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November Chat

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Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Welcome Patty!

Beanie – I’m so sorry to hear about BCBS. Is there some sort of voodoo ritual I can perform? Maybe Eileen’s friend can help. A New York lawyer? Come on, that’s double the jokes and double the toughness!

Pat – I went to Monmouth Beach, it’s near Long Branch. It was great, very windy on the beach so I ate a lot of sand but my band did not seem to mind!

Eileen – Back pain is awful, I hope you are trying to take it easy and take relaxing baths. I hurt my back 3 years ago and it has never been the same.

Cindy – Hang in there and have a great time with your Grandma, Eileen is right…it is good to let it out.

So today I took the day off of work because I had my 2nd follow up with my doctor. Now let me start with telling you that my first follow up had to be re-scheduled 3 times by his office, always at the last minute and at the worst times of day possible. When I finally had my first follow up I did not even get to meet with my surgeon but members of his staff because he was “not available”. Funny… I could have sworn that was him meeting with other patients as I sat in the waiting room. A little disappointing but when I asked his staff they said the rescheduling was a fluke and not normal – okay I gave them the benefit of the doubt… So jump forward to my second follow up…. First appointment was rescheduled, second appointment rescheduled for today. I brought 3 magazines, 1 book and a newspaper because the day was supposed to go like this…10am upper GI and 2pm Dr. and 2:30pm nutritionist. Yup – a 4 hour wait between appointments in not the best area of NYC. So I get my test done, everything looks good (phew!) and head to a coffee shop to wait. 12:00 I get a call… you guessed it… the Dr. had an emergency and had to reschedule again for the 3rd time. Nope… no one else in the office could meet with me and do a fill. So now I get to trek back there on Friday …that is if they don’t cancel again. Thankfully, my work is fantastic so I can come in late and not worry. So what was a girl to do with a free afternoon? Laundry? Cleaning? Chores? Nope….I went for a manicure and pedicure and it was divine!

How is everyone else doing?

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Uhhhh, Eileen

Now everyone is gonna think that I beat my children! I would but they run too fast and I'm too slow - ha! (but remember, this a pre-band Mom speaking)

Lewis just bleeds when you look at him. We currently have these awful wind storms and yesterday and today have not been fun. I try not to worry but this is my heart-kid, and try as I might I am a bit protective of this one.

So, we roll with the punches and we made it to school on time.

Work was good today, I learned mental math and we read a story about Corduroy the Bear.

Todays Focus question was: How can being kind help you make friends?

Well, its off to do groceries!

PS Eileen;

When talk to Tinkerbell, I'll have her send you a card also :D

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Hello Y'all!

Welcome Patty! It sounds like you have a lovely family! Good Luck Saturday!

How special to know Tinkerbell :D:):)

Zan - Good for you for doing something special for yourself! :)

Beanie - Anything is worth a try! Maybe a simple letter might do the trick!

Eileen - Mmmmmmmmm Chili sounds good right now! I made a pot of potato Soup to take for lunch tomorrow since it will be cold. Try a heating pad on that back, sometimes that helps me!

Cindy - I lost my Mom and Dad 10 days apart from each other right at Christmas. My Mom passed away on Christmas Eve. My Mom had been sick for a while (CHF) but my Dad was healthy. My Dad had a freak accident and fell and hit a bench real hard with his chest. He passed away 10 days before my Mom. Dad passed away before I could even get to say goodbye, and not being able to say goodbye still haunts me today. Christmas was always our favorite holiday. It took me about 3 years before I could even get back into decorating again. It was the hardest time of my life, and probably always will be. I was very close to my parents and I still miss and think about them every day. I still get tears in my eyes when I talk about them. I think the thing that helps me most is remembering the good times we had together. I don't think the sadness of them being gone will ever go away, but it does get a little easier each year.

I will be going to my DB house for Thanksgiving. I cook a bunch of stuff and take it over to his house, but usually the next day I cook a turkey and the trimming for here so we have some in the fridge. I don't know if I will cook all that this year though since I won't be able to eat as much! :D:D:D

Well, everyone have a great evening!

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Hi All!!

I'm alive. They just made me work all darned day and then I had a hot date for the gym with my Beloved.

Betty, Eileen & Cindy - big hugs to you! I worry about my folks all the time. I can't imagine what I will do when that day comes.

Hey Sara - I have a love-hate relationship with the gym, right now. On the one hand, I know that it is extremely good for me to get the exercise and shift my metabolism and all like that - but on the other hand, I get all STIFF when I sit for any length of time. I feel like a little old woman! I am just hoping that with time and repetition, the whole stiffness thing will go away.

