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Rock On, Bob!!!!!! :-)

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Good morning everyone! It's cool and crisp (more like a fall morning) here with brilliant blue skies and sunshine! Not a cloud in sight! The day is only made better (if possible) by an e-mail from my mom telling me they had a couple inches of snow. Since they're a bit southeast from us and about 2-3 weeks ahead as far as seasonal changes, I usually have to hear about how nice it is there when I'm still slogging through winter.

I haven't gone in for an unfill yet, but I do seem to be doing better over the last several days as far as stuck episodes. I think I've only had 2 in the last 4 days (versus a few every day) and both times it was because I was distracted and didn't chew well enough. Minor episodes.

I made grilled reubens with a home cooked corned beef on thin sliced rye last night for the family and, buoyed by my several good days, decided I was having one too. I left the saurkraut off mine because I knew it wasn't going down, grilled it really well and then cut it into 4 small pieces. The rye loaf was quite small so the size of the sandwich was probably 2/3 the size of a sandwich made on a regular bread.< /p>

I took a small bite (heaven!) and chewed *thoroughly*. Then I swallowed that one bite in small increments so it wasn't going down in one mass. Yes I did eat the whole thing and with not one stuck episode or PBing! If I had crammed it into a measuring cup, it would have been just slightly more than a cup in quantity so I think I 'done good'. Granted it did take me the entire 20 minutes just to finish that sandwich and I have to say I was a bit tired of chewing and eating by the time I finished it so it's not something I'll do on a regular basis, but oh my gosh...what a nice treat!

I said I'd never diet or exercise again, but I lied. My middle son (just turned 25) has been in the army for 5 years and 2 years ago they sent him back to finish his bachelor's degree. He graduates on May 1st, but his commissioning ceremony (lieutenant) will be on April 30th. It is my goal to be under 200 pounds by that time. I have 5 weeks. I can do this.

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I have this daily “tear off” calendar at my desk at work and it has saying from a book called “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.” I forget to tear off each day sometimes, but when I do, I read them anyway. Missed yesterday’s, but it had a message on there that I really like, especially after reading some of the posts on other forums of people getting discouraged or disappointed by their weight loss or lack thereof. Which I can totally relate, I had my melt down a couple months ago and still look at some of the others and am like, “man, why haven’t I lost 50lbs in 3 months?

“Being trapped by comparisons is nothing more than a habit – a way of thinking about life. The solution is quite simple: Stop doing it!”

Yeah, I gotta stop too!

Have a good day, everyone!

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Elfiepoo - what a great goal to set ! I know you can do it as well. :)

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“Being trapped by comparisons is nothing more than a habit – a way of thinking about life. The solution is quite simple: Stop doing it!”

AMEN !!!!! What a great quote - I feel like this was directed at me personally. I'm always comparing... So now I know I just need to stop doing it. I wish It was that easy, but I'll give it the Ole College Try :-)

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Ironic that I'm the one who said no more snow talk and am sitting in my aunt's living room watching my son play outside in the SNOW...now I know why I haven't been back to Ohio since infancy. (It IS pretty but COLD)

Steve is being a pain in my ass. I had my first public incident yesterday driving home from dinner, was having the pressure and such, thought I was going to burp and then bleh, had to jump out of the car at a stop light and give up the goods. Mortifying. Totally. I'm giving it another week and if things don't settle down gonna have to break down and do a slight unfill. I think I've had 1 meal in the last week that stayed down comfortably....and ice cream cake...my birthday cake went down fabulously, it was wonderful! Even with eating the stuff I'm supposed to and eating tiny bites slowly, it's still almost always an issue.

Have a great weekend. And to those of you that have just found us, welcome to the club!!!!

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Leigha: Not only do prone positions do badly with the band and eating, but slouching at the table is a problem as well. Glad you had a great time in N'awlins! I went during spring break one year and had such a great time strolling through the French Quarter. I'd seen pics of it during Mardis Gras but it was much more enjoyable during the daytime when there was actually room to walk down the streets.

HB: 80 pounds? WTG!!

Betsy: Congratulations on reaching 'onderland'!!

Lizzy: Hey...3 pounds lost is still 3 pounds not gained!

Christie: Have a great time...on the vacation and finding a new bra. :) Oh and give your new fill time. It's taken me 3 *weeks* to get past the swelling on this last fill. I was almost going to call this past Monday to get that .25cc taken back out cuz I figured I couldn't possibly be swollen this long. Wrong. Finally over the weekend and as this last week progressed, it's better. Only 2 stuck episodes this week and both my fault!

Anne: I'm a diabetic and have found that 6 'meals' works best for me. I'll do a separate post follow this one to explain what I do.

