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Good Morning :)

Oh we got up late so I had to rush like a nut to get DD to school. While I waited for her at my Mom's I made my mom some sweet potato soufle for thursday. Today it is pouring out, and cold and raw... ICK !! perfect for cleaning which is what I'll do today. Tomorrow I cook everything for thanksgiving, yep, I do it the day before then I just heat it up on Thursday, everything goes in the oven at the same time so its all hot. AND it makes my life alot easier. I get to enjoy the day.

Lisa congratultions on the date. Just remember take it easy, don't pick anything heavy up...really baby yourself for a few months. Do you have to do a preop diet? I did not go into details about the surgery to my DD. They really don't understand. DH just picked her up after school and told her that I had a tummy ache and will be home tomorrow. She was okay with that rather then say I was getting an operation. She would have freaked out. So IMHO the less kids now the better. No need to scare them. Haaaaa !! differnt opinion than Cindys ROFL !!!! You know your kids so just say what you think they can handle.

Patty, thats awesome about the insurance and the center accepting it. It is scary isn't it that its gonna become real. I was the same way. I went from discussing it with DH to actually having it done. I didn't think I had it in me lol. Yahooo !!

Betty you are just like me in the store, I HATE shopping when its a madhouse. I just hate it. People are rude and parents who let their kids lay in the middle of the isle need to have a time out themselves LOLOL !!!!! Your SIL's party sounds wild :) have a great time and enjoy the funky food.< /p>

Cindy, any news on G'ma?

80 on turkey day..yikes. Well I wouldn't mind 60 or 70 but they are calling for SNOW here ICK ICK ICK !!!! pumpkin pies mmmmm mmmmm how about sweetpotato pie :) Enjoy your baking.

Well I'm gonna finish lunch and get my arse moving. Its one of those days where you can snuggle on the couch and watch TV so up and at em.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Beanie........... how's the food and fun ? :)

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Just checking in from Tucson. Everybody else is napping after our lunch at La Bonita Cafe - so I thought I would take advantage of the lull to check in.

Lisa!! How exciting for you! It's good to hear from you and great to know that you are getting your band.

Lucy - your enthusiasm for your surgeon is great - but tell us about yourself. We are most interested in hearing about you.

Patty - Sounds like you are on your way, too! Groovy! How are all the kiddies? February, huh? I suppose I can wait that long without exploding in a flash of impatience! I am NOT good at waiting though. OK - I have that fixed in my mind and I am saying the Mantra - "I will be banded in February with my Band-buddy Patty..." I will repeat as necessary.... instead of eating! 49 lbs by Feb? I guess stranger things have happened...

Zan - how is that fill? Have you got the "restriction" that we hear so much about?

Ira - My DH makes a wicked Indian Curry dish. What's your favorite? We have a local Halal store that makes these awesome pastry thingies with meat & veggies in them. (early onset alzheimers that I can't remember what they are called!) MMMMM. I love the Indian food, too.

Betty - you aren't done with the Christmas shopping, surely... just the groceries for Turkey Day, right? I would feel REALLY behind if I thought you had already finished up for Christmas.... DH & I go to the grocery store tonight to grab the last minute stuff for our feast. I expect it will be something like going to HELL - but slightly better than it will be any time tomorrow!

Cindy - it sounds like it is warmer at home than it is here in Tucson! We have the low seventies here. The pool is just THAT much too chilly to swim in. Bummer. If it gets any warmer, we may swim yet...

Eileenie... You organized chick, you. You cook the day before? Do you do Turkey? It seems like a second baking on the bird would make it dry out... What is your secret?

We just do the traditional get-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn-to-shove-the-bird-in-the-oven thing around here. We have been known to do all the prep stuff before hand, though. Like we cook at the parts for the stuffing & gravy the night before and just blend it together on the day. We are doing a really scaled down version of a feast, here. Some bird, some potatoes, some stuffing, some gravy and some pie. It all has to be stuff simple enough for ME to help cook... No sweet potato souffle around these parts!

Mom & Dad are well. Mom just had her post-op visit this morning with her knee surgeon, and they are letting her give up the wheelchair in favor of a brace and a walker. Aside from the fact that walking again is hard exercise, she is doing great.

Well, Friends & Loved Ones... I must depart. My DH will be stirring soon, and he is a tad bit jealous of y'all as it is. I will check in again during the next Siesta.

Hugs all round.

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I feel guilty having a great day after reading the threads from Jonathan and Michelle. I'll be thinking of them both on Thursday and lots in between too.

Oh yeah Beanie, if start a Dec thread, you may want to do it in the LapBand Lounge, because I think a lot of people are missing this thread