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Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

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I certainly don't find any of the people you mentioned to be snobs. Kennedy had money and certainly didn't have to devote his life to public service. But he did. And the people loved him because he fought for the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the least among us.

And Nancy Pelosi is a polished, intelligent, strong, woman and a lot of people can't handle that. Like the entire republican party.

And Michael Moore just tells the truth about corporate america which those beholding to corporate america don't like.

And I know how hard life can be. I am a breast cancer victim and 11 months after I was diagnosed my husband was diagnosed with cancer. So, we were battling together. He succumbed to his cancer 4 years ago. So I buried my husband and became a widow at 54. That certainly was not in my plans. :biggrin: I too am educated and am retired now. But I would never call anyone an elitist just because they try to help people. What an unfair characterization.

This has been fun but I see that you are so set in your ways you'll never change your mind. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. You aren't even willing to consider anything else. You can say you are. But based on what I've read of your post's, your not. It's sad really because, your part of that generation that got their start because of the greatest generation. And things in the country were already set up for you, so it was much easier for you then for them, so people like you were able to think that everyone should be given everything. People of the greatest generation weren't like that. They were all about the hand up not the hand out, but the baby boomers and the next generation, your generation, have been all about the hand out. Which is not the American way. Read some history. Thats not how this country was founded. Thats not why this country was founded. The people of this country needed to be like the companies of this country, if their weak, they fail. Some people are failures. Not everyone can make it, not everyone deserves to make it. This is a country based on earning your keep. And that is something that the democratic party is trying to change. What they need to do, but are afraid to do, is come out and say what they really want. Socialism. And you know what if thats what they want, thats fine. But most don't want that. And thats why they wont come out and say it. You can say I sound like Michelle whatever, I've never heard of her, or Glenn Beck, well, as time goes on, Beck seems to be right about more and more things. Kinda scary. But in reality I get most of my news and information online, I don't watch much tv, and I don't read newspapers. I look for what seems to be the most fair and balanced. Not what a tv station tells me is the most fair and balanced.

You, for lack of a better term have been brainwashed, maybe by choice, but brainwashed none the less, by the democratic party, you sound like a person who has a very one track thinking process when it comes to politics, which is sad, there's a lot of good on both sides of the table. I for one can see that. I'm all over the political spectrum. However, I don't believe in handouts, and I don't believe this country should give everything away, I think you should earn your keep or fail out. If your not capable of succeeding on your own. TOO BAD.

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In the future it would serve you well to be honest with your quotes and include the context to prevent you from looking like a tool shed. I will not do that to you, I expect the same respect back.

ariscus99- I am sorry but I am going to have to point out that it is inappropriate to call someone a slut during a political debate (or prevent her from looking like a slut?) And then expect respect back? Like you said earlier, name calling is a sign of lack of self esteem.

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ArisCus: "I have a question for all the Obama lovers on here, and maybe it's been asked an answered already somewhere on these forums, but I haven't seen it yet, so feel free to copy and paste. When does everything stop being GWB's fault and when does Obama stars to take responsibility for everything? Other than of course, the fact that Iraq is a great success of the Obama administration. Because we all now how happy he was about the troop surge and how well he thought it would work. So it only makes sense now, that that would become HIS success, and not the Bush administration's success, because Bush had nothing to do with it. YAY OBAMA!"

(Emphasis mine.)

Please explain to me how I took your quote out of context.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't know what "out of context" means.

As for my typo of your name, I sure didn't mean to do that. I was trying to quickly post a reply and accidentially hit a "b" instead of a "c". So sue me.

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Joe Lieberman is my Savior! I wish I lived in Connecticut where he can continue to protect the Hartford Insurance Lobby...pattygreen, you must be sooooo proud of Joe! Uppps, gosh,shucks, there goes that self esteem thing again!

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aribus said about "Michelle" whazhername and "Beck":

"You can say I sound like Michelle whatever, I've never heard of her, or Glenn Beck, well, as time goes on, Beck seems to be right about more and more things. Kinda scary. But in reality I get most of my news and information online, I don't watch much tv, and I don't read newspapers."