Patty, you Disney Chick, you! I think you and Cindy & Eileen should form a band. Maybe Country & Western? Disney Chicks sounds very C&W...

Nana-Pat - Whatcha Doin? Is it hard to be back in the real world after your lovely beach trip?

Zan - I would consider it an NSV that you had a Manicure & Pedicure instead of going to get something good to eat! That is what I would do between apointments, today! And any Voo Doo rituals would be helpful, at this point! Perhaps some sort of charm? I would accept any help available.

I have applied and been approved for financing - the problem is that I really can't afford to make the payments in real life. It's a back-up plan. DH is very much against adding another bill to our budget - and I don't have a leg to stand on in an argument.... We really can't afford it.

I am going to go ahead and submit to the State Insurance Board - without the benefit of an obesity lawyer - unless Eileen's friend will work super cheap... and super quick! I was advised that this might me a complete waste of time - but it's a shot.

It would take 45 days for Walter at Obesity Law.com to get a letter done for $450. If I want it sooner, the price jumps to $800 and if I want him to follow up on any responses to the letter, it jumps again, to $1200. AND there is zero guarantee that it will work - and no refunds.

If I wait the 45 days, my insurance policy may no longer cover the surgery at all. The coverage I have now is no longer available after the first of the year and I am not sure how to go about finding out what the future may bring.

If I pay $1200 then I am short that much to pay the amount insurance won't cover... and that is assuming it works. Plus, convincing DH to spend money with little guarantee of return is more than a monumental task. He is apparently only half way on board with this whole surgery thing - and he is NOT willing to go to the same lengths that I am to make it happen. *SIGH*

In the old days, I would have gone straight to the Bank of Jay - Daddy would have given me a nice easy long-term loan. My credit is good - but my folks are getting older - and Mom just had knee surgery - and the money just isn't there.

So, submitting to the State Insurance Board does seem like the best option - but doing on my own is super-scary. I am going to have to do some further research and go into my comorbidities some more - add to and expand on the letter I already wrote. I am somewhat despondent at this point and more than a little daunted.

The good news is that I have two weeks vacation for the end of November - and I am going to visit my parents. That always makes me feel better. I hope everybody has a great day!

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You all are one great group of supporters, and I appreciate the heck out of it! Betty, thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I know everyone has to suffer loss, but it still helps to know from friends that they understand. Thanks to all for the encouragement.

Beanie, keep working through it. You will find a way. I was thinking about JQPublic...I don't remember why he did not get the lapband, but I've read his posts and they are hugely inspirational...do you know who I am talking about? I thought maybe reading his stuff would boost your spirits? What if you put the down payment on the surgery, and then succeed with your insurance co.? Would they pay the remaining balance? I know I am saving lots of moneyu

Zan, what a disappointment...it is so aggravating to be rescheduled over and over...I just read a post by someone whose dr. sent her FLOWERS to apologize for that! I don't imagine that happened to be your dr., huh?

I've got curriculum meetings this afternoon, so no playing around with you guys until later!

Have a good day, Cindy

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Hello :(

I just got back from getting my hair done, it isn't highlighted blond anymore, its now a dark chocolate color LOL !! I asked for my regular mousy brown but she went a little overboard. Its very different but it will lighten up which is okay w/me.

Beanie I asked my friend for the name of this laywer, as soon as she gets me the name I'll send it to you. She said since he has gotten the band himself he really feels for people who are stuck with insurance companies. So who knows. I don't know how much he charges, I just hope he can help you.

Betty thats very sad about your parents. HUGS !!!

Cindy have a great meeting (blech LOLOL :D )

I'm gonna read up some...bbl


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Hello everyone, I just got through splurging on myself, I got a facial, my first ever! It was so awesome, my 55 year old skin feels like a baby's butt, and I got my brows waxed.

I deserved the treat, I've been married to the same man for 37 years today, can you believe it. Heck, a medal is what I deserve.

Though the beach was lovely, and the weather was perfect, there's no place like home. I'm just an old homebody. Last night I did some rock fishing off my pier, the full moon was absolutely beautiful.

Eileen, don't you love those trick questions on the drivers license application/renewals, "hair color", like when????

Cindy, you're so cute with your new avatar.

Betty, I don't know how you survived, to lose both parents in that time frame. I lost my dad, my bestest friend in the whole world five years ago, I still miss him as much today as the day he left this world. I know it's silly, but I love full moon's cause I always feel my dad's in that moon looking down on me.