Gloria: At about 6 weeks postop I took my son to the Hot Dog House and found that, despite no fills, I got stuck on the first bite. I found on the second bite that I had trouble controlling the size of the bite so I went and got a knife and fork. Problem solved. From that day I stopped eating with my hands. I had a corned beef on rye last night and I used a knife and fork on that as well. Much easier to control the 'bite'.

Bobbie: Welcome...the more the merrier. Hey, I'll be your neighbor (as well as FV neighbor). I'm Melody Parker Upham on FB. Just remind me who you are when you send the 'friend' invite cuz I only friend people I know.

Bob: I hear you on Farmville. Usually I avoid these types of games after being seriously addicted to Final Fantasy Online 4 years ago. Fortunately, these one isn't nearly as fun but right now it's one of the ways I deal with events outside my control aka my friend who had the accident with the tree. As for not 'feeling' positive. Well stick around your lap buddies. I find when I'm feeling a bit down, just reading through these uplifting posts helps raise my spirits. I realize I'm not alone with all these 'feelings'. Let us help raise your spirits...your humor has certainly raised mine on numerous occasions. Now put the veal down!

Update on Mark (my friend): He's awake and knows everyone but still having some short term memory loss...common in brain injuries. Nothing is being said yet about any type of possible paralysis but considering their initial prognosis was that he'd die, this is all good news at this point.

JM: Be careful with trying to do too much too soon. Too many people think strep throat is just a sore throat...and it has the potential for being far more serious! Glad you're feeling somewhat better.

Ok...a couple more responses and then I need to get moving. Friday is the first day of my 3 day weekends and lots to do starting with laundry, vacuuming and dusting. Have a great day y'all!


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Here's my typical day of 6 'meals'

7 a.m. Double scoop Protein Powder in 2% milk (380 calories, 18 carbs)

9:30 a.m. EAS readymade shake (110 cal, 3 carbs)

Noon: 3 oz Protein, 1/2 cup vegies

2:30 p.m. EAS readymade shake (110 cal, 3 carbs)

5:00 p.m. 3 oz protein, 1/2 cup vegies, 1/4 cup carbs (pasta, rice, beans)

7:30 p.m. EAS readymade shake (110 cal, 3 carbs)

10:00 p.m. Normally I don't eat after my last mini-meal but if I'm really craving, I'll hold off until 10 p.m. at which time I decide whether I'm going to bed and can 'tuff it out' or whether I really 'need' that snack. It may consist of a couple crackers with cheese, a sugar free Jello or pudding or, sometimes, a piece of good quality dark chocolate. I probably end up doing a snack only 1 or 2 nights each week if that.

Oh and I make sure I drink a 20 oz bottle of Water or Crystal lite betweek my 3 main meals. That, combined with my 4 oz water with Benefiber and my evening tea add up to my 64 oz of water.

I do shakes for my mid-meal Snacks just because I'm usually too busy to stop and eat...and with full restriction stopping is necessary when I eat solids unless I want to get stuck and start sliming.

If you aren't much of a shake person, good mid-meal snacks are usually protein:

a few almonds (10 or so)

2 oz of hard cheese (as opposed to cream cheese)

Hard boiled egg (assuming you're the exception and have no problem with eggs)

The purpose of the 6 meals is to keep the blood sugar stable which in turn keeps the hunger and cravings controlled. Protein is the key which is why you don't want those mid-meal mini-meals to be a typical 'snack'...even if it's sugar free. You want that protein.

If something isn't clear, just let me know.

Edited by ElfiePoo
forgot something

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Thank you, Elfie! That's just the input that's so helpful, and gives me something to pattern my own intake on. I'm glad your friend is going to make it through, hopefully with not too much damage.

Christie, sorry Steve whacked you one.

Bobbie & Chickadee, so glad you joined the thread.

Bob, glad you're back in the fold.

Leigha, thanks for starting this thread in the first place!

DizzyLizzy, great quote.

Julian'smom, hope you're feeling better. Strep is no fun, and being sick with the band must be even less fun.

Betsy, thanks for your measured, sage approach and input.

Hummingbird, thanks for your wisdom and experience.

I'll get to all you others... Have I said how much I value this thread and look forward to new postings?

I'm doing pretty well today. Gotta get on my walk later this afternoon...

No snow today, after all!

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I look forward to this thread daily as well ... I feel blessed that there are caring individuals out there, who let me whine, bitch, and be weird. And still come back for more and accept me for who I am! :-D

Tanks! :tt1:

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I enjoy this thread daily. I have trouble responding to every post, so I just jump in here and there. :tt1: I do read every post.

Anne said I have wisdom! :eek: hehe.... Thanks Anne!

To all who feel down sometimes. I feel it too, but try to focus on some positive stuff to get me out of a funk.

I do feel much better now that I have dropped major poundage, but some days I still feel fat and it brings me down a little. I also have those "mid-life crisis moments."

