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HB- Love the new room! Bobbie--just love you!!! You are by far the happiest person I've ever met (well not face to face). Leigha--you're doing great on the running...keep it up...Denise--you are only 5 lbs. from your goal...Wow! amazing! As for me, I've just about given up on the 2000 piece puzzle. I got the perimeter together and the moon but the part I'm working on right now is so darn hard! I work for hours to find one or two pieces. I think 2000 pieces is too many. I'm quite disappointed with the whole thing and I always enjoy my puzzles so much. I don't wan't to feel bad about doing it...so I may give up :( and buy a 1000 pieces. From now on I'll stick to 1000 pieces or less. Just checking in. Love to all, Dottie

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I know I've been absent from this thread, and I'm so sorry -- It sounds like everyone is doing well! I just had to pop in to share a recent NSV with folks who understand.

I'm currently wearing size 12 jeans that I bought about a month ago from Old Navy. (My last pair of new jeans was a 17 from Target, and they were exciting to fit into back in, oh, it was March, I think?!) I picked up a size 10 when I bought these 12s. What the heck, right?!

The 12s have been getting baggy, and so Saturday, while dressing to head to the Philadelphia Zoo, I figured it was time to try them on again. You know how you keep trying every few days and there ain't no way, no how? Well, I got them on! Zipped, buttoned and everything. 'Course I could only wear them for about 30 minutes before I either had to pass out or decide I wanted to wear my comfy shorts instead. Ha! But I did it! :waytogo: Now it won't be long before I fit into the 9s I have hanging by my refrigerator! I stare at them every day and dream. :thumbup:

Woohoo for NSVs! :lol:

I've been riding my bike to work every single day. 9 - 12 miles depending on if I need a Wawa fix or not. :( That's a little Mid-Atlantic love for you, right there. I love my Wawa. :)

Also, my work schedule is different now until September, so I can fit in more classes at the gym. Tonight I'm going to explore a Yogalates class. I am so excited. Two things I love, rolled into one!

Hope you're all having a great Monday! Ten days until I get a little break from work for a few days. w00t! We're putting up our pool and I want to do nothing but ME. No work, no volunteering, just ME!

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I want to thank everyone for posting to this site. I can always find answers to all the little things that pop up seemingly every day -- pain, food, exercise, weight changes. And get a lot of positive reinforcement from all of you that have been through this and made drastic physical changes as well as emotional and health changes!

Although there are support groups available weekly at my surgeon's office, they aren't very convenient and this site serves as a wonderful support group.

Many, many thanks.:(

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No time to catch up, but hooray for everyone on their successes, remodeling ventures, and new workout achievers--just wanted to pop in. Today is my 7th wedding anniversary and my 5th month bandiversary. I am 7yrs with a the man I love, and five months with the band I love. So in honor of my 5mths, I thought I would look back at my journey (briefly, because it is a journey--who can recap all that?)

June 09--first 6mth visit--BMI of 63%: initial referral 383lbs:cursing:

Dec 15--last 6mth visit--354lbs:wink2:

Dec 31, 2009-Jan 14 (surgery day)--pre-op diet 334:smile2:

Jan 15, 2010-June 14--290 and bunches of inches:thumbup:

Sizes--30/32 to 22, 20 (tops)

All that with a lot of hard work, little restriction and 2 fills, and cardio/weight workouts a minimum of 4 times a week.

So for anyone new, you can do it--it is hard work, but it is achievable work. Hey I am no bean pole--still a long way to go, but I can see some progress!


Edited by shadst8

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Shammah--Happy Anniversary!

Sandy-- We are glad your here.

Jacki-- Congrats on the 10's, BTW what is a Wawa?

Dottie-- You can always put the puzzle back in the box, leaving big chunks together and go back to it later if you feel like it. Oh and I get your chat messages on FB but when I try and reply it says you are offline!:thumbup:

Yesterday when I was running there was a dead monkey beside the road. Y'all are saved from a picture since I was not suppose to stop. That is probably the strangest thing I have ever seen while running. :)

NSV alert! My thighs no longer touch when I am standing with my feet at shoulder width. I was at least 23 the last time that happened. :(:biggrin::waytogo::biggrin:

My husband congratulated me on my thriftiness yesterday. (I am still not sure this is a complement.) He said "Way to go on getting a two-fer on your surgery!" So when I asked what he meant he said "A lap band and a breast reduction!:lol: Anyone want to borrow a smartass for a while?

