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Hey Ya'all... Now that I'm working I have no time to go online. I'm on the computer at work all day so I hardly turn on my laptop when I get home. I do keep up by reading your posts on my New DROID phone, however, even though I log in on my phone, it won't let me post. It keeps telling me I'm a guest and I need to register to post.

Anyhow, Work is good. Our Bosses decided we couldnt have the raises we were promised last year but instead gave us a 50% increase in work load... Hope they show appreciation when the economy turns around...

I didn't post my Monday Easter Challenge weigh in yesterday. I'm Up two pounds because yesterday TOM got here... I'll check in on that again next Monday....

Bob, I was home for 3 months with My band and Knee Surgeries and rehabilitation and I completely understand how you felt going back... I had such mixed emotions... I wanted to be back in the action and talking to real people again, but I liked working from home in my Pajamas and having peace and quiet to do my job!

Hello to all the new folks who posted over the last few days...

Leigha, I know how your feeling with the plateaus... i've been tracking my food on Dailyplate for the last two weeks and the last 3 or 4 days It's been real hard trying to hit even 1000 calories and I feel like I'm having to constantly eat.... It's a lot of work.... Okay, I say constantly eating but I consider drinking my shakes and V-8s eating too.... Mornings are hard. I can't eat anything. Shakes even get stuck so I drink a Nice cup of hot Broth... Its actually a 2 cup thermos that I fill and sip all the way to work and for the first hour at work.... Then By 10 or 11 I can get a shake down but so far, I had had problems with my lunches. I made Egg salad and it got stuck. I made Cheddar Potato Soup and it got stuck.... I hate hiding in the bathroom stalls urping up slime for 1/2 my lunch break or more.... After lunch at about 2 or 3pm, I drink my V-8... All Day long, I'm also sipping on Crystal light.... dinner, I can usually eat about 4 ozs of whatever I made for dinner... Ohhh I did buy a container of almonds and I take about 15 of those to nibble on throughout the day and I have not had any issues with those getting stuck..... Oh I've also been having a Protein Shot at work. They are too sweet so I mix it with equal part pater and am able to drink it...

Thats my life for now... I hope everyone has a good week and that things only get better....

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Hi, theknewme

Makes me wonder too. It sounds like a lot of hard work. I don't know from experience, being banded only 6 days ago.

However, my surgeon said that with the band alone, controlling my portion sizes, I should lose 60% of my excess weight, which in my case is enough to be in a healthy range for my age and height, reducing my risks. He then said it's up to me if I want to diet and exercise to get skinny. Maybe cause my main problem is huge portions of basically a healthy diet?

I hope he's right. I don't want to be counting calories for ever. I just want to be able to stop eating when I've had enough.


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It's been 3+ years. I have tried hairball remedies and even a cat laxative.

I refuse to spend too much on a cat at the vet. After all, kittens are free for a reason.

She's 6 and a half. How long do indoor cats usually live?

Brewski looks great. Want to trade for my cat?

Is it just me or do all of us that have dogs, have big dogs?

The hairball stuff in the tube is at Petco or Petsmart, and it's not real expensive. You might want to try a cat food for hairballs or indoor cats. I have my cats on a hairball food (I think it's a green bag) and it works great....no more surprise land mines with bare feet in the morning :)

We have 3 parrots (used to have 9 when I did parrot rescue & rehab), a lab/chow cross, 3 cats, and 2 big fat spoiled fish.

I really enjoy this thread, I read it everyday. Sorry if I interrupted....just wanted to let Bob know about the hairball stuff.

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Thanks for the hairball info. I've tried a few as well as different cat foods that said hairball control on them.

To those with questions about losing weight with the band:

  • There are absolutely no guarantees that you will lose weight with the LAP-BAND®. It is not a magic wand or pill.
  • The LAP-BAND® and fills do not lose a single ounce for you.
  • Fat is burned and weight lost by burning more calories than you consume.
  • The LAP-BAND® is simply a tool that makes you feel satisfied with less food/calories if you eat right and have sufficient restriction.
  • Every ounce you lose will be because you earned it. Not because you have a piece of plastic in you.

Keep reading the forums here and make note of how many people are barely losing at all. The majority of them keep waving their magic wands and can't figure out why the fat isn't melting away.

If this is not what you thought, please read as much as you can prior to being banded.

There are more subtle ways to put this but that's just not me. :sad:

And also note that everybody that is losing weight with the band is using another tool that is available to everyone, a positive attitude. This is far more important than the lapband but they work great together.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the hairball info. I've tried a few as well as different cat foods that said hairball control on them.