Focus on NSVs helps me sometimes. Here are a few of mine that have helped in the past few days:

There were a few times this week I felt kinda "lanky". It has been a long time since I had that "lanky" feeling!

I got some positive comments from patients this week. One young gal looked at me after I took her x-rays and said "you look so different!" I told her I have lost 80 lbs since the last time she was in. She said, "omg! that's it! you look great!" Another patient kept looking and finally said, "have you lost a bunch of weight or something?" It's really a good feeling.

I went closet shopping again today! I found several more things that fit!!! I am wearing a pair of jeans right now that I could not get zipped a couple weeks ago! They fit great today! woot! I pulled the next pair of jeans to the front of the closet. They will be the next I shrink in to!

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Hummingbird -

LOL ... Closet shopping !!! Thats great !! I need to do that :-) I need to organize my closet this weekend so I can do that now that the weather is getting nicer and I'm hoping to fit into some spring/summer things I got from a friend of mine.

What a great idea :-)

You rock! :tt1:

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HB- I love your closet shopping ventures! You go getting into those jeans! GREAT job! Glad to hear you’re starting to feel better!

Leigha-- did I see in the Easter Challenge that you're 152????? Can I tell you I'm soooo jealous LOL?

Christie-- Sorry to hear Steve was acting up. How terrible. At least he let you enjoy your birthday cake!!!

Elfie-- I am SO glad to hear that your friend is going to pull through! I have been saying prayers like mad that he recovers with minimal long-term issues! Please continue to keep us posted. (Thanks for your get well wishes) GL on your goal! You can do it!!!!

Dizzy-- I actually had a book called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". I have to dig it out. Really put things into perspective for me and got me through a time I sooo needed the help.

Bob — hoping that April 21 is here in the blink of an eye. Bandster Hell is no fun and I’m praying you sail right past it!

Bobbie-- thanks for reminding me. I need to figure out WTH I am going to wear when the weather gets warmer LOL!!!

So, I'm not having a very good couple of days. Now those of you that know me know that I'm super hard on myself, and always second-guessing the restriction thing, but I have been RAVENOUS the past 2 days. I am hoping it's just an isolated couple of days. I mean, there is NO way my doc would even consider giving me a fill, especially since I am suuuuper tight in the morning still. I am a freaking night feeder though. Everything goes down so well (unless I'm getting the chewing thing down LOL). I was soo not satisfied after lunch yesterday or Breakfast today, and it seems like I am not staying full as long. Snuck a 100 calorie Milky Way bar on the way home so I'd make it to dinner last night LOL! Anyway, the past 2 weeks were filled with PBing, sliming issues, so I do not want to be too tight, but at the same time, want to continue NOT thinking of food like I have been for the past couple of weeks. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I might be just overthinking it. We'll see. I have 23 stinking pounds to go until my first goal (150), but I think I'm going to set a second "mini" goal for 140. What the heck, I'm 5'1.5" (yes that half inch counts LOL), so maybe that will be a nice weight for me.

Okay, I'll shut up now LOL Happy Friday, gang!

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I'm an offical bandster!!

I went to lunch with a good friend at a japanese hibachi restaurant. I ordered the salmon; scallops and fried rice.

I Had a small salad and some broth before the meal.

The fried rice gets put on my plate first. I ate about a quarter cup of that with no issue.

Next comes the scallops and salmon. I ate a small piece of salmon, about a 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch. I chewed it well but wouldn't you know it, the first bite gets stuck. No big deal, I'll just force it through with a couple of mouthfuls of Water like I have the past 2 times I was stuck.

WRONG!!!! Now the water is sitting in my pouch with the salad and fried rice. The fish is firmly lodged and the other stuff ain't staying down much longer.

I had to excuse myself and run for the men's room while cook was still cooking the beansprouts and stuff.

I barely made it into the stall before I projectile vomitted everything into the toilet.

Still stuck but feeling better I went back to the table and just sat there waiting for my friend to finish. Before she sould finish I was running back to the mens room. This time it wasn't water, it was slime and lots of it.

I went back to the table and my friend had already put my meal in the take out container. We got out of there and I held back the vomitting for the ride back to work.

As soon as I got out of the car, I let go with a gallon of slime and what little food was still left in me.

The salmon finally went down more than an hour later and I feel great.

I have been stuck 3 times, tilapia, pollock and salmon. Do you think maybe I should stay away from fish?

The moral of the story is:

Getting stuck, PBing and sliming in public, like Constipation, is only funny until it happens to you.

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OMG Bob. Just as I was saying, "Awww, poor thing", you then hit me with that moral of the story and made me burst into laughter! How true!!

I'm so sorry about your stuck episode! For some reason, I haven't been lucky enough to have that experience in public (I swear I have a guardian angel watching over me). I can tell you over the last two weeks 5 issues of sliming I've had at home though.....

Hang in there! I'd try to take it easy the rest of the day....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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