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Almost 2 years out from banding and feeling like a failure!

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At this time last year I had my first battle with band being too tight, ended up with gastritis and had Fluid removed from band. At that time I weighed 155 pounds and was ecstatic about the fact that I had lost 63 pounds and was well on my way to being healthy and happy for the first time in more than 20 years. Several months past and I even had a breast reduction to relieve constant headaches and backaches from the weight of my breasts. To make a long story short, I had a fill in Sept due to gaining 15 pounds in the months since the fluid was removed. For the next 3 months life became a daily struggle to eat properly and get in excersize. Thank God I hadn't gained any further pounds when I went for my next adjustment on Dec. 24, 2009. After that fill I could not keep any solid foods down and instead of going to the doctor to see if I was too tight, I decided to tough it out and find a happy medium only to gain another 4 pounds!! I returned to the doctor on Feb 15, 2010 and had 2 cc removed from my band again, since that time I have lost 4 pounds and also became hungry all the time. On April 8, 2010 got another adjustment in which the doc put in 1 cc. Felt great not to be hungry anymore!!! I have since lost 6 pounds. I have found getting back on track to be much harder than when my journey first began. Is there anyone out there who has experienced anything similiar??????? I see lots of success stories and great mile stones being accomplished, which is inspirational to me, but I feel the need to no that I am NOT alone in having set backs and struggles. Please HELP!!!!:eek:

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I have had a similar experience, I though I had reached my "sweet spot" in Oct 2009, but I ended up with extreme stomach pain. That caused the doctors to completely empty the LAP-BAND®, which had me gain 19lbs.:unsure:...then right before Thanksgiving I had a fill, which did not give me any restriction, then in January I had another fill, with little restriction. However, I did exercise and followed WeightWatchers, which help me lose 10lbs. I had another two fills, one in February and one in March, and then I lost another 5lbs; but its been a struggle and I just had some liquid taken out of the LAP-BAND® because again I was too tight. However, I see that I have little to no restriction now and they only took 1/2cc out:sad:..I'm confused because now I feel like I have probably gained the last 5lbs I had lost. I still would like to lose 40lbs to reach my goal and its already been about 18 months since my surgery. So it is a struggle, however, I will continue to give it my best effort to exercise and make better food choices. So don't give up and now that you are not alone...weight loss is a struggle, but as long as we don't give up, is one struggle that I am sure we will win...keep the faith...:scared2:

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I am also approaching my two year anniversary in August. I lost 47 lbs the first 3 months, but it didn't take me long to figure out how to cheat. The good thing is that I haven't gained alot I fluctuate +/- 5 lbs, bad part is I haven't lost anymore either. I would keep getting fills every so often, too tight, too loose. My friend got the by-pass and lost like 100+ pounds, she hit goal in about 10 months. I was so regretting my choice on the band until something clicked a month or so ago, I went back to the original eating plan 4 oz 3X a day, Protein, veggies. Was starving for the first week, went in and got a small fill, started some exercising and 6 weeks later I'm down 5 lbs. I don't know why I could not accept the fact that this band is only an aid to make the new healthy lifestyle easier, its hard, I expected to get this band and poof, it would do all the work for me.....make me make the right food choices, make me dislike the taste of sugar, I wouldn't have to do any work or changing (by-pass friend can't eat sugar...throws up if she eats too much....she's not exercising....weight is falling off...).

Friend update, she is 3 years out from her surgery and has regained almost all her lost weight. My moral to this story, she didn't learn how to change her habits, it was too easy and when I reach my goal hopefully I wont regain any, but I'm not giving up.

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Ccinlv great moral! Weight loss is a struggle. The weight didn't come on in a few months so can't expect it to magically fall off in a few weeks. I was truly hoping to be the exceptiion to the rules & drop 50lbs in a couple weeks but it is definitely harder to change habits then I first thought. But determination will presevere. Keep in my mind that without the band most of us would be many more pounds heavier than we started rather the 30-40lbs we are down now. Best of luck to you all!

