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Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

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Yep, Cleo's I had everything handed to me and now that I'm looking toward retirement, they're wanting to just hand me more. What a joke. Except it isn't funny!

I'll be lucky if I can sell my house for anywhere near what we've invested. Because of the lousy stinking Republicans, and their deregulation and "gifts" to the wealthy, we've lost a bundle in our 401k that we worked so hard and long to get set up for our retirement.

No telling when we'll be able to afford to retire. Right now our health insurance costs us well over a thousand a month and we get denied coverage nearly everywhere we go so we have to pay for stuff out of pocket.

Yeah, it's a great country eh, comrad?

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phil: "All those million dollar mansions still standing in the English Westmount section of Montreal, were families that were either still loyal to the Crown or at the very least, sympathizers who wanted to make sure that they would be on the Victors side, regardless of the outcome! Sounds like modern day rich Republicans to me!"

We lived in Westmount for a couple of years. I know those very mansions very well. And the English sympathizers are still alive and well. (Thank goodness. They're the reason our stay there was so great!)

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ArisCus: "I have a question for all the Obama lovers on here, and maybe it's been asked an answered already somewhere on these forums, but I haven't seen it yet, so feel free to copy and paste. When does everything stop being GWB's fault and when does Obama stars to take responsibility for everything? Other than of course, the fact that Iraq is a great success of the Obama administration. Because we all now how happy he was about the troop surge and how well he thought it would work. So it only makes sense now, that that would become HIS success, and not the Bush administration's success, because Bush had nothing to do with it. YAY OBAMA!"

(Emphasis mine.)

Please explain to me how I took your quote out of context.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't know what "out of context" means.

As for my typo of your name, I sure didn't mean to do that. I was trying to quickly post a reply and accidentially hit a "b" instead of a "c". So sue me.

Firstly you quoted a part of a sentence. Had you taken the half a second it takes to hit the quote button at the bottom of my post the entire thing would have been posted and you could have highlighted what wanted, but I have a sneaking suspicion, if you had done that you point wouldn't have been made properly, because people could read what I was saying and understand the satire of the remark. Here's a little definition for you, incase your sneaking suspicion is incorrect and maybe you don't know what it means as it seems you don't.

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aribus said about "Michelle" whazhername and "Beck":

"You can say I sound like Michelle whatever, I've never heard of her, or Glenn Beck, well, as time goes on, Beck seems to be right about more and more things. Kinda scary. But in reality I get most of my news and information online, I don't watch much tv, and I don't read newspapers."

You've never heard of her or him and yet you're convinced that he's right about more and more things?

You don't watch much TV or read newspapers so where do you get all your vast political knowledge? From the internet? Cause we all know how reliable internet sources are.

Not! You might acquaint yourself with Snopes.com and check out your stories. Just a suggestion because the really smart people actually listen to the radio, read newspapers and books and they watch both sides of the argument on television. The way political commentators are these days and in light of the incredibly biased networks, it's the only way one can really establish a well-informed opinion.

Maybe my emphasis was off here. What I meant is that I've never heard of the Michelle lady that CM was talking about. I've heard of Glenn Beck and see his show on occasion, but am not an avid watcher. I did happen to be watching the part where he showed President Obama saying over and over again, that you could keep your dr and keep your ins, and then, Obama said, oh, someone snuck something in that makes it so you can't..oops. If you watched the video, you would see Obama saying these things, NOT BECK. But that is asking a lot of someone.

The internet, as you may not know, stores just about every shred of information, that there is in the world. So to say that the information on the internet isn't reliable is once again, naive. Talk to your doctor, I'd be willing to bet he or she no longer keeps the same amount of medical journals in his office or home office because of...wait for it...the internet. Any book or newspaper or political pundits words, are all captured online. In many many different places. I can read history books, current books, I can even earn a degree from almost any prestigious university all online. So in complete contradiction to you, I'd have to say the internet is a VERY reliable source.

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Your comments could easily be directed to you. Read it this way and you'll see what I mean:

"You ariscus, for lack of a better term have been brainwashed, maybe by choice, but brainwashed none the less, by the Republican party, you sound like a person who has a very one track thinking process when it comes to politics, which is sad, there's a lot of good on both sides of the table. I for one can see that. I'm all over the political spectrum. However, I don't believe in handouts, and I don't believe this country should give everything away, I think you should earn your keep or fail out. If your [sic] not capable of succeeding on your own. TOO BAD." (Emphasis mine.)

Name one Democratic policy that you agree with. Just one.

Womens right to choose, Same sex marriage. There's two.

And if your next door neighbor "fails out" and has no job, loses their home and can't feed their kids, I'm sure that you're going to be johnny-on-the-spot and invite them to move in with you. You'll feed, clothe and house them until they can get to a place where they are not "failing out", right?

You definitely do not sound like someone who gives one whit about anybody else. You only want to be wealthy and possess material things that are bigger and better than your neighbor's. Just like your die hard Republican brothers and sisters.


Yes I like having money. I work hard for MY money. If thats a a republican thing so be it. If I want to buy nice things, I should be allowed to I earned my money working very hard for it. I went to school, put myself threw school and got an education, then found a good job. And if my neighbor fell on hard times, it would not be my fault, but depending on how they acted, and if they were good hard working honest people, I might help out. If their baby making welfare people and their welfare dried up, then no, I'm not helping. I have been helping, by paying for their welfare for years. And to be honest, I don't care much for the rest of the people, I deal with some of the biggest low life's this country has to offer on a daily basis. I love my family and friends fiercely, they are and always will be number 1 to me. And they are who I would help out. I wasn't helped out and I made it just fine, because I had drive and determination. If someone wants to sit on their butt all day and collect unemployment or whatever other government assistance they can get their hands on, I could care less about them. Those programs were to help people get back on their feet. Nowadays thats how huge amounts of people live day to day life and they see no problem with it, and lots democrats see no problem with it either and want to give them more and more. This country was founded on capitalistic ideals, not on handouts.

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By the way, I noticed that you posted a link to some assinine comments that Glenn Beck said about our president. And this from someone who isn't familiar with Glenn Beck and doesn't watch him on TV?

By the way, I didn't have to listen to the video to know that whatever Beck said was assinine. If his lips are moving, or the tears are flowing, Glenn Beck is being a drama queen and playing the tool that he is.

Again, Beck didn't say much, it was mostly video's of Obama and what he was saying. So watch it, from the 50 second mark to the 2 minute mark, you might be surprised, Beck says very little so you should be able to stomach it.

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I know all about your generation, too. Grade inflation. Social promotion. Making it easy for you to get ahead because of demanding parents. Rewards for just showing up. No losers. Everyone's a winner. Lying to tell you how great you are when you aren't. Promoting self esteem.

You know nothing of my generation. My generation is f**cked up by our parents, your generation’s children. They are the ones who couldn't let their kids fail, or not make the sports team. There are a large percentage of us, probably a majority, who see that as weak, and pitiful. My parents are probably older then you, but came from lower class dirt poor families and made it on their own, and knew that was what made them great people, and instilled that in my siblings and myself. Hopefully we'll be seeing a turn in that nonsense, my wife deals with those people whose children are never at fault and should always be on every team even if they're no good at the sport. The generation of which you speak is the generation older than mine, your generation’s children.

Why would you change your mind? Not because some wet behind the ears conservative has an opposing view, but because sometimes there are more ways than one. Sometimes an agenda goes the wrong way, maybe you don’t see that. Maybe your tunnel vision is so set in that you can’t see that maybe the other side might do a couple good things now and again, or make some valid points.

I will lecture you on the greatest generation, because you seem to have forgotten what made them great. It wasn’t handouts and redistribution of wealth. It wasn’t making sure everybody was equal; it was self reliance, and self respect, moral character, earning NOT demanding respect, work ethic, personal responsibility, not personal liability, no sense of entitlement, a sense of patriotism, which has been lost since them. Yours is the generation that started affirmative action. What was set up for you? America, you had no war to fight, you had no depression to fight through, your parents and grandparents did all that for you. They tried to instill in your generation the same values but somewhere it was lost, because while a majority have them, an overwhelming number don’t and the majority of the children of the baby boomers most definitely don’t.

It does have a lot to do with brainwashing, maybe indoctrination is a better term, as you are unable to see anything else other then the agenda set forth for you, you parrot talking points the DNC gives you, and you see no problem with it, you hate who they tell you to hate and love who they tell you to love. Not seeing a problem with that and pledging an undying support to them no matter what is naïve and scary.

Edited by ariscus99

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phil: "All those million dollar mansions still standing in the English Westmount section of Montreal, were families that were either still loyal to the Crown or at the very least, sympathizers who wanted to make sure that they would be on the Victors side, regardless of the outcome! Sounds like modern day rich Republicans to me!"

We lived in Westmount for a couple of years. I know those very mansions very well. And the English sympathizers are still alive and well. (Thank goodness. They're the reason our stay there was so great!)

"Je Me Souviens" as the Quebec Tags states....I Do Remember! lol Viva La France. I recall when I lived in Montreal, the only main artery that dissected the City from East to West was Dorchester Blvd, the other two are ST Catherine St and Sherbrooke Blvd. In the memory of Rene Leveque founder of the Quebec Succeed Parti, they renamed Dorchester Blvd to Blvd Rene Leveque Ain`t that sweet.

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You know nothing of my generation.My husband and I reared two children in your generation (one is 25, the other 28) so I know of what I speak. And as teachers, my husband and I taught your generation, too, so I consider myself highly qualified to speak about you generation, and I will. My generation is f**cked up by our parents, your generation’s children. They are the ones who couldn't let their kids fail, or not make the sports team. There are a large percentage of us, probably a majority, who see that as weak, and pitiful. My parents are probably older then you, but came from lower class dirt poor families and made it on their own, and knew that was what made them great people, and instilled that in my siblings and myself.So did my husband and I. He grew up with all three brothers sharing a room, with a coal furnace. They rented and didn't own a home until he was grown. They had to take the back seat out of the car to get the last, partial load of coal for the winter. No garage, so the car battery had to brought into the house in the winter. His dad,of the greatest generation, was a blue collar worker who when he was out of work had to stand in line for free food at the food pantry. And his dad was a democrat. Hopefully we'll be seeing a turn in that nonsense, my wife deals with those people whose children are never at fault and should always be on every team even if they're no good at the sport. The generation of which you speak is the generation older than mine, your generation’s children. The spoiled generation of which I speak is YOUR generation. Born after 1975. But my husband and I both being teachers and seeing the worst that parenting had to offer, reared our children with strong values and little tolerance for not doing their best. They are both married, both expecting children. Both went to college on loans which they are paying back. One is a teacher, one works in the county jail. They married a nurse and police officer. So, this baby boomer did a good job rearing my kids. I'm proud of the job my husband and I did and of them.

But regardless of the sense of entitlement your generation has, eventually you have to be responsible for your own actions.

Why would you change your mind? Not because some wet behind the ears conservative has an opposing view, but because sometimes there are more ways than one. Do you not get it? I am a pro-choice feminist who supports the democratic agenda. Republicans don't vote for the democratic agenda. So why would I vote for them? This hero Scott (Mr. 41) Brown might be pro-choice but when it comes to appointing a conservative, anti- choice person to the supreme court, he will vote for them because the republicans will pressure him to do so. That is why I don't vote for republicans.

Sometimes an agenda goes the wrong way, maybe you don’t see that. Maybe your tunnel vision is so set in that you can’t see that maybe the other side might do a couple good things now and again, or make some valid points. So what? I look at what kind of legislation they propose and how they vote. And they almost never vote the way I want. Again, why would I support them? It all comes down to votes, not rhetoric.

I will lecture you on the greatest generation, because you seem to have forgotten what made them great. It wasn’t handouts and redistribution of wealth.Actually, you need a history lesson. I grew up with parents from the greatest generation. And all the FDR social safety nets were in place for them. And they used them. The greatest generation took social security and medicare and the GI bill and mortgage guarantees. It wasn’t making sure everybody was equal; Everyone should be equal with respect to how our government views them. it was self reliance, and self respect, moral character, earning NOT demanding respect, work ethic, personal responsibility, not personal liability, no sense of entitlement, a sense of patriotism, which has been lost since them. Yours is the generation that started affirmative action. Affirmative action helped to right past wrongs of discrimination where many generations were excluded from much of what our society has to offer. What was set up for you? America, you had no war to fight,Have you forgot Vietnam where 58,000 of my generation died for nothing? Man, you really do need a history lesson. These guys were mostly young and poor and got drafted. They didn't enlist. And they were 18 and found themselves in some jungle getting shot at. you had no depression to fight through,Thankfully, Obama's economic stimulus kept what could have been a depression at bay. your parents and grandparents did all that for you. They tried to instill in your generation the same values but somewhere it was lost,Like every generation they wanted better things for their children. My parents didn't go to college but they wanted me to. And I did. Other than that, I worked for everything I have, as did my husband. Nothing was given to us. because while a majority have them, an overwhelming number don’t and the majority of the children of the baby boomers most definitely don’t.

It does have a lot to do with brainwashing, maybe indoctrination is a better term, as you are unable to see anything else other then the agenda set forth for you, your parrot talking points the DNC gives you, and you see no problem with it, you hate who they tell you to hate and love who they tell you to love. Not seeing a problem with that and pledging an undying support to them no matter what is naïve and scary.

It's called standing up for what you believe in and I only feel pride that I do.

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It was quite an adventure living in Quebec. One of the most fun times of my life but equally perplexing because of the Quebequois obstenance. I respect them for standing up for what they believe in, but I don't think they're very smart. Work there was very revealing.

Nice to meet fellow adventurer.

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I don't know where you got slut from tool shed? Maybe a tool is something different in your part of the country. But I never said or implied slut, so calm down. I would never call anyone on here a slut. Thats silly. What I meant by tool shed, is that she was being ignorant. Not slutty? I never said name calling was a sign of lack of self esteem. This is a big problem with people who join conversations half way through and don't do all the appropriate leg work and just chime in.

Tool shed--A slut (a tool being a male reproductive organ, a shed being a place to put it.--Urbandictionary.com

Your right, Patty said name calling was a lack of self esteem. (Patty, I agree with you on something!) I did attribute Patty's quote to you and I am sorry, it was an accident.

I am going to take the high road and ignore the "big problem with people who join conversations......." part of your quote because my first post on this thread is #8 which means I was already here when you joined. Maybe you are the one who didn't read all the posts and just "chimed in". ( OK maybe I'm not going to take the high road.)

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Cleo's, I admire your ability to read through the drivel and actually try to respond to it. I tried too, but was met with ridiculous assumptions, misrepresentations and fudging of facts. Typical. It isn't worth the trouible that's for sure.

But on the upside, it makes for a good opportunity to restate your case and you sure look brilliant by comparison! (Which I am sure that you are.)

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Leigha, I too noticed that there were some obvious gaps in logic with regard to this thread and the person who was ranting. It sure looks like someone isn't as tuned in as she would like for everyone to believe. And that explains a lot and it also goes to the decision that I will no longer try to engage in debate with her. At least some of the opposition is courteous and it is with them that I will continue to exchange thoughts and ideas.

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Cleo's, I admire your ability to read through the drivel and actually try to respond to it. I tried too, but was met with ridiculous assumptions, misrepresentations and fudging of facts. Typical. It isn't worth the trouible that's for sure.

But on the upside, it makes for a good opportunity to restate your case and you sure look brilliant by comparison! (Which I am sure that you are.)

Thank you. And the difference, also, is that you, Phil and I have some life under our belts. And I know I have the scars (literally) to prove it.

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Bjean, your like the talking bird on Cleo's Mom's shoulder. You have nothing to add to this conversation except to chime in and congratulate CM.

CM, everything you stated about my generation, shows how disconnected from it you are. I know my history quite well thank you. When the people that you talk about took SS and medicare, they did so with a heavy heart, the next generations are doing so thinking they deserve it. Thats one of many of the big difference's between them. Now I'm trying to figure out if you were middle class like you said first? Or dirt poor lower class like you said second? There is quite a difference. As for you and your late husband being educators; thank you. They are great people, who do a job I would never want. My wife is a teacher as well. However, with the indoctrination's that go on in this country now days, it's very hard to find a teacher who is willing to set aside their political agenda and teach children the real history and the real issues of the day. I didn't have a single teacher growing up that was capable of that, and I saw threw their rhetoric at a very young age and so turned to learning history and politics on my own. In college it was the same thing. 90% of my teachers were tree hugging liberals, who on a daily basis bashed all things conservative, and God have mercy on your soul if you tried to stand up for any sort of conservative viewpoint. I received lower grades in college for my fiscally conservative views, and for not wanting to legalize all illegal immigrants and not agreeing and falling into the indoctrination of my professors. Because like you, it the DNC way or the highway.

And again I will say, the people of my generation who are the few that thing everything is owed to them, are the ones who are typically children of baby boomers children, if you look at the people of my generation with parents that are a bit older like mine were you see a huge difference.

As far as equality, I'm not talking about how the government views people. Of course all citizens should be viewed equally to the government, what I'm talking about is your entitlements, your welfare, your medi-cal, and medicaid, medicare, is for people who have worked hard their whole life, thats fine. SS was not supposed to be around forever, and the way things are going it wont. It's going to bankrupt the country as life expectancies get longer and longer and with the mismanagement of those money's and more and more social handouts happen there will be nothing left.

I'm for earning your keep. I'm fiscally conservative, socially moderate. I don't believe in handouts. Nobody like the Vietnam Conflict, and your generation made sure the soldiers knew that when they came home. So to those that participated yes, there was a war. For the majority however, they felt like it was wrong and did not support it, and did not support the troops, and felt no sense of patriotism, so comparing the wars of the greatest generation to the wars of yours is like apples to oranges.

Feel free to stand for what you believe in. But when your petty about it, and so hostile about it, it makes you seem like a loon. Be all the feminist you wanna be, that movement is a whole other discussion. But to try and out Republicans as being hypocrites, while acting like the other side isn't, or isn't as bad, is again, silly and naive.

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