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I dont think I really understood the concept about the band. I thought I would feel when I was full. The things I need to eat are the things that dont go down. I am having a hard time with 3oz 3x a day. I really have a problem there. I know it will help if I talk to someone. I know the problem is me not the band. What I want to know how do I get started and make it work. I appreciate any help. Thanks Redi123

I am not a big poster and have not updated my weight line but I could not resist commenting. I am 5'7" and weighed 243 last April. On surgery date I weighed 231 and today I weight 209.5 - not a big loss but I must say that I can tell a difference in my clothes. I have had minimal fills (about 6 cc and my band holds 14cc). Many people have more fills than this but I do not want to throw up. I have a very active life and refuse to be at a point where it is so tight that I can no do the normal things I like to do. So, I have decided I am happy with slow weight loss and have commited to step up the exercising this summer. You can do it.

As far as the size of the meal goes, try to stay less than 1/2 cup to start with and then progress to 1 cup. I can eat almost anything I want - too bad because what I want are chips and candy which go down perfectly. I try to eat meals though and make myself pay with exercising if I am weak throughout the day. Any specific questions you want answered?

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Hi, i had my band in January this year, and I too have not lost any weight apart from when i count calories and use willpower! I am yet to feel the "full feeling" that is suppose to tell us to stop eating. Can you tell me exactly how much you have had put in to get you to lose the weight.

DanMarly - Everyone's experience is individual. Your best bet is to consult with your doctor and get your fills. You're doctor will know better than any of us. Please do not get discouraged and feel as if you're doing anything wrong. You just might not have the right combination yet. I do hear that learning knew eating habits is a huge part of this, but that the band should help to limit the actual intake, making you full sooner. Please, before you get to down on yourself, call your doctor!

Best of Luck!!:)

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there is a "lap band complications" on this forum. There are quite a few people there that this surgery didn't help. They may have some better advice for you.

Sorry it didn't work for you.

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I know this started in March and it's now July but I gotta put my 2 cents in

The band didn't fail you - imho you didn't do the work required to be successfull.

The band is only a tool - it doesn't make your food choices for you and it doesn't exercise for you..

It's unhealthy to be so tight that you can only drink ..

Losing weight isn't about starving yourself - it's about eating healthy - 3 meals a day - 2 healthy Snacks and exercise.

It's about knowing how many calories you are consuming a day and how many excess calories you are burning. Losing weight is simple math...

I was told the 1st day I joined lbt that the band wasn't the magic cure all to our issues with food - it's only a tool.

Diets don't work - when you go off them and go back to eating normal the weight comes back on - light bulb moment our normal eating is what got us fat in the 1st place..

The band isn't going to lose your weight - you are - it's just a piece of plastic to make you feel full on a smaller about of food - that doesn't mean you are going to be satisfied on that amount of food - hell I am physicall full right now from lunch - but I still want to eat... Just cuz I feel full doesn't mean that my head still doesn't want more food..

Go back and start over - Keep a food diary - weigh and measure your food - eat off small plates - start some kind of exercise - talk to your doc - you can do this - you have the tool now you just have to do the work..

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Not trying to sound critical, so forgive if it comes off that way but I do know that if I don't follow my 'diet' to the letter, I don't do well. I was banded in March and have lost 42 lbs. as of today. I've had 2 fills. My second one was today. I eat very healthy, sticking to lots of chicken and fish and lots and lots of vegetables. I have a garden so this helps this time of year. I also am exercising at least 3 times a week. I hope to increase that to at least 5 but I'm not ready for that. Previous posters are right in that the band is a tool. Please do contact your doctor. Mine is great and is constantly wanting to do what is best for me. I'm in control. In my support group last week, another member has only lost 18 pounds in 6 months. She is very discouraged but a quick look at what she is/isn't eating revealed that she is eating a lot of fats and didn't even realize it. She also doesn't commit to a regular exercise program. Take a good look at what you are eating. Remember quality over quantity. Stick to those low fat choices. Even with the LapBand, you still cannot eat everything you want. Make a decision to eat healthy.

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Thanks for sharing! I find this all very interesting and helpful. I'm an emotional eater and my weight is 195 lbs. My BMI is about 33, so I'm assuming that my weight loss will be very gradual, provided I can change my habits to make it happen. Luckily I enjoy fruits and veggies. Unfortunately they just don't seem to sustain me and I reach for other things that may not be so good for me. I'm hoping that the slow absorption of food will help me stay full longer with the fruit and salads, and keep me way from the candy bars, chips and ice cream. I also love to work out, but since I've put on so much weight my stamina has decreased greatly, which affects my motivation. I'm hoping the LAP-BAND® will help to jump-start me back to the way I was 5 years ago.

Hey- wanted to give you a helpful tip! First of all, it is great you love veggies and fruits... but the food you need to concentrate on EVERY meal first and eat it all then move on to veggies then fruits- is Proteins... lean meats! Fish, chicken, turkey, pork, beef serlion.... you need to up the Proteins first and foremost then eat veggies and fruits.

