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A dream thread. They often say a lot (or nothing at all)

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Lets post our dreams.. they facinate me..

and if anyone wants to 'analyze them.. go for it.. lol

The Purple String.. a dream....Nov. 3rd..1am

Three men and a women were at a counter and a significant other was shaving their long nice hair.. two men were very upset, they looked at me alot and one was crying.... there was a judge like person behind the counter ( i was in front of this counter) and this was like some judgement or bet or punishment but was kinda all in ful as well.... The judge was then doing one guy and stopped .. the guy asked "why did you stop" and she said "this one is to dull" set in down and went behind some very white area (significantly white like she was a god more than just a judge) when she came back:

she was suddenly frying a hamburger with cheese on it right in front of me (I was thinking, I could not see a heat source on the counter ) WELL, I had a spatula and I pressed down on the patty (to be of help) and the judge scorned me (just a bit) and said "if you ever get a patty thats pressed down like that you must know it never came from burger king" and I tried to fix the patty by fluffing it up but it fell apart even more and I was worried but then:

then the judge plopped a peice of honey into the side of the pan.. it made a hard peice of like candy and I picked it up out of the pan and popped it in my mouth. (she meant for me to do this)


I was in a closet...I was like a 10 or 12 yr old child and there were about 5 others like me, we were all 'innocent looking' and wore pinofore's and knickers and cloth hats like we were from another time in the past..These other kids were near me (age 8 yo 12? boys? I dont recall) and we were talking about how we didnt like this life and it on a whim we were gonna change it. They knew what that meant and I didnt really.

This one girl had a purple string and she had wound it all around the closet area and in each time she wound the string she said something different and I remember looking at the string and all the twists and knots anfd thinking "I can never undo that" and POOF we were gone. Suddenly:

We were all in a boat in extrememe darkness, in the ocean and the ocean was choppy with waves and there was Water in the boat and I was pretty scared....

I was wondering what all was said during the purple string process to get us here.


We are climbing onto shore.. it is still dark. I see The girl with the purple string and she has it in her hands, it has swelled in in size kinda like yarn does when wet. She has a very big smile on her face like this is what she wanted. She is rolling the string up as if she had almost lost it in the turmoil of the ocean and getting to shore.

Then its day and I notice we are unable to walk normal.. we kneel. At this time I ask my group "what all was asked for on that string!?"

The girl who had done the string said in a very heavenly like saintly way "we shall be near the ocean at all times, we shall always kneel, we shall know the unknown...... (she rambled off a bunch of other things I wish I could recal but i cant. I do recall some were good and some I saw as just stupid and bad to have asked for.)

I saw us trying to walk around the town and unable too withouht bending to some extent into a kneel.. but to keep our bare knees from scratching, we tried none the less (this time there was definately a boy with us about 12, he was able to walk the best kind of walk kneel walk kneel) I was the worst and sometimes it was like I was one of those mutants from a foreing country but I still looked like a lovely little girl.

There was more we did and I cant remember but soon we summoned the purple string because this was not the way to live.. I was trying to figure out the perfect things to say as I knew I could get us to a good life better than any of these other kids who were alittle not with it when it came to life....

BUT one of the girls just did what she wanted before I could.

She said we all were to live like 'sex in the city" and POOF there we were as I was thinking that I have never watched that show, BUT I knew that show was full of grown up things and we were just kids. Also in the dream I was aware we were surpose to be from a different time in the past and not know nor care about living like sex in the city.

But poof.. we were in a city and we looked different... we kinda looked like we belonged in the 80's. with blonde hairsprayed do's.. and off the shoulder sweater tops and such..we were in this motel and the girl who asked for this life was sitting at a vanity and she said "Donald Trump stuffs his socks at the knee caps to make his butt loook smaller" And She was stuffing her bra (looking bad like knee caps) and she and the rest of us were still young as before..

I was thinking that YES we were in the life, but we werent ready for this life, we didnt know what to do....

and thats all I can recall.... the dam cat opened the door and I never got the chance to see what I would of done with the purple string...(boo hoo) I went to sleep at 9pm and I woke at 1am and I had to type this out... it was a very vivid dram.


I didnt want to include this in this dream sequence above BUT it WAS in my dream right after the part where we are roaming the beach community, not able to walk without kneeling...


Well, the this "beach community" we couldnt really leave, went from really campy to really weird when I started to notice almost everyone wore dark maroon dirty cloaks and hoods and were abnormally sized (like alieins) and they carried staffs and they all walked in the same direction, the only way they could see would be out of this slit in the hood, but I never saw any eyes..

