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Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

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Tool shed--A slut (a tool being a male reproductive organ, a shed being a place to put it.--Urbandictionary.com

Your right, Patty said name calling was a lack of self esteem. (Patty, I agree with you on something!) I did attribute Patty's quote to you and I am sorry, it was an accident.

I am going to take the high road and ignore the "big problem with people who join conversations......." part of your quote because my first post on this thread is #8 which means I was already here when you joined. Maybe you are the one who didn't read all the posts and just "chimed in". ( OK maybe I'm not going to take the high road.)

Tool shed:

the biggest of all tools.. such a tool that he or she could hold all the tools in the world in one place. This word is so powerful that it can only be placed on one person a week.

yo this dude is a giant tool shed

this kid is beyond a tool, or a tool box, he is the whole f**king shed. urbandictionary.com

Well you chime in with two different inaccurate points your trying to make, so please, take the high road, or the low road. I don't mind. And I didn't recall you posting on post #8 but if I were to quote someone from an earlier post I would surely make sure I was doing so correctly

Edited by ariscus99

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Bjean, your like the talking bird on Cleo's Mom's shoulder. You have nothing to add to this conversation except to chime in and congratulate CM.

CM, everything you stated about my generation, shows how disconnected from it you are.My children and those I taught are of your generation. I am connected daily. I know my history quite well thank you. When the people that you talk about took SS and medicare, they did so with a heavy heart,my parents certainly did not have a heavy heart when they took SS or medicare. Where do you get these whacky ideas? the next generations are doing so thinking they deserve it. Thats one of many of the big difference's between them. Now I'm trying to figure out if you were middle class like you said first? Or dirt poor lower class like you said second? My husband grew up poorer than I did. I was probably middle class. But everyone thinks they're middle class. There is quite a difference. As for you and your late husband being educators; thank you. They are great people, who do a job I would never want. My wife is a teacher as well. However, with the indoctrination's that go on in this country now days, it's very hard to find a teacher who is willing to set aside their political agenda and teach children the real history and the real issues of the day. I didn't have a single teacher growing up that was capable of that, and I saw threw their rhetoric at a very young age and so turned to learning history and politics on my own. In college it was the same thing. 90% of my teachers were tree hugging liberals, who on a daily basis bashed all things conservative,There are plenty of conservative colleges, like Bob Jones. You should have gone there if you had wanted the conservative view on things. Colleges are known to be liberal because the more education one has the more they understand things and the more liberal they tend to be. and God have mercy on your soul if you tried to stand up for any sort of conservative viewpoint. I received lower grades in college for my fiscally conservative views, and for not wanting to legalize all illegal immigrants and not agreeing and falling into the indoctrination of my professors. Because like you, it the DNC way or the highway.

And again I will say, the people of my generation who are the few that thing everything is owed to them, are the ones who are typically children of baby boomers children, if you look at the people of my generation with parents that are a bit older like mine were you see a huge difference.

As far as equality, I'm not talking about how the government views people. Of course all citizens should be viewed equally to the government, what I'm talking about is your entitlements, your welfare, your medi-cal, and medicaid, medicare, is for people who have worked hard their whole life, thats fine. SS was not supposed to be around forever, and the way things are going it wont. It's going to bankrupt the country as life expectancies get longer and longer and with the mismanagement of those money's and more and more social handouts happen there will be nothing left.

I'm for earning your keep. I'm fiscally conservative, socially moderate. I don't believe in handouts. Nobody like the Vietnam Conflict, and your generation made sure the soldiers knew that when they came home. So to those that participated yes, there was a war.Because like the Iraq war, it was unnecessary. For the majority however, they felt like it was wrong and did not support it, and did not support the troops, and felt no sense of patriotism,There was no reason to feel patriotic. We weren't fighting for our country unlike during WWII when our country was attacked at Pearl Harbor which put us in the war so comparing the wars of the greatest generation to the wars of yours is like apples to oranges. If you are so patriotic, go join the army and fight the good wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Feel free to stand for what you believe in. But when your petty about it, and so hostile about it, it makes you seem like a loon.I have not been petty or hostile. I have responded to you in kind and maybe you're not used to that. Too bad. Be all the feminist you wanna be, that movement is a whole other discussion. But to try and out Republicans as being hypocrites, while acting like the other side isn't, or isn't as bad, is again, silly and naive.

You're just another angry, mean-spirited young conservative who thinks everything he got he earned but other people are leeches on society. A dime a dozen. :(

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You are just embarrassed about your chauvinistic remark. Oh wait, I just remembered the definiton of chauvinism...


1.zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory.2.biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause.

