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Liz, you'll be driving right by me on your way to the doctor. Let me know the time you'll be on the road, and I'll wave :scared2: (One day, we'll have to meet for coffee when you're passing through the area. You know, when you're NOT en route to Sybaris, with far better things to do :thumbup:)

Hummingbird, the boob shrinkage is one of life's injustices. I plan to have mine rearranged when I get to goal. I never, in my life, thought that augmentation would be in the cards for me, but I am beginning to wonder.

You're lucky to have your own closet to shop in. I am a ruthless thrower-awayer---I have kept NOTHING in other sizes, except for a handful of pairs of jeans that were worn relatively recently (or swiped by my offspring, later to be reclaimed).

I am going to have to do my shopping the old-fashioned way. Which means that I'll be driving the distance to my hometown to visit their second-hand shop, 'cause it's got really beautiful stuff, dirt-cheap.

Bob-What did you end up feasting on? Did it sit well with you?

Grrr! :cool2: :w00t: :rose: The scale is up again for me this morning, and even though I know all of the reasons (upped exercise, added veggies that are NOT moving through my system, missed two days of BP med that contains diuretic, etc...) I am having a very hard time being as compassionate and rational with myself as I would be with others. I really need to work on that.

On the plus side, I'm pretty sure I will achieve both 30# down AND under 200 by my appointment next Friday, which will be good.

Mark pointed out to me that I've lost a lot of weight, and my body usually decides, after a big loss, to hold on to weight for a while. This is pretty astute; I had no idea he ever paid any attention. (Bless his heart, yesterday I divulged how close I was to getting to being below 200, and it never occurred to him that I was above 200. Because we all march in to bariatric surgeons' offices when we weigh 120 :cool2:).

This time, though, there's no throwing in the towel....!! My body can hold on to things until it gets the message that this is the way it is, buddy!

Have a great day, everyone!

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So, I am IMPATIENT:mad2:!!! I see my Dr. next Wednesday, and should be finding out some things but probably not a date for surgery yet. Still need insurance approval, too. So I am being a good girl and changing lots of behaviors bit by bit in the meantime. Do you believe I got tuckered out yesterday mopping the floor, I'm that out of shape?

Day at a time, Annie, dear.

I got some of those "Oh Yeah" Protein bars yesterday, which will have to be reserved for emergencies and special treats because they are AMAZING good!:scared2: Protein shakes it will have to be for me, because I won't abuse them. Got the sampler packets for both Bariatric Eating and Unjury- some experimentation is in order. My nutritionist also recommended Prostat which is VILE:eek:, but because it is small volume, may be able to be belted down or mixed in with shakes.< /p>

Walking. Next step- need to be more regular about walking.

Forgive me if it takes a little while to individually respond. This is a great group!

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Well I made it. I was banded on the first and now I am counting down until I can get my first fill. I am starving!! I had a great nsv today put on my jeans and they are so loose!!

Excited to meet everyone.

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Welcome Larae, glad your here, congrats on the jeans!

HB--I console myself on the boob shrinkage by saying "Well at least my stomach is shrinking under them!" of course, this really doesn't help but I say it anyway. By the way, if anyone finds my missing boobs my husband would like them back, maybe I should set up a reward for them? :cursing:

Liz--In case I forget, have a safe trip this weekend.

Besty--Is your new book a text book?

Christy--I am with you on the grandparents thing, my grandparents were the only stable thing in my life and they get all the credit for me not being a complete nut case.

NSV-- This morning when I tried to get dressed, nothing I had clean fit. So when I got off work I went to Academy (they have really good prices on clothes) so I found a pair of Capri pants that I thought would be my new size and tried them on they were too loose! I had to go back and get a smaller size. I cant remember the last time I was in a dressing room and had to go back and get a smaller size anything!:lol:

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for the warm welcomes. I am with you on the boob shrinkage thing. I'm down a cup size already! I, too, have been closet shopping and it is a thrill. I probably have clothes in the next 4 sizes down. I've just reached my first goal of being under 250 and it feels wonderful to know I will keep losing. It's seems like a miracle. I am so happy with my band.

