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New to the forum will be banded april 14th!

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well i went in at 8 today and I was home by 1:30. Things went really well according to Dr. Murphy. I have been taking my Vicodin and walking. I have not been able to lay down. My recliner is my friend along with a heating pad for my neck. TOday i ate 4 bites of Jello and one popsicle. I have been sipping on Water the rest of the day. I did throw up my vicodin once when i was dry heaving. That wasnt fun at all. My eyes are closing as I am typing so I am going to write more later.

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well i went in at 8 today and I was home by 1:30. Things went really well according to Dr. Murphy. I have been taking my Vicodin and walking. I have not been able to lay down. My recliner is my friend along with a heating pad for my neck. TOday i ate 4 bites of Jello and one popsicle. I have been sipping on Water the rest of the day. I did throw up my vicodin once when i was dry heaving. That wasnt fun at all. My eyes are closing as I am typing so I am going to write more later.

If you feel the need to throw up again, please call the doc and get him/her to call in a prescription. I can't believe you were sent home without one. I still keep my phenergan that was prescribed after surgery in my purse "just in case". I am a teacher, and as you know, we get exposed to EVERYTHING! I have only had to take it maybe twice in 2 years, but it saved me.

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So happy for all you ladies! I hope that all went well today! I had my pre-op consult and pre-registration at the hospital my surgery is May 7th I have 2 wks of pre-op diet starting next friday.

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Hey ladies! Sorry I'm so late getting on its been a long day! I'm soo happy your surgeries went well & that we're officially on the banded side! So proud of us all. I lost a total of 10lbs on my pre op diet (19.3lbs overall this mt) & my bp was 124/84 this morning! My mom joked well let's go you don't even need this surgery you can do it on your own! (But not for very long I said!) Well my surgery as far as the lap band goes went smoothly I'm told that only took 45mins but like Purple said my doc also found a HUGE hernia (he actually showed me a pic). I went in as scheduled about 8am should have been out by 9am but wasn't out til 11:10!! My poor mom, uncle & bf were pacing worried. The doc said he got a lot of reflux when trying to repair the hernia & I guess with the size of it that tacked on 2hrs to my surgery. =/ but as purple said I'm glad that will solve my heartburn & indigestion. Afterwards I had a hard time waking up to the point the nurse began shouting my name & telling me to keep my eyes open & talk. Anesethesia and I have never friends so I expected some complications I was VERY nauseous. I got the max amout of antimetic so I had to just stay uncomfortable (and irritable!lol). The other issue was that towards the end of surgery & during 3hrs in recovery they couldn't get BP readings & began saying they could not send me home the way I was. Even though I was very out of it I knew I didn't wanna get transfered to a hospital overnight.(I'm self pay!) When they did finally get a reading I remember looking over at the machine alarming my BP 188/111 o2sat 94! They were very calm though I knew they were a bit alarmed because they refused to let my family back to see me the entire time I was unstable. I forced myself to stand up tried to calm my nerves & breath deep, it was getting late & I did not want to be transferred. The pain was bearable but the gas pressure & hernia repair were very uncomfortable. My. Incisions feel fine they only hurt when I bend. I finally got out of there with the prize gift of a promise to come back in 5 days since I had a rocky recovery & some blood pressure pills for 30days!! =( I never have taken BP meds and I really felt bad that I needed them at my age (25). Why in the world they gave me pills instead of liquid ill never know but ill gladly take them crushed! I'm willing to suffer anything for my health now. But I am sooo glad this is over & I have celebrated my 'B-day' with some yummy chicken broth! Gunna go rest up now. Happy B-day ladies! And amber best of luck with your surgery! =)

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Sashay, I am so glad you are home and you are safe. I prayed for you. I am very nervous about my surgery on Friday. Nervous is a little underrated it is more like scared to death. I have been worrying if I am making the wrong decision. Then, I stop and think. I am so tired of being fat. Out of breath. Sad. I know this will be the right decision for me my nerves are just trying to take over. I am also worried about the pain and the 10 days of liquid. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to heal. Smooches.:thumbup:

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Queenhunt thank you so much for the prayers I'm positive that His favor is what got me through it. Pleassse don't let my experience make you nervous, I still believe this so far is the best decision I have ever made for myself! I am feeling soo much better now that the anesthesia has worn off. I don't have the gas pains nearly as bad as I've seen people describe on here so I'm fortunate! I was also able to lay down in bed & get up & down just using a little leverage from my bf. I feel better than I ever could have imagined 12hrs ago! =) My pain now is maybe a 2 or 3 out of 10 with the meds & I have no trouble swallowing liquids. If you can get through the pre op diet I'm sure you can handle the post op! I seriously do not feel the least bit hungry. I feel fully satisfied off a 1/2 cup of broth & some sips of Water & Protein shot. Its truly bearable. I was really nervous the week leading up til now I think that's normal though. I was secretly scared also! I don't like being out of control & I hate pain! Just trust in your faith & keep thinking positively! I think we'll all enjoy our lives so much more when we're comfortable in our own skin. You deserve this. =) I wish you the best of luck Friday & ill definitely be praying for you as well.

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hey ladies, i just wanted to update my status. I was up every 3 hours last night for vicodin. My worst pain is in my top incision and my neck. I walked every hour yesterday around my yard. the walking and deep breathing helped with the pain. right now it is 4 am. I am sitting in my recliner with a heating pad on my neck and a pillow across my belly. those two things have been my best friend. Even when i walk, i carry my pillow! I did lay down in my bed last night to sleep. I slept on 4 pillows and i had a pillow over my belly. believe or not i actually slpet good except for the waking up for meds and having to pee. I am hoping to get some rest this morning in my recliner. i plan to shower today and walk walk walk. the staff at the hospital was wonderful yesterday. they took great care to make sure i was comfortalbe. today my diet is Clear Liquids. tomorrow i am allowed to start mushies! i think i will start with some runny mashed potatoes...yummm. It is somthing to look foward too! Have i regreted doing all this? no way!

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Hey ladies! I am glad everyone came through alright. I was able to walk around my house about every three hours yesterday. I am aiming for every hour, hour and a half today. I did 4 laps around each time. It makes me feel when I am walking. Changing positions from lying to sitting, sitting to standing etc. is hard. It hurts my incisions the most. I am deep breathing like we are supposed to but it hurts cuz it causes me to cough, which I know is good for me, so I just continue to brace my stomach when ever I do. I was able to sleep in my bed last night which was great, I just had to keep my knees bent. I woke up a few times, but was able to go back to sleep. I am still living with my liquid roxicet every 4 hours, and hoping I can start decreasing the amount soon.

Surgery itself was good. I went in at 6:30, they took my right back and started of with some paperwork, my wrist bands put on, they started an IV. I love the nurse that did my IV, she got it right in!! They started liquid in the IV. Then I met the anesthesiologist, the CRNA, the nurse who would be in there with me, and the doctor. Then I walked back to the operating table, got up on it, and then things started to go real fast. They put some stuff in my IV, put two pillows under my knees, then they moved this board up to my feet. They put the little compression things on my legs. The next thing I know They have a mask over my face, telling me to deep breath. I took 4 breaths and that is all I remember.

I woke up in the recovery about an hour later. They gave me some fentanyl cuz the incision in my belly button was hurting so bad. I got two doses of fentanyl, and a double dose of roxicet. Then they started to give me ice chips, Water and apple juice. After I was able to tolerate a few sips of each of those they had me move to the edge of the chair to make sure I wouldn't get sick. I did that just fine. Then immediately after I could sit on the edge of the chair they said I could go home. I got dressed and had my mom bring me home. It was great. I got there at 6:30, had sugery at 7:30 and was out by 10:15.

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Shay, I hope everything is ok with your blood pressure!!

