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banded, banding, bands--verb--To assemble or unite in a group

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HB-That video is creepily beautiful lol! Is creepily a word??

Bobbie-Sorry to hear it didn't go quite as you had hoped. When a door shuts a window opens.

Me-I really need to vent so sorry..apologizing in advance..and I am not looking for sympathy. I just keep asking myself can I DO THIS?? I have eaten crap, not exercised like I should and I just can't seem to get myself on track. There is no motivation and willpower at the moment and it is honestly breaking my heart. I hate that food is where I turn to. My feelings just make me want to run to ice cream. I used to smoke...that was my escape. Quit that for food. Gained lots and lots of weight (so who knows maybe I would've been healthier a smoker!). I don't deal with stress and anxiety well. There is alot of stress & anxiety in my life right now and I just can't deal with it...and now I am feeling like a failure on top of it :smile2:. I have an appt with my PCP, but soonest I could get in on an evening is the 22nd. I don't know if there is anything he can give me for anxiety/depression that doesn't have weight gain as a side effect. Also seeing him because it seems my exercise induced asthma is in full swing again (which is not helping with the whole weight loss thing). GRRRR....Isn't there just a skinny/happy/life is perfect pill?? :)

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Hi, gang--I've been an absentee, and will go back to catch up with everyone's goings-on later today. I've been swamped!

I just wanted to check in --I was homesick!

I've been playing with the same 2 pounds since my fill 2 weeks ago---while simultaneously learning how NOT to eat with a band that's providing some restriction (a new one for me). My doctor doesn't have "rules" post fill--just a general, "Listen to your body, and take it easy." And that was fine--until the swelling hit (a day later)---and I got blindsided by a stuck incident. I should have babied it after that, but live and learn. I've since been gradually dipping my toe back into the eating world. Next time? liquids, then soft foods, and then real food. In no big hurry.

Now I can reliably eat (swelling's down, and restriction is far less---I can now tell I will need another fill)----so I am hoping my body will fall off this mini-plateau it's landed on. I am going to shake things up a little to help out, if things don't start moving on their own quickly.

Otherwise, things are ....well, okay. Mark's hanging in, but it's been scary for both of us to watch his mental acuity slip. This means, I assume, that his heart is not pumping enough oxygenated blood to his brain. This was already occurring before they dropped his meds, but has been precipitous since. I will be SO glad when his testing is done later this month--I am hoping they will bump up his meds again---at least then, when he feels crappy, he can still think a little more clearly.

Otherwise, there's not much news from this end---hope you're all doing well. (Now I will go back to check!)

Have a great day, everyone!

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Bob--welcome back from the Farm. I was beginning to think you'd been lost in a freak combine/thresher accident. What game will provide your next diversion?

Dottie--I’m sorry your doctor wasn’t supportive. I am not sure why some doctors seem to approach giving fills as somehow bestowing a great, yet undeserved, gift.

I’m with Leigha and Jim--remember that you’re paying him, and that he has a job to do. Heaven knows you’re doing your part of the job very well. Now he needs to do his. Preferably without making you feel bad in the process.

(Phhht. Screw his stats. Does he really think they're reflective of his success? They're not.)

TJ--I agree 100 percent with you. We have to be responsible for our own bodies. I’ve been remarkably lucky, because my doctor is very well-rounded and we click. But even so, there are decisions I make that don’t quite mesh with his “plan.” I am perfectly fine with that--and so is he. It works well.

I’m glad you have a doctor who approaches things with you similarly. I think it makes a tremendous difference. Good aftercare is so important--and having it with a good doctor is a pleasure.

Denise--I love your plate NSV!

Good luck with the doctor--I hope you get set on a path to get good answers so that you feel well again.

Stacey-- I will send a friend request on FB. I’m Betsy Banks-Golub.

I’m glad you’re seeing your PCP. Getting your asthma under control will help a lot. But remember, exercise doesn’t have to be punishing in order to be effective. Can you walk without experiencing symptoms?

I’m sorry you’re battling depression, too. It can throw a wrench into the works, for sure. There are lots of options for treatment. While some meds can produce weight gain, usually relieving depression makes it easier to comply with eating and exercise plans, so loss is quite often a feature that accompanies recovery.

I took Cymbalta for fibromyalgia pain for a few years. It was very helpful in terms of weight loss. It’s one of the antidepressants for which this seems to be a common feature, so it might be worth looking in to. Wellbutrin, too, is frequently chosen because it promotes loss. But in general, the most important thing is getting the depression under control so that the lifestyle stuff can follow.

Don't underestimate the value of exercise and good nutrition to reducing depression. Once you're in a better place (both in terms of your asthma and depression), you'll feel the changes these promote, and one good day will be the foundation for the next. Before you know it, you'll have a chain of successes. And that will help motivate you on the days when doing what you need to do just isn't all that appealing.

I hope you get good guidance and help and are soon feeling much better. We’re all here for you.

HB--That’s quite a video LOL

Bobbie--I’m so sorry your “interview” wasn’t an interview. You must be so disappointed. We’ve had to endure the double-unemployment thing, and it’s so, so hard. Your family is in my prayers---I know you will find something soon.

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Good Morning to my friends! My scale won't move. I'm doing everything right and now I'm afraid to go to the doctor's office for fear that he will make me feel badly again. I guess I'm going to take the approach suggested by you all. I'm going to look at him as a paid employee. I'm doing all the right things and if I don't lose any weight this two weeks then I need another fill. I am hungry in between meals and maybe I'm not at my sweet spot yet. I'll just hang in there and be grateful I'm not gaining. I'm going to do some gardening this morning and am looking forward to that. Cleaning things up. Last year I planted herbs but the bugs all ate them. This year I'm going to do flowers. Can't wait to get out there in the dirt. It's going to be sunny and 80 degrees here in SoCal. Take care everyone! Besty, still praying for you and Mark. Love to all, Dottie ps. Bobbie, praying for you too.

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Hi, all,

I'm avidly following the posts here even on vacation. It's so nice to have a place I feel understood and safe and not judged, a place where I'm so interested in each of you and your progress and ups and downs. It helps me with this early part of my journey- thank God I'm going to know what to expect!

However, because I'm using my ex's computer, I have to keeps things brief, so individual responses will have to wait. Just know I'm thinking about all of you, especially those who are struggling right now.

Re: depression, it runs in my family for generations, especially the women, including my mother, my grandmother, and my great grandmother, who turned to alcohol because appropriate medication wasn't available then. I've been on Cymbalta for years, and likely will be the rest of my life- it lets me feel normal, whatever that is (good definition of normal- a cycle on the washing machine). So you add eating problems to depression- an awful conundrum, it is.

This trip to Tucson to see my ex (twenty three years divorced) has been the most interesting trip for me- lots of memories, laughs, tears, and forgiveness. Just glad (delighted? grateful? joyous?) I don't live with him anymore, that's all.

Anyway, I'm thinking of all of you, and trust we will all survive with a little help from our friends...

P.S. An addition to the door shutting/window opening saying- When a door shuts, a window opens, but the hallways sure are a b**ch.

Edited by AnneGG

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Wow, I've missed a lot! Bobbie, Betsy, Stacie -- I'm thinking of you all. This thing called life -- it's not an easy ride, is it? :biggrin:

Betsy, I have fibromyalgia also -- I was diagnosed several years ago. The meds they gave me all made me GAIN, and quickly! Boo. I stopped those medications, and now find that exercise is the best medicine of all. :)

Guys, I have been having a fight with my scale for weeks. I'm not giving up, but I just want to scream! ARGH! I feel like I'll never get below 172! I don't get a fill for another two weeks. What to do? Hmm.

I know why this is happening -- I've been so busy that I don't feel like I've been able to devote myself completely to my mnemonic for my surgeons rules: PWVSES - I call it "People Without Vests Sink Every Summer" - *Protein *Water *Vitamins *Snacking-NO! *Exercise *Smoking-NO! I run that list through my head on my good days, and feel guilty about that list on my bad days. Lately I've been forgetting to take my Vitamins, not keeping track of my Protein, I know I haven't been drinking enough Water, not been able to exercise as much as I'd like.

I have two very important projects due in a week at work, and I am stressed out! I am running with the No Boundaries group early tomorrow morning, and I hope that will get my butt back in gear. I just feel like a barrel full of excuses right now! Wahh! I want my positive self back. Where'd I go?!

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Good afternoon everybody! Well it is really spring in East Texas. Its so pretty outside, I decided to ride my bike to work again today, I did on Monday and was in such a good mood I sold 2 cars so I thought I would try it again. :biggrin:

Dottie, Your body cant hold on forever, when I am not losing I think of my body like a spoiled 5 year old that I am dragging into the other room and they have a hold of the door frame, if you keep pulling eventually they will let go. (For those of you who might be wondering, this is just a mental picture, no 5 year olds to drag) So just keep pulling! Eventually your body will "let go" and Whoa Nellie, the pounds will just fall off!

