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Denise-hope all went well!

Leigha-yay for old fat pics! It's fun to look at them now lol.

Christie-so happy Steve has been compliant

Dottie-thinking about you!

Me-who knew 0.2cc's could make such a difference...I AM STARVING!!!!!! And I've gained almost a lb :thumbup:. Hopefully come Oct 4th they can fill er up again! I am totally sabotaging myself because I can eat more and trust me I am and I can eat some things I couldn't (and shouldn't) and I am :thumbup:. What is wrong with me? YES I need my band obviously. Who all has nursing backgrounds? As most of you know I am contemplating going back to school. At first I was set on Med Office Admin and Coding, but now I am looking at LPN. Only thing is I really don't want to work in an old person home, but I know alot of the hospitals here hire them. I just am not sure I can handle some of the gross stuff. Do you get used to it? I can't imagine sticking a catheter (sp?) in someone. I'm so confused with what to do with my life right now! If I go for the Admin...there is really not many evenings/weekends/holidays to work, but I'm sure it will be a bit boring. With the nursing it will be less boring, but weekends/nights/holidays...plus probably some gross stuff. That and I told DH to make up his mind if we definitly do not want to have kids because if he thinks that he may want to try one more time then I am going to wait on school because going part time will take me 2-4years to complete and I don't want to be a new mom at 35 (sorry if I just offended someone...nothing wrong with that, just not what I want). ARGGGG I wish someone could just tell me what I am supposed to do lol.

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Christie-- Love your letter to Steve. He is so passive aggressive.

Dottie-- I am so glad your back! Don't worry about your weight loss break, those regain pounds are fresh and easy to get rid of.

Stacie-- Here is what you do, decide you defiantly don't want kids, make a huge time commitment to school that it will be hard to break from, and you will be pregnant immediately, works every time. I couldn't get pregnant and when I finally did, with twins, lost them in the 4th month, had severe internal trauma, so the Dr told me "You will never get pregnant again" so after I was healed I bought a flower shop that was in serious financial trouble and I knew I was going to have to work like a dog to get it on track, then I got pregnant 2 weeks later.

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Catching up a little because I am refusing to work at home.

Dottie--no shame necessary--after knee surgery, weight loss should not be your concern!

Leigha--so if I want to get pregnant I should apply for grad school and then bam--baby.:thumbup:

Denise--good luck

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Denise, I hope you are feeling ok tonight and all went well at the periodontist.

Dotti, Hi ! Glad to hear from you!

Stacie, If you are going to try for a baby again you better get going on it. I can't tell you what to do on that one. Have you ever thought about going to Dental Hygiene school?

Hi to all in the thread.

I managed to drop 2 pounds after a couple months of zero, so I'm happy about that. I guess I could say I'm at a comfy place with my band. I am getting hungry too soon after I eat, but don't have the feeling I need to go get a fill.

The weight is staying off for once in my life and only 12 more pounds to go!:thumbup:

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Dottie! Welcome back, no shame necessary at all! None. We all got bands cause we know how to gain weight! We are here to pick you up!

As for me? The bad news is it WAS the tooth. There was a small cavity below the gum-line, and the decay went through the root nearly all the way up. It didn't show on the x-ray.

So, it was decided to extract it as there was no hope for it. The periodontist could not explain why I had no tooth symptom. He did say it was good I hadn't, because if I'd have done a root canal I would have lost the tooth anyway. So he did a bone graft, and wants me to do an implant, which I am not inclined to do. I really don't have another $3000 to put in my back molar. (Crystl, I believe it is #2).

So, all that just to end up with the tooth gone. :thumbup: My cheeck is all swollen. I have stitches in my mouth. I am just pitiful. Wah!

I could not even call in sick today because we are nearing the end of the fiscal year and I desperately need to be at work.

Edited by Cocoabean

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I sure do wish they could band our brains!

You and me both. ;-p

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Denise, I'm so sorry you went through all that and still lost the tooth.These things happen to the best of us. If I had to pick a tooth to lose it would be #2 or #15 . These are the 2 farthest back molars on the top (excluding the wisdom teeth) and will be missed the least. If it were the molar in front of that one you would really miss it and maybe lean toward the implant more.

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Hi Melody! Did you get another little dog? How are you?

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Ok, I'm catching up on some of the posts (which go back to August 8th!) so bear with me...

