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Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

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The only reason all these right wing conservative Republicans are blocking every vote on every issue is (not) ideology but simple racial prejudice! These born again racial bigots hate the fact that we have a (Negro) President in the White House! Don`t worry, in 2012 when the Republicans regain the White House, fear not....you will be able to get rid of Obama`s legacy or lack of one, and more importantly, the smell of collard greens & neck bones, chittlins, and fried chicken gizzards! Admit it, its ALL about Race, its so transparent. Just ask the Congressmen and Senators of SC!

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You just don't get it. It has become apparent to the American people, who have finally opened their eyes over the last year or two, that we are drowning in our debt! This is their reason for wanting Washington to STOP the spending.( It's not cause he's black, although I know that's what you want it to be.) Debt kinda sneaks up on you. When it begins to hurt, (lost jobs, high prices for everything, taxes, etc.)You're the one who doesn't get it and honestly I am getting weary of trying to explain it to you. The bank bailout started under BUSH was necessary to save the financial institutions from collapsing. Our economy runs on money being available in the form of loans. Banks weren't loaning money which means small businesses couldn't meet payroll or buy inventory. The second part of the spending was the stimulus which I have explained over and over again - that it helped save or create jobs but more importantly stopped out economy from going into a second depression. Our unemployment would be 15% without it. The economy has turned around. Fewer jobs are being lost, and the GNP is growing. This spending was an investment in our future.

NOT! This spending was overboard foolish! This is where we will NEVER agree. I , and many other people, do not believe that you need to spend money to get out of a recession. You only need to STOP spending money. We have had low slums before, and they turned around on their own. No one bailed anybody out, and noone spent us out of it. If you think our "FUTURE" is going to be better off for what Obama has spent, you really are nuts!

When the economy improves, more jobs will be created and that is what helps the economy and to reduce the deficit.then people take notice and decide to DO something about it. Things weren't so bad for the people while Bush was president.Speak for yourself. 4300 troops lost their lives, I think that's pretty bad

I was talking about a "bad" economy", not the presidents "policies and agendas, and the war".

- for them and their families. And let's not forget that bush didn't pay for any of his programs and turned a surplus into a deficit. It wasn't until right before Obama got elected that things started 'feeling' bad for the people. Obama excellerated the problem with his spending sprees at a time when he should have been doing some reigning in of the pocket book.When the economy is on the verge of collapse is NOT the time to rein in spending - any economist can tell you that. The deficit does matter but not while our economy is hurting.

Bull! Whenever you are in debt, you STOP spending and getting yourself further into debt.

And passing a comprehensive healthcare bill will help LOWER our deficit.

Most definitely untrue! It has been proven that the HC bill would have bankrupted us even further over time.

Now things are terribly bad, and what does he avoid doing? Cuts. Stopping the spending. No. he doesn't want to anger anyone right before an election. If he cut this program or that program and he didn't give so and so their grand gifts, he would anger some people.I guess that's why Pres. Obama just created a bipartisan deficit reduction panel (by executive order)to look at ways to reduce the deficit - because the "party of no" republicans who were for this panel and sponsored it voted no when Pres. Obama was for it.

The people can't have it both ways. They must give up some of their 'free' handouts in order to reign in the spending and get this nation out of the hole.

Let's start with the free handouts to corporations - called corporate welfare. I have previously posted what this costs us and I am all in favor of doing that and making it very costly to them if they move jobs overseas.

Me too. Then the States need to raise their own funds for their private Pet projects, and the people need to WORK for what they get.

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Stimulating waste

Educators and their unions frequently complain how "precious educational resources" are wasted on trivial matters, such as standardized tests to determine whether children are learning and higher performance standards for teachers. But unionists haven't had much to say since word got out that 184 school employees from DeKalb County, Ga., including principals, teachers, and math and reading coaches, squandered $382,000 on a four-day "training conference" in Hollywood.

Of the total, $291,400 went for hotels, flights, meals and incidentals (souvenirs?). The delegation stayed at the self-described "ultra-stylish" Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and Spa. Not included in the $199-a-night-plus-tax tab was the cost of dozens of substitutes to cover for the personnel "conferencing" in Hollywood.

Even if the money had came out of the school budget, "educators" would be unable to defend these expenditures, coming at a time when more than 8 million Americans have lost their jobs and when the recession and years of government profligacy have brought fiscal calamity to just about every level of government. Indeed, Atlanta's schools are in the grips of a $56 million deficit that already has led to program cuts.

But the $382,000 came from the federal "stimulus" and was given to Atlanta to create or save jobs in Atlanta, or to buy computers, textbooks, classroom supplies and services that benefit students. Instead, Atlanta spent its loot to boost Hollywood's tourism industry. Far be it for "educators" to schedule the training sessions locally to save hundreds of thousands on travel, lodging and meals. No, waste is the certain outcome in public education, especially when it gets extra infusions of other people's money. (local editorial, unknown author)

This is just another story among many that proves the stimulus money isn't 'stimulating' any jobs. Obama is wasting alot of money trying to get jobs up, yet it's only going into the hands of politicians who are abusing it.