You've never heard of her or him and yet you're convinced that he's right about more and more things?

You don't watch much TV or read newspapers so where do you get all your vast political knowledge? From the internet? Cause we all know how reliable internet sources are.

Not! You might acquaint yourself with Snopes.com and check out your stories. Just a suggestion because the really smart people actually listen to the radio, read newspapers and books and they watch both sides of the argument on television. The way political commentators are these days and in light of the incredibly biased networks, it's the only way one can really establish a well-informed opinion.

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Your comments could easily be directed to you. Read it this way and you'll see what I mean:

"You ariscus, for lack of a better term have been brainwashed, maybe by choice, but brainwashed none the less, by the Republican party, you sound like a person who has a very one track thinking process when it comes to politics, which is sad, there's a lot of good on both sides of the table. I for one can see that. I'm all over the political spectrum. However, I don't believe in handouts, and I don't believe this country should give everything away, I think you should earn your keep or fail out. If your [sic] not capable of succeeding on your own. TOO BAD." (Emphasis mine.)

Name one Democratic policy that you agree with. Just one.

And if your next door neighbor "fails out" and has no job, loses their home and can't feed their kids, I'm sure that you're going to be johnny-on-the-spot and invite them to move in with you. You'll feed, clothe and house them until they can get to a place where they are not "failing out", right?

You definitely do not sound like someone who gives one whit about anybody else. You only want to be wealthy and possess material things that are bigger and better than your neighbor's. Just like your die hard Republican brothers and sisters.


Edited by BJean

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By the way, I noticed that you posted a link to some assinine comments that Glenn Beck said about our president. And this from someone who isn't familiar with Glenn Beck and doesn't watch him on TV?

By the way, I didn't have to listen to the video to know that whatever Beck said was assinine. If his lips are moving, or the tears are flowing, Glenn Beck is being a drama queen and playing the tool that he is.

Edited by BJean

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This has been fun but I see that you are so set in your ways you'll never change your mind.Why would I change my mind? Because some wet behind the ears conservative has some opposing views? Don't make me laugh. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. You aren't even willing to consider anything else. You can say you are. But based on what I've read of your post's, your not. I look at the facts and make up my mind. I get my news from multiple sources, tv, internet, newspapers and books. Yeah, I actually read books. It's sad really because, your part of that generation that got their start because of the greatest generation.Don't you dare lecture me about the greatest generation. My parents were of that generation and very middle class. We never had much but didn't starve and nothing was handed to me. Whatever federal programs were available to them, they took advantage of (GI bill, mortgage loan guarantees, etc) As part of the baby boomer generation, we had to compete for everthing - admissions in college, jobs, housing, etc..because there were so many of us. I got loans and paid my way through college. My parents didn't have money to pay for it. I got a job, worked hard and went back to college for additional degrees and paid for that too. And things in the country were already set up for you, so it was much easier for you then for them, so people like you were able to think that everyone should be given everything.What was set up for me? I must have missed that memo. People of the greatest generation weren't like that. They were all about the hand up not the hand out, but the baby boomers and the next generation, your generation, have been all about the hand out. Which is not the American way. Read some history.My husband was a history teacher so we discussed history a lot, which is why we were both democrats. Thats not how this country was founded. Thats not why this country was founded. The people of this country needed to be like the companies of this country, if their It's "they're" not "their" (see grade inflation, below). weak, they fail. Some people are failures. Not everyone can make it, not everyone deserves to make it. This is a country based on earning your keep. And that is something that the democratic party is trying to change. What they need to do, but are afraid to do, is come out and say what they really want. Socialism. And you know what if thats what they want, thats fine.Well, why don't the republicans come out and dismantle the socialistic programs we have starting with social security and medicare? Oh, wait, that is their plan - let's see how well that goes over. Want to see a revolution? Just mess with SS or medicare. But most don't want that. And thats why they wont come out and say it. You can say I sound like Michelle whatever, I've never heard of her, or Glenn Beck, well, as time goes on, Beck seems to be right about more and more things. Kinda scary. But in reality I get most of my news and information online, I don't watch much tv, and I don't read newspapers. I look for what seems to be the most fair and balanced. Not what a tv station tells me is the most fair and balanced.