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So your saying your parents were happy to have the government give them money? I doubt that. Almost without exception those people didn't want the money but had little other option. Maybe you've forgotten that. It's only recently become an entitlement. They had a sense of pride that didn't really allow them to take hand outs easily even if they had earned them.

I agree the Iraq war was unnecessary, your not gonna guilt me into feeling bad about something I think is wrong. But support my troops. I would never stand in the streets when they returned and call them baby killers and murderers and rapist.

You are being hostile, there are more ways to be hostile then just words. The post itself is of a hostile notion. About what giant hypocrites republican's are. My mom would probably think she's connected to our generation too, she has 5 kids all around my age, but I assure you, like her, you are not.

I'm not mean spirited, to call me a conservative, would probably anger most conservatives. And everything I got I did earn. I've worked hard for what I have and will continue to do so. Unless you care to enlighten me and tell me who gave me everything I have?

Edited by ariscus99

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You are just embarrassed about your chauvinistic remark. Oh wait, I just remembered the definiton of chauvinism...


1.zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory.2.biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause.

Not at all, the way you keep responding, your acting like a tool, or a tool shed. You have some crazy thing made up your mind where you think I was calling someone a slut, which I most assuredly was not, and now your trying to find some other way to pin it to me. So now instead of a name caller I'm a chauvinist. :(:rolleyes: Get real lady.

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Not at all, the way you keep responding, your acting like a tool, or a tool shed. You have some crazy thing made up your mind where you think I was calling someone a slut, which I most assuredly was not, and now your trying to find some other way to pin it to me. So now instead of a name caller I'm a chauvinist. :(:rolleyes: Get real lady.

Get real lady! straight from the 70's, I mentioned your chauvinistic remark, then I gave the definition of chauvinism neither can be said to be name calling.

First you called me "lady", then you called me a "d*ck" and then called me a "storage place for a d*ck". Classy........

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Get real lady! straight from the 70's, I mentioned your chauvinistic remark, then I gave the definition of chauvinism neither can be said to be name calling.

First you called me "lady", then you called me a "d*ck" and then called me a "storage place for a d*ck". Classy........

You are grasping and grasping. How are those straws? Here's tool from your urbandictionary reference:

A person, typically male(in your case female), who says or does things that cause you to give them a 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look. The 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look is classified by a glare in the tool's direction and is usually accompanied by muttering of how big of a tool they are. The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is alwasys making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will.

Like I said; get real. This is so pathetic that this is what your trying for here, hijacking a thread you don't even have anything to add too. Get over yourself. My comment was not taken as calling her or you a slut by anyone but yourself, but I guess in true liberal fashion if it offends one no one should say it right?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

here's another


someone who is a complete idiot/ one who is used by other people, and usually dosen't even realize it/ someone who can't think for themselves/ an asshat.

Edited by ariscus99

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I really feel sorry for you.

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I really feel sorry for you.

Well I definitely feel sorry for you and those around you. If your as unstable IRL as you are online, they better watch out.:thumbdown::thumbdown:

here's another word for you to look up, I hyperlinked it so it should be easy homonym

Edited by ariscus99
Added another definition for the daft.

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So your saying your parents were happy to have the government give them money? I doubt that.Talk about arrogance. You presume to know my parents when I grew up with them! My parents were quite happy to take SS and medicare when they qualified. And SS was around a long time before they were eligible (about 1979). Almost without exception those people didn't want the money but had little other option. You can keep working. You don't need to retire and get SS and medicare. You can just purchase your own insurance. Maybe you've forgotten that. It's only recently become an entitlement. FDR started SS. Only recently became an entitlement? They had a sense of pride that didn't really allow them to take hand outs easily even if they had earned them.So even if you earn something it is still a handout if it comes from the government? Very convoluted thinking.

I agree the Iraq war was unnecessary, your not gonna guilt me into feeling bad about something I think is wrong. But support my troops. I would never stand in the streets when they returned and call them baby killers and murderers and rapist.

You are being hostile, there are more ways to be hostile then just words. The post itself is of a hostile notion. About what giant hypocrites republican's are.I just post the facts. That doesn't make me hostile. It makes me correct. My mom would probably think she's connected to our generation too, she has 5 kids all around my age, but I assure you, like her, you are not. You don't know me so don't speak about my "connections".

I'm not mean spirited, to call me a conservative, would probably anger most conservatives. And everything I got I did earn. I've worked hard for what I have and will continue to do so. Unless you care to enlighten me and tell me who gave me everything I have?