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A DEAD MONKEY???? For real ??? OMG! That's horrible! Where would a monkey come from around there? Someone's pet? A lab? A pet store? Man, that just gives me chills ... not sure why.

I'm so excited about you and your running! I've always wanted to be able to run, and "knowing" someone who has started slow, and keeping it up, is very inspiring for me.

As far smartasses go, my bf said practically the same thing! It sucks - none of my new bras fit anymore. I have a small cup size but am still big around. They dont make bras to fit me. :(

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It's so nice to hear from those who have not checked in for awhile.

Dottie, I put away my 2000 piece puzzle not too long ago. It was just too hard to do alone.

Sandy, welcome and feel free to jump in the thread anytime you want.

I guess I had what qualifies as an NSV today at work.

A man came right out and told me "You are a very attractive woman." " In fact, you are HOT!" :unsure: I thanked him. It did make my day. He was totally flirting with me!:thumbup:

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HB-Oh My!!! That's all I'll say about that! Leigha, It often says you're offline to and I know you are there so I just type the message any way. And a dead monkey! I'm with Bobbie; I get creeped out by that one! I put the puzzle away. No one would help me with it. I bought a 1000 piece one at Target today and am washing my table cloth that I work on. This one has tiny photographs all over to make the image of a butterfly. I worked out at the Y today and officially joined. I walked 1 lap .25 miles, rode the stationary bike for 2 miles and then did my Water aerobics. The people in my class are elderly and they are a hoot! They make me laugh all through class. Even the instructor is a hoot! I'm having such fun. Some of the people in class have had the knee replacement too so it was reassuring to hear from others who have gone through it. Have a great evening everyone...Lots of love your way, Dottie

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Lordy, do I have news! Guess who's having an RNY done July 15th!

Anne= I woke up in the middle of the night thinking you were having surgery tomorrow (well I guess its today now) instead of July and that I forgot to tell you good luck.

Dottie-- I'm glad to hear about the Water class, I bet you will love it.

Crystl-- Flirting with other men? What are we going to do with you? :unsure:

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Anne= I woke up in the middle of the night thinking you were having surgery tomorrow (well I guess its today now) instead of July and that I forgot to tell you good luck.

Thanks for thinking of me, but I've got a month to wait!

It will be fun being the odd duck on the thread- I can tell you all what it's like in a foreign land! Actually, I don't think it's going to be all that different- I'll have a teeny little pouch, too.

Leigha, thanks again for starting this thread! I don't have time to respond individually right now, but just know I'm cheering you each and all on! :unsure:!!!

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LOL Leigha--I thought the same thing too when I got up this morning @ Anne's surgery being today. So glad we didn't miss the chance to say good luck! We're glad you're still here with us, Anne! Leigha, a wawa is a convenient store we have here on the east coast (like a 7-11 type). Sodas, subs, cigs (yuk), coffee, candy, things like that. There is almost one on every corner. You are doing freaking awesome with the running! Go girl!!! I am so excited to hear about that NSV! I wonder if my thighs will always touch at this point. You never know, but it's good to know of someone that is able to say theirs don't anymore, so you are going to be my inspiration and hope LOL! My husband is quite the smart ass too. And what is up with all the boob comments? My hubby is mad that I'm down to a 38D. I can finally shop at Victoria's Secret and he's mad???? Far cry from my 46F, but whatever. I am no longer hunchback LOL! Ummm, okay I would have been totally freaked by that dead monkey btw.

HB---niiiiice!!! I'd certainly consider THAT an NSV. Very cool! LOVE the comforter set by the way.

Bobbie--wanna have a slumber party at Crystl's? I'll bring the margaritas ;-)!

Jacki--congrats on getting into those 10s and zipping them up! That's an awesome feeling!! I bet in no time at all, they will turn out to be your 'comfy' jeans :-)! I am about 20 minutes from the Phila zoo too---I can't believe what a small world it is!

Shammah-- Happy (belated) anniversary and congrats on 7 years of marriage! May you have a hundred more :-) Love the pic! You look great and you can see a major difference! Keep up the great work!

