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Hey Everyone!!

Bobbie! Best wishes for the job lead! Wowser! Way to go!

Leigha! You've joined the ranks of normal with me! They won't know what hit them. Congratulations!

Stacie: I've battled depression for years. I take Zoloft. Can't report any negative reaction with my weight and the medication.

Also, I sometimes get some minor pain around my port area. Especially if the waistband of my clothing goes right over it. Or if I have eaten a lot.

HB: Congrats on the MEDIUM scrubs! Awesome!

So, I saw my endocrinologist today. First time in a long time, as I left this medical group for a while.

He was astounded by my weight loss. His receptionist, who I dearly love. Saw me come up and said, "my goodness, look at you!! You've lost so much weight!"

I was amazed she even remembered me, much less noticed my weight loss! That gave me a grin for the day.

Anyway, he said the sudden drops in blood pressure are not related to thyroid issues. So, I made an appointment with my PCP. I am scared it might be heart related.

But he did raise my thyroid hormone dosage. So maybe I won't be freezing any more. I'll see him again in 4 months to recheck things.

I took my fasting blood sugar this morning, 112 :biggrin:

The endo was happy that the pre-diabetes had not progressed into full-fledged diabetes over the past years. I am not happy that it isn't normal. So, Butters and I have recommitted to walking together. We went today. And the friend at work on whose desk I tried to pass out said I had best bring my walking shoes on Monday because we are starting to walk.

So, I can do twice in a day. The more the better. We have a nice walking track around the building at work. It is flat, so won't hurt the knees and hips as much as around the house where we have hills.

So, here's hoping I finally fall in love with exercise! bah!

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Leigha, Woot! Woot! You look awesome!!! Bobbie, Prayers and good thoughts your way!! Betsy, Always prayers your way!! Everything is status quo here. to you too Denise. Just checking in reading the boards. Hugs to everyone....

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Just stopping in--and thanks to you all again because one of my questions were answered just by checking in. I have had pain in my chest and shoulder blade. I figured it out from the posts--I eat and drink way too fast. I have got to teach myself to slow down consistently. Thanks Leigha on the 5 minute and sectioning my food--congrats on being normal. Also going to get another baby spoon--my other has disappeared.

Betsy--you always give good advice and so positive--I know that positivity you spread will come back

BobbyND--sending good vibes:thumbup:

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So, this morning I weighed in at 249, finally breaking the 250 barrier in my mind. I officially weigh the least I've weighed in at least 14 years, possible even a little longer. So, WOOHOO!!

Leigha congrats on normalcy! That is awesome!

Bobbie-Good luck today, positive vibes being sent your way!

It is a gorgeous day and we're off to the first soccer game of the season. Should be much fun! Have a great weekend everyone!

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Christie-Congrats on the breakthru!!! Goodbye 250's :). I started at 248--now about 215 and can't wait until I say so long to the 2 FOREVER!!!!

Denise-Hopefully they figure out what is going on soon and it is nothing too serious!! I'll be thinking about you. Glad to hear that the dr. & receptionist recognized all you hard work though! Also I am happy to hear I am not the only one with some port area pain...and yes I am sure it is that I ate too much. Like I said earlier I am having a hard time...just happy to hear it's normal though :biggrin:. I was on Wellbutrin for quite a few years back from about 14-21. It did seem to help and my PCP told me if I ever felt like I needed it again, that is what he would prob prescribe me cause it worked before, and there are even test trials going using it as a weight loss pill...so hell if it makes me feel better and a side effect is weight loss damn straight I'll take it!!! lol

Bobbie-anxiously waiting to hear from you.

HB-Congrats on the M scrubs!!

Everyone else-Hiya!! It so far is a beautiful day here in Western PA (could be warmer it's like 60, but hey it flurried yesterday so I'll take it) and I am going to go try and enjoy it:thumbup:.

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Hi all.

I am keeping up to date with the goings on. Not much to report on though. SSDD.

If you are on Facebook and haven't friended me there, my email is triegerb@verizon.net.

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Good morning everyone! Its going to be another beautiful day! I am going to work in the yard again today, when Rob and I got married in 2008 we moved into his house and I rented mine to a "good friend" that I had known for 10 years. Well, to make a long story short, when she moved 10 months later, we moved back into my house and my yard was ruined but it was fall so now that it is spring I have a lot of work to do, but it is recovering nicely.

NSV ALERT! Yesterday I was trying to dig up 2 plants that were here when I bought the house, they are ugly so I thought I might as well replace them. So I am outside, and I have the shovel balanced and I am jumping up and down on it and it wont go into the root ball. So Rob sees me and comes outside and says "Your butts not heavy enough to push the shovel down!"

Plus I get up this morning and have a scale victory as well! I have lost 3 pounds this week. I am giving credit to riding my bike to work and gardening. Which leads me to wonder, do y'all think that gym workouts could be less effective than actually doing stuff outside?

