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Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

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I picked up a virus going to the websites you post links to, patty, so thanks a lot.

How do I know it was one of yours? Because yours are the only ones I opened.

I will never use another link you post and I'd advise others to do the same.

I am terribly sorry if what you say is true. I have gone to the same links and have not gotten a virus. It was not my intention to cause you to get one by posting a link. My apologies.

Many people post links to other things here, and it is not right of you to advise others not to open mine for fear of getting a virus. Viruses "happen" sometimes. I could go to a link that you post and get a virus. I would not then say that I will "never" open anything you post ever again.

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Who other than someone who thinks they're god can pass judgement on someone and call them immoral?

Anyone can make a judgement on anyone. People do it every day, everywhere. Why do you think that people dress up for job interviews. Impressions matter, what people say and do and believe matter. This is how you come to a conclusion (judgement, if that's what you want to call it) about people. You have made an impression to me. It is that on some of your beliefs on some controversial issues, you take an immoral stand. You feel that killing babies in the womb is just dandy if that's what the mother desires. To me and many others, that is an immoral stand. You feel that the act of homosexuality is just fine. To me and to many others, that is an immoral stand. You feel that the government taking our hard earned money and giving it away to others to do as they please with it is just great. I, and many others feel that it is stealing. That is an immoral stand that you take. I am free to feel that you are an immoral person based on your stand on issues.

You don't know me and you know nothing about my morality. My political views don't make me immoral. Yes, they do. What we believe and how we live is what makes up our morality..And that's what you're basing your insult on.

You call yourself a christian who follows the word of God but you are mean-spirited and you insult, judge and name call. Where does it say in the bible to do that? Your posts don't reflect christianity in my view. And no amount of bible quotes or backpedaling is going to convince me otherwise.

If you have been offended by my calling you immoral in your views, I will apologize right now for it. I'm sorry for offending you. I should not have called you immoral. (BTW, I said that "your stand on issues" was immoral. Not "you" personally)

Is there a nicer way for me to tell you that your views are morally wrong? I can't think of any, except to say that God has spoken in the bible about what constitutes righteousness, and baby killing, sex outside of marriage or with your own sex, and stealing money from people and giving it to others to spend as they please wastefully is immoral. If you believe these things are okay, then your beliefs on these things are immoral. I can't say it any less offensively.

BTW, I am not trying to 'convince' you that I am a Christian. I know that I am and that's all that matters. I am a christian, but I'm not perfect.

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I have a question for you, Do you disagree with any of your party's positions?

As an example, I am a democrat but I am all about my 2nd amendment right to bear arms. I own guns as well as a concealed handgun permit. I am also all for capital punishment. Maybe this is just from being in the south but I don't even like lethal injection (too humane), like my grandpa always said "hang 'em high". He was a sheriff deputy in the 30's and 40's.

Do you disagree with anything the Republicans believe in? If so, what?

I'm sure there must be some things that I might disagree on, but at the moment, I can't think of anything.

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Originally Posted by Cleo's Mom viewpost.gif

Who other than someone who thinks they're god can pass judgement on someone and call them immoral?

Anyone can make a judgement on anyone. People do it every day, everywhere. Why do you think that people dress up for job interviews. Impressions matter, what people say and do and believe matter. This is how you come to a conclusion (judgement, if that's what you want to call it) about people. You have made an impression to me. It is that on some of your beliefs on some controversial issues, you take an immoral stand. You feel that killing babies in the womb is just dandy if that's what the mother desires. Show me where I have ever said it was dandy for a woman to have an abortion. To me and many others, that is an immoral stand.Abortion is legal and safe now and I want to keep it that way and that does not make me immoral. If another woman never chose to have an abortion that would be fine by me. You feel that the act of homosexuality is just fine. To me and to many others, that is an immoral stand.I don't believe that gays should be discriminated against and should enjoy all the rights and privledges that heterosexuals do. You feel that the government taking our hard earned money and giving it away to others to do as they please with it is just great. I, and many others feel that it is stealing.Our country was founded on taxation with representation. It is legal and hardly immoral just because you don't like to whom they distribute money. That is an immoral stand that you take. I am free to feel that you are an immoral person based on your stand on issues.

You don't know me and you know nothing about my morality. My political views don't make me immoral. Yes, they do. What we believe and how we live is what makes up our morality..And that's what you're basing your insult on.

You call yourself a christian who follows the word of God but you are mean-spirited and you insult, judge and name call. Where does it say in the bible to do that? Your posts don't reflect christianity in my view. And no amount of bible quotes or backpedaling is going to convince me otherwise.

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patty you obviously identify people by their skin tones. What a shame for your daughter and all the people who come in contact with you because that's the first thing you see and it will influence your every thought when it comes to them.

You don't even know how prejudiced you are. You are in denial about so many things. And interestingly, you think you're going to heaven and that you know all the answers because you can quote the Bible and because you invoke the name of Jesus in your sermons.

When you go to the dictionary, guess whose picture will be shown beside the word prejudiced?

You know, bjean, I could care less what you think of me. I know you feel the 'need' to express how hateful and biggoted I am, even though it isn't true. I happen to be the least biggoted person out there. I come from a family of many differing colors and nationalities, and I don't have even one ounce of prejudice within me. I simply speak the truth about it because I can. I have black children, and sisters in laws and white brothers and philippino sisters in laws and many other nationalities within my family. I do not judge people by the color of their skin, nor do I vote for them for that reason. Character. That's what matters most about a person. So, think anything you want. And as for my daughter, she is blessed to have a parent like me in her life. I have taught her that it is wrong to stand behind someone because of their color and to not take their charachter into account.

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Cleosmom quote} I don't know anyone that voted for him that have turned their back on him. [End}

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hey, AKA Obama Voters! Ready to Apologize yet?

Voted for Obama? Ready to apologize yet?

One Year Later: The 40-Percent President

By Brad O'Leary

Today, Obama's policies face public approval of around 40% or less. In fact, across the board, from his policies to the candidates he supports, 40% or less of the American public back the Obama brand. As they say, the numbers don't lie.

Voters Running from Obama

Only 43% of voters say they would vote to reelect Obama. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 45% of voters in competitive congressional districts this year would vote to reelect Obama today. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)

Voters Running from Obama-Backed Candidates

Only 43% of Virginia voters cast their ballots for Obama-backed gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds last November.

Only 45% of New Jersey voters came out for the president's gubernatorial candidate in that traditionally blue state last November.

Only 47% of Massachusetts voters cast their ballots for President Obama's candidate in the special election to fill the late Senator Ted Kennedy's seat.

Only 37% of Americans would vote to reelect their Obama-supported Democratic congressman. (Rasmussen poll of 800 likely voters, November 24, 2009)

Voters Feel Less Safe Under Obama

Only 22% of voters say they feel safer on airplanes under President Obama than they did under President Bush. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 8% of voters give Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano an "A" for the job she is doing keeping America safe. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Voters Oppose Obama's War on Terror Policies

Only 11% of voters think the U.S. detention facility in Guantánamo Bay should be shut down immediately. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 33% of voters agree with the Obama administration's decision to grant U.S. constitutional rights and a civilian court trial to the Nigerian national who tried to detonate a bomb aboard a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 13% of voters think the U.S. should not revoke the visas of all non-immigrant students in America who are no longer enrolled in school. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 45% of voters agree with how Obama is handling foreign policy and the war in Afghanistan. (Quinnipiac poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)

Only 31% support the Obama administration's decision to grant American constitutional rights to foreign enemy combatants accused of terrorism so they can be tried in the U.S. federal court system as opposed to military tribunals. (Zogby poll of 3,616 voters, November 17-20, 2009)

Voters Oppose Obama's Health Care Plan

Only 32% think Obama's health care plan is a good idea. (NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll of 1,008 adults, December 11-14, 2009)

Only 13% of voters agree with the Obama administration's decision to bar C-SPAN from broadcasting negotiations about his health care bill. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 12% of voters agree with the provision in Obama's health care bill that would force some married couples to pay $2,000 more per year for health insurance than unmarried couples. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 21% of voters think that taxpayer dollars should be used to fund elective abortions. (Zogby poll of 2,377 voters, January 19-21, 2010)

Only 39% agree with the Obamacare provision that would penalize small businesses that do not offer health insurance to their employees. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)

Voters Disapprove of Obama's Handling of the Economy

Only 34% of voters approve of Obama's effort to create jobs. (Quinnipiac poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)

Only 28% of voters trust the Obama administration (very much) to get federal legislation passed that creates jobs in 2010. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)

Only 41% of voters approve of the way Obama is handling the economy. (Quinnipiac poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)

Only 13% of voters think it is very likely that the Obama-Pelosi stimulus bill helped create or save 600,000 jobs. (Rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters, November 17-18, 2009)

Only 21% of voters agree with the Obama administration that increased federal spending will help the economy. (Rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters, November 17-18, 2009)

Only 35% of Americans think global warming is a serious problem. (Pew Research Center Poll of 1,500 adults, September 30 - October 4, 2009)

Only 37% would support a cap-and-trade bill that raises their utility bill by just $10 per month, even if it meant a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. (Associated Press-Stanford University Poll of 1,005 adults, November 17-29)

Voters Disagree with Obama on the Second Amendment, Abortion, and Immigration

Only 39% of Americans think the U.S. needs stricter gun control laws. (Rasmussen poll of 1,000 adults, October 1-2, 2009)

Only 18% of Americans think abortion should be legal in all circumstances. (Quinnipiac University poll of 1,767 registered voters, January 5-11, 2010)

Only 35% of voters side with President Obama in the dispute over whether or not local law enforcement should be permitted to enforce U.S. immigration laws. (Zogby poll of 2,879 voters, November 10-12, 2009)

From a historical standpoint, the Obama presidency is much like the return of King Charles II to England. The English greeted the return of the monarchy with euphoria, massive celebrations, and fireworks. England was enveloped in a cloud of happiness, much as America was when the Democrats regained total control of the White House and Congress.

President Obama's approval rating soared to 65 percent. Old King Charles himself would have blushed if Elizabethan England had given him such admiration.

But just like King Charles's, Obama's first year at the helm has left much to be desired. Not that Obama himself has changed much at all. He still has that same wonderful rhetoric and polished style that won him 53 percent of the votes on Election Day. But in past year, Americans have begun to pay more attention to the substance of President Obama's policies -- policies that he never hid from them during his candidacy.

Today, only 43 percent of Americans would vote to reelect President Obama. Support for his policies is mired in the 30s, and the percentage of Americans who believe Obama can accomplish major tasks is in the 20s.

Prior to the 2008 presidential election, we commissioned a number of polls through Zogby International asking American voters if they supported certain policy changes prescribed by Obama the candidate. In this newsletter, we have included an interesting comparison that shows how Americans felt about President Obama's substance and policies in 2008 and how they feel today.

In fact, you can go to the barackobamatest.com website we created prior to the 2008 election and take the same test that over 900,000 Americans took in the two months leading up to the vote. By taking the test, you can see if you and President Obama agree on the major issues of the day, and you can determine if you would have voted for him had you known.

In January 2009, Obama's rising tide lifted all Democratic ships. Today, however, the president's agenda is an anchor around the necks of all who support it. Aspiring Democratic congressmen, senators, and governors running for election this year will likely do well to keep the president, and his policies, at several arms' length.

Brad O'Leary

So,Cleo'smom, as you can see, even though YOU don't know anyone who voted for him that have turned their back on him, doesn't mean the people have not turned their back on him.

Edited by pattygreen

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Originally Posted by Cleo's Mom viewpost.gif

Who other than someone who thinks they're god can pass judgement on someone and call them immoral?

Anyone can make a judgement on anyone. People do it every day, everywhere. Why do you think that people dress up for job interviews. Impressions matter, what people say and do and believe matter. This is how you come to a conclusion (judgement, if that's what you want to call it) about people. You have made an impression to me. It is that on some of your beliefs on some controversial issues, you take an immoral stand. You feel that killing babies in the womb is just dandy if that's what the mother desires. Show me where I have ever said it was dandy for a woman to have an abortion.

Just go on over to the abortion thread and read your own posts. You do not support life. You support abortion. You can call it "supporting women's choices" if you like, but that simply means that you give women the right to kill their babies if they choose.

To me and many others, that is an immoral stand.Abortion is legal and safe now and I want to keep it that way and that does not make me immoral. If another woman never chose to have an abortion that would be fine by me. You feel that the act of homosexuality is just fine. To me and to many others, that is an immoral stand.I don't believe that gays should be discriminated against and should enjoy all the rights and privledges that heterosexuals do.

You sidestep the moral issue about gays. Do you feel it is morally okay for men to sleep with men? Yes or no? And, who says I want to take away their rights and privileges? They can do as they please. But, marriage is not anyones "right". Marriage is defined as a man and a woman engaging in a covenant before God committing themselves to one another.

You feel that the government taking our hard earned money and giving it away to others to do as they please with it is just great. I, and many others feel that it is stealing.Our country was founded on taxation with representation. It is legal and hardly immoral just because you don't like to whom they distribute money.

Wrong again. The bible teaches that man is to be a good steward of his money. The government is not being a good steward of our money. They are taking it from us against our wishes and wasting it frivilously

That is an immoral stand that you take. I am free to feel that you are an immoral person based on your stand on issues.

You don't know me and you know nothing about my morality. My political views don't make me immoral. Yes, they do. What we believe and how we live is what makes up our morality..And that's what you're basing your insult on.

You call yourself a christian who follows the word of God but you are mean-spirited and you insult, judge and name call. Where does it say in the bible to do that? Your posts don't reflect christianity in my view. And no amount of bible quotes or backpedaling is going to convince me otherwise.


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More republican hypocrisy: The Recovery Act (stimulus)

Speaking at CPAC on Friday, Republican Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty attacked the Recovery Act and said "we can't spend more than we have" - even though he couldn't balance his state budget without dipping into the Recovery Act funds.

Hmmm. I wonder if he opposed the Iraq war and the Medicare part D plan both of which was "spending money that we didn't have"?? Nah - because those things didn't happen under Pres. Obama.

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If people actually voted for the president because of his color - with no consideration for his intellect or politics - I'm surprised. The differences between the candidates was extremely dramatic. So if they expected anything different than what they're getting from this president, then they weren't paying any attention during the campaign, for sure.

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Morality used in its correct sense has nothing to do with Christianity. One can be perfectly moral and not be a Christian.

In its "descriptive" sense, morality refers to personal or cultural values, codes of conduct or social mores that distinguish between right and wrong in the human society. Describing morality in this way is not making a claim about what is objectively right or wrong, but only referring to what is considered right or wrong by people. For the most part right and wrong acts are classified as such because they are thought to cause benefit or harm, but it is possible that many moral beliefs are based on prejudice, ignorance or even hatred. This sense of term is also addressed by descriptive ethics.--Wikipedia (There is more but I just used the first paragraph for the sake of space.)

So declaring someone immoral because they don't have the same religious beliefs that you have is just not accurate.

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patty: "Many people post links to other things here, and it is not right of you to advise others not to open mine for fear of getting a virus. Viruses "happen" sometimes. I could go to a link that you post and get a virus. I would not then say that I will "never" open anything you post ever again."

You may not have noticed that I do not generally post any links. I figure people have computers and the ability to find stuff as easily as I do. That being said, I have no quarrel with people posting links. But if my firewall isn't sophisticated enough to block viruses that I am exposed to here, I shouldn't take the chance of opening them. I do have very up-to-date virus blocking software so I figure if I was able to get one in spite of that, the virus I picked up is pretty dang powerful. And in fact, it was! I would appreciate it very much if someone had warned me and figured others would too.

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patty: "I know you feel the 'need' to express how hateful and biggoted I am, even though it isn't true. I happen to be the least biggoted person out there. I come from a family of many differing colors and nationalities, and I don't have even one ounce of prejudice within me.

You know denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

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The Blind Leading the Blind like Lemming`s running into the Sea. Drape yourself with the Flag and feel warm, fuzzy and Patriotic while your being continually Raped and Sodomized by the Ultra Right Wing Conservative (base) of the Religious Fanatic Republican Party. Gosh, Gee, kinda starting to feel good once you get use to it. Let me make a note of that on the palm of my hand, just in case I kinda forget.

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I`m here to DECLARE to you PattyGreen that I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN, NEVER HAVE BEEN, NEVER WILL BE, AND NEVER WANT TO BE, a member of a Group that you Represent. Dumb, prejudicial,ignorant, intolerant,and totally blind to reality and are joyously happy living in your make believe fairy tale world of mysticism. Keep waiting for Santa Claus to arrive! I think he would prefer Beer and pretzels instead of Milk and Cookies! Try the Tooth Fairy trick too and see how that works for you. Betcha, if you don`t put some money under the pillow yourself, there ain`t gonna be anything there in the morning except that nasty rotted tooth! Yours truly...Saved from Stupidity!

Edited by phil1336

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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