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I feel the same way...like I'm a failure. I was banded 11/2008 and have lost 47lbs. I know it's my fault, because i make bad food choices, but I also figured out a way to eat past the band. Lucky for me, I haven't gained a pound back yet. So this is my starting point. I haven't posted on this site in over a year. Now I'm back for support. My band is almost filled to capacity right now, so I really need to stay focus and do what's right for me and follow through with the reason I decided to have surgery. So, you're not alone!

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i am the same way!banded 12-14-8 down 100 then it has

stopped! went back to dr may for the 1st time in months

he took out 1/2cc and i have gained 10 eating all the wrong

foods...i have a 10cc band and its now around 7 so i thing my next

appt 7-5 i will have him put back the 1/2 cc! and i am

changing gyms! hopefully that will get me back on track

good luck to everyone its so hard! just go day by day


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I’m sad, does this is mean when we reach 10cc we are on our own? I am at 5.5cc and I need another fill. I had lost 80 pounds and gained 40 back with in months because I had an upper pouch inflammation and needed to release all fluids. Has anyone ever experienced this? Is there still hope for me?

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My friend you are not alone. I had the same situation happen to me but I ganed 40 pounds. You did much better then I did. I just got my first fill 3 days ago but it seems like I need to add to my fill. I feel hungry all day long and I am sad over all because I failed and allowed myself to gain 40 pounds. It is much harder the second time around. I almost feel like there is no band in side of me. I hope to teach myself better habbits. I wish you luck. Are you almost at the max of your band, is there room for you to do more fills?

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no your not alone I am right there with you right now I am 26 yrs old have been big my entire life and had health problems a good bit of that I got banded in March 2008 did great the first year lost down from 343 to 262 felt great loved it then out of no where i fell off the wagon and dont think I have ever got back on I have even tried diet pills and diff diets while being banded so if you have any addvice on how to keep going or how to start over plez email me at nlacy1983@netzero.com thanks bye

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I am approximately 6 weeks post banding and I am getting a little discouraged myself. 1 week prior to my first fill, I developed nausea/vomiting and was not able to keep liquids or anything down. It started on a Saturday and instead of going to the ER, I waited until Monday to contact the office and was seen within 24 hours. When I went in, they had to remove all of the Fluid (3.9cc). The nausea and vomiting improved and I also gained 2.2 pounds within 3 weeks. Last week, I went for my first fill and they added 2ccs. I am starving....I try to eat 3 small meals a day but it is very difficult. I am also looking for words of encouragment because at the present time I am not feeling as if all this is worth it.....:thumbup:

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:redface:I just found this thread and am feeling kinda depressed. I was banded 7 days ago, and I understand how you feel. I am not quite sure how to go about doing the diet, but I think when I am feeling better will work with my nutritionist again. We had devised an eating plan where I lost 1 pound a week, and I had every meal planned in advance and bought my foods for the entire week and made a week's worth of meals then froze them. Then all my choices were made for the week. If I was left to my own devices, I would make unwise choices. I work nights and the guys eat out every night, so it's hard not to go to be one of the gang. I know how it feels to feel unworthy. I wonder why we feel that way. Maybe if we thought back to how we felt when we first go off the wagon. I always have some event happen then I use food for comfort then before I know it I am off and running. I discuss all this with my nutritionist who has even offered some books on emotional eating. Maybe we could all consider counseling.

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Well, I have not been on for awhile, but some weight has come off...not a lot, but I'm still losing and for that I'm grateful. I have not had any further discomfort or pain so I am adjusting to the weight just not dropping off.. I'm down 66lbs since 10/2/08, so that is awesome...from 243lbs to 177lbs, and wearing a size 8...you figure it out bcuz I can't...(I do carry most of my weight in my legs)...all that being said, I love my band, which we must remember is a tool to help us manage our weight, not a cure to our obesity...my advise, stay focus, keep trying and dont lose faith..it is up to us to do the work...God bless...

