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80 pounds to lose, would you do it again...getting ready for surgery

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I am 3 days away from surgery and I am still battleing in my mind "Is this the right thing" "Did I exhaust all avenues"... I am encouraged by all the great sucess on here and it makes me feel I am doing the right thing. But when I think of never being able to eat certain things again it freaks me out a little. I feel like if I kept drinking liquids and eating one little meal a day I could lose weight - but will I is the big question...

I am not diabetic now, but I was when I was pregnant - I lost a child full term 3 days before I was due to gestational diabetes (they think). I guess I am scared of what could happen even though the risks are low... I had low risk when that happened and it is something that haunts me to this day. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!



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Hello Heidi,

It's normal to be a little nervous. I can tell you that I am so glad I did this. I was banded six weeks ago and I've lost 29 pounds. It's the fastest and easiest weight loss I've ever had. I haven't felt hungry since the surgery. You are assuming you won't be able to eat certain foods, but most people seem to be able to eat the things they like. All surgery has risks, but this is a minimally invasive surgery and takes very little time to accomplish. I think you will be very pleased with your decision.

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Heidi, it's completely normal to be nervous. But I think if you look down deep, you'll realize that banding is a pretty sane and rational decision.

Look at what you're proposing as an alternative: drinking liquids and eating one tiny meal a day.

That's no way to live!

With the band, your intake will be restricted for a period of time. That's to allow your band to become well-established in your body.

There are NO foods you can "never have again." Even if, like me, you choose to be really stringent most of the time, there is always leeway for a bit of something you love. You can't have it all, whenever you want it---but you can make room for what you love.

I have to say: I couldn't be sorrier about the loss of your baby. The devastation is beyond what I can even imagine, as a mother. I am so, so, sorry. It was not your fault--it just wasn't; please do not burden yourself with that.

I can't tell you whether the surgery is the right decision for you. I know it was for me. My kids are older, but I found myself feeling, just last night, an overwhelming gratitude that I had the surgery when I did. I didn't have comorbidities--I've been blessed with good health despite my weight. But I have a husband who is very ill--and suddenly deteriorating. If I'd postponed, I don't know when I would have done the surgery---and now, I can relax a little bit, knowing that my kids will have at least ONE healthy parent for a long, long time.

That answered my fleeting second-guessing in a hurry!

I hope you find answers for yours :)

Good luck--you'll do great!

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I am 3 days away from surgery and I am still battleing in my mind "Is this the right thing" "Did I exhaust all avenues"... I am encouraged by all the great sucess on here and it makes me feel I am doing the right thing. But when I think of never being able to eat certain things again it freaks me out a little. I feel like if I kept drinking liquids and eating one little meal a day I could lose weight - but will I is the big question...

I am not diabetic now, but I was when I was pregnant - I lost a child full term 3 days before I was due to gestational diabetes (they think). I guess I am scared of what could happen even though the risks are low... I had low risk when that happened and it is something that haunts me to this day. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!



Hi Heidi,

If I had 80 lbs to lose-- I would do this again in a heartbeat! I am currently down 84 lbs... I am working getting off the last 23 lbs... I am 6 months and 2 weeks post surgery. Yes at first I kept thinking-- oh I am gonna want samdwhiches and what if I cant eat any fries.. blah blah blah... bottom line.. even if you dont have surgery and stick with your plan of liquids and 1 small meal a day.. you cant have sandwhiches or fries.. and when you do-- you will immediately gain weight.

Here was my point... I knew I had it in me to stick to a plan, eat small meals, don't drink when I eat... and get the weight off-- I just wanted this to be the LAST time I did all this work! Not get it off and then resume back to my old habits and start all over. And FYI I still can have a few(very chrispy) fries here and there-- and guess what... I lose weight still-- bc I dont eat a LARGE McDonald Fry...

First and foremost-- this is your decision... are there gonna be times you really really want (insert favorite food here) yeah and you might be able to tolerate it too.. so have it once in a while-- the small portion.. and sooner or later- you will notice your body will crave less and less of the unhealthy stuff... this is hands down the best decision I have ever made... the ease of walking into a store bc I need an outfit for some event and grabing 3 dresses to try on in a size 10 and they all look good... versus shopping hours over hours to find a dres that looks ok - or "not look huge"... it is a great feeling.:)

I made the decsion going into surgery - that I was gonna be a success... I was gonna give it everything I had-- meaning not just eat correctly but workout, drink Water, and follow lap band rules... so much so that I vowed that until I reached my goal weight- I would do no alochol either... and in the last 6 months I have had 2 glasses of wine which I didnt even finish but felt like I had to order them at the work events. At first it was kinda hard socially-- but now-- honestly it doesnt bother me...