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Funny how the Republican hypocrites Bash all the Federal Bail Out Funds (but) won`t refuse the Funds when it gets back to (their) State and Districts! Just like the Health Care debate, I got mine through the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan, so who gives a damn about the rest of the 47 million un or under insured! I gots mine!

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Funny how the Republican hypocrites Bash all the Federal Bail Out Funds (but) won`t refuse the Funds when it gets back to (their) State and Districts! Just like the Health Care debate, I got mine through the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan, so who gives a damn about the rest of the 47 million un or under insured! I gots mine!

I've posted ad infinitum about the hypocrisy of the republicans with respect to the stimulus, including the republican hypocrisy hall of fame (shame?). They are experts at talking out of both sides of their mouths.

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Stimulating waste

Educators and their unions frequently complain how "precious educational resources" are wasted on trivial matters, such as standardized tests to determine whether children are learning and higher performance standards for teachers. But unionists haven't had much to say since word got out that 184 school employees from DeKalb County, Ga., including principals, teachers, and math and reading coaches, squandered $382,000 on a four-day "training conference" in Hollywood.

Of the total, $291,400 went for hotels, flights, meals and incidentals (souvenirs?). The delegation stayed at the self-described "ultra-stylish" Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and Spa. Not included in the $199-a-night-plus-tax tab was the cost of dozens of substitutes to cover for the personnel "conferencing" in Hollywood.

Even if the money had came out of the school budget, "educators" would be unable to defend these expenditures, coming at a time when more than 8 million Americans have lost their jobs and when the recession and years of government profligacy have brought fiscal calamity to just about every level of government. Indeed, Atlanta's schools are in the grips of a $56 million deficit that already has led to program cuts.

But the $382,000 came from the federal "stimulus" and was given to Atlanta to create or save jobs in Atlanta, or to buy computers, textbooks, classroom supplies and services that benefit students. Instead, Atlanta spent its loot to boost Hollywood's tourism industry. Far be it for "educators" to schedule the training sessions locally to save hundreds of thousands on travel, lodging and meals. No, waste is the certain outcome in public education, especially when it gets extra infusions of other people's money. (local editorial, unknown author)

This is just another story among many that proves the stimulus money isn't 'stimulating' any jobs. Obama is wasting alot of money trying to get jobs up, yet it's only going into the hands of politicians who are abusing it.

“Rather than use dollars for teachers and principals to buy more supplies, we chose this. We find very little of those supplies end up benefiting individual students as it relates to achievement levels,” Lewis said.(Lewis is the superintendent, not in the union) “We sent teachers because these are the people who will come back and teach our young people.”

Last year, the school system paid America’s Choice, a program which provides professional development to educators, $8 million of the $52 million it received under the federal stimulus program. The six-year contract was designed to help improve academics at 40 of DeKalb’s 93 Title I schools -- all of which have not consistently made adequate yearly progress, Lewis said.

Under the contract, DeKalb agreed to send school staff to the program’s conference at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles. However, the conference fees -- including $91,000 for registration and $290,000 for hotels, flights and meals -- were not included in that $8 million stimulus package. The district had to take that money from Title I funds.

About 45 teachers, 50 reading and math coaches, 39 principals and 32 assistant principals, with about 20 central office staff, will spend three days learning new teaching models for math, science and reading.

The district also has to pay for substitute teachers to cover classes while those 45 teachers are away.

The school employees boarded a plane in Atlanta on Wednesday and are scheduled to return Saturday.

They will then train the staff at each of their schools on the teaching methods they learned. Lewis said it would not be efficient to send only several teachers and have them train the whole district because of the size of the school system, which is the third largest in the state.

“If we were going to send five or 10 or even 15 and have them retrain everyone, the year would be over before we could train all the teachers,” he said. “Time is of the essence.”

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From Pattygreen:This is just another story among many that proves the stimulus money isn't 'stimulating' any jobs. Obama is wasting alot of money trying to get jobs up, yet it's only going into the hands of politicians who are abusing it.

Once again, for the slow learners: :thumbup:

In a report released on Jan. 13, 2010, the president's Council of Economic Advisers estimated that between 1.77 million jobs and 2.07 million jobs were created or saved by the stimulus through the fourth quarter of 2009.

Separately, the council's report cited four independent analyses of the same question. These estimateswere by the Congressional Budget Office, Congress' nonpartisan number-crunching arm, as well by three private-sector economic-analysis firms. Here's what those groups found:

• CBO: Between 800,000 jobs (low estimate) and 2.4 million jobs (high estimate) saved or created.

• IHS/Global Insight: 1.25 million jobs saved or created.

• Macroeconomic Advisers: 1.06 million jobs saved or created.

• Moody's economy.com: 1.59 million jobs saved or created.

In the report, Obama's economic advisers argue that their estimates "are consistent with a broad consensus of numerous professional forecasters. The fact that such a range of public and private forecasters broadly agree with our assessment should increase confidence that the act is having a substantial stimulative effect."

Once again, PG, don't let the facts by experts stand in the way of your wrong opinion.

