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Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

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Joe Lieberman cross -dress`s faster then Clark Kent into Superman!

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From Pattygreen:This is just another story among many that proves the stimulus money isn't 'stimulating' any jobs. Obama is wasting alot of money trying to get jobs up, yet it's only going into the hands of politicians who are abusing it.

Once again, for the slow learners: :thumbup:

In a report released on Jan. 13, 2010, the president's Council of Economic Advisers estimated that between 1.77 million jobs and 2.07 million jobs were created or saved by the stimulus through the fourth quarter of 2009.

Separately, the council's report cited four independent analyses of the same question. These estimateswere by the Congressional Budget Office, Congress' nonpartisan number-crunching arm, as well by three private-sector economic-analysis firms. Here's what those groups found:

• CBO: Between 800,000 jobs (low estimate) and 2.4 million jobs (high estimate) saved or created.

• IHS/Global Insight: 1.25 million jobs saved or created.

• Macroeconomic Advisers: 1.06 million jobs saved or created.

• Moody's economy.com: 1.59 million jobs saved or created.

In the report, Obama's economic advisers argue that their estimates "are consistent with a broad consensus of numerous professional forecasters. The fact that such a range of public and private forecasters broadly agree with our assessment should increase confidence that the act is having a substantial stimulative effect."

Once again, PG, don't let the facts by experts stand in the way of your wrong opinion.

Experts are human beings just like everyone else. YOU call them experts, I call them talking through their butts. I've heard both sides of the argument on whether the stimulus 'stimulated' anything, and both can not give a 100% certain answer. I tend to believe that the stimulus money has a false appearance of doing some good, but that in the long run, when the money runs out, whose going to still have the job that the stimulus created? Most jobs created were gov. jobs, not private sector, and temporary. Whose going to continue the salary for these people? When the money runs out, they will once again be out of a job.

And.... I'd apprecite it if you would not insult me in your posts. Calling me a 'slow learner' because I don't happen to agree with you is immature. You are NOT my teacher, and I will not "learn" anything from you, for IMO, your stand on most issues are immoral whether you think so or not. And if they're not immoral, they are simply WRONG!

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I have a question for you, Do you disagree with any of your party's positions?

As an example, I am a democrat but I am all about my 2nd amendment right to bear arms. I own guns as well as a concealed handgun permit. I am also all for capital punishment. Maybe this is just from being in the south but I don't even like lethal injection (too humane), like my grandpa always said "hang 'em high". He was a sheriff deputy in the 30's and 40's.

Do you disagree with anything the Republicans believe in? If so, what?

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I was about to feel sorry for you patty for someone calling you a slow learner then I read your last paragraph and it's just rude.

You are not a slow learner, that's for sure. You aren't a learner at all. You're a preacher. You don't allow anything, like the real truth, stand in your way or slow you down.

You're a typical tea bagger. Only worse because you think you know stuff and most of them kniow that they're just followers and will admit it. You think you're a leader. Like a lemming, you're a leader.

And sister, you asked for it. If you don't want people directing insulting comments to you, then you shouldn't insult anyone yourself!

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phil, Leiberman is a cross dresser? Is he a she?

Or are you just talking about him changing political hats like Clark Kent changes into costume?

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Experts are human beings just like everyone else. YOU call them experts, I call them talking through their butts. I've heard both sides of the argument on whether the stimulus 'stimulated' anything, and both can not give a 100% certain answer.Who gives 100% certain answers about anything in the government? You'll be waiting a long time for that. I tend to believe that the stimulus money has a false appearance of doing some good, but that in the long run, when the money runs out, whose going to still have the job that the stimulus created? Most jobs created were gov. jobs, not private sector, and temporary. Whose going to continue the salary for these people? When the money runs out, they will once again be out of a job.

And.... I'd apprecite it if you would not insult me in your posts. Calling me a 'slow learner' because I don't happen to agree with you is immature.I did not call YOU a slow learner, but if the shoe fits... You are NOT my teacher, and I will not "learn" anything from you, for IMO, your stand on most issues are immoral whether you think so or not. And if they're not immoral, they are simply WRONG!

I am certainly at least as moral as you - and furthermore, I am right. When you said in a previous post (on another thread) that all my posts were hate filled (which was a lie) the gloves came off as far as I was concerned. And I will give it back to you in kind.

You also posted this question to me: Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. That is very offensive. And what does.."or something" mean? Are you implying that only people of color support Pres. Obama?

You are a very judgemental and you look down on those who disagree with you and call into question their morality. How dare you. :thumbup: You say that I am not your teacher, well you are not my god!!!

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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phil, Leiberman is a cross dresser? Is he a she?

Or are you just talking about him changing political hats like Clark Kent changes into costume?

Both! Joe is about the most casper milk toast politician I can remember in recent history. First he claimed he was a moderate Democrat, then because he sucked up to GW Bush and the Iraqi war effort to help the Military Industrial War Complex for his corporate buddies in CT, he could`nt win the Primary Senate race in CT as a Dem, so he slimes himself back into office through (the back door..no pun intended) by switching Parties and becomes an Independent Republican that blows air kiss`s to Harry Reid to keep chairmanship positions with the Democrats. A traitor and bottom feeder if there ever was one! As much contempt I have for right wing conservative bible thumping Republicans, they are at least transparent and represent exactly what they always stood for. Sweet Joe, well, thats another story. He`s like a Hebrew National All Beef Kosher Hot Dog, perhaps he answers to a Higher Authority, huh PG?

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I picked up a virus going to the websites you post links to, patty, so thanks a lot.

How do I know it was one of yours? Because yours are the only ones I opened.

I will never use another link you post and I'd advise others to do the same.

