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Americans Need Universal Auto Insurance

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What is going on with this country seriously? Everyone wants hand outs from the govt. Where do people think this money is going to come from? The working class thats who. So what my taxes are supposed to pay for someones else's HC or Insurance because they are to lazy or uneducated to get a better job to support themselves ? If your insurance is to high change companies. Its that easy!

The only right you have is to grow old and die. I don't want anything from my govt seriously. America is getting lazy !

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That was the second dumbest thing I have heard on this thread. What is this illness that is infecting people? What is so hard about knowing we need to raise taxes to support our lifestyle? Every informed person knows this. Even if we never had this health care, we would still need to raise taxes. Apparently there is a blind spot somewhere, cause people don't get it. Since we already need to, why not get the insurance every poor and some middleclass people need?

Now we hear. "Obama is gonna raise my taxes, oh my!!! If people weren't stuck on stupid/glued to dumb, they would have already known that we have to raise taxes regardless of healthcare. It should have been done a long time ago!!!!!Or has no one been looking at the budget shortfalls in various states the last few years. Come on, read people, please.

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Yup I noticed, you know how to be obnoxious online, good for you. It doesn't make you stance and ideals any more right, in fact it kind of makes them stand out like a stop light, screaming STOP. You want entitlements for everyone, I know, those sad poor people who corporate America and George W Bush hate, and you and obama love. They should all have what ever they want, I mean free stuff is their pursuit of happiness right, thats what the constitution says, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness via government entitlement programs for people who are either to lazy or unfortunate enough to not have things. I got it, thank you.

Where did I say I wanted entitlements for everyone, or that everyone should have whatever they want or get free stuff in the pursuit of happiness or that I wanted the lazy to have these things?

There is tremendous poverty in this country and many who recieve some type of aid are the working poor. They don't qualify for welfare but they might qualify for other government subsidies on maybe heating oil or rent, etc.

I don't look at this issue as a one size fits all. Everyone on aid should just work harder. Eureka! That's is. Just work harder and you can make it. Everyone's circumstance is different. There are different barriers.

What I am opposed to is my tax money being used to supplement corporate greed in the form of corporate welfare. They take all the government handouts and tax breaks and then move jobs overseas. The CEO's negotiate contracts and retire with golden parachutes while fighting hard to keep employees from negotiating contracts.

But everyone loves to single out the welfare moms who have babies as opposed to the lying, cheating, CEO's who take the money and run.

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I second that Cleo.

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What is going on with this country seriously? Everyone wants hand outs from the govt. Where do people think this money is going to come from? The working class thats who. So what my taxes are supposed to pay for someones else's HC or Insurance because they are to lazy or uneducated to get a better job to support themselves ? If your insurance is to high change companies. Its that easy!

The only right you have is to grow old and die. I don't want anything from my govt seriously. America is getting lazy !

First of all, Pres. Obama lowered taxes for 95% of working Americans. So, if you are a working person, that's you.

Second - You might not "want" anything from the government but I assure you that you take advantage of all the things the government does for this country whether you are aware of it or not. Have you ever worked at a minimum wage job? There are workplace safety laws where you work. The roads you travel on. The police and fire who protect you, etc...

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First of all, Pres. Obama lowered taxes for 95% of working Americans. So, if you are a working person, that's you.

Second - You might not "want" anything from the government but I assure you that you take advantage of all the things the government does for this country whether you are aware of it or not. Have you ever worked at a minimum wage job? There are workplace safety laws where you work. The roads you travel on. The police and fire who protect you, etc...

Hmmm roads, police, fire, yup state taxes Not federal ! What does work place safety laws have to do with hand outs from the federal govt?

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Where did I say eliminate all aid? Where did I say every single person on government assistance is a "slack-ass, lazy bum"? You say this over and over about me, and pattygreen, I don't read all she has wrote on here, nor do I support everything I have read of hers, but for you to decide that because I agree with her on somethings mean I agree with her on everything, or that I feel a certain way which I've never stated I feel nor do I feel, is quite juvenile, and frankly I'd expect more from such an educated person. I've stated how I feel about government "assistance" on these boards before, I'll do it again for the daft:

Assistance should be just that. To help you out of a ruff time, once that time is over, you need to get off the welfare or whatever your on and get on with your life without gov't handouts. Senior citizens are a little different, they paid into SS and m-care throughout their lives, so while I don't feel the government should be in charge of these programs as they've ran them into the dirt. I don't want to take the old off of them as many of them have no way to create any income on their own, or anyway to pay for ins. Partly this is their fault for not investing and saving better throughout their lives. But that is neither here nor there. The baby making machines on welfare that I see on a daily basis are the ones I'm talking about, or the ones that go to POS doctors who put them on permanent disability for bs reason's and then mooch of the system for 40 or 50 years. The ones who are born poor and do nothing about it but continue the cycle and blame the system for their misfortune. These and those like them are the lazy bums who need to get out and be productive members of society and should receive no aid from anyone, they should be left to fail. This country was built and brought to greatness by the people of it, who worked hard, and did not make excuses, and made the best of every situation presented to them. They did not expect government assistance because it wasn't there. And they did not cry out about why the government wasn't there to help them, because they understood the governments place, and job, and it was not then, nor is it now their job to give handouts to people. I am okay with the occasional hand up but not for hand outs.

