loopylou 0 Posted November 2, 2005 I am sooooo angry!!! My surgeon is blackmailing me. :think :bored :angry :cry :mad: :think Many of you know that I have been waiting 3 mths now for my first fill; because of complications with my surgery (blood clots in my lungs) and the blood thinning medication I have to take because of that. Well, I had an appointment for the 7th of November to have my fill - and I was really excited about it and wanted to make sure everything was OK to go ahead. So I tried to contact my surgeon to ask him how long I had to be off the medication before he would be prepared to do the fill. (Previously, while I was in hospital, he said I had to be on the pills for 3 mths then come completely off them before he would do the fill, and that he didn't care if I had the recommended lung scan or not.) But when my three months are finally up: he is on holidays, off sick or too busy to talk to me. At first I didn't think anything of this. I went to see the pharmacist instead and asked him how to come of the medication, and he said 'dont do it!!!' and then I said 'But my surgeon said I could come off it after 3 mths, but now I cant contact him!' and then he said "I suspect he is giving you the run around because he doesn't want to be the one to tell you to come off the medication and then get sued!!!!!" and I said "HUH??? WHAT???!?" And then I thought .......'hmmm his receptionist was acting a little funny on the phone, .....he wasn't too busy to send me that bill ..... he only had to answer me with one sentence ....holy crap maybe this guy is right'. Now, the more I think about it the more I think he's right, my surgeon IS giving me the run around. I left several messages asking him to let me know - via his receptionist - how long he wanted me off the pills, and she has always got back to me very promptly before, but it has been over 2 weeks now. Why couldn't he just say that he changed his mind and he wanted me to have the lung scan, instead of ignoring me - emotionally and 'bandally' blackmailing me into getting another doctor to OK me coming off the medication!!! But the thing that really makes me mad is that I am 18hrs drive from the nearest capital city and, therefore, cannot go to another doctor. So now I have too wait to see my GP (2 weeks wait) then fly to Perth and get the silly lung scan that I dont even want - before my surgeon (who I no longer trust nor want looking after me) will even talk to me, and my first fill will have to wait another month (at least) as he only comes to town once a month!!! I am angry, I am fed-up and I am back to my pre-surgery weight!!! I hate it! I hate my doctor and I want my fill!!!! Basically he is going back on what he said, and making some other doctor do his dirty work and I have to comply or I can't have a working band... :think :bored :angry :cry :mad: :think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Margo 0 Posted November 2, 2005 I am so sorry you are going through this ugly mess.... Your doctor should be worried about being sued!!! I would look for a good attorney at this point.....your doctor should be held responsible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
porclndoll 0 Posted November 2, 2005 Ewl this is ugly~ Holy Moly..... What are the chances of you just going to his office and sitting there till you see him??? Since he isn't returning your calls.....and the receptionist can't answer you....hummm too bad your all the way in Aussie...I would go with ya!!!! Maybe send a certified letter?? That way its in writing and they have to sign for the letter, proving they got it??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinesqueen 2 Posted November 2, 2005 I'm with 'Doll on this one. Since you have an apointment next week, go to it. I would march your cushy tushy down to his office and camp out. It it very odd. Since they won't make an apointment for you (weird, weird, weird), you probably are going to have to make that apointment to see your GP and all that rigamarole. Not sure why blood thinners would effect you getting a fill. Okay the other issue is the clot. GET THE SCAN. DO NOT SCREW AROUND WITH THIS. Loopylou, honey, you know that they are life threatening. One of the women I went to high school recently had a blood clot blow a hole in her heart and lodged in her brain. A 44 year old woman that I grew up with just had a stroke. It doesn't matter if you want the scan or not. Get it done any way. You probably don't want to die either, at least not from something that can be prevented. Before banding I was in very real danger of dieing from resperatory failure. Not a fun death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leatha_g 4 Posted November 2, 2005 I take blood thinners daily. Have since before I was banded and I have had many fills without ever adjusting medications. That is ridiculous! I also had a clot to my lung before my band surgery and was NEVER required to have an additional scan to prove it was gone. That's ridiculous also. Anyone with clot experience knows that the body reabsorbs the clot. The reason for the thinning medication is not to 'dissolve' the clot itself but to keep the blood from clotting more around it or in any other area. Also, has this doctor been having you monitor the level of this medication and your PT/INR ratios? Blood thinning medication is critical and has to be monitored constantly. Do you know what your levels are? Stopping the meds can be done without tapering, however, anytime you have had a clot in the past only sets the stage for it to happen again. :mad: In some cases, one has to maintain the dosage for life. The reason I ever had the clot in the lung was actually because I begged off the meds after a DVT episode. I thought ' I'll be good, I promise' and I begged them to let me off. 6 months later, I had a clot in the lung. I nearly died because I didn't want to take the meds or admit I might have a serious propensity to clot. Not good. :mad: Have you been having this monitored?? Are you taking Coumadin or Warfarin?