Christie: ROFLMAO about your '8packs'. I'd take it as a compliment!

Stacie: Just read your post about possibly going back to school. Just do it. I know 'years' sounds long but, trust me, they go by so fast! I went back to school at 28 to get my bachelor's and the years sped by!

Hummingbird: Congrats on the NSV moment! I like those much better because it makes me realize that the scale is not 'king'.

Bobbie: Woohoo! on Onderland...and the job!

Cocoa: Sorry to hear about your tooth! I did the same thing though and I had insurance. After playing around with it for months trying to figure out why it was causing me pain, I told them to just take it out. Best decision I ever made. Hey...you're on FB? Friend me! Melody Parker Upham

Shad: How come they're waiting so long to flip your port??

Betsy: I am so sorry to hear of all you're going through. There's a BPD (borderline personality diagnosis) board at home that I've found amazingly helpful in dealing with my own BPD family member...who I am thankful to say lives 5 hours away. The support there is tremendous.

Bob: Great news on the plastic surgeon! Are you getting this done before you've lost all your weight or just 'checking out' the possibilities.

Leigha: Love your before and after pics! So did you find the 'bandit'?

Dottie: Welcome back from one MIA to another.

Ok, I hope I didn't miss anyone!

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I know I've been MIA but a lot has been happening over the summer and I guess I've just been so overwhelmed by it that I've been hiding in stupid mindless Facebook solitaire games.

At the end of July, I ended up having 2cc taken out of my band because it was decided that PBing, sliming, etc. several times a day (when I was taking small bites, chewing well and swallowing in several pieces) meant I was most likely too full. Rather than continue to deal with that until I made my way down to the sweet spot, I chose to just go below and start over. Then I thought I might wait to get the next fill until after I came back from our Disney trip in early October.

Well, 7 weeks later I have been able to eat whatever and how much I like for the last 7 weeks! Guess I must've learned some good habits in the previous 9 months though as I have not lost or gained a single pound. Whew! I have noticed that I've begun to slide a little more to the dark side though so I made an appointment for Saturday to get a small fill. It probably won't help with restriction but at least I'll be able to get another small fill as soon as I get back from Disney.

Hummingbird, no I haven't gotten another dog and I don't think I will since it looks as if I may have to get a job. However, we found 3 small kittens (about 5 weeks) abandoned in one of our outbuildings (think the mom might've been hit by a car or killed by a raccoon) and decided to keep the little male.

After a month of no success in finding them a good home (and husband getting progressively irritated at tripping over 3 more animals), I took the two females, who had very friendly dispositions, down to the local non-kill human society where I know they'll find a good home (since they spay them and make the people pay a $75 fee to adopt a cat). The male, named Beelz (short for Beelzebub) is attitude with fur and claws and they said since he's antisocial and drew blood (from me), they'd just put him to sleep. Couldn't do it so we took him back home and told husband to 'bite me...I just lost my dog and I'm not putting this little kitty to death'. A month later and the little monster (the most feral of the 3 and who hated me the most) is now sleeping in my bed. Interestingly, just like Sophie, he comes and stares at me around 10 p.m. to let me know he's tired and "we" need to go to bed...and then curls up against me exactly where Sophie used to. Made me cry for the first week or two but now it brings me comfort.

Then about 4 weeks ago, my son's mother-in-law died from a blood clot to her lung after minor surgery. She was only 49 years old so it was quite a shock to everyone. The world will be a sadder place with her gone because she was such a loving wife, mother and person in general. Why God takes these people and leaves the toxic ones is beyond me. <sigh>

On top of all of that I think the economy is finally taking my business under. At this point it's going to be a race to see if I can sell our warehouse (which we had to sign for personally) before our sales go down so far we can no longer make the mortgage payments. Since we live in the most economically depressed state in the country and the most depressed area in the state, I'm not holding my breath. Now to figure out if we can let them foreclose on the building without going bankrupt since the building is the only thing that hurts us financially. Any experts on this type of thing lurking out there?

So I've started looking for jobs locally (HA!) but let me tell you...*nobody* wants to hire a 54 year old woman who's been out of the job market for 15 years and they don't look positively at the fact that I've run my own business during that time. I'm crossing my fingers for an academic advisor position at the local community college (where I'd rather work anyway), but prayers would be helpful.