Beanie, you've got to get approved, don't give up.

Oh yeah, since this is such a small group here, I took two ducolax and lost 2.5 lbs, yep, I was full of chit. LMAO.

Patty, I kept my 2yr old grandson today, OMG, they're so fast as we (I), get older, he was into everything today. I should have lost another 2.5 lbs, LOL.

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I just got back from a school conference! UHHHHHH, I am just exhausted! My son is smart or is he dumb..... he needs improvement on this or we need to spend more time on WHAT!!!! I'm just never enough parent. Overall he seems to be doing well, but it seems that the teacher has more to say but won't. HELP! I am a single parent..... I have 4 children and quite frankly I'm outnumbered! Sorry, I don't have time to rifle through all their backpacks every evening for notes and reminders! Here's how I decide..... I can read with each kid for 20 minutes(80 minutes) to fulfill the required reading..... or... make dinner. Guess which one I do?! System overload and have a good cry. I've never been a drinking person, but I sure could be persuaded. I think I'm gonna take a tylenol and lay down.

See ya.

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Hi Y'all!

Awwww Patty, you have the hardest job in the world, raising children. My heart goes out to you, especially with being single. I raised two children by myself, and I know it is not an easy chore. Sending lots of (((((hugs))))) your wa!

Pat - "Happy Anniversary"! I love the moon deal you do. I kinda do the same thing with clouds. I always look up at the clouds, see angels flying and know it is Mom and Pop! It always makes me smile. I need to take about 20 of those chit pills today! :D:(:(

Beanie - I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you. I took out a 0 interest for a year credit card for mine. When that year was up, I had another offer for 3.99% for the life of the loan. I rolled it over to that one! I always say where there's a will there's a way.

Cindy - How did your meeting go? I miss being on here during the day!

Eileen - It always makes me feel good to have something different done with my hair. I bet it looks great. Yes, it will lighten up!

Well, I am going to go get supper done, so I'll catch you all later!

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Thanks, Pat for the compliment!

Patty...sometimes we teachers can't see the whole picture. And, frankly, some teachers are so overwhelmed they don't have time to figure out the big picture. Does she/he understand your situation? If so, enlist her aid in figuring out a way to get this all done. Do they have special tutoring time in the afternoons? A mentor program? A big sister/big brother program? Sometimes high school kids volunteer to help elementary kids who need some extra attention. I'm just trying to give you some ideas. Something will sound like its doable, and then you can give it a try.

Eileen...your hair color sounds fantastic! A change can really lift your mood, or it does mine! I've colored my hair since forever...I just am not ready to have gray hair, and an 8 year old daugher. Everyone would be saying, " Your granddaughter is sooo cute!" Urrrrgggghh.

Our garage door opener wasn't working, so we called the co...well, after 6 days and several delays, the guy just showed up at 7PM. Connected a little wire and charged us $75!!!! In my next life, I"m going to have technical skills instead of a Bachelor's Degree! Okay, I wouldn't, but dang!

I love the moon and cloud stories. I am looking forward to seeing my mom in my dreams. it has happened before with other relatives....I keep hoping.

Found out tonight that my grandma (92) has had a stroke of some kind...she has a Lifeline thing, and when she didn't push the button that says she is okay (when she wakes up) they sent my cousin to her house, and found her. I don't know the details, but she had fallen and hit her head and had a black eye. I hate that part worse than the stroke. I don't know yet how severe the stroke was, but I am worried about her. I'd appreciate any prayers you feel like making, that if it is her time to go, she goes easily. I'd prefer not to lose her now, but one thing I know...it's never our choice.

Until tomorrow, Cindy

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(((hugs))) Patty!! I don't know how Mom's do it... I can't imagine having had children to take care of every night after work. I can barely manage to take care of myself. Can you take turns reading with a different kid each night? More Hugs!

Eileen - chocolate even for your hair color?? I thought you were trying to avoid that stuff? lol! Wish I could see it. I bet it looks real purty.

Miss Pat - What, was this a special day of beauty? Why didn't anybody tell me? I would have gotten my toes done or something... :] AND for 37 years you DO get a medal. Here I thought I was special with a measly 16 years... I can hardly imagine 37! Happy Anniversary!

Cindy - Hugs!! I am thinking good thoughts for your Granny. I am glad she is ok and I hope that stroke wasn't too severe. Don't worry about the black eye - we'll just put you on Jerry Springer next to Patty and Lewis!

Zan - How are you doing today? You had your day of beauty a day early!