The reason for this is-- solid forms of Protein will stick with you longer... make you feel full longer- you wont want to snack inbetween meals and you will lose weight at a quicker pace.

I know it's a tool and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to make good choices. However, for those moments that we make bad choices, does it still help to keep the caloric intake down?

I wont be able to cut out ice cream permanently, but I do make a lot of good choices in between my ice cream habit.

Thanks for all the helpful information. I think it's important to hear the stories of those who weren't successful, as that information can help other's to make better informed choices.

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I know this started in March and it's now July but I gotta put my 2 cents in

The band didn't fail you - imho you didn't do the work required to be successfull.

The band is only a tool - it doesn't make your food choices for you and it doesn't exercise for you..

It's unhealthy to be so tight that you can only drink ..

Losing weight isn't about starving yourself - it's about eating healthy - 3 meals a day - 2 healthy Snacks and exercise.

It's about knowing how many calories you are consuming a day and how many excess calories you are burning. Losing weight is simple math...

I was told the 1st day I joined lbt that the band wasn't the magic cure all to our issues with food - it's only a tool.

Diets don't work - when you go off them and go back to eating normal the weight comes back on - light bulb moment our normal eating is what got us fat in the 1st place..

The band isn't going to lose your weight - you are - it's just a piece of plastic to make you feel full on a smaller about of food - that doesn't mean you are going to be satisfied on that amount of food - hell I am physicall full right now from lunch - but I still want to eat... Just cuz I feel full doesn't mean that my head still doesn't want more food..

Go back and start over - Keep a food diary - weigh and measure your food - eat off small plates - start some kind of exercise - talk to your doc - you can do this - you have the tool now you just have to do the work..

Please everyone, this is my friend and she is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! The only time the band would NOT work for you is if it caused you physical harm and you had to have it removed. Otherwise, you absolutely must adhere to the routine. Proper eating, workouts, lower calories, lower fat and lower "bad" carbs and last but definitely not least STAY AWAY FROM THE SLIDER FOODS!! It's very simple, yet I'm the first to tell you its very difficult at the same time.

Unless you are having your band removed because your body rejects it, then I say there is always one more day and one more chance for you to make it right.

I would never tell anyone it is okay to go ahead and eat any slider food, especially if it is considered someone's trigger food. In my personal opinion the best course of action for that would be to throw it in the trash and leave it alone, and yes forever.

I really only want everyone to succeed. The lap-band may be the safest of the surgeries, but make no mistake it is by far the most difficult to maintain. You have to really toughen up and bite the bullet, but I also think you will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment as well.

Best of luck to all!

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Please everyone, this is my friend and she is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! The only time the band would NOT work for you is if it caused you physical harm and you had to have it removed. Otherwise, you absolutely must adhere to the routine. Proper eating, workouts, lower calories, lower fat and lower "bad" carbs and last but definitely not least STAY AWAY FROM THE SLIDER FOODS!! It's very simple, yet I'm the first to tell you its very difficult at the same time.

Unless you are having your band removed because your body rejects it, then I say there is always one more day and one more chance for you to make it right.

I would never tell anyone it is okay to go ahead and eat any slider food, especially if it is considered someone's trigger food. In my personal opinion the best course of action for that would be to throw it in the trash and leave it alone, and yes forever.

I really only want everyone to succeed. The lap-band® may be the safest of the surgeries, but make no mistake it is by far the most difficult to maintain. You have to really toughen up and bite the bullet, but I also think you will feel an incredible sense of accomplishment as well.

Best of luck to all!

xoxox Diva !!!

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xoxox Diva !!!

Right back atcha sister ;-)

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I had feared that I was going to be in the same position as our thread starter. My relationship with food seemed so intense.

During my surgeon consult I learned how to eat after being banded. Take that small plate and fill it up. Then start with the Protein, then move to the veggies, and finish up with the whole grain.

I quickly learned that all the time I blamed my weight on "emotional eating" was a joke. I was eating out of boredom and availability. I hated to waste food so I found myself trying to clean large plates even when it caused my chest to hurt. 3 Months now after surgery and I fill my trash can very quickly with extra food that I do not need. I will waste $1 in food if it saves me $5 in future medical bills because my feet fractured, back went out, or I need blood pressure and cholestorol meds.

The band helped me redefine my relationship with food and we are working together. My band has helped me love exercising because now that some of the weight is gone I can move more.

I feel that our poster had not all the information they needed before electing the band. Were they pushed into the band without seeing all the options? Did they not understand everything needed of a bandster before the surgery? I wish them most success but they said they would eat til the cows come home... at which point they could really hurt themselves more if they move to the sleeve and rupture something. Maybe WLS is not the solution for the poster in the long run.

