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Good Morning Y'all!

I was so busy yesterday I didn't even get to post! I had a lot of billing to do, then had some running to do, then I was having company for dinner so I spent a lot of time cooking. By the time everyone left, I was ready to get some R&R!

Beanie you are doing so good with your exercising. I am very proud of you!

Cindy - Good luck with your fill today! I hope you get a good one!

Eileen - Sounds like a fun day to me, love that shopping!

Respitatory Girl - Nice to meet you! Sounds like you are doing great with your band.

Ivan - I remember my doctors office telling me it is only one day, it won't hurt to try a little bit of something as long as you make it one day. So, for the main days during the holidays I will probably do that. As far as all the other parties, maybe you can eat something before you go to make them a little easier. I also find that if I put a piece of gum in my mouth and always have something to drink in my hand it does make it easier. I also find that if I don't take that first bite, I can handle it better! :):D:) Good Luck!

Pat - I love your picture! You are one hot mama! You look beautiful!

Lisa - You can send some rain this way! We need some!

Gotta run, catch you all later! Have a great day! :D:D:D

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Okay, all done! I got .2 cc's. They do fills under a flouro, and at first, laying down, she wasn't sure she could give me any more...so she went ahead and did .2 and had me stand up in front of the flouro, and said that looked good, and offered another .2. I went the conservative route, and stuck with the first .2cc fill only...didn't want to push it. So, I learned that some people's anatomy looks more restricted when they are laying down, and I am one of those. They cautioned me, because of this especially, not to eat right before going to bed, because the restriction is much more when lay8ng down, and I didn't want that food hanging out in the pouch all night. Sounded like a good idea to me!

So, all is well, I'm drinking my Protein Shake (Advantage) and taking little bitty sips. Thanks for the support. What would I do without all of you?


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Hey GUYS !!!!

I had a great day shopping over the Delaware Watergap, boy things have changed there, so many new stores.

I went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch and the first thing I thought was OH SH*T, what am I going to order. They had broccoli cheese Soup and mashed cauliflower, so I orderd both. I took the cheese off of the top of the Soup and ate it, chunks and all, I chewed like mad. Then I had 2 bites of the cauliflower and POOF! I felt full, okay comfortable. I'm only supposed to eat 1/2 a cup of stuff but boy, it just isn't enuf. Bet that soup was 200000 calories LOL. I gotta do my fitday and see the damage.

Cindy I'm glad you got your fill and I'm glad your conservative about it. I would be too. I mean we've been over weight for so long, whats a few more months? I mean with testing the cc's out. Congrats on the scale moving, mine moved again today. I will change my siggy as soon as I confirm it tomorrow morning LOL.

Resp-Girl, what mall did you go to? Gardenstate? Did you get anything good?

I got some candles for my MIL, some clothes for DD and a few really big mens shirts for myself LOL, I like em when I'm home, I got dd some bracelets at Claires, a totes umbrella for myself and Mom and a few christmas toys for my neices. PA was beautiful today.

Betty have a good day today, hopefully it was restful.

Where's Beanie girl ?

Lisa, good to see you. Hopefully the kids are feeling better.


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Hey Y'all!

Respiratory Girl - beware - don't give up the NJ secret handshake on this thread!! Something about NJ Chick has drawn a whole mess of Texans and a few other folks to the NJ site to chat. Welcome to our little gang.

Ira - those little cocktail weenies are pure Protein, Baby!! And there is usually some cheese kicking around. That's definitely ok. You should be fine... Of course, you could just drink heavily to avoid the food... But somehow that doesn't seem like the best option. I guess maintenance is the best plan.... It's only a month, after all. You'll be fine. No Green Mountain, here. It must be a local or East Coast thing. Re: the eliptical, I just go SLOW, SLOW, SLOW. Every 30 seconds or so, the machine goes into PAUSE mode because it thinks I am stopping... lol. Eventually, my heart will toughen up so that I can maintain the 2.9 to 3 mph pace required to keep the machine officially on... It's good for my knees, too.

Cindy, congrats on the fill and the scale movement. You will surely have more of that now that you have yanked the choke chain on your tummy. :]

Betty, sounds like you have been busy, too. My pesky co-workers keep finding work for me to do, so I can't even log in until after they all go home.

I must confess, though - we skipped the gym last night. DH has a little cold and I was just tired from staying up past my bed-time. I did spend the evening finishing the infamous IKEA shelves. They are all put together and ready to load up. I still have books in boxes from when we moved in 3.5 years ago - so it's about stinkin' time, dontcha think?!?