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These obstructionist Republicans have so little Shame.......at the very least they could wear a half mask like the Lone Ranger to hide their guilt behind instead of appearing as the Bald Faced Liars that they all are! Damn, my Teleprompter just failed again. I hate this new darn high tech stuff....Everytime I get a "Brain Fart" the screen goes blank...like my low IQ brain. I`m going back to my trusty (Magic Marker)! Shucks, even us Ice Fishin dads know that. Opps, gotta go, the flag on my tip-up just popped, must have caught another (sucker) with the Tea Bag I`m using as bait.

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Saving money does not create jobs or stimulate the economy. Spending does. It's that simple. And when Pres. Obama (as a concession to the republicans) gave 1/3 of the stimulus money as tax cuts, we saw that. People didn't spend the money and help create jobs. They paid bills or saved it. There is nothing wrong with that on principal - just that that doesn't create jobs or stimulate the economy. Spending does. And the stimulus spending worked. We needed it then and now.

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Do y'all have any idea what its like living in Republican hell? Almost everyone that lives around me are Republicans. My good friend (who is a millionaire) is a Republican and he laughs at all the poor people here who vote against their best financial interests.

I drive around and see $500 cars that barely run with Palin stickers. Its crazy. There are Tea party's on the town square. That is a riot, we go drive by just to laugh at the signs.

Then we have the "drill here, drill now, pay less" bumper stickers EVERYWHERE! Newsflash, the oil that is "here" is not the quality of oil that is needed to make gasoline. Science doesn't allow us to "drill here, drill now and pay less" we could "drill here, drill now and pay more". Unfortunately scientific knowledge isn't a requirement to get a bumper sticker.

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The only reason all these right wing conservative Republicans are blocking every vote on every issue is (not) ideology but simple racial prejudice! These born again racial bigots hate the fact that we have a (Negro) President in the White House! Don`t worry, in 2012 when the Republicans regain the White House, fear not....you will be able to get rid of Obama`s legacy or lack of one, and more importantly, the smell of collard greens & neck bones, chittlins, and fried chicken gizzards! Admit it, its ALL about Race, its so transparent. Just ask the Congressmen and Senators of SC!

All of these republicans and by extension, the teabaggers, none of whom voted for Pres. Obama, just hate, hate the fact that he was elected president. They hate his popularity. They hate how smart and well spoken he is (thus their sarcasm about teleprompters, that they use, btw). They hate that he gave a smack down to the dumb republicans at the GOP retreat.

So what to do with all this hatred? Hide it behind phoney concerns for healthcare, spending and the deficit (where were these concerns under bush? Hmmm?). The 95% white teabaggers have never accepted Pres. Obama as their president. So it is a lunatic assembly of birthers, secessionists, John Birchers among others.

They want Obama (and therefore this country) to fail so that they can succeed in getting elected. So let them take over the government - again - and then they will own the problems. There is NO way they can make the government smaller like they promise (nor have they ever even while in power). And we've seen the failed policies of the republicans under bush.

The republicans are not going to support anything that Pres. Obama proposes. Nothing. And we need to make sure the public sees them for the hypocrites and do nothings that they are. I make sure I do my part.

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It proves one very important point, why the Electoral College still exists! Our Founding Fathers when they set up this Republic realized that the Mass`s were for the most part, uneducated, dumb ass`s , literacy tests not withstanding, just common sense! The proof today is that ignorant poor predominantly white TeaBaggers continue to vote against their own self interests while the wealth Republican right wing elite continue to prosper. Just join the John Birch Society and worry about Socialism while the remainder of the Middle class becomes history!

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Do y'all have any idea what its like living in Republican hell? Almost everyone that lives around me are Republicans. My good friend (who is a millionaire) is a Republican and he laughs at all the poor people here who vote against their best financial interests.

I drive around and see $500 cars that barely run with Palin stickers. Its crazy. There are Tea party's on the town square. That is a riot, we go drive by just to laugh at the signs.

Then we have the "drill here, drill now, pay less" bumper stickers EVERYWHERE! Newsflash, the oil that is "here" is not the quality of oil that is needed to make gasoline. Science doesn't allow us to "drill here, drill now and pay less" we could "drill here, drill now and pay more". Unfortunately scientific knowledge isn't a requirement to get a bumper sticker.

First, my condolences for having to live in Texas. I feel your pain. LOL.

But you are exactly right. Howard Dean said it best when he said that the south has been voting republican for 40 years and what have they done for them? Nothing. The poorest parts of this country are in the south.

I have posted this question on several different threads: What major program has the republicans passed that helped the middle class, yet alone the poor?

I read an analysis that the PR firms hired by republicans, among others, could make poor people protest estate taxes. The republicans are very good at reducing issues to a single sound bite. It's usually a lie, but it doesn't matter. It is said to incite, fear-bate or create hate. And it does.

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Has anyone ever seen a chart that shows the states ranked by education level and also showing their political leaning?

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Its pretty simple, the more Red a state is, like OK and SC,GA,LA,MS,AL the lower the IQ. The more Blue a state is, like MN, VT, MA, CT, NY, OR, WA, the higher the IQ. Cheer up, at least TX has Austin and great BBQ! Who needs books when you can substitute with Bibles instead!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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