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The OP joined us on 03/09 posted 6 times in an hour about how this didn't work for her and has never signed back on.

I am going to take this with a grain of salt, I believe there are people who are so anti-WLS that they will make false claims of failure in the hopes of discouraging others.

I want to state, that is not the case on every thread, there are people here who have legitimate problems and concerns but I feel this thread was started by someone with an agenda.

However, if they were trying to discourage others, it backfired because there are a lot of great responses to the post filled with wonderful advice. :sad:

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I had the lap band almost 3 years ago and have lost over 130 lbs with mine, I've been to a counselor monthly, I'm not an emotional eater, some people have a very slow metabolism and when they get the band, it's still not enough to lose everything they need to lose. It has gotten to the point where I gain 5 lbs and lose 5 lbs. My doctor still wants me to lose another 100lbs, and at his suggestion wants to remove my band and revise me to a sleeve. After an entire year of researching, I'm ok with that now. I'm ready to get the rest of the weight off. I'm thankful for my band, but i'm also excited about the sleeve. I'm a bit tired of adjustments and always hunting for my sweet spot. I'm also tired of not being able to eat fruit because it will get stuck in my band. There are quite a few healthy foods out there I cannot eat because of my band. I'm also very active in my local lap band support group here, and there are a lot of people at my group struggling and not losing any weight with their bands. and they are journaling, exercising, it seems they are just stuck. They have tried everything too. I think the band is great if you have 50-100lbs to lose. Me I had 260lbs to lose and I'm ready to to get the other 130 off now. Has anyone else been revised from a band to another weight loss surgery?

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I had the LAP-BAND® almost 3 years ago and have lost over 130 lbs with mine, I've been to a counselor monthly, I'm not an emotional eater, some people have a very slow metabolism and when they get the band, it's still not enough to lose everything they need to lose. It has gotten to the point where I gain 5 lbs and lose 5 lbs. My doctor still wants me to lose another 100lbs, and at his suggestion wants to remove my band and revise me to a sleeve. After an entire year of researching, I'm ok with that now. I'm ready to get the rest of the weight off. I'm thankful for my band, but i'm also excited about the sleeve. I'm a bit tired of adjustments and always hunting for my sweet spot. I'm also tired of not being able to eat fruit because it will get stuck in my band. There are quite a few healthy foods out there I cannot eat because of my band. I'm also very active in my local LAP-BAND® support group here, and there are a lot of people at my group struggling and not losing any weight with their bands. and they are journaling, exercising, it seems they are just stuck. They have tried everything too. I think the band is great if you have 50-100lbs to lose. Me I had 260lbs to lose and I'm ready to to get the other 130 off now. Has anyone else been revised from a band to another weight loss surgery?

IMHO if i had 200 lbs or more to lose - I think my doc would have suggested bypass - I asked this question in my 1st consultation - I think we do have pple who have lost that much with the band - in know of pple who have lost 150+

Again the surgery doesn't lose the weight for you - nor keep it off - it's all about what we consume and what we burn along with our metabolism..

The statistic for the band is 50% to 60% of your excess weight - so you are in that percentage.. I don't know the statistics for sleeve nor bypass - but I know that if anyone with wls go back to eating their "normal" they gain it back.

Here's the link to the sleeve thread- we have many banders who have converted.. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery (VSG) Forum

For some pple they can't find that sweet spot -

Good Luck on your conversion

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My doctor recommended to me to have the bypass originally but I had researched the band for years and I wanted the LAP-BAND®. So he did the LAP-BAND®. My doctor said i've done great with mine and always done everything he's told me to do. I eat my Protein first, I don't eat ice cream, or other empty calories. I cut out all caffeine and drink my 64 ounces of Water a day. I work out 3 times a week. I've lost alot of weight, 130lbs. My clothes are still getting loose. I'm not gaining, just staying the same weight now. I still have 100 lbs more to go though. I have an under active thyroid and my doctor thinks it's affecting my metabolism and also my LAP-BAND®,is why he wants to revise me. I've never let myself get to tight, where I would have a PB, i always chew everything 30 times,and I always wait my 30 minutes to an hour before i drink again, and if I would start to get hungry between meals, i'd go and get a fill. It seems people who were morbidly obese like me end up having more than 1 surgery it seems.I just want to lose the rest of my weight and be in the 200's again, and since my doctor recommends the revision, I trust him completely. Thanks for the well wishes and the link to the forum! Tab :sad:

Edited by perlgrrl

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perl, that is great you are taking all the steps to a healthier you. If that means a revision to get the last half of your excess weight off, then I'm very happy for you.

I would never tell anyone which surgery they should have, for that is between you and your Doctor. I just want to see everyone succeed in weight loss. Being overweight plain sucks! Healthy lifestyle is where its at :sad:

Let us know how you're doing. We have a GB section here and I do read it to see how some of our revised bandsters are doing. I only wish them well and am happy for them always.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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