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrHekier 0 Posted November 2, 2005 I would just try to get a straight answer becuase it sounds liek you have a serious health issue in place. Sounds like you had a pulmonary embolism which is potentially life threatening, in fact in the USA about 200,000 people die from pulmonary embolism each year. Often treatment with blood thinning agents (e.g. warfarin) can be stopped after 3 months, but before stopping some physicians will want to perform testing to check both the lungs and the leg and pelvic veins which is where the blood clot usually originates. Ask your surgeon what his/her specific plan is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loopylou 0 Posted November 3, 2005 Thanks for your advice guys. As for your questions: I am taking warfarin and my GP was supposed to be watching my INR levels, but she has left town and hand-balled me to someone else. My INR was supposed to stay between 2.5 and 3.0 but has mostly been around 1.8-2.2, but my new GP had me taking a higher dose and dealing with it more aggressively so my last test was 2.4. I will have another test next week. My surgeon said he would not do the fill because there was a risk I could bleed alot and get an infected port and have to have it removed. Also he has no plan for me - he also hand-balled me to another doctor - who said I needed to have the lung scan. This other doctor did arrange for a leg scan thing for me which came up clear. I guess I just figured that they were small clots and everything would work itself out. But I feel like I have got that many doctors (supposedly) looking after me that no-one of them is willing to really take responsibilty for my care. I feel really angry and disappointed by this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrHekier 0 Posted November 4, 2005 Perhaps your surgeon could elect to hold the Coumadin for a few days to allow the INR to return to normal levels (i.e. let your blood clotting function return to normal levels), do your fill, and then restart the Coumadin afterwards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I'llsucceed 1 Posted November 4, 2005 I feel really bad for you- Try & keep positive & drink loads of Water. I hate that your being held hostage. It really does sound like that. But I too would keep the appointment & write down all my ??s so I take as much time as I need with him. I would even repeat what he said before & write down ALL HIS Ressponses. If your not satisfied BEFORE you leave there than take out the big gun & say " I am not satisified with your answers nor your flip flopping advice so I will be contacting someone that can help me & they will be contacting you" You don't even have to say attorney- I am sure he'll get the point. Unfortunately I don't think an attorney will do you any good here in this matter but if you have reached the VERY END of the rope well than it may be worth a try to just mention one. I wish you so much luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leatha_g 4 Posted November 4, 2005 Sounds to me as if you have some folks who are uneducated and scared to take responsibility for your coumadin/warfarin maintenance. If he thinks you may have a problem because of a fill, He is really very naive. It's a pin prick. They're not going into an open vein or artery. The amount of blood loss you may have is minimal, less than a nose bleed for sure, barely more than a finger stick, in my experience. True, blood thinners are critical drugs, but with patient knowledge and doctor's education, it's very manageable and easily maintained. I was bounced between my PCP and finally, a cardiologist to monitor mine because the PCP just was not comfortable with being responsible for the maintenance. Today, I do my own home testing, I call in the PT/INR to my Cardiologist's coumadin clinic and all is well. Of course, I know that the last thing I want to do is get dumped off the back of a motorcycle going down the freeway, or be involved in a major collision in my car. I don't skydive on a regular basis, but if I knick my legs shaving, I am NOT going to bleed to death. The day I got my lapband, they also inserted a vena cava filter, so that I might prevent any further major issues in my lungs, brain or heart. I have had numerous fills since without ever having to halt any meds or taking any extra precautions. To help manage your INR be sure to arm yourself with knowledge about different foods and drink that effect the drug levels. If you eat too many foods that contain Vitamin K/green foods, it will decrease the effect of the coumadin and thicken the blood - hence your levels become to low and clot faster. If you drink too much alcohol, cranberry juice, grapefruit, other things, you could cause it to become too thin. These are all serious but manageable things as long as you empower yourself with the knowledge it takes to maintain. Check out this website for great information www.ptinr.com Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doubletrouble 0 Posted November 4, 2005 I would also march into his offic and sit there until this is resolved. In the US we have a state board of health that you can contact with problems such as this. Not only is this patient neglect but patient endangerment. This docotor took you on as a paitient and he is legally reponsible for your treatment and follow up. If your present family doctor is also giving you the run around try and find a new physician. My husband had a blood clot also and now he is paralized on the right lower side of his body. You need to pursue this and not just forget about "small blood clots" because small blood clots can kill you just like big blood clots. And as far as your INR and the fillings this is rediculous. The puncture wound you receive from having your blood drawn to check your blood level is the same as the puncture would you would get from the filling. I personally feel your surgeon feels resposible and thinks if he ignores you, you will go away. DO NOT let him ignore you stand up for your self and be heard. You also might try and speak to you local newspaper or tv station about reporting this doctor. Usually when a doctor's reputation is put on the line in black and white they wake up and take care of the problem. Good Luck to you and take care of you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeLarla 22 Posted November 4, 2005 Use insanity. It helps. Or just say "booby" after every 4th word and you'll get his attention. Trust me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tomorrowsdream 0 Posted November 4, 2005 After major heart surgery most people are put on blood thinnners, but my dr. opted for just aspirin as I had no history of clotting. I've only taken aspirin for 5 years. It doesn't seem like taking a blood thinner should really have anything to do with your fill, but I sure wouldn't stop taking my medication. This dr. put the band in. He is responsible for you getting your fills. I agree...camp out in the office till you can talk to him (and give the receptionist hell). It's not really her fault...but she is following his orders, so let her know just unhappy and put-out you feel. You should be able to get your point across. Last step..I would report him. I truly would. I would report him to the medical board if he gave you a band and won't perform the upkeep. He should never have done the surgery if he didn't feel comfortable. It sounds like this is about money more than anything. He probably has been paid and is giving you the runaround. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites