pancreatitis again. My band doctor won't listen so I don't have much of a choice.

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I actually came here to this website this morning before work (not something I usually do) to ask a general question of "AM I ON TRACK" I can clearly see by what you and others have said I AM =) I am 2 months post op and I'm not frustrated, but more concerned with "Is this NORMAL".....I'm the only person I've ever known to have a band placed so my questions are answered through experience and sometimes that can be frustrating. I appreciate your stern words because it makes me feel better about my loss and provides me with a great sense of comfort that I can do this in time, so THANK YOU COLORADO!

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For those of you who have family members or co-workers who constantly ask how much you've lost, I simply tell them "I don't know. I have put my scales away and am only getting weighed at the doctors office monthly." Most people are satisfied with that answer and don't ask me all the time.

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I was banded yesterday and expected to get this lecture. Instead I got the opposite. Because of my unique situation I am expected to lose a good amount before my first adjustment. I did make the mistake of stepping on the scale when I got home from the hospital and it said I gained most of my pre-op weight loss back. Either the scale is broken or I am retaining fluids.

It doesn't bother me, I am just excited to be on this journey and heading towards the green zone.

Thanks for the thread... it will mean alot to alot of people.

Hello Fellow 4/27 bandster... Weigh yourself today- if you are like me it will be much better than what you saw when you got home!!

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Thank You for this post! I'm a new bandster (was banded in March) and I've lost 27 lbs but a lot of that loss has been because of willpower right now. I'm not getting the restriction even with 5ccs in my band and I know it's going to take a while. I didn't put on the weight overnight (although boy - it sometimes feels like I did!) and I'm not going to lose it in less than 2 months. It takes time.

I do agree that it can be frustrating at times because everyone around you that knows thinks that it should be coming off like crazy. Just in the past 24 hours, I've had FOUR people ask how much weight I have lost so far. Not because they've seen me or anything - they're asking about the surgery and if it's working. I keep telling them that it TAKES TIME and that I don't have restriction, yet. I have to explain the entire process to them and then I get the "oh - I thought it would be FASTER".

I think there are so many misconceptions to this surgery, especially for those outside of bandland. So, I thank you for this thread! :redface: It just reaffirms what I keep trying to tell myself. Do I have days when I get down? Yes - but you know - it's a process and a life change and it's not overnight. It's not a magic pill.

We're all in this together. One day at a time and one pound at a time! :thumbup:

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It reallys is a good thread. I see so many people discouraged. This forum helped me a great deal before the surgery, so I was all prepared for my 3wk plateau after surgery--was it a little disappointing, sure, but I knew it was normal and to learn patience.

Edited by shadst8

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I wish I had found this forum before I had surgery. I was one of the people unaware of how long it would take to get restriction. I assumed it would happen right away. I also didn't realize how different feeling "full" would be. It is not the pleasant sensation it used to be, that's for sure. However, I have done really well with the band. I am taking the ups and downs as they come. I am kinda down right now because I just had a fill Monday. I Haven't been able to keep anything but Water down since then. It's very frustrating and uncomfortable. I will go in for an unfill if it's still this way tomorrow. I have given up on the shakes until the morning. Hopefully with a little time to rest my stomach, I will be ok. Anyway, got off topic, noone should be comparing themselves to others, everyone is so different. Best wishes to all!

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I am constantly surprised by my fellow bandsters!!!

I was fully prepared to see many posts telling me I was wrong to be so direct..TOTALLy the opposite..thank you!!!

To address a couple concerns....

For those with people around you that know you had surgery (exactly why I didn't share it with hardly anyone..many still don't know) and constantly ask "how much have you lost" or say "I thought you would've lost more" or whatever other nonsense..here is my advice...EDUCATE THEM!!

Tell them something along the lines of "This is not the same surgery as Gastric Bypass, the weight loss is much slower and healthier which is why I chose it. I choose to eat and live a healthier a lifestyle."

That is of course the calm and cool way to respond to an idiot...another would be..

"Please don't monitor my progress, eating habits or weight loss. It's obvious by your comment that you have no idea what you're talking about or how harmful your comments can be to my ultimate success. I would appreciate no further input but would appreciate your support."

(just finished communication course or that latter comment would have been much more "colorful" lol)

My point is, this journey is SO HARD without the additional stress others put on us. You MUST take that negativity out of your life SOMEHOW so you can focus on the hard work ahead of you. However you need to do it...just do it!

Since many don't know or were told differently by their doctor...AVERAGE weight loss with the band is 52lbs per YEAR!!

You will have many that lose more, and many that lose less, but that is a good gauge of lap band weight loss.

I have been banded for over 15 months and STILL have not lost that much, but I've lost a LOT and that is what I focus on. I am THRILLED with my loss thus far and continue to fight each and every day-I will NOT fail! It may take me 4-5 years to lose what I want...but I will lose it. I'm in this for the long haul, not the next 6 months.

All this to say is that you need to have INCREDIBLE confidence in yourself and your journey and don't let ANYONE or ANYTHING slow you down from achieving YOUR Goals (not their unrealistic goals, YOUR GOALS). You CAN DO THIS and you ARE WORTH IT!!!

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There is one thing that I would like to add. I think many people do feel upset is because they have family memebers watching them like a hawk. My family is like that. I live with the food police. "Are you going to eat that?" "Don't you think you've had enough?" "Shouldn't you be done?"

Their comments make me feel like crap, and that makes me be harder on myself. Don't say to "just ignore them." They are my family and I've lived with them all of my life.

We have outside forces screaming at us. And that make us question ourselves even if we know better.

Do you see what I'm saying?

I definitely see what you're saying...family can be a pain in the ass! Sad thing is, they probably think they're helping you..ugh!