To those with questions about losing weight with the band:

  • There are absolutely no guarantees that you will lose weight with the LAP-BAND®®. It is not a magic wand or pill.
  • The LAP-BAND®® and fills do not lose a single ounce for you.
  • Fat is burned and weight lost by burning more calories than you consume.
  • The LAP-BAND®® is simply a tool that makes you feel satisfied with less food/calories if you eat right and have sufficient restriction.
  • Every ounce you lose will be because you earned it. Not because you have a piece of plastic in you.

Keep reading the forums here and make note of how many people are barely losing at all. The majority of them keep waving their magic wands and can't figure out why the fat isn't melting away.

If this is not what you thought, please read as much as you can prior to being banded.

There are more subtle ways to put this but that's just not me. :sad:

And also note that everybody that is losing weight with the band is using another tool that is available to everyone, a positive attitude. This is far more important than the LAP-BAND® but they work great together.

Good luck!

Hey Bob - I'm typing, on my elliptical right now.. clapping for you. Love the straight talk. I'm guessing the 60%, came from the data that says the average person loses 50 - 60% EWL, those of us who want more have to work harder. But those who expect the band to be a magic want won't get average results either. The tool, is just a tool and we have to work it. I know many of you were nice enough to go to my blog and comment on my post about how I use my tool... wanted to cut and past an excerpt here:

So here I am, in my fourth year, and maintaining a normal healthy weight and in the best shape of my life....

My doctor, my head coach on this Banded Living journey reminds me over and over again, that it’s a tool, and I need to work it. I shouldn’t expect “it” to do anything. (A screwdriver can’t remove a screw unless you turn it.) I have to work it to get the results I want – and for me that was more than the average 5o% Excess Weight Loss. My band helps me with Portion Control, controls my hunger and leaves me with a feeling of satiety when I work it.

Here are the 10 things I learned about how to use my tool:

  1. I stay close to my surgeon (and his staffb) and have a whole team of people to help me on my journey. It starts with my surgeon who is my head coach. I also surround myself with other successful members of the Banded Living community.
  2. I don’t drink with meals. It defeats the band.
  3. I make sure I get enough protein everyday.
  4. I eat good quality meals and I don’t graze. I do best when I eat for 20 -30 minutes and leave the table.
  5. I don’t drink my calories – my properly adjusted band helps with portion control but only if I am eating solid foods. (It doesn’t restrict ice cream or a high calorie frappuccino, or Long Island Iced Tea).
  6. I’ve learned to take small bites and chew, chew, chew. I also use small plates.
  7. I’ve learned what foods are difficult for me, and I stay away from those choices. I have lots of great choices. I’ve learned to dine and enjoy food again.
  8. I always have a plan or a least a plan B, each and every day for how I am going to use my tool. NO EXCUSES. I’m not afraid to carry food with me (Ziploc bags are my friends), or ask a hotel to open the gym at 5:00 am because I’m traveling and have an early meeting.
  9. I journal when I need to. I journaled consistently during my first year of Banded Living. When I wander off track, or gain a few pounds, I go back to basics and journal for a while. It helps me stay in my target weight range by keeping me accountable to myself.
  10. I make myself a priority. I take care of my health, I eat right, I exercise, I take my vitamins…and live my life to the fullest!

Now I’m not saying that I use my tool perfectly all of the time...

Edited by atgoalgal
fixed typos`

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but what do you mean about stalling. I thought when you get the band you lose weight but it still sounds like you have to do alot of exercise to keep it (weight) off? Will I lose weight? My surgeon tells me they guarantee 100 pounds with the band and then the rest is up to me, is this correct? From what I read it sounds like it's hard work from day 1 or is it hard work from day 1 if we cheat?

It's still hard work...sorry. :sad:

The band won't keep us from eating high calorie slider foods, sweets or just generally making bad choices. It basically comes down to "calories in/calories out" so you will have to 'move' whether that's just getting up off your butt and doing things around the house, yard, etc...or a formal exercise program. If you have a desk job and then come home and sit in front of the tv, your calorie requirements will be quite low. The problem is, depending on 'how' low, dropping your calories to accommodate a very sedentary lifestyle may result in a much slower weight loss if you have to drop them below 1000 per day.

The band helps me in a couple ways. First, it controls my portions. After my last fill, I'm eating 2 oz of Protein and 1/2 cup of steamed vegies. At dinner, I'll only eat 1/4 cup of vegies because I really do want my 1/4 cup of carbs (pasta, Beans rice) and both won't fit these days. Usually, there's just something in my head that 'knows' I'm full and not to take another bite...even if there's food left on my plate.

It also helps control my carbs because so many of them get stuck and I've had to just avoid them completely for that reason.

Recently, I've also discovered the band helps me in another way. It's taken eating from a hobby that I enjoyed to something I do because I have to. Don't get me wrong...I still enjoy food but not with the intensity that I did pre-band.