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I am certainly at least as moral as you - and furthermore, I am right. When you said in a previous post (on another thread) that all my posts were hate filled (which was a lie) the gloves came off as far as I was concerned. And I will give it back to you in kind.

You also posted this question to me: Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. That is very offensive. And what does.."or something" mean? Are you implying that only people of color support Pres. Obama?

You are a very judgemental and you look down on those who disagree with you and call into question their morality. How dare you. :redface: You say that I am not your teacher, well you are not my god!!!

first of all, you DID call me a slow learner. You were responding to MY thread, therefore one can only assume you were talking about me. I'm not stupid.

Concerning the question "are you black or something?": I beleive that after all that our president has done to foul up this country, and after all of the people who have turned their backs on him due to his first year, which clearly brought to light his inexperience and true agenda for this country, and after all of his mistakes and terrible judgements, it's hard to believe that there are some who would still be saying he's wonderful, unless you were a black person. I could see why a black person would stand by him no matter what he does. I believe that black people, and others, really wanted him to do well, because they may have felt that he represented them as a whole. (which isn't true, but may have felt that way) They were hysterically happy that he won the election because it was a first. It showed them that this country is great and that people of any color could be the president of the United States. I was very happy as well when he won. I didn't vote for him because he didn't stand for what I believe. But I was still happy that a black person was the president. (I secretly wished that McCain were black) I have black children, and I felt it was important for them to see that skin color was not an issue in the election. When my daughter and her boyfriend voted for him because he was black and for no other reason, I was disapointed in that decision. Now, 1 year later, she has learned from what she did. She regrets voting for him simply because he was black and wanted to see a black person reach that high goal. She sees that color should not have been her deciding vote. I am sure that many people have learned that same lesson through all this.

BTW, I never said that I was 'your god'. Please!

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phil I'm in total agreement with you about that turn coat Lieberman. What a jackass. And Democrats listened to our too generous president when he suggested that he not be stripped of his important positions. I can understand why they did, but I thought it was wrong at the time and it's even more obvious now.

The trouble with the president is that he thinks that he can be some bipartisan savior to get us back on track as a country. He's learning that there is no such thing as a bipartisan president. You have to make a choice and when you do, if you're going to be able to get anything done, you have to use your power to make it happen.

Trying to convince your opponents to do something they don't want is impossible on the surface. Only back room wrangling works in Washington. Unfortunately!!!

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patty you obviously identify people by their skin tones. What a shame for your daughter and all the people who come in contact with you because that's the first thing you see and it will influence your every thought when it comes to them.

You don't even know how prejudiced you are. You are in denial about so many things. And interestingly, you think you're going to heaven and that you know all the answers because you can quote the Bible and because you invoke the name of Jesus in your sermons.

When you go to the dictionary, guess whose picture will be shown beside the word prejudiced?

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first of all, you DID call me a slow learner. You were responding to MY thread, therefore one can only assume you were talking about me. I'm not stupid.

Concerning the question "are you black or something?": I beleive that after all that our president has done to foul up this country, and after all of the people who have turned their backs on him due to his first year, which clearly brought to light his inexperience and true agenda for this country, and after all of his mistakes and terrible judgements, it's hard to believe that there are some who would still be saying he's wonderful, unless you were a black person.None of the people I know who support him or groups that I belong to that support him are black. Almost all of the people I know who voted for him are white. I don't know anyone who voted for him that has turned their backs on him. The people who have turned their backs on him never supported him in the first place. This is what I have to keep repeating to you. If there are some who are disappointed in him it is because he is not progressive/liberal enough. That he hasn't fought harder against the party of no. That he is still trying to be bipartisan when the republicans aren't. That's the only anger I see on the left. I could see why a black person would stand by him no matter what he does. I believe that black people, and others, really wanted him to do well, because they may have felt that he represented them as a whole. (which isn't true, but may have felt that way) They were hysterically happy that he won the election because it was a first. It showed them that this country is great and that people of any color could be the president of the United States. I was very happy as well when he won. I didn't vote for him because he didn't stand for what I believe. But I was still happy that a black person was the president. (I secretly wished that McCain were black) I have black children, and I felt it was important for them to see that skin color was not an issue in the election. When my daughter and her boyfriend voted for him because he was black and for no other reason, I was disapointed in that decision. Now, 1 year later, she has learned from what she did. She regrets voting for him simply because he was black and wanted to see a black person reach that high goal. She sees that color should not have been her deciding vote. I am sure that many people have learned that same lesson through all this. And many people supported Clinton and voted for McCain for no other reason than that they were white.

BTW, I never said that I was 'your god'. Please!

Who other than someone who thinks they're god can pass judgement on someone and call them immoral? You don't know me and you know nothing about my morality. My political views don't make me immoral. And that's what you're basing your insult on.

You call yourself a christian who follows the word of God but you are mean-spirited and you insult, judge and name call. Where does it say in the bible to do that? Your posts don't reflect christianity in my view. And no amount of bible quotes or backpedaling is going to convince me otherwise.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Cleo's I support you completely in this argument. I have never known you to be ugly or mean spirited in your posts.

patty on the other hand gets very mean-spirited and ugly when she is caught posting something really stupid. Instead of responding with evidence or argument for her stance, she attacks the person.

When we attack back she must whine to the mods because that's usually when they intervene with critical comments about us getting personal or they go so far as to close the thread. Do you think they take her side because she claims to be a "christian"?

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When my daughter and her boyfriend voted for him because he was black and for no other reason, I was disapointed in that decision. Now, 1 year later, she has learned from what she did. She regrets voting for him simply because he was black and wanted to see a black person reach that high goal. She sees that color should not have been her deciding vote. I am sure that many people have learned that same lesson through all this.

I would hope that not many people voted for this reason. I would be disappointed in the American population if this were true.

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