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I have had mine for a year and a half and feel like a complete failure. Since last August I have been back and forth getting Fluid in and then within a week having to have it removed because not even liquid goes through. Was told it was my gallbladder so I had it removed only to experience the same thing after getting filled. It has been two months now since my doctor removed ALL of my fill and I have gained 25lbs. I am so mad at myself for gaining and at my doctor for not listening to me when I said I thought he put me over my sweet spot. Getting in to see him is like finding a needle in a haystack so I am even more upset. Unfortunatly I am not able to withstand a lot of fluid in mine like the majority of people on here. When I get 4.75 cc in me is when I close up completely. I am trying to get back on track with eating right and exercising, it's just really hard when I'm so deperessed.

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Hi,I just had to reply to your thread! you are not alone!!!I just passed my two year point and have not lost any credible ammount of weight this past year.I had a fill last April and have known I am to tight but felt like ,if I couldn't eat much ,surely i would lose a lot of:glare: weight .!Not so!!! I have struggled since then with not being able to eat solid foods to drinking a lot of Protein Drinks to ice cream ,flavored coffee anything to satisfy me.Tomorrow I plan to start over with a small unfill(my first) and eat enough hard Protein to hold me between meals.Of course I am unhappy with my weight loss results of 45 lbs in two years!!! It is still a struggle but I am not giving up!!! We can only start from where we are! My personal E.Mail is .....tamaya62@aol.com .....I would love to buddy -up and start fresh..Keep me posted...Laura

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Hugs Hugs Hugs for all your struggles.. Finding that sweet spot is hard for some - but you gotta know that band doesn't lose the weight for you - it doesn't make your food choices or exercise - you do those things..

As you all state - you have found out no matter how tight you are you can eat around your band - and that's the problem with being too tight - we tend to go for soft/mushie foods and those are normally higher in calories..

They have banded our stomachs and not our heads - where imho the majority of our issues w/food lie..

If you can't eat 3-4 oz of hard Protein - you are too tight - you will feel physically full on this amount of food - doesn't mean that you are going to be satisfied - doesn't mean you aren't going to want to continue to eat for the taste and comfort you get from food - but you will be full - but your head and body will still craves more food

I'm 3 yrs out and this happens to me every nite.. I eat my dinner and am full - but not satisfied and my body wants more - it's my addiction at work.. This is what you have to realize - You band is never going to take away your head hunger and I think most of what we preceive as hunger is really head hunger - if you really sit and contimplate your stomach you aren't really hungry - you just want the taste or to soothe your stress etc..

IMHO you gotta quit thinking you are dieting - you need to change your eating habits to healthy (I haven't dieted since day 1 I am eating healthy - lower fat - limited sugars and limited starches) and you gotta exercise

If you are absolutly starving - eat a some meat or veggies or even a piece of fruit not a candy bar, bag of chips or some cookie etc.. You crave the bad stuff - again cuz this is our addiction talking to us - and if you need sweets - have sf pudding - sf fudgesciles - sf yogurt - hell a pure Protein vanilla cream pre-made pt shake has 110 cal - add 1/2 banana and 1 tsp of Peanut Butter and some ice blend and you will think you have died and when to heaven - about 200 cals - 19 grms of pt and you will be full and your sweet tooth satisfied..

You all can do this - you really can - I was 52 when banded I'm now 55 - I feel 10 yrs younger - have so much energy - I eat healhty and don't feel deprived and I exercise 4-5 days a week (have bootcamp tonite) if I can do this - so can you- I'm no diff that any of you - I have had this addiction my entire life - I was just sick and tired of being morbity obese - letting life slip by without being able to participate in it cuz I was too fat and tired all the time..

So make up your minds that you will never be able to eat like you use to - why - cuz our normal eating is what got us fat in the 1st place. Definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a diff result...

You gotta make the lifestyle change and with the help of your band you can do that - I did 75% of the work by changing my habits - the band did 25% by providing restiction..

Good Luck to you all !!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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