Anne--Glad you are enjoying your trip.

Jacki--We cant all be positive all the time, the good news is the projects will be over soon and you can take a breath. I hope you have fun tomorrow.

I have decided to try the green smoothie thing from Jachut. I am going to do it without the Protein and if I am able to drink them, then I will buy some unflavored Protein Powder. I have been having a hard time eating this week, yesterday I realized it was because I was eating too fast. :mad: That is so deeply programed I don't know how I am going to overcome it. I was eating a tuna lunch to go yesterday and I said OK, I am going to eat 1 cracker with tuna then wait 5 min before I eat each one, guess what? First thing I had eaten in a week that didn't cause me pain. So for dinner I made 6 sections of food on my plate, the new rule was I can't start on a new section until 5 minutes have elapsed. This worked well for me, so maybe I can use that to retrain myself.

Ahem, has anyone noticed my BMI lately, I'm now normal!:)

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Wow, Leigha, what a GREAT post! :mad:

I decided to ride my bike to work again today

Good for you! I need to get over to my parents' house -- they said they have a spare bike for me to look at. I work only 3.5 miles away from home, so I have no excuse not to be riding to work.

I think of my body like a spoiled 5 year old that I am dragging into the other room ... So just keep pulling! Eventually your body will "let go" and Whoa Nellie, the pounds will just fall off!

I LOVE this visualization. How perfect!

Jacki--We cant all be positive all the time, the good news is the projects will be over soon and you can take a breath. I hope you have fun tomorrow.

Thanks for the reminder. You are right. :biggrin:

I said OK, I am going to eat 1 cracker with tuna then wait 5 min before I eat each one, guess what? First thing I had eaten in a week that didn't cause me pain.

This is great! Someone on YouTube said their surgeon told them to do the same -- put the fork down for 5 minutes between each bite. It was working well for her. I'm so glad you found something that may help your pain!

Ahem, has anyone noticed my BMI lately, I'm now normal!:)

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! Go, you! This is an awesome accomplishment. (Don't you feel awesome, like the queen of the world?!) I have 40 pounds to go before I hit normal. Right now, my goal is the 10 for the Mothers' Day Challenge, then 4 more to get out of the Obese category. I'm so happy for you! Thanks for a great post!

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Leigha, Congrats on being normal!!!

My scale is moving snail slow still, but I have a good NSV to keep my spirits up ........... I now fit in my Medium scrubs!!!

I have been ironing a good part of the day. I Iron more than anyone I know. I guess I am a little more OCD about wrinkles than most. I just ate a piece of fish and am on my way to a little lake not far from here for a walk. It is a little chilly, but not too bad, so I guess I better do something to get the scale moving.

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Leigha! You're NORMAL--congratulations!!

Jacki, I agree. Exercise is THE BEST medicine for me. I have to be careful what I do, but that's more because of other orthopedic issues. But within the parameters dictated by those issues, daily, prolonged, vigorous exercise is key to feeling good, for me. I scrapped the meds, too--though I found Cymbalta to be very helpful for quite a while. (Its effect diminished with time.)

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Ok all ... BIG PUSH of Happy Thoughts and prayers !!!

Got a call from the guy I met with on Wed for the "Interview", and he told me a friend of his from Sears Optical is looking for someone right now, and gave him my name, and told him about me. Anyway, this guy wants to meet with me tomorow morning :-)

Keep fingers crossed... and toes, legs, eyes, everything! just dont fall or walk into any walls LOL

Thanks all ! I'll report tomorrow and lat you know how it went :-)

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I've got all my everythings crossed for you, Bobbie--sounds promising!

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Thanks, Bets ! That means alot to me :-)

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He is an idiot if he doesn't hire you, you can tell him I said so!:biggrin:

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Leigha-Congrats on the BMI

Bobbie-YES...tell him we all said he BETTER hire you!! :biggrin:

Betsy-Still thinking bout you and Mark...won't stop praying

Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement, I still am not me...but feel a little better today. Maybe just cause it's Friday, but hey better is better.

I keep getting these pains where I know my port is. I've been banded almost 4 months now and never had pains till like a week ago. Anyone else have this? They are not stabbing or excrutiating, just like a dull ache. Sometimes if I sit up really straight, it goes away.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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