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Hi all, happy clover day.

I'm doing a fly by as I try to read as much as possible before bed.

Had boneless chicken for dinner last night; pulled pork tonight and I dared try 2 slices of pizza at lunch. I had no problems with any of it but I did chew the living crap out of everything.

It was like being in Paradise. I love pizza and hadn't had it in like 3 months. I used to eat the entire 10 slice pizza but was satisfied with only 2 slices. I don't think it was the band. I think it was all the chewing and taking 15 minutes to finish each slice.

I just walked the dogs down to the vet about a mile and a half away. I suddenly remembered half way there why I don't walk both at the same time. Seven was yanking my arm off on the way there. On the way back, she was still yanking forward and I was having to drag the 165 Dubs behind me.

My credit card got denied at the vet and it was a little embarrassing. I only brought 1 card with me because I didn't have my wallet. That has not happened to me in over 25 years! I am not poor any more.

Everything worked out for the best. I got home alive; got plenty of exercise and am paying the balance tomorrow morning.

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Holy moly, so that's what tight feels like! Very very weird. I'm drinking fine so I'm not too tight, but tighter than I'd want to be on a permanent basis. I can eat a couple bites at a time (lunch was the meat out of 1/2 a roast beef sandwich and a pickle spear...over 30 minutes...and it took every second of the 30 minutes) and I have now officially been welcomed into the world of PBing...not exactly what I expected, but still ewwww. Does that mean I'm a big girl in the band world now? I was hoping to hit 40 pounds by my birthday (next Wednesday) as of this morning I'm 39...I think I'm good for the 40 at this rate! Anyway, I'm good, just surprised, having never felt anything like this before.

Hope everyone had a great day, hump day is OVER!!!! Connor's spring break is next week, we leave for Ohio early Wed so he grandparents are kidnapping him after school Friday and taking him up to their lake out until Tuesday...which means AN ENTIRE WEEKEND CHILD FREE!!!! I have a massage, pedicure, and manicure scheduled for Saturday (gift certificates from Christmas, I'm not one to splurge on myself that much) so it should be heavenly! (please note, I love my child beyond words...I also love having 2-3 days where I can sleep late, read when I want to, and have a totally whine free zone, and run around half naked in my now saggy underwear all day if I feel the urge) Come on Saturday!

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Flying by again. :cursing:

Christie I am so jealous. Describe your PB. :lol:

My first fill is April 21. I made that appointment yesterday.

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Flying by again. :lol:

Christie I am so jealous. Describe your PB. :)

My first fill is April 21. I made that appointment yesterday.

Next time I'll send Felix pictures.:cursing:

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Bob & Christie, you crack me up........

here's one for ya

The first time I ate something I shouldn't have after being tight and it came back up was a big lesson. I take my grandson to school and pick him up every Friday. (It's my day off and saves on daycare costs. Plus good grandma time) So, one friday afternoon shortly after my last fill I realized it was almost time to go pick him up and all I had eaten that day was a Protein Shake for Breakfast. I went through the drive-thru at McDonalds and ordered a coffee and a small french fry. :cursing: I knew I would not be able to eat many of the fries, but had a craving and figured it wouldn't put me over my calories. I took a few sips of coffee on the way to the school and got a good spot in the "flow lane" where many parents wait to pick up kids. I ate about 5 fries and made sure I chewed the heck out of them. I started to slime so bad! :lol: omg! Then I was in pain! :eek: I was STUCK BAD! MORE SLIME! OMG! I THINK I"M GONNA HURL!:puke: :) I only had a couple seconds to figure out what to do. I hunched down a little in the car because at that point there were parents standing in front of the school and lined up thick in the flow lane. I grabed the McDonalds bag and up came the coffee and french fries (and foamy slime). EEEWWWWW! :thumbup:

I can tell you I have not had even one french fry, or even craved a french fry since that day.