Bottom line is I feel like for the first time in about 13 years.. I had a normal body where I could eat things I loved in small amounts a couple of times a week and eat healthly all the other times -- and I lose weight not gain... My mind is currently trying to catch up with the new body image.. I think that is gonna take alot longer than the weight loss did.. but I am working on it... and honestly I realized that why I might have had issues with food(which got me fat) I am not emotionally tied to food... however I am having new emotions coming up about my body and I guess I am now more critical of it then before... so I am watching that.

Good luck with your surgery.. stay determined... leave no negative thoughts in your mind-- You, Heidi are gonna be a success and be happy and healthy by this time next year!

Let me know if you ever have any questions... God Bless

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Hiya Heidi!

I agree with BetsyB and yep she is right when she says drinking all day and eating one small meal is no way to live...and I also want to add...don't be misled into believing this is easy and weightloss is fast. You have probably seen it several times, but Everyone loses differently. For example, I was banded 12/08 and have lost about 80lbs. But,I have read about some people who were banded around the same time and have already passed the 120 mark. If you are expecting a miracle, chances are you are going to be a little discouraged. There have been times when my weightloss stopped, but I regrouped and changed focus and got back onboard. The band is a tool-you've seen that phrase alot too, I'm sure-you have to be aware of your eating habits and bites, etc. As you get used to your band, you will find that certain foods work great and some just don't work for you-mine is potatoes. They have become difficult for me to eat But, that may not be the case for someone else. Not only that, your taste in foods may change and what you love now, you may not like later, because of your new lifestyle. I used to love pizza, but now...eh I can do without it. Nothing the band did, my preferences changed.

Would I get the band again? Hell Yes!! This was the best thing I have ever done. It isn't the band giving me difficulties, it's my head! But, on the brightside, I am able to do much more now than I was in 2008, that's for sure!

I had the same questions you did before I was banded. I even had a similar thought about eating less and exercising more. But someone here kinda slapped me in the face with a question. So, I am going to pass that same question to you..."If you could do that so easily, why haven't you?".

Personally, I think it's just your nerves and once you get the band and the swelling goes down and you find out what works and what doesn't you will be okay. Right now, it's just scarey thinking of changing what you have known for so long.

Good Luck & Keep us posted


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Hiya Heidi!

I agree with BetsyB and yep she is right when she says drinking all day and eating one small meal is no way to live...and I also want to add...don't be misled into believing this is easy and weightloss is fast. You have probably seen it several times, but Everyone loses differently. For example, I was banded 12/08 and have lost about 80lbs. But,I have read about some people who were banded around the same time and have already passed the 120 mark. If you are expecting a miracle, chances are you are going to be a little discouraged. There have been times when my weightloss stopped, but I regrouped and changed focus and got back onboard. The band is a tool-you've seen that phrase alot too, I'm sure-you have to be aware of your eating habits and bites, etc. As you get used to your band, you will find that certain foods work great and some just don't work for you-mine is potatoes. They have become difficult for me to eat But, that may not be the case for someone else. Not only that, your taste in foods may change and what you love now, you may not like later, because of your new lifestyle. I used to love pizza, but now...eh I can do without it. Nothing the band did, my preferences changed.

Would I get the band again? Hell Yes!! This was the best thing I have ever done. It isn't the band giving me difficulties, it's my head! But, on the brightside, I am able to do much more now than I was in 2008, that's for sure!

I had the same questions you did before I was banded. I even had a similar thought about eating less and exercising more. But someone here kinda slapped me in the face with a question. So, I am going to pass that same question to you..."If you could do that so easily, why haven't you?".

Personally, I think it's just your nerves and once you get the band and the swelling goes down and you find out what works and what doesn't you will be okay. Right now, it's just scarey thinking of changing what you have known for so long.

Good Luck & Keep us posted


Hi Cheryl,

I am sorry I wasn't trying to make it sound like it is easy and that you can't fail on it or it is a miracle....