I called our friends at Blue Cross a little bit ago. The poor customer service guy tried to ring my "Grievance Specialist" John for like 10 minutes before he gave up. I have to give him points for trying (or an Oscar for lying). No resolution is noted in the comments and tomorrow is the deadline, so I will be calling them, again....

I really don't know how I am keeping my head attached to my body at this point. Somewhere deep inside, there is loud screaming and gnashing of teeth - but my exterior self seems to be taking this in stride. I guess I really almost don't want to hear the answer, if it is going to be "NO" again... Deep cleansing breaths... tomorrow is another day.

Love you guys!! I will check in at the earliest opportunity tomorrow!

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Hi Everyone,

Well I did not kill anyone with the scale… it just did not move. I guess its good news that it did not go up. Next week I go for a follow up and get an upper GI done, if all goes well with the test and I can get a fill. Hopefully that will help.

Pat – you look fantastic! Purple and red are your colors!

Did everyone see Cindy’s concert post? Awesome! I think she’s holding out on all of us - WITH THE BAND – huh? Do tell.

Beanie – welcome to my island. You take Pierce and I’ll keep Matt – I’m sure we will not be bored! I’m hoping and praying you hear good news tomorrow.

Ivan – yeah the holiday parties are going to be tough. I think Betty has the right idea. Rather than torture ourselves maybe we should “splurge” just make a smaller splurge than we used to. I say that now but put a glass of wine in front of me and that’s a whole other story.

Eileen – I haven’t been to those outlets in years but I remember burning up my credit card. Sounds like yours got some exercise today!

Well I promised myself I would get to bed early tonight. Of course TV is good tonight so it could be another late night! How the heck does Jennifer Garner look that good pregnant?

Have a good night everyone...

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TGIF !!!

Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone :)

Looks like the sun is trying to come out today. Nothing much is planned for today except some cleaning and laundry. House gets so messy so fast. Its still hard for me to bend down and pick things up.... thank God for toes LOL.

Tomorrow I'm putting myself on mushies, I'm ready !!! burp!

I want more cauliflower so I'll be mashing that up real well and I'm in the mood for carrot juice so its off to the store as well. I make carrot juice and mix in one apple....gosh is it good and good for you.

Any good plans for the weekend? I'm not doing anything that I know of except visiting MIL one day. Prob sunday.

How about you?

Beanie good luck today !!!

Zan, hope you got to bed at a reasonable time and good luck at the doc's.

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Happy Friday!

Still on liquids until this afternoon, thought I'd try yogurt for lunch, with applesauce for dessert!

Unbelievably, my scale told me I weighed 244.2 this morning! I (accidentally) reached my goal beforehand...a first! Of couse, typically the scale goes up for a few days, then back down, so I'll wait to change my sig.

Plans for the weekend: DH is on his way to my g'ma's in Kansas to pheasant-hunt. so sister, DD and I are having a movie nite at home...Ella Enchanted, I think. Then tomorrow, DD and I are going shopping, and to a friend's birthday party, and then out to eat...just a girls weekend ahead! We like those every now and then.

How 'bout ya'll? Whassssup?


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Cindy CONGRATUALTIONS on your weight loss. :) :) :):D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Your weekend sounds great, enjoy !! How many days does the doc say to be on liquids after a fill and do you have to do the mushy stage again, how long?

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My dr. recommends 1 full day on liquids, then mushies, UNTIL you can tolerate other food. I'm feeling a lot of restriction with Protein Drinks, so I'll try some yogurt in a minute and see.

Zan, I wrote on the concert post that once upon a time, when I saw most of these shows, I had a friend who worked for Ticketmaster, and 1 who worked for a record label...so I had comp seats at lots of shows. I got to meet a lot of bands, but was a little too chunky to be a band babe. Some I forgot to put on my list were: The Fixx, Kool Moe Dee, The Waitresses, The Cult; Toni, Tone, Tony. Edie Brickell, and oh well, probably lots more...it sure has been fun thinking of all these! Good memories!

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Hi Y'all!

I had some shopping to do this morning, then I decided to make my DH a couple of chocolate cream pies. BIG MISTAKE! All I can think of are those dang pies now! UGH!

The leaves are falling quite a bit here now, so I worked out in the yard, mostly getting as much of them out of the pool that I could. Man, what a job! I am glad it is the weekend, DH can dip all those leaves out tomorrow and Sunday!