Well, better get moving. Need to bail out our other kitty from the Vet where they're treating her for a bacterial infection in her ear. Good grief...she's an inside kitty...how does she do this?! Then off to see if I can find some end of the summer bargains on clothing for my Disney trip. The upside...I can actually shop in a regular store now! Woohoo!

Have a good day everyone!

Melody (ElfiePoo)

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What a day! I went shopping for clothes this afternoon and was dreading it. Usually I spend hours and come home with only one or two things that actually fit...and I'm not always thrilled with the material, look, color, etc. but fat people can't be picky. ;-p

HUGE HUGE NSV moment. I picked out 5 shirts, two lightweight dress type slacks and a pair of capris in less than 30 minutes. Not only do they all fit beautifully, but I *love* the colors and the way they look on me! <drum roll> Bonus moment...the pants were 14/16 and the shirts were 1X!!

Yeah I know they've changed sizing so fat people won't be dismayed at what size they're actually wearing (obviously they think we're stupid too), and I'm guessing the 14/16 pants were actually 18/20 but I haven't worn an 18 since high school!! Actually the only reason I think I can now is because I've lost the oversized hips and butt that I've carried for most of my adult life. Going from a size 26/28 to a 14/16 and a 3x to a 1x made my day!

I am so *high* right now! Think I'll go drag my honey out for a nice fall walk!


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Good morning my fellow banders!

The weather here is gorgeous...and has been for the last week. Typical fall weather and no humidity! I feel human for the first time in months!

I went in for my fill this morning and was surprised that they wanted to give me 1cc to take me up to 7cc. Apparently, based on their records, I was having no problems before at 7cc and, since I said I'm slipping further into the darkside, they wanted to get me as close as possible to the sweet spot before I go to Disney.

Let me tell you. I can already feel the difference! For the last 7 weeks I've felt like I have a bottomless pit inside me. Not hungry...just never 'content'. Within 15 minutes of that fill, I was and am still (3 hours later) 'content'! I'd forgotten that this is part of what the band does. Their scales confirmed that I have not gained or lost a pound in 7 weeks despite no restriction so at least I'm not playing catchup!

With the shopping NSV of yesterday and no longer feeling like I need to fill the pit, I'm extremely motivated. Add to how good this cool weather is making me feel and I think I'm going to go drag my honey out for a walk again today!

Have a good one everybody!

Melody (ElfiePoo)

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Hey Melody, sounds like things are falling back into place for you! Yay! Just sent you a friend request on FB. Thought I already had you, but guess not!

Ok, so get this...between the fill and the mouth surgery I've been on mushies and liquids for nearly two weeks. I lost 1.5 lbs after the fill, but I've put that back on!!!!

GRRRRR!!! :smile::cursing::bored:

If I were posting to someone on here I'd remind them that it is most likely due to antibiotics (which I am on AGAIN after the surgery), as they can mess with Fluid balance.

But it still ticks me off! Wah.

One of the stitches in my mouth is driving me crazy. It is near the soft palate and tugs when I swallow. Then the threads move around and sometimes rest on the roof of my mouth. Quite annoying!

My cheek is still swollen and slightly bruised.

Face it...I am a mess! How many other people do you know that have been on antibiotics three times in a year, ended up with C.Diff. once as a result of one of the antibiotics, get a gum infection that two dentists don't think is the tooth only to find out it IS the tooth.

Sheesh...think I'll crawl back in my hole now!


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I have been trying to post to this thread for 2 days! I guess LBT thought I should take a break.

Melody-- Its great to have you back! I'm glad you got your fill. I'm sure it will help a lot. I have no idea why we put off trying on new clothes, it seems like every time someone does they find out they are smaller than they think and its a great boost. I am happy for you.

Denise-- I hope you are feeling better since the tooth is gone.

Crystl-- Congrats on the 2 pounds. :smile:

Shammah-- "so if I want to get pregnant I should apply for grad school and then bam--baby.:rolleyes2:" Um, it takes one more step than that.....

Thanks for fixing the spreadsheet!

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Hey Leigha, good to see you again!

I know I am on the road to recovery, but I am still a mess! :smile: I am glad to know that the pain now is due to healing and not from further infection. I figure by the end of the weekend I'll be much better.

Yesterday was a VERY long day due to pain. However even with all the face pain, I found $10,000.00 that was tied up in our budget by mistakes of others this past week. I was able to free it up. Maybe I should take uber-painkillers every day!

You are welcome all you taxpayers! :bored:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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