As for your doctor 'guaranteeing' you'll lose 100 pounds...it's a false guarantee. With a bypass, they guarantee you'll lose 2/3 of your excess weight because of the malabsorption. That's not true of the band. In fact, read through the forum and you'll find some people have only lost 25 lbs.

Your doctor's guarantee sounds a lot like those diet ads where they 'guarantee' you'll lose weight with their little pill but if you read the teeny print along the bottom of the screen it says "when used with a low calorie diet and exercise".

It is worth it though...really.


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I really enjoy this thread, I read it everyday. Sorry if I interrupted....just wanted to let Bob know about the hairball stuff.

Feel free to 'interrupt' on a regular basis. Join in! :sad:


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I have to say that I love getting up and going to work every morning, but then I've worked for myself for 15 years and have never regretted the decision since I was *miserable* working for people who not only did not appreciate the effort and pride I took in doing a good job for them, but actually wanted me to take short cuts and do a less satisfactory job. Gotta love those government jobs.

I have a busy morning planned. We start off by taking Piglet (aka Sophie the dog) to the groomers since she decided to go mud puddle jumping yesterday afternoon *and* she's smelling a bit like fritos (her aroma when she needs a bath). While she's doing that, I'll head to work and pay the company bills. Then off to my Cello lesson. Then home to do some straightening up and then I think I'm going to either veg for the afternoon or take my idiot child (the 17 year old) off to see Sherlock Holmes.

My only regret yesterday...chinese food. No, I didn't over do it, but the sodium in that 3/4 cup of lo mein must've been a whopper because I'm puffy with holding Water and up 2 lbs! Now, there was a time I could take a water pill and drop 7 lbs, but this is ridiculous from 3/4 cup of chinese food. (Making note: no more chinese unless I make it at home).

Hope you all have a great day! Oh...and Leigha...up your calories. Studies show women who eat 1200-1400 calories per day lose faster and with less plateaus than lose who eat 1000 and less.

Bob, a big DITTO on the positive attitude. Years back I noticed that I was constantly looking at life from a negative perspective. Then I noticed that my entire maternal family does the same thing...which has landed a number of them in the mental ward for attempted suicide, depression, etc. I started to deliberately smack myself when I was being negative and look for the silver lining and expect to find one. Now it's habit and I have to say...life is good. Oh sure, bad things still happen, but there's always a silver lining to be found.

Have a good day everyone!


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Good morning, everyone--I'm sorry I've been MIA, but Mark was admitted to the hospital on Monday after his appointment with the transplant dudes, and I spent most of Monday and yesterday either at the hospital or driving to and from it! He's home now, with a few med adjustments--and will return on Monday to find out whether there are other options for him. Waiting is NOT my strong suit---perhaps this is why it is a recurring theme in my life.

Anyway, I'm waay behind, and will now go read everyone's news and progress.

Elfie--I did see your new baby on your other thread...how cool! Congratulations! What a great idea. It has made me start thinking about the new things I can do----isn't it cool to realize that we CAN DO THINGS?! I don't know why I've allowed my beliefs about myself to be so constricted by my weight, but it's exciting to feel that sense of limitation subsiding.

Well, off to read---and then to take a long, long walk. I am much in need of the interaction with nature.

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From what I read it sounds like it's hard work from day 1 or is it hard work from day 1 if we cheat?

Please don't take my "10 day plateau" as I am not losing weight, I only have 24 pounds left to go and I think I am just slowing down from 2 pounds a week to probably 1. Plus like my husband told me yesterday, What if you only lost 1 pound a month? You would still be where you want to be in 2 years. In reality I would be happy if I stayed right where I am, I am just spoiled by the band. I have not been this thin in 10 years.

The band is hard work, but it is effective hard work. The difference is going to be time, I could put less work into what I am doing and still lose weight, it would just take longer and that just isn't in my personality.

I think there are generally 3 type of people with a band,

1) Those who just eat smaller portions and don't journal and exercise, who are perfectly happy losing 20-30 pounds a year because they recognize the fact that that is how much effort they put in and it is a good balance for them.

2) Those who journal, exercise and eat correctly in a diligent manner and lose 50 -100 pounds a year, they are happy because the are rewarded for their hard work.

3) Those few who continue to eat the same bad type foods, don't journal, exercise sporadically and are unhappy because the expect to lose 100 pounds a year and they don't because they don't put 100 pounds a year worth of work into it.

(Of course these are generalities and age, sex, body type, etc. can increase or decrease weight loss) But in my opinion, if you don't have any medical issues with the band, you get out of it what you put in it. By the way, I was self pay, I have $10k riding on this, I use that as motivation as well.

The band is not for everyone, you have to decide on a personal level if you can work with it. Ask questions, think about the answers and then decide. Good luck.