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Hey ladies! I'm doing so much better today. Hope all of you are well. I see everyone was up pretty early this morning. I have been doing some laps up & down the stairs & walkin around the house to break up the pressure but I'm still fortunate not to have the pains thu far. I feel pretty good today I plan to go walk around the store later I don't like sitting home much. I took my own BP today before & after my pill its 118/80 so I'm doing better there. Ill still take the meds until my doc says I don't need to. Sticking to low sodium broths! I'm so happy I did this. Thankful to have you all who are going through this with me & understand everything I'm feeling. Friends & fam are great but this support system here is awesome!

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Queenhunt best of luck tomorrow you're in my prayers hun!

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Sashay, thank you so much for your encouragement. I went in this morning with a positive attitude and it has worked thus far. I am very sore today but I am managing. I have the pain in left shoulder just like so many of you have experienced which is not fun at all. I am just glad the surgery is over. I have 5 days of liquid before I can have mushy foods so I am feeling very hungry right now. I am using school as a distraction but it did not help that my husband cooked bbq for himself and the children today. All is well though. How are you???

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Queen I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. Sorry your having the shoulder pains. =/ Heat pad, walking & gas x helped me with that. A good massage helps too! =) You must have very little swelling to feel physically hungry already. Lucky! Mushies in 5 days?? Gosh I've got 2 wks of liquids & then 4 wks of mushies unless my surgeon changes it at my follow up next week. Although I'm so swollen right now food is the absolute last thing on my mind. But remember you're still healing so sip slowly. I've actually gotten the stuck feeling already just drinking cold thin liquids too quickly so give yourself time. I had to have my bf & guests eat in other rooms I don't want to be tempted by anything. Makes me a lil jealous too!haha Todays been a rougher day for me feeling a little sore & uncomfortable but bearable. But again congrats on your successful surgery, happy B-day! Hopefully the worst is over for us all! =)

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Queen I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. Sorry your having the shoulder pains. =/ Heat pad, walking & gas x helped me with that. A good massage helps too! =) You must have very little swelling to feel physically hungry already. Lucky! Mushies in 5 days?? Gosh I've got 2 wks of liquids & then 4 wks of mushies unless my surgeon changes it at my follow up next week. Although I'm so swollen right now food is the absolute last thing on my mind. But remember you're still healing so sip slowly. I've actually gotten the stuck feeling already just drinking cold thin liquids too quickly so give yourself time. I had to have my bf & guests eat in other rooms I don't want to be tempted by anything. Makes me a lil jealous too!haha Todays been a rougher day for me feeling a little sore & uncomfortable but bearable. But again congrats on your successful surgery, happy B-day! Hopefully the worst is over for us all! =)

The swelling you are experiencing is actually a blessing in disguise. This will help you avoid being in "bandster hell" as long as some. I had restriction just from having surgery. Unfortunately, this also may mean that your tummy is sensitive to being "messed with", so be careful with fills and you may want to take it slow. I am 20 months out and have only had 2 small fills. The last one was November '08.

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Crzytchr, I was starting to think just what you're saying. The more post op reports I read from people the more I realize it might be a sort of good thing I feel so restricted by the swelling. I mean I feel "full!" Not nauseous thankfully I have had no vomiting or PBing, but if I drink more than a 1/4 cup of anything (esp.quick) I have a dull pain in my chest like a bolus is "stuck". Im having trouble with my calories though, I was so weak earlier I couldnt open my own water bottle. I thinned out some ensure with milk (350cal) to try & increase my caloric intake since Ive been counting Im less than 400calories per day for the last 3 days. =/ But only got down about 1/4 before I felt the ache. My doc wanted me between 800-1200cal. Thats so impossible! I dont think Ill hit 800 for another week. I already feel like Im force feeding myself for the sake of hydration & Protein. The gas pain in my shoulders is really starting to dissipate and Im so thankful for that. Im hoping my body doesnt go into the "starvation" mode and hold on to my fat right now! I have no scale by design so I hope this temporary restriction I feel kick starts my weight loss. I have a lot to lose so I think the first 50lbs will fall off faster than the rest! 2 fills and you've lost so much...wow! I hope mine works out that way. Did you change your lifestyle dramatically or is the band helping that much??

Edited by Sashay02

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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