Transition... this man is getting into a wheele barrell and pretending he is dead... He is very interested and thinks its really neat thing to do.(like a reporter trying to get an inside scoop). I am just on onlooker and in no position to talk to him.. then later I see where the dead people in the wheelebarrels go.. to a large shed, were I see like 100 black people strung up and being whipped with whips (like slaves on tv) and yet they still seem dead... then I see a white man hung up being whipped, but he is alive (I see his eyes open) No one seems to think his being white or alilve matters,,, I just get out of that area fast and the dream transitions out of that theme // THANK GOODNESS!!

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I dream in movies. Complete with a soundtrack, titles, special effects etc.

I can actually remember a dream where tnhe end titles were all me...

Written by Paul

Directed by Paul

Based on a story by Paul

Starring Paul as Paul...

You get the idea.

My favorites are when I dream in Film Noir, and narrate everything to myself.

I can recall around a dozen times I have had such dreams. Sci-fi, drama mystery etc. Color and Black-n-white.

Big (somewhat demented) Paul

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I am into dreams and analyzing them. My Grandmother use to be sooo good at it. I had a dream once that made me PHYSICALLY SICK...because of the content of the dream. I called my gram in hysterics and she analyzed it for me and it ment NOTHING but positive stuff. I was sooo relieved. Since she has passed away I have been on my own to try and make sence of them. I rely a lot on a website. Go to www.dreammoods.com They give very good explaination/transition of the symbols in dreams! I only caught onto one in your dream that you mentioned above...about the Water. Water is a symbol of emotions. Considering that the water was choppy, you felt scared, and water was actually in the boat.....I would conclude that at the time of this dream you were overwhelmed by your emotions. Maybe you were going thru a rough time and you were afraid of your emotions..afraid to let them go.....which would also sorta explain the purple rope a bit. Tied to your feelings.

I have very vivid dreams. They are often in color and I can feel everything thats going on. If someone touches my face in my dream, I can feel it. If I am flying I can feel the wind in my hair.....its WILD....Makes for an interesting sleep if its an adult rated dream too! whoa!!!!

The next dream I have I will post it! They are very interesting!!! Good thread!!!

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I usually dream about an ex boyfriend I had before I married my husband.. How sad is that..

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I periodically do serious dream analysis--to the point where I analyze my dream while I'm dreaming it to save time later.

Once I dreamed I was at a party drinking Jose Cuevervo. I woke up because I was so drunk I had the spins. I was good and drunk, I mean, had to hold on to the wall to walk down to the bathroom. MInd you, I hadn't had anything to drink for about 6 months before this dream. I've also had dreams where something struck me so funny I laughed myself awake.

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Me, too! I love my dreams so much that I hate to wake up! I talk, laugh, cry in my sleep---it's way more exciting than reality!

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I usually dream in color and have very detailed dreams. Details like what is playing on the radio in the background, what people are wearing, the setting, smells, etc... I also wake myself up laughing!!! or talking!!! But the oddest thing about my dreams is that I am always thin in them. ALWAYS. I am the right age in them but still look around 130 lbs or so. No matter how much weight I gain over the years in my dreams my weight has never changed. I have wondered many many many times what that means. Is it a case self-denial, a positive body image, self-esteem, or just the way I still see my image of my self in my thoughts? I know I am always shocked when I see a picture of myself to see that I am this size, so maybe I just have some denial over my true body image. It still always strikes me as strange that I am thin in my dreams......time to work on making it a reality anyway.

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you guys ROCK!!

I am so jealous! I wanna have such dreams!!!!!

Do u think the overweight dream more amazingly like this, cuz all the normals I speak to usually do not say the things you guys have said~!

My last dream

I was going to "couseling" and my therapist was KINDA like Kevin spacey (actor)

The sessions took place in a Camper parked in Safeway (grocery store) parkingLot (the safeway in Tillamook Oregon, where I grew up)

While in his office I could look out at the people going in and out of the store.

One day I told him I saw his camper all decorated in blood red velvet.. But I knew it wasnt real, cuz the rest of the camper was normal (old, plain) and I knew that fancy and old and plain wasnt a style that existed..

So I was having illusions ..

He asked me if I was ready to talk about what was in my hand.

In my hand was two necklaces.

I clutched them and at the same time I looked out the window and saw A lady.