Well I guess I better get outside and get busy! I will take some pictures when I am through and post them tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!

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Good Sunday to all! :-)

Well, let's see, where to start ....

First of all, who ever on here sugested cottage cheese and pineapple toppping - YUM!!!!!!! :w00t:

Second - It seems like everyone is, so far, doing quite well ... Congrats to all on NSV, SV's, exercise, etc...

So Yesterday. I went to Sears optical to meet with this guy, Charley. He gave me an application to fill out. SHOCKED, Right????? Anyway, it was more promising than the Target Optical guy. He went over the job w/ me, and told me I need to take a test online before we can have a real interview. Hmmmmmmm . OK. Did that when I got home. Then he proceeds to tell me its 20-25 hours a week, and because its not full time there wont be any benefits. <that sucks huge> BUT, he did say that some weeks will be 40 hrs as others take vacations, etc... And it could turn into full time later on. So, rightnow, any job is wunnerful :-) I'm meeting him tomorrow between 10-11. ANd there are other part time jobs available in town. But ... no benefits ,,, :tongue::crying::cursing::crying::sad::crying:

Why do I need Benefits so bad? one word - MEDS!!!! I'm with those of you who have depression. I take Wellbutrin, and 2 different strengths of Effexor daily, as well as Triampterine daily for Lymphadema in my lower left leg, that also has major vericose veins. I also have Fibromyalgia, Migraines, acid reflux,TMJ, Irritable Bowel, Croens disease, Renards Phenomenon, Arthritis in my back, and RA in my knees and hips. I have Colon Polyps removed every 1-2 years, and I have more sleeping pills and pain pills than any one person should have! ANd NOW, my hot flashes are coming on full speed!! SHEESH!

BUT! The upside? ( and there is always an upside to everything ) I DONT have cancer, or any other ailment thats life threatening, terminal or that could kill me at any time, ya know? Everything I have is controlable, deal with-able, and tollerable.

So if I get a bit weird, down, sad, pissed, or upset on here sometimes, now you know why. However, I'm usually happy most of the time. I figure as long a I wake up each day, The rest is just ,:confused: I can pretty much deal with whatever comes my way.

Sorry to go on and on. Just needed to vent a bit. It seems with everything else going on in my life right now, my diet has taken a back seat. I'm still stalled, and not feeling great about it. OH! I was approved for food stamps:thumbup::thumbup: So THAT helps ...

Looking forward to hearing from you guys today. I know it sounds strange, but you're my" best friends that i've never met " :-) I cant wait to read what you're all up to, and how things are going, and what struggles we each have, and how we're dealing...

Blessings, Bobbie

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I'm back- home in Connecticut, that is. The contrast between Tucson and New England could hardly be sharper. The desert is beautiful, but I do like green and trees. Everything here is coming out all green and flowers- so beautiful!

I managed to eat well the whole trip, which I'm proud of. And I walked lots and lots. I like outdoor exercise so much better than the elliptical and the gym.

Bob, glad you checked in- nice to know you're over there!

Leigha, congratulations on BMI, NSVs and SVs! I like your idea of sectioning food.< /p>

Christie- SV!!! Way to go!

Denise, I hope things other than your weight stabilize!

Stacie, when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Meds sure help me- sometimes it make sense to live better chemically.

Jackie- I like your PWVSES.

HB, I drag my ironing board out like once a year! Congrats on the medium scrubs!

Betsy, as always, thank you. You give a lot even when things are tough for you.

Bobbie, good luck! You do have a lot going on with you, girl! Can you get COBRA from your job? And I agree with you about this thread! I eagerly await new postings!

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Hi Everyone!

Bobbie: here's hoping the job works out AND becomes full-time super quick. Or at least holds you over until full-time comes along!

Anne: How's this for ustabilizing......ugh

Friday night about 2am I wake up nauseated. Couldn't vomit it out. Lay awake miserable in bed for an hour. Get up to try to bring it up again. Nothing. This wakes the hubby up. So I stay on the couch. Well, instead of vomiting, it starts out the other end.

This was the first time since banding I have felt the need to truly vomit, dang it, that HURTS!

Miserable the whole day, BP low 90/55 range, pulse 120. So, after about 12 hours of feeling like doo-doo, hubby took me to urgent care.

I was dehydrated from the day's "events." They started IV fluids. Blood test showed an infection and low potassium. They think I have a bacterial infection called c. diff. caused by an upset of the normal bacteria in the gut from some antibiotics I was on last month due to a sinus infection. There are some cultures growing to confirm the diagnosis, but they are treating as if it is.

After some potassium and 2 liters of Fluid, I was feeling quite a bit better.

They said this low blood pressure doesn't have anything to do with the drop last Tuesday, when I nearly passed out.