Excellent post. And, as you stated, while you may not agree with every thing I post, I certainly agree with you on this one. I, too, am not against a hand up, and am glad that the government is there to help those who need it. I was one of them at one time in my life. The problem is that it is TOO much now. The government has grown increasingly powerful and intrusive as well as financially indebted. We are talking about a debt of close to $170,000. per household. That is unsustainable! Cleo's often portrays me as one who doesn't want to help the poor or the elderly because I am against government handouts. This is not true. Some government help is fine. But, where we are at today with "so called" help is a farce. Obama himself admits his goals straight forward. He wants to redistribute the wealth around. Some who live in an apartment and rent and live paycheck to paycheck and are just getting by are not happy with that. I wouldn't be either. I lived that way once. We were at the bottom, but we (or anyone else) didn't have to stay there. We worked real hard, counted and saved every penny, sacrificed alot of 'wants' and even 'needs' to save for a multifamily house. I could never afford to pay a mortgage without rental income to help, so we sacrificed and lived with people over us, but, we still owned our own home, and we were proud of it. I saved for school and my husband worked long, hard hours and we eventually were able to buy a second multi family home right next door to ours, and now that's almost paid off as well. Our retirement should be okay due to the rental property and our 401K's and savings we pay into, even if SS is not there for us in 15 years. Some people start off sacrificing everything they have to start their businesses and then build up for themselves a great company and deserve to have their big expensive homes and be able to purchase things like HI and Life ins. and fancy cars or whatever they feel like buying. Obama feels that if you are rich, then you need to give some of that to those who are not. And, if you are poor, the government will make sure that you are cared for by coersion and thievery from those who are rich. This is sooooo wrong. Even if you feel that rich people should not be selfish or that rich people should 'share'. It's no ones place to tell anyone (rich or poor) what to do with their money that they worked hard to get. I am not rich by any means. I am comfortable and content, I guess. But I wasn't always. I know how it is to be both very poor and financially secure. I am not against paying taxes at all. I understand the need for them.

Waterbury, CT is a big city in my state. That city is in so much debt. Their property taxes are already the highest in the state, but now they need to raise them because they have a budget crisis that they can't find the funds for. This will cost on average another $2000. a year for homeowners there. They can't find the funds? How about cutting some of the big spending and doing some state layoffs or getting rid of the humongus pensions that those who retired recieve? It's always bleed the citizens dry! Never cut the spending! Did you ever hear of a government program that ended? I haven't. Obama has no right to redistribute the funds. They're not his.

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Hmmm roads, police, fire, yup state taxes Not federal ! What does work place safety laws have to do with hand outs from the federal govt?

Federal money goes into highway and roads. And you said you didn't want anything from your government. You didn't limit it to "handouts" as you call them. The fact that your employer has to pay you a minimum wage or the place that you work in is safe is a result of federal laws. OSHA, among others.

As for handouts, I would like to know which ones you (and others on these boards) would eliminate:

medicaid to pay for nursing home care? (huge part of federal "handouts"- oh, I know- as has been suggested on here- we adult children are supposed to quit our jobs and provided 24/7 highly skilled nursing care to our elderly parents in our homes and just use their SS checks for this)

subsidies for home heating oil for those who can't afford it (mostly elderly and rural)

food stamps (that help to feed children)

subsidized school Breakfast and lunch programs (again to feed poor children)

rent subsidies that are used to help house the poor

Keep in mind that most subsidies are given to single parents, the elderly and the disabled. There are income and other qualifications.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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As usual, PG, you have a black & white and one size fits all view of this country. If you could do it then everyone and anyone can do it.

You don't allow for personal circumstances or other things that might impact a person's life. It's all or nothing with you.

And this view shows a lack of maturity and the ability to understand complex issues and therefore just respond with an emotional view.

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As usual, PG, you have a black & white and one size fits all view of this country. If you could do it then everyone and anyone can do it.

You don't allow for personal circumstances or other things that might impact a person's life. It's all or nothing with you.

And this view shows a lack of maturity and the ability to understand complex issues and therefore just respond with an emotional view.

As usual, CM you ignore what I post. I am not against SOME government help to people. SOME ! Once they started to cross the line with the handouts to the extent of bankrupting our economy, children's financial future and bringing about a tremendous cost of living expense for Americans, I must draw the line and say ENOUGH!!!!!! Already!!!! We just can't sustain the cost of it all. You continue to spout out that it's not going to cost anything. That's bull and you know it. It is going to cost us, and plenty! We can not save the world from its dilemmas. Only God will do that when He returns. We were created as humans who once we are born, begin to die. Our bodies get old and deteriorate, age, and die. There is no getting around that. We can only do our best to take care of ourselves till that day comes. This is why each person needs to be held accountable for their health choices in life. Even so, it is NOT the federal governments problem to do this for us. It is not their place nor their job. I am against the HC bill simply because when you give the government an inch, they take a mile. I am against it because they fail at just about everything they do financially. I am against it because it brings us one more step closer to government control of our privacy and freeedoms. I would just LOVE for everyone to be able to get free HC or affordable HC. But, that's only in fairytales. Nothing, and I mean nothing but the air you breathe, is FREE. What is free for one, costs someone else plenty.