You, for lack of a better term have been brainwashed, maybe by choice, but brainwashed none the less, by the democratic party, you sound like a person who has a very one track thinking process when it comes to politics, which is sad, there's a lot of good on both sides of the table.Like I said, I support the democratic agenda set forth by the DNC, so why would I vote for someone who doesn't? That doesn't make sense. It has nothing to do with brainwashing, it has to do with understanding life, politics and the history of our country and how the middle class got started. I advocate for the middle class and the least among us. I do not advocate for corporate america. I for one can see that. I'm all over the political spectrum. However, I don't believe in handouts, and I don't believe this country should give everything away, I think you should earn your keep or fail out. If your not capable of succeeding on your own. TOO BAD.

I know all about your generation, too. Grade inflation. Social promotion. Making it easy for you to get ahead because of demanding parents. Rewards for just showing up. No losers. Everyone's a winner. Lying to tell you how great you are when you aren't. Promoting self esteem.

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Your comments could easily be directed to you. Read it this way and you'll see what I mean:

"You ariscus, for lack of a better term have been brainwashed, maybe by choice, but brainwashed none the less, by the Republican party, you sound like a person who has a very one track thinking process when it comes to politics, which is sad, there's a lot of good on both sides of the table. I for one can see that. I'm all over the political spectrum. However, I don't believe in handouts, and I don't believe this country should give everything away, I think you should earn your keep or fail out. If your [sic] not capable of succeeding on your own. TOO BAD." (Emphasis mine.)

Name one Democratic policy that you agree with. Just one.

And if your next door neighbor "fails out" and has no job, loses their home and can't feed their kids, I'm sure that you're going to be johnny-on-the-spot and invite them to move in with you. You'll feed, clothe and house them until they can get to a place where they are not "failing out", right?

You definitely do not sound like someone who gives one whit about anybody else. You only want to be wealthy and possess material things that are bigger and better than your neighbor's. Just like your die hard Republican brothers and sisters.


Hey, BJean, I guess we didn't know we baby boomers had it made - everything was set up for us. Did you miss that memo, too? Too funny. :(

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Treason? How do you think America was founded?

Then go to another place and start your own country. I hear Sri Lanka might be available. In the meantime, advocating the overthrow of the government is a crime:

18 U.S.C. § 2385 : US Code - Section 2385: Advocating overthrow of Government

Search 18 U.S.C. § 2385 : US Code - Section 2385: Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, orteaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety ofoverthrowing or destroying the government of the United States orthe government of any State, Territory, District or Possessionthereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, byforce or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of anysuch government; orWhoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of anysuch government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates,sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printedmatter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity,desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying anygovernment in the United States by force or violence, or attemptsto do so; orWhoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society,group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage theoverthrow or destruction of any such government by force orviolence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, anysuch society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposesthereof -Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more thantwenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment bythe United States or any department or agency thereof, for the fiveyears next following his conviction.If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named inthis section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisonednot more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible foremployment by the United States or any department or agencythereof, for the five years next following his conviction.As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize",with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, includethe recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and theregrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other unitsof such society, group, or assembly of persons.

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Most meeting’s I’ve attended the agenda is posted before hand and you know what is new business, old business etc. This is usually everyone who is going to attend the meetings right to know.

I challenge you to find ANYTHING ANYWHERE on the internet of me saying that Sarah Palin is my savior, or even that I so much as like Sarah Palin. You’ll find that you can’t because I do not like her. My comment was made with the knowledge of how you’ve posted here over the last several months and you seem to be without exception, a huge Obama supporter and it would seem that in your mind he can do very little wrong. Like a mother in denial over her spoiled child(not saying anything about your children just using the analogy), you seem to think Obama is the messiah. I however, cannot stand Palin, and am not a huge fan of Obama thus far. Bush, could care less about him too. He’s gone. Dem’s need to get over him. GET OVER HIM!!! And please while you’re at it, answer my question about when things will cease to be Bush’s fault and will become Obama’s.