Of course you wouldn't think that you have benefited from any government program. You are a self-made man. If you took out student loans, the government guaranteed them. Your college might have received government funds or subsidies. There are government regulations on banks for mortgages. Your savings are protected by FDIC up to $250,000 (unlike our investments in the private stock market). You were entitled to a free public education regardless of ability to pay (oh, I know your parents paid plenty in taxes, but that's not the point). There are many ways government programs touched your life whether you know it or not. If you work for a corporation there are tons of corporate welfare and tax breaks. And there are many more but you get the point, I think.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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I don't presume to know your parents. If they were happy to take government money, then they are the exception of that time period, not the rule. And maybe they got it later when the people began thinking it should be given to them by the government. I'm talking about the people born during the late 1800's and very early 1900's who worked and struggled for everything, and wouldn't except a handout unless they absolutely needed it. Maybe that is another thing you've forgotten because years of teaching the liberal mindset is that, everyone wants it and everyone should get it. That was not the mind set back then. They were grateful; don't get me wrong, but happy to take money from someone else, no, not most. As for me, I work in a SS and medicare exempt field. So I will go on working without it.

I know FDR started it. And what I mean by entitlement is that only recent generations feel that it is owed to them. Like I stated earlier, the first generations to get these social handouts were uneasy about it, because they were not used taking anything from anyone. Go find some people born around the turn of the century and ask them, there are still a few around. Some of my closest, most trusted mentors are of the greatest generation, and I make it a point to talk with them as often as possible about as much as possible, so as to keep what they know alive, and hopefully pass it on, as they were; the greatest generation.

I know lots of people your age, again, you must be the exception not the rule because most who think they know, don't. I don't claim to know what is going on with the people who are only 10 or 15 years younger than me, because I really don't. The only reason I can claim to know anything of generations older than me is because I've spent a great deal of my life listening to them, and trying my hardest to learn from them.

I don't claim to not have benefited from any government program. What I have claimed is that, I have worked hard, and did not except any handouts. I paid my way through college working full time, not taking out student loans. My first home I paid cash for, much like, the people of the greatest generation. I have credit cards and savings, protected by the government, for what that’s worth. They have no money so how are they going to protect mine? I went to public school, but to say public school is free is a fallacy. It's not free to parents and it's not free to teachers, they have enormous out of pocket expenses. School however is one thing I am "liberal" about; I think everyone deserves a "free" k-12 education. And I also think teachers are under-paid and under-appreciated. I do get what you’re saying about government "helping" out, I don't agree with it all. I think they need to back off and keep their hands out of business, and healthcare, and most other things. What our government is here for was set out very clearly by the founding fathers, and gov. today has way overstepped that, because, back to the Pelosi thing, they think they know what's best for us.

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If Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck said it, I believe it, and that settles it, You Got That? Now lets move on, G-D Bless the Rich, and excuse me while I dip my Tea Bag, and enjoy a pot of tea. The poor even smell bad, don`t you think? I should know, another over crowded boat of illegal-undocumented Haitians just washed up last evening on our beach here in South Florida! Pity about their Earthquake, but must we relocate their entire impoverished Island here in SO FL? Come on Joe Lieberman, offer Connecticut to be their new refuge. New Britain has plenty of affordable housing to accommodate at least 500,000 new arrivals. They will miss the tropical climes of Florida, but Maple trees are a nice substitute for Palm Trees, and who needs to deal with Hurricanes anymore after surviving an Earthquake anyway. I`d send some to Alaska,I know Sarah Palin would greet them with open arms but.....since Alaska has had its own past issues with Earthquakes, I think they would feel some what safer say living in Wyoming with Dick Chaney as a neighbour.

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Back to the issue at hand - republican hypocrisy:

Healthcare mandates:

During the Clinton presidency, when healthcare was being debated, Republican Senators Grassley and Hatch proposed an individual healthcare mandate as part of the republican proposal for health care.

Fast forward to Pres. Obama and Senators Grassley and Hatch - yep, you guessed it - oppose an individual mandate in healthcare.

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I wonder if my Gov from Florida Charlie Crist and Ohio Senator John Boehner (Boner) go to the same Tanning Salon? Aren`t they afraid of skin cancer or do they both use the Spray on Tanning Booth? I hope both Grassley snd Hatch show their TRUE convictions and Both OPT OUT of their Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan and join the ranks of those 47 million Americans that are either uninsured or under-insured! I heard that Joe Lieberman of CT and Tom Coburn of OK are (Buddies)!

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The Stimulus:

Republican Eric Cantor has been a vocal opponent of the stimulus bill, voting against it and criticizing it for not creating jobs.

But not so fast!! On April 25, 2009, Eric Cantor said this about the stimulus money to his state and district for a high speed rail system: "This will create a lot of jobs for the commonwealth and most of them in this area, between 85,000 and 160,000 jobs".

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