Edited by Humming Bird

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HB, that is the descriptive stories I want to see.


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When I took a quick trip to a valentines day wedding I took one of the nifty little airsick bags from the plane.

I sure hope I never have to used it, but it is going to stay in my glovebox just in case.

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Morning peeps...I'm out of bed, but don't know about 'up'. The pain in my arm is back with a vengeance and nothing is helping. I have to take my son into the doc today since he's decided he wants to switch from his pediatrician to a 'grownup doc' and I think I'll ask her if there's anything she can do as a temporary measure.

Otherwise everything is going along swimmingly. The swelling has apparently gone down from my last fill 2 weeks ago and I could probably use another .25cc fill but I think I'm going to hold off and see how it goes over the next week. I normally don't step on the scale except Monday but needed a boost yesterday and found I dropped another 2 lbs but I'm not going to make it official until next Monday...at which time it will probably disappear and tell me I haven't lost anything.

Betsy: I wish I could 'shop' in a daughter's closet, but I guess my husband's will have to do. Although, while his sweatshirts are co-ed, I'll never fit into his jeans. They're typical flat hipped men's pants and my curves just laugh at them.

Bob: You probably could chalk the weight gain up to female hormones...but then you'd have some 'splainin' to do, Lucy. Bob, love the pics of your home on Facebook. Want a roommate? I refer to my little home as 'the house from hell'.

Liz: Don't worry about the scale. My scale didn't move for weeks but I could tell from my clothes that I was definitely losing.

Leigha: I think our priorities change...plus, as we lose the weight, we're physically *able* to do more.

Christie: I wouldn't worry about the crackers. My doc is one of those who says 'eat what you can, drink if you can't'. I was able to eat after every single fill without any problems, although my list of foods changed.

HB: I stopped at a McD's to pick up something to eat for my son one day a few weeks back and ate one of his fries. *Big Big mistake*. Not only did I learn that (a) they weren't as good as I remembered and (:cursing: french fries do stick...I also learned that eating 'on the run' is a big nono. There is nothing worse than being stuck and having to pull over until the episode passes. It's not like I could take a gulp of his drink and let it all come back up because 'oversploding' on the side of the road with cars whizzing by just was not an option in my book.

Ok...need to get to work. Have a great day everyone! Oh, and welcome to the newbies!


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:lol::lol::)Bob, you crack me up with your slime/PB porn. I would add last night's tale, but will save it for a day when there isn't abundant....stimulation. ROFL

Pizza...that sounds good. My favorite pizzeria does a crustless pizza that's actually pretty good on the nutrition front. (Yeah, too much fat..but hey, it's pizza.) I think I know what's for dinner tonight.

I know what you mean about getting bored while eating, and just throwing in the towel. Too much work, sometimes, all that chewing.

Larae--Welcome! Congratulations on your jeans NSV!

Bree-Banding does feel like a miracle, doesn't it?

Leigha--Too loose?! AWESOME! Congratulations--you're melting!

Yes, my Pharmacology book is a textbook.

Christie-Your upcoming week sounds so, so heavenly! I know you'll hit 40 pounds by then!

I hope you loosen up a tad, so that you're more comfy eating---I bet that'll happen.

As for me, well---I do need to learn patience (like you, Anne). The couple of pounds I was up are now gone, and took 1.6 with them. :cursing:

Have a great day, everyone!

Edited by BetsyB

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Good morning, all! I'm doing better than yesterday, which once again reminds me feelings are like the weather- they have a tendency to be changeable if I just hang in there. Now to remember that with cravings!

I love the stories and sharing on this thread- they make me wince in empathy, cheer me up, and just make me wish we lived closer to each other so we could hang out over a cup of coffee (decaf of course).

Looking forward to my journey, sliming and all. Felix, how are you doing with that :cursing:?

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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