The lady was walking to her car with a grocery guy carrying her stuff..

She has a bee hive hair do... and two curly locks hanging down each side. She is wearing a clingly light blue dress..

She suddenly crouches down and is walking on her feet still, but her butt is as low as the ground too... her dress rides up and she has fancy black undies showing.. and she is grumbling evil like words only goblens or devils would understand.

I tell Kevin what I see (knowing its not real) and he says "OK, your not ready to talk about it"

I kinda want to.. but He is all freaked out by what I saw so I just shrug and leave.

Transition (kinda) NOT VERY INTERESTING

I am going into the safeway to buy two cool whip tubs.

I call my little cousin to come on and she rides her bike in the street and I scold her. She then colors and makes me wait.

As I wait A grocery man or some bum (cant recal) tells me I let my food go t9o waste and I see a box of rotton veggies where I had ate most the grapes and I tell him "so what, I ate most the grapes"

then me and my little cousin go in the store and I see these bins, like a dozen of them.. they feature fake peircings (like the body kind.. ;like the neck.)

I take one out of a shark.. the tail on one side and the middle is where you squish the skin on and the head of the shark on the other..

These fake peircings dont exist.. and in my dream they didnt work too well..

I kinda invented something in my dream..

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Paul I have never heard of anyone else doing this. It's been years since I've had this type of dream, but they were so fun. At one point I tryed to put one down in screen play format. Unfortunately I don't have dreams that I remember at all anymore. The doctor that I went to for my sleep study thought I would again with my CPap, but it was not to be. I miss my dreams!

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yeah.. pauls is crazy interesting!!!

porc doll, I once woke up with my toe throbbing and in my dream I had dreamed I was bit by this big faced man freak with a ton of teeth! So I know what its like but its not so common with me like it is with you.

nana... SOMETIMES I can manipulate my dreams.. and sometimes I can force my self to dream a certain something by the stimulation I have right before bed.. but not as much as you do.. I used to do it alot more.

glitter.. I am usually not fat either... isnt that interesting! like 5% of the time I am fat. And I always dream in color.. I cant recall ever dreaming in black and white and I kinda wish I would.. they say thats more common?


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HEY moderator.. WOULD YOU LIKE TO MOVE THIS THREAD TO THE NON lapband area... (any you think is right)

I think that I posted it in the wrong place and dont want it to be a bother.. THANKS

A dream from friday night :

(sorry if this offends.. i think its funny now that I am over the shock of it)

In real life my 14yr old girl had a friend spending the night.

In my dream.. I think I am awake and in my real life and I hear her vigerously brushing her teeth in the bathroom (right by where I sleep) and then I hear her friend say "Matt says your breath smells so bad cuz you swallow when you give him a jimmy ha ha" (BJ ya know)

Amberlin goes "shushhhhh my mom! stupid!"

and my heart leaps into my throat

And I wake up

It takes like a full minute before I realize that they had already been asleep the last time I rememner and cant imagine why they would be up NOW brushging their teeth.

Then I realize i kinda SAW amber brushing her teeth and her friend standing to the side and in real life I wouldnt see it. JUst hear it..

So.. I DID check the sink when I got up to go pee and it was of COURSE all a dream..

The scary part was how my heart really lept like it would have if it wasnt a dream...

Funny thing

Her friend wakes up like at 3am puking her gutts out and I wonder if I am dreaming.. I am not.

and then I ask amberlin if its possible morning sickness and amberlin really screams at me for that and I have to tell them it was my dream that made me be so bold to ask that.

virgin this and that.. I am such a blah blah...

Fluck.. ya never know these things these days .. she has some funky friends lately!

the girl was like 190 poounds.. sometimes they do it at this age.. (GOD I am glad I didnt say THAT to them.. THAT sounded horrible as I typed it) sorry<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Well, I've had 4 fills, and I'm still not even close to having good restiction.

Saturday night I dreamed that my son was going to give me a fill, but he was prepping the wrong side of my tummy.

We were in the Idaho Falls hospital where I've been getting my last couple of fills, in the radiology department. He had the Fluroscope all set up too...

Think I've got Fills on the Brain?

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many of my dreams come true. The last major one that made me never want to dream again was a serial fire bug was going around Western Washington lighting fires. I had a dream 2 nights before, the fire was close to my house and was something importain to us all. Well it was the church my parents were married in, 1/2 mile from my house, the same night he burnt down the church between my 2 brothers houses.

No dreams here unless they are happy, please!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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