It's just been a joy! :confused:

On the good side, this takes away your appetite, and I don't have to go to work tomorrow. They want me to see my primary care to have the blood work run again to re-check the potassium and the white blood count.

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Silly question ... and I wanted to ask you guys so I don't get chastised by others ;-)

Calories - <all hypothetical of course >

I need X many cal a day , lets say 2000. Does it matter WHERE those 2000 cals come from? Whether its all Protein, sugar, fat, etc... ???? 2000 cals should be 2000 cals, right? And i'm not wondering about the benefits, bad fod choices, good choices, or anything like that. I'm just asking out of curiosity.

Also, does it matter if you eat all 2000 cals in one sitting? Or over 3 meals? Or grazing all day ( as long as you dont go over )

Just some thoughts my brain is having tonight.

Thanks for any feedback ! :-)

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Hi all, and good Monday morning! (I'm trying to convince myself It's good) The weekend went too fast and the hot Water heater went out. I had a cold shower yesterday, but ended up washing my hair in the sink this morning.

Christie, You are on your way to Onderland!!! Wooo Hooo! Your son sounds like a joy. I like hearing about him :thumbup:

Bob, I don't do Facebook or anything like it. I don't know much about it and only take the time for email, LBT, craigslist and sometimes e-bay. It's nice to hear from you here every once in awhile here. How is everything going with the new band?

Leigha, The yardwork sounds kinda fun in a strange way. (the word "work" throws it off) In my last house, that I lived in for 17 years, I had a double lot with lots of grass, many flower beds, a pond and gazebo. It was like having my own little park and I miss working in it. I always felt like it was therapeutic. I do work outside in the summer now that I moved up to the mountains, but not much will grow with the elevation, poor soil quality and the shade. I miss all my flowers at the other house, but wouldn't trade the mountain living to have them back. I hate going to a gym, so will always look for other ways to be active.

Bobbie, I hope the job situation works out for you soon. Maybe something will come along that is your "dream job!" Wouldn't that be great!?

I'm sure others will do a better job of responding to the calorie/food intake question than I can. How could you eat 2000 cals in one sitting? lol, I think it matters what and when you eat, but for me I just have to get in my own groove and go with it without obcessing too much.

Anne, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. It sounds like you did well with the diet and the walking. I would love to go someplace for a little trip, but have to pay off this band first. At this point it is my biggest complaint..... the pain to my bank account.

Denise, I hope you get all the issues figured out soon. I think your attitude is helping.

Everyone, HI, I hope you all have a great week!

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Hi everyone! Well I'm now in my 3rd week and feeling AWESOME! I'm down 25lbs all together with pre-op diet and post-op weight loss. I just scheduled my first fill which will be at 10:30 am on May 7th. I'm excited! A friend of mine who had his surgery done by the same surgeon before me and is down over 100lbs since April 15th 2009 (he reccommended her to me) says if you're a little firm about it she can be pretty liberal with fills. In the opinion of those who have had a few fills already, should I go easy the first time around or should I try and get good restriction from my 1st fill if I'm able to? Not sure how this works. I dont know if that is something that has to be worked up to or if it's something that is ok to shoot for right away, as long as the surgeon is ok with it...

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In the opinion of those who have had a few fills already' date=' should I go easy the first time around or should I try and get good restriction from my 1st fill if I'm able to?[/quote']

As frustrating as it is, I'm so glad my surgeon is somewhat conservative: He will do a fill every 4-6 weeks, and is allowing me to get one every 4 weeks. I had my first fill 5 weeks after surgery, my second fill 4 weeks after that, and I'm going for my third fill next Thursday, 4 weeks after my second fill.

From what I know and have read from others, I do not want to be reckless with my fills. I want them to be paced and I want to do what my surgeon recommends. I am figuring the first two weeks after a fill to be strictly swelling, and the next two time for my stomach to get used to the fill. Then, I can progress.

I really found this post to be helpful, regarding fills: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f13/how-lap-band-actually-works-fills-refills-41738/

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As frustrating as it is, I'm so glad my surgeon is somewhat conservative: He will do a fill every 4-6 weeks, and is allowing me to get one every 4 weeks. I had my first fill 5 weeks after surgery, my second fill 4 weeks after that, and I'm going for my third fill next Thursday, 4 weeks after my second fill.

From what I know and have read from others, I do not want to be reckless with my fills. I want them to be paced and I want to do what my surgeon recommends. I am figuring the first two weeks after a fill to be strictly swelling, and the next two time for my stomach to get used to the fill. Then, I can progress.

I really found this post to be helpful, regarding fills: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f13/how-lap-band®-actually-works-fills-refills-41738/

Thank you! That all makes so much sense. I'll be patient with my fills. :cool2: Thanks so much!! :thumbup:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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