The point I was trying to get across is that yes at times you might stubble and eat "your favorite unhealthy food" if you can handle it-- but it won't kill your diet like it would if you didnt have the band- bc you aren't going to eat that much of it.

I would like to add that I agree with Cheryl-- I have worked hard and stayed committed to the band and eating right. I workout, I always eat my Protein, I stay away from breads and things with white flour... I drink my water- I gave up Diet Cokes... I have worked hard to get the results I have gotten... and also, I have to Thank God bc since day one of surgery I have had restriction.... I never went thru Bandster Hell.... and even still I only have 2 cc total in my 10 cc band... and I even feel like this might be too tight...

I basically look at each meal like what am I gonna eat that is gonna give my body enough nutrients it needs since I am on such limited calories... I dont like to eat "empty nutrient " foods bc then I wont meet my daily goals of nutrients for the day. Now in saying that... I do have my Cheat meals 1 or 2 times a week... but not in the same day -- I make sure my other meals are every nutrient rich.

So again sorry Cheryl if I made it seem like this was just easy or a miracle weight los thing.

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You said you were 3 days from surgery, I don't know for sure if you meant today or tomorrow. I hope you are feeling confident about it.

I wanted to share my experience as well. I only had 65 pounds to lose, but I had been trying to lose it for 15 years. I have done so many times only to regain it. I feel like you don't have to give up your favorite foods permanently, you just have to give up eating the large volume of them. (My one exception to this rule is beer, I think carbonation stretches the stomach so I gave it up permanently.) Sometimes now, when I am eating something that is really good and my band tells me to stop because my pouch is full, I get sad because I was enjoying it, but my pride in my new body shape will take over and I feel better soon. (Sometimes when I get this "I can't eat what I want sadness", I actually go in my room and look at myself in the full length mirror. How vain is that? Vain but effective!)

I lost pre-term twins 17 years ago, I understand how that is affecting you, unfortunately some people who have not been around this think its different than losing a child because you were only pregnant, but it is the same. I hope you have allowed yourself to grieve.

Remember there are risks for everything, we just have to decide if the risks are worth the potential gain. I was willing to bet my life (with an experienced surgeon who I could trust) to lose the weight and gain my health back. I hope some of this helps you decide if its right for you.

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Sorry if that seemed directed at you. I was just responding to the main thread. But because I am at work, it takes me a while from response to actual post LOL! So by the time I posted, yours was already up (I started this response @ 11:10. it is now 11:15 lol). You told the truth and in no way made it seem easy. Matter of fact, I wish I had some of your will power, I sure need it from time to time. You have done great!! I don't think there is a bandster out there who would say this going from "normal" eating to bandster eating is a breeze.

I was just putting in my two cents so any newbies or people interested in the band don't misunderstand the successes and think its all a cake walk...(better to talk about cake than eat it lol!)


Sorry about the confusion.

:) Cheryl

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I would do it again in a heartbeat. No question. When I think of the Erin from a year ago, I remember someone who was depressed, miserable, sluggish. I was a very unhappy person with my extra weight. Some people can be content with themselves at any size, and that's great... but I couldn't.

The band has taught me about head hunger, about taking care of myself, about self control and most importantly, to love myself.

If you listen to your body, it will help you, I'm sure of it :).

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I would do it again in a heartbeat. No question. When I think of the Erin from a year ago, I remember someone who was depressed, miserable, sluggish. I was a very unhappy person with my extra weight. Some people can be content with themselves at any size, and that's great... but I couldn't.

The band has taught me about head hunger, about taking care of myself, about self control and most importantly, to love myself.

If you listen to your body, it will help you, I'm sure of it :(.

Wow , you put it in such great words... you are right- listen to your body... and understand what is head hunger and what your body really needs!

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Hi. I too want to lose 80lb, and had my surgery yesterday. Doubts are normal. Last thing I did before leaving the house was to look in the mirror, and I could see the difference losing 4 lbs made, and thought "I don't need surgery, I can do it myself". Then I remembered how many times I have made that decision and failed. Even on the pre-op diet I cheated twice. My doctor doesn't even expect me to follow a strict diet afterwards. Whatever I eat I will lose weight if I only eat a small amount of it, and this will get me to a healthy weight. It's my choice if I want to lose more, and then I can diet.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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