Dottie--Don't give up on that puzzle! Maybe if you do it like Leigha says and doing it in small bits, heck you can make it into two 1,000 piece puzzles :-)!

Stacie--Half way there!!! WOW! You should be SO proud of yourself! All your hard work is paying off!

Christie--glad you're feeling better. More importantly, glad you're able to EAT again!!!

Denise--I'm both jealous and inspired by you. 5 lbs to goal! You are amazing!

How about this freaking thread about following the rules? Spartan surely handed them their a$$. Holy crap! Sometimes I think people try to stir the pot and start things like that. Not a full blown troll, but someone that likes to ignite a good sized debate. I think a lot of them are forgetting the purpose of the board in the first place. Thank God we have this thread. It's too easy to get caught up in the negative stuff. Really and truly.

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LOL Leigha--I thought the same thing too when I got up this morning @ Anne's surgery being today. So glad we didn't miss the chance to say good luck! We're glad you're still here with us, Anne! Leigha, a wawa is a convenient store we have here on the east coast (like a 7-11 type). Sodas, subs, cigs (yuk), coffee, candy, things like that. There is almost one on every corner. You are doing freaking awesome with the running! Go girl!!! I am so excited to hear about that NSV! I wonder if my thighs will always touch at this point. You never know, but it's good to know of someone that is able to say theirs don't anymore, so you are going to be my inspiration and hope LOL! My husband is quite the smart ass too. And what is up with all the boob comments? My hubby is mad that I'm down to a 38D. I can finally shop at Victoria's Secret and he's mad???? Far cry from my 46F, but whatever. I am no longer hunchback LOL! Ummm, okay I would have been totally freaked by that dead monkey btw.

HB---niiiiice!!! I'd certainly consider THAT an NSV. Very cool! LOVE the comforter set by the way.

Bobbie--wanna have a slumber party at Crystl's? I'll bring the margaritas ;-)!

Jacki--congrats on getting into those 10s and zipping them up! That's an awesome feeling!! I bet in no time at all, they will turn out to be your 'comfy' jeans :-)! I am about 20 minutes from the Phila zoo too---I can't believe what a small world it is!

Shammah-- Happy (belated) anniversary and congrats on 7 years of marriage! May you have a hundred more :-) Love the pic! You look great and you can see a major difference! Keep up the great work!

Dottie--Don't give up on that puzzle! Maybe if you do it like Leigha says and doing it in small bits, heck you can make it into two 1,000 piece puzzles :-)!

Stacie--Half way there!!! WOW! You should be SO proud of yourself! All your hard work is paying off!

Christie--glad you're feeling better. More importantly, glad you're able to EAT again!!!

Denise--I'm both jealous and inspired by you. 5 lbs to goal! You are amazing!

How about this freaking thread about following the rules? Spartan surely handed them their a$$. Holy crap! Sometimes I think people try to stir the pot and start things like that. Not a full blown troll, but someone that likes to ignite a good sized debate. I think a lot of them are forgetting the purpose of the board in the first place. Thank God we have this thread. It's too easy to get caught up in the negative stuff. Really and truly.

You are so right on the trolls and stirring the pot--some of the threads are so counterproductive!!!

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Wow. I had to go back and read some threads....LBT was busy today......like the rule breaking one. I just have nothin' to add to that one. It's getting kinda nasty.

I am so darn hungry between meals this week! Banster Hell part 2 ? I can't wait til Friday when I go back for a fill.

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All this talk about negative threads and of course I had to go read for myself. SHEESH! I can't believe some people get so hostile. Definitly not for me! I'd comment on it , but I don't feel like getting attacked lol.

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Wow. I had to go back and read some threads....LBT was busy today......like the rule breaking one. I just have nothin' to add to that one. It's getting kinda nasty.

I am so darn hungry between meals this week! Banster Hell part 2 ? I can't wait til Friday when I go back for a fill.

I can't decide if I need another fill or not. Going for my 6mo check-up and possible fill next week. Some days it is a chore for me to eat, then other days I can almost eat like a normal person. There are alot of the "chore" days though so if I even decide to get a fill it's gonna be an eency weency teeny tiny one!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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