I've also been doing some laundry, and cleaning house. I can't say I feel like doing it today, I have to fight myself to keep moving to get it done. :):):) I just can't get in the mood for it today.

Cindy - Way to go on the weight loss! That's fantastic! :D:D:D How long do you have to be on liquids? I am one of the lucky ones, my doctor only has me do liquids the remainder of the day of the fill, then he wants me back on solids the next day. He does not believe in liquids for any length of time or during the solid phase.

Beanie - I sure wish they would hurry up and tell you that it is a go with your surgery. My legs, arms, fingers, and eyes are tired of being crossed! :D:D:D Today is the day for good news!

Eileen - So, what is the first thing you are going to eat in the mushy phase? That part of the diet isn't bad, you can blend up just about anything you want, or eat so many things that are soft.

Well, going to get finished with my work!

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Well, Betty, I'm afraid your fingers are in for another weekend of cramping.... I called the infamous and much dreaded Blue Cross again today and was (shocking) not able to get anyone from the grievance dept to pick up the phone. After leaving them a snippy little voice mail, I called the Customer Service number and a nice lady told me this little shred of information: "Your file was updated yesterday by the grievance department. I am assuming that a letter went out yesterday." The lovely Carol tried to access the microfiche that should be there if they sent me a letter and she and her superviser "could not get it to come up."

This means one of a few things... 1) there was no letter to find. 2) Carol & her supervisor need some training on how to use their computer system. 3) The answer is DENIED again and they don't tell people that stuff over the phone.

(see irene scraping her poor exploded head off the desktop)

I guess I get to wait for another day... or two... It's a good thing I don't have high blood pressure. I wonder if I have any illegal substances anywhere at home? Maybe some nice alcohol? Hmmmmm.

Sorry guys. I am what you might call OBSESSED at this point, and there isn't much else on my mind.

Lets see - Irene vs the Evil Eliptical - 13 minutes last night. I'm taking it on again tonight.

No big plans for the weekend, except for some brain-numbing activity - if I can find one. I might just crawl under the covers and not come out til Monday...


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Beanie, let's just wait and see if you get a letter...maybe they don't tell anything over the phone if it is not an "offical" person...it would make sense that only certain people are allowed to tell clients stuff. Stupid, but probably true. I saw on another thread that you are looking into a lawyer, and that may be a good idea. What have you found out about that?

Keep working. I firmly believe that where there's a will, there's a way. Sometimes there is no short-cut, but there's a way!

I'm on my way to bed...we watched Ella Enchanted, then sang a few songs on the karaoke machine, and had a blast! None of us are any good...but DD might be, if she only knew the words and songs better! Lots of fun!

Tonite I had mashed potatoes, and some Chex Mix, and all is good. I'll be back on solids again tomorrow, but nothing too strenuous. I can tell I have more restriction than I did before the fill...DUH. I guess that IS obvious, huh?

Good night, all. Beanie, call me if you need a Chin-up-cheer-up talk! Pm or email me and I'll send you my number.


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Good Morning :)

Beanie Beanie Beanie, they are adding fuel to your fire. When I called a gazillion times about mine I would get some poor soul on the other end that babbled and didn't know what to say to me. The customer service people are only there just to answer the phones, just like a receptionist...poor things. You know what they say poop rolls down hill and I suspect those poor folks get it every time. When you talked to the cust serv...did you ask to speak to their manager? thats the only way I got thru. Can I make some phone calls for you....I'll pretend I'm a lawyer LOL SNORT and with my jersey accent I'll tell em my brother Vinnie is on there way to their job :) Jk Jk Jk

Good luck girlie ***HUGS*** I'm here for you too if you wanna talk.

Cindy you had a blast of an evening, it sounded like so much fun. Chex mix mmmmmm....

Well its another beautiful fall day. Gonna play outside today.

After that its more laundry and who know's what.

I'm on mushies today, and I feel like I don't know what to eat first..... OKAY I lied, i ate mushies yesterday LOL. I had tuna for lunch and refried Beans w/peas for dinner. I'm surprised there was no green ora around the house yesterday after that dinner :D You know even after 1 cup of food, I was still very hungry but I stopped. My doc wants me to eat 1/2 a cup... WhAT!!! 1/2 a cup is like a sneeze at this point. Makes it hard b/c I'm hungry like every 2 hours. I'm hoping the mushy stage will fill me up more like when I eat meats.

Something has to, I'm a bottomless pit.

I went to the store yesterday for cauliflower and forgot it....... can you say DUH!!! I'm going to make some carrot juice today yummmmy.

Exciting life huh.


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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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