He wants to know who will be there? I fail to see what is so hard to understand about this and why your making such a big deal out of it. He has the right to know, as does anyone else who will be in attendance.

Yes people want healthcare reform. But not the jam packed do it in a week 2500 page bill that no one knows what’s in it. The people want a good reform bill, not the bits and pieces Obama and the dems can jam in while their still in power. They’re playing games over and over again, such as not letting Kennedy’s replacement be seated because he’d throw off the vote not voting the way killer teddy would have. Of course people want to talk about healthcare because their scared of losing what they have. Obama just admitted that some sneaky little devil snuck something into the bill that would force you to give up your doctor and ins, after a year of preaching you wouldn’t. Hmmm… strange, who woulda thought they would do something like that.

Yes a fair shake. Which you are admitting he’s not getting and your saying he and no other conservative deserves because they have been blocking Obama’s agenda. Well guess what, if the people who elected them, want them to block Obama’s agenda, that’s what they need to be doing. So good for them. But if you scroll up a bit you’ll see a list of about 30 representatives who also are “blocking” healthcare…what do you have to say about them?

Quick - send this to Boehner. It took me 2 seconds to find this online. But apparently he is in the dark. Poor guy. :(

February 12, 2010 6:17 PM W.H. Reveals Who's Invited to Health Care Summit


The White House has officially invited some members of Congress to its health care summit on Feb. 25, what it calls "the next step in this process" of legislating health care reform.

Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent an invitation today to the most senior House and Senate bipartisan leaders, as well as the chairmen and ranking Republicans of the committees that oversee health insurance reform legislation in both chambers. The invitation, addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, asks each of them to designate an additional four members to attend the meeting.

According to the invitation, President Obama will deliver some opening remarks at the event and then open and moderate discussion on four topics: insurance reforms, cost containment, expanding coverage and the impact health reform legislation will have on deficit reduction.

"We have seen again in recent days that when it comes to health care, the status quo is unsustainable and unacceptable," the invitation says.

The following members of Congress were invited to the event:


Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., Majority Leader

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Republican Leader

Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., Majority Whip

Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., Republican Whip

Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., Chairman of the Finance Committee

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Ranking Member of the Finance Committee

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee

Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., Ranking Member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., Member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee


Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Speaker of the House

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., Majority Leader

Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, Republican Leader

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., Majority Whip

Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., Republican Whip

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee

Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Committee

Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee

Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee

Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., Chairman of the Education and Labor Committee

Rep. John Kline, R-Minn., Ranking Member of the Education and Labor Committee

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., Chair Emeritus of the Energy and Commerce Committee

A general agenda and the list of those invited. Hmm. Maybe the reason Boehner was worried about the size of the room was whether it would be big enough to hold a tanning bed for a quick touch up.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Its funny how some of our most Patriotic Flag Waving Tea-baggers don`t research much of America`s Founding Fathers! Since the odds of winning our War of Independence was slim and a long shot at best, most of the rebels who wanted to break away from England, wanted to make sure that they would be (covered) and have their assets protected just in case, it did`nt work out as planned. The wealthy back then, be they Wigs or Tories were fully vested in Canada ....just in case. The Montreal Gazette, the English Newspaper to this very day,was founded and published by none other then our own Ben Franklin. All those million dollar mansions still standing in the English Westmount section of Montreal, were families that were either still loyal to the Crown or at the very least, sympathizers who wanted to make sure that they would be on the Victors side, regardless of the outcome! Sounds like modern day rich Republicans to me!

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ariscus99- I am sorry but I am going to have to point out that it is inappropriate to call someone a slut during a political debate (or prevent her from looking like a slut?) And then expect respect back? Like you said earlier, name calling is a sign of lack of self esteem.

I don't know where you got slut from tool shed? Maybe a tool is something different in your part of the country. But I never said or implied slut, so calm down. I would never call anyone on here a slut. Thats silly. What I meant by tool shed, is that she was being ignorant. Not slutty? I never said name calling was a sign of lack of self esteem. This is a big problem with people who join conversations half way through and don't do all the appropriate leg work and just chime in.

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