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As usual, CM you ignore what I post. I am not against SOME government help to people. SOME ! Once they started to cross the line with the handouts to the extent of bankrupting our economy, children's financial future and bringing about a tremendous cost of living expense for Americans, I must draw the line and say ENOUGH!!!!!! Already!!!! We just can't sustain the cost of it all. You continue to spout out that it's not going to cost anything. That's bull and you know it. It is going to cost us, and plenty! We can not save the world from its dilemmas. Only God will do that when He returns. We were created as humans who once we are born, begin to die. Our bodies get old and deteriorate, age, and die. There is no getting around that. We can only do our best to take care of ourselves till that day comes. This is why each person needs to be held accountable for their health choices in life. Even so, it is NOT the federal governments problem to do this for us. It is not their place nor their job. I am against the HC bill simply because when you give the government an inch, they take a mile. I am against it because they fail at just about everything they do financially. I am against it because it brings us one more step closer to government control of our privacy and freeedoms. I would just LOVE for everyone to be able to get free HC or affordable HC. But, that's only in fairytales. Nothing, and I mean nothing but the air you breathe, is FREE. What is free for one, costs someone else plenty.

The HC bill is not a handout. It is paid for. Some, who qualify for medicaid, will get free healthcare. The rest is paid for from taxes on cadillac plans, or reducing fraud and waste in medicare (about $500 billion). Those who currently don't have insurance and can afford it will be paying for their premiums. Those who don't have insurance and can't afford it will get subsidies depending on their income.

Those who have healthcare can keep their plan. It really doesn't affect them except about pre-existing conditions and being dropped if sick and allowing children on their plan until 26.

Again, please write this down somewhere.

And you can continue to ignore the CBO and spout emotional rhetoric about this HC bill and how it's going to bankrupt our children, etc....because you have nothing else.

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Please stay on topic without personal insults and references. The longer we do this, the longer this thread stays alive.

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As for the original angle of this thread, I was at a seminar once where the speaker said he believed our auto insurance nation wide should be built into the price of our fuel.

Across the board. You drive crazy, fast starts etc, or drive a big truck, you pay more. You don't drive much, you pay less. The more you drive the more you pay....

I realize this does not take into account the drivers charged more for infractions they have committed. My point is, that it may have been said facetiously here, but the thought has been around since I was at this seminar in 1983!!!

As for the HC bill, I have seen pros and cons with it. We have a child with a preexisting condition, that she is going to be unable to buy an independent policy to cover, when she graduates this year. It would be nice for her to be able to go on to college, without her health being the deciding factor at age 19. She is not asking for it to be a free ride, just to have insurance so if she flares, she can see a Dr.

I also agree taxes would be raised with or without the HC bill---we still have 2 wars to pay for.......

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Going by the orignal post:

I'm 23 I receive my car insurance @ 21 and my driver license was only 1yr old.

Now i. Was getting quotes from giecko all state and all the BIG KNOWN CAR INSURANCE COMPANY and it was sooo freaking high

For example giecko wanted to charge me 3000 for 6 months yes 6 months cause I needed full coverage and I'm a new driver

State farm wanted 2475 for 6 months

A month later I got a quote from geico again and they wouldn't approve me for insurance because of my credit I'm like wtf does my credit have to with it

But I started to think I don't need to go to these big name insurance companies so I went to a insurance broker and my FIRST TIME INSURANCE POICY WITH FULL COVERAGE COST ME ONLY 2300$ for the WHOLE YEAR and I have a no name car insurance company and I get the same benifits that allstate gives. And my SECOND YEAR WITH THEM still with full coverage went down to 1800$ a month

Everybody always run to companies they hear a lot but if you to a broker they deal with 1000s of unknown insurance companies that will let you have good insurance for a good rate

I don't know where the whole health care thing fit in so I have nothing to say on that part

Sorry if there's misspellings using my cell phone :smile2:

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This is interesting.

In my province of British Columbia we do have universal auto insurance. It operates as a corporation owned by the provincial government.

Insurance rates depend on demographic (eg. young men statistically have way more accidents than other groups), driving record and age/type of vehicle.

Previous to this, people would buy insurance from companies thinking they were getting a certain type of coverage but when the accident happened they found out they weren't covered they way they expected or were led to believe.

There have been times when the profits have been good and the corporation has issued cheques to all policy holders. They also partner with the Department of Highways to improve trouble spots - particularly bad corners or intersections.

The previous insurance companies still exist of course, but as far as auto insurance goes, they act as agents for the program and also sell extra policies that cover roadside assistance etc.

Evil socialism at work again!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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