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Thanks everybody for the advice, I am going to up my calories to net 1000 a day. :sad:

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Happy Hump Day Every body.....

Good morning, everyone--I'm sorry I've been MIA, but Mark was admitted to the hospital on Monday after his appointment with the transplant dudes, and I spent most of Monday and yesterday either at the hospital or driving to and from it! He's home now, with a few med adjustments--.

Betsy My Prayers are with you and Mark that the Dr's can fix him up good as new....

Elfie: My Youngest is 19... I know where your coming from... Been there done that with 3 kids... I enjoyed working from home for the last few weeks however, I need the structure of getting up and getting dressed and going to work to keep me motivated... Hell, I was working in my pajamas unless I had to get dressed for Dr appointments or Physical therapy...

Bob, Hows work going for you? Any pain or problems? When I conferred with my Dr about going back to work, I purposely had him write me back on a Thursday so I'd have a short work week to get me started.... Last week was my first FULL week and it wasn't too bad...

Well, speaking of work, its time for me to get out the door.... I think this weekend, I am going to figure out how to post pictures... My Daughters have always done that sort of thing for me, and keep my FB and kept my old Myspace updated, however, I can't ask them to help me with this... Baahhhh. Me and my secrets....

Have a wonderful day everyone...

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Welcome to our newcomers! The advice given thus far is true. Being banded and losing weight is hard work. If you don’t work for your band, it will not work for you! Bottom line! It is not a magic wand and the weight doesn’t come off without hard work. The only thing the band does do is help with hunger and Portion Control.< /span>

I got my glasses back and they are strong. Having a hard time adjusting to them but I can see again. Thank God! As you know I got my fourth fill on Monday. I have been extra careful and not gotten stuck once. I had fish last night for dinner and ate 2 oz. without getting stuck. So proud of myself. I think I’m getting the hang of it all. All is well in my household. We had a windstorm yesterday and Brewski doesn’t like the wind. So, he cried a lot yesterday. He’s just too big and hairy to let in the house and is used to being outside any way. If we let him in he just cries to go back out. Go figure. I’m going to my PCP today for the first time since being banded. His scale always makes me 5 pounds heavier for some reason. So I don’t like weighing in on that one….lol. Got a birthday coming up on Monday. Gonna be 51! My goodness, time flies. Going to walk Hunntington Beach pier on Sunday with my friend and she’s taking me to lunch. Gonna have Soup just to not ruin my trip out with a stuck episode. But it should be fun and I’ll get some exercise that way. It’s supposed to be 70 and sunny.

Have a great day everyone!!

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Leigha, did you say you're doing weights FIVE days a week? Are you making sure that there's a day of rest in between each time you work a certain muscle group? (In other words, if you're working out M-F, are you doing upper body on M, W, F, and lower on T-Th?)

I ask, because it's really important, in terms of building muscle, for you to give this time. When you lift weights, the muscles form tiny micro-tears; during the day of rest, these heal, thereby building new muscle tissue. If you don't have that rest time, they don't heal---and it can cause damage.

As for the relationship between the scale and lifting weights---well, it takes about 8 weeks of consistently working out to build a pound of muscle, so you're not likely seeing much fat displaced by muscle yet. BUT, weight lifting causes gains for another reason. When you lift, your muscle cells need more oxygen than your body can get from breathing. So, they use a process called lactic acid fermentation to derive oxygen from materials they have. The byproduct, as the name suggests, is lactic acid. This is the stuff that makes you sore after a workout. It's also the stuff that makes weight lifters get that "pumped" look right after working out. How? It draws Fluid into the muscles.

What happens is this: the body likes homeostasis. When there is more lactic acid in the muscle cells than there is in the surrounding fluid, fluid moves (by osmosis) into the cells to even things out.

The kidneys ultimately do an exquisite job of ridding the body of both the excess fluid and the lactic acid (the day of rest plays in here, too), but in the meantime, the scale shows a gain.

I always am up a little after a weight workout. For my own home weigh-ins, it doesn't faze me. But if I'm having an "official" weigh-in, I make sure my last weight workout was at least 24---and preferably 48--hours before. (I will schedule my appointment for early on a day when I'm due for a workout, then do it after I've been weighed.)

It's just water---but if it's getting written down in my chart, I don't want it!

Edited by BetsyB

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Betsy, Thanks so much for the advice, last week I was doing the same workout each day, (I had heard that you should rest between but I discounted it), then my husband (who is the one who points out things I don't want to hear) told me to follow the rules and on Monday of this week I changed to Upper body M,W,F and legs Tu & Th. But because I changed my routine I am sore today so I think I am going to skip today anyway. I had no idea about the Fluid in your muscles thing, that helps ease my mind. You give the best advice! :sad:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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