Thanks for all the encouragement. I am just going to submit to the state and keep my fingers crossed. Something will work out for me. I mean, everything else has in the past. I will just go out and buy those lottery tickets...

Hugs all around!

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Good Morning :D

Cindy I'm so sorry to hear about your G'ma, shoot !! Are you still going to see her for Thanksgiving? Did you ever look into the eyes of an elderly person? I worked in a nursing home for 4 years and I volunteered right up until my daugher was born, I plan on going back again some day, but I sware, every time I looked into the eyes of an elderly person I would see a beautiful child with all kinds of stories. Some eyes are faded but they still have so much life behind them. Its really beauiful to see deep into them, you'd be surprised at how it can make your heart swell up. I'll be praying for your G'ma.

Beanie babe chocolate is the reason I didn't have the bypass LOL !!!! ode to a hershey's kiss by Eileen :( How's the gym coming along? did you show the eliptical who's boss last night?

Pat, Happy Happy Happy Anniversary woweee 37 years.

Patty is there any way that your kids can help each other? Meaning the eldest help one or two of the littler ones and you can help the eldest when he/she is all done? It might teach them some responsibility and you can give them some sort of reward? allowance? extra time to watch tv or play video's? something like that. It might make them feel all grown up :( Just an idea. Or.... how about letting the eldest make dinner, it can be very simple while you help the other kids. Bet you'd be surprised what the kids can do. And it would take some weight off of your shoulders. I give you all the credit in the world lady, I only have one child and i can not even imagine being a single mom. But listen.... God gives special situations to special people. He know's you can handle it because you are special. :(

Well I'm off to do some reading and then get ready to take DD to school.....bye bye for now.


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Pat, he's adorable! I love the wood Harley; did someone hand-make it? Thanks for posting the picture! I LOVE pictures!

Beanie, I say a special prayer for you every night, and sometimes during the day. I want this for you soooo bad. I am proud of you for not giving up!

Eileen, what you said about "old eyes" is sooo true. My grandma has not had an easy life...grew up on a farm, was a farmer's wife, and he was an alcoholic. Not a bad man, but a difficult, complicated guy for a farmer...he passed away when I was 27 or so, so over 20 years ago, and she just got on with her life. She quilts, she's in a church quilt guild, she is active in her church and does things like cooks for huge groups when there is a funeral or shower or something. She is still driving, even. She is strong in her faith, and was here with us helping take care of my mom, her daughter. Her only son, my uncle, died about 5 years of ago of cancer, and she was there, taking care of him, and helping him cross over. She is a huge inspiration to me, and when my DH went through rehab for his alcoholism, she was supporting us all the way. She said she was proud of me for having the courage to "force" the issue, and him for loving his family so much he went through the struggle to break free of alcohol. That was over 4 years ago. Sorry, I am telling you all more than you want to know, but you are right, Eileen...there is a great story in every person, and the older you get, the more your eyes have to say.

She did have a CVA (stroke) and it has affected her right side. It is too soon to tell if she can regain the movement. My aunt will be in contact with me and we will put our Thanksgiving plans on hold for now, but I may go up there to see her, just in case. When I talked to her about 4 days ago, she was telling me she thought she was doing real good for a 92 year old. She could still quilt, which is what she loves to do. Now...well, I just don't know.

Thanks for listening, Cindy

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Thanks everybody.... I have done all those things you mentioned and then some. I'm just bitching because (I'm gonna use a Dr Phil line) I don't have "A soft place to fall". When my world fell apart I decided to fall with it. My separation took place just 18 months after Lewis's Open-heart. Suddenly I was alone. I have my Mom & my sister, but they live up in Santa Barbara about 4 hours away. My Dad passed on in 1987 from a heart attack. My house became more than cluttered... we are 5 people in a rented 2 bedroom mobile home(1200 sf). I'm dealing with an overwhelming situation. Just like those people you see on Home Makeover. No running Water, mildew, devastation. We do what we gotta do. We cope - but differently. Because we pinch every penny I have learned scads of ways to make memories. My boys wake up to hot pancakes 1-2 times a week, homemade cinnamon rolls and when we go to Disneyland we picnic. Oh, I do want say that the Disney pass thing might sound really expensive( and it can be) but during my divorce I had my thinking cap on and made him pay for 3/4 of them! A trip to the magic kingdom costs me about $1.50 per person. My guys aren't deprived, and neither am I. Throw in the fact that I'm seriously on the BANDWagon and well... you guys know -- its scary. I will attend todays conference with grace and Friday we will see the first run of The Very Merry Christmas parade at Disneyland. I love you guys and I feel blessed you are here for me.


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