Educate them! Tell them that their words and actions are not helpful and TELL THEM what the real expectations are with the Lap Band...they probably think, just like many others (even those that have had the surgery) the outcome should be different or faster.

Sit down, tell them how you're feeling and what support you need from them. Assume less...ask more! You don't want to "ignore them" you NEED them to understand and help.

We've all treated our obesity oureslves and just turn a blind eye to comments or suggestions...NO MORE!!!!

You are STRONG this WILL BE successful but at YOUR OWN PACE!!

If you TRULY embrace that and talk about it with confidence, you will be SHOCKED how those around you will change and be supportive!!

Not ONE SINGLE PERSON mentioned how much weight I'd lost or "how good I looked" until 8 months POST OP!!! I kept waiting and waiting and waiting...and working and working and fighting..and then one day...BAM..EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE just POURED the compliments on me and it felt SOOOOOOO GOOOD!!! ALL the HARD WOrk, all the COURAGE and DISCIPLINE paid off times 1000. It is HARD but it is SO worth it!!!!!!!!


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Well its not what you say but how you say it. Iwas banded 4-12-2010 lost 17lbs first week and gain 6 lbs back, Am i disappointed, HELL YEAH and im yelling that. I didnt take time off of work and stay on liquids for 2 weeks and go throught this pain to yo-yo. I want results because that was what was told to me from my doctor. If i was told that my weight would not come off until the 3rd or 4th fill as you say , i would have research a little further before making a big commentment such as this. And I believe that people should share what EVER they want during this process, it is a part of healing.

I totally agree that everyone should share whatever they want. I just have to clarify...you are exactly 17 days post op..right? You say you were on liquids for 2 weeks right? You had invasive surgery less than 3 weeks ago right?

Without any further research would it be reasonable to surmise that the weight gain would be from surgery and a full liquid diet? I believe so.

Your doctor SHOULD have given you realistic expectations but by your anger and comments it is CLEAR the/he did not. Well, now you know. How you choose to proceed is completely up to you.

I would be upset as well if my doctor didn't give me detailed information..but I also did MONTHS of research for myself before making such a HUGE risk of surgery..and everything everywhere states pretty clearly what the expectation with the band is. I find that many people just take what their doctor has to say and runs with it...NOT ME!!!

Not to sound rude..but your expectations are not going to be fulfilled as you had thought..I would regroup, educate myself and start again with a positive and fresh mindset. No need to dwell on what cannot be changed in my opinon..best of luck!!!

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I was banded on 3/08: I have lost about 29 pounds: That is an average of about 4 lbs a week. I was so apathetic about my weight loss because that 30ish pounds is part of the same 40lbs that I have been gaining and losing for the last 2 years: Someone on this board reminded me in their post that this will be THE LAST TIME that I will have to lose that 40lbs: Can I hear an AMEN?

My surgeon only cared about the surgery: get me in, charge my insurance: get me out: he is disappointed in my loss: I should be working harder: You know what: I am okay: I eat some foods I like, I have broken my addiction to bread and I am going to be healthier in the long run!

My sis had gastric: losing 60lbs that fast really messed her up: she may look down her nose at how long it is taking me to lose, but I bet that I am the healthier one in the long run!

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I was banded on 3/08: I have lost about 29 pounds: That is an average of about 4 lbs a week. I was so apathetic about my weight loss because that 30ish pounds is part of the same 40lbs that I have been gaining and losing for the last 2 years: Someone on this board reminded me in their post that this will be THE LAST TIME that I will have to lose that 40lbs: Can I hear an AMEN?

My surgeon only cared about the surgery: get me in, charge my insurance: get me out: he is disappointed in my loss: I should be working harder: You know what: I am okay: I eat some foods I like, I have broken my addiction to bread and I am going to be healthier in the long run!

My sis had gastric: losing 60lbs that fast really messed her up: she may look down her nose at how long it is taking me to lose, but I bet that I am the healthier one in the long run!

I was told to count on one pound a week. That sounds really slow expecially if you watch The Biggest Loser, but it is realistic. You do lose a little faster in the beginning, but please try not to be dissappointed if it gets down to one pound a week. It is normal and it is healthy. You will have less sagging skin and you will feel better in the long run. Hugs to you!!!!

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you are so right. i went to my first support group tuesday of both bandsters and bypass patients and this lady was like i only lost 77 pounds, i should have lost so much more. I was thinking, what the hell? 77 pounds lost is great no matter what. some people are just gonna be like that no matter what is going on. thank you for posting, those are my sentiments exactly. any weight loss is great after gaining for so long with no hope in sight.

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Thank you so much for the post. I feel a lot better about everything that is going on with my weight right now. I'm on mushies and have gained 4 lbs back.

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Hi Coloradobanding, I was one of the people who bitched about "no weight loss" in the first month. It is very frustrating when you are making all the necessary sacrifices to loss weight and you don't. I think we all knew this process was not going to be a walk in the park, but when you look up and you realize you haven't eaten a decent meal in two or three months it's only natural that you are going to feel angry that you haven't loss much weight. I think we all know that it's going to take time but that doesn't stop us from wanting to see results right away. Even though it's not cool to compare yourself to anyone else, that too is hard. When you read stories of some people losing weight rapidly and you're not you can't help but to wonder if you're doing something wrong or question why is your weight not coming off as fast. Like someone else said this site allows us to come on here and express what we are feeling, so if that means we want to talk about how frustrated we are because we haven't loss any weight then so-be-it.

There are a lot of post on here where people are venting about stuff that's there own fault but no one is going to tell them that. Instead people are going to try to encourage them not beat them up because they've screwed up.

So while your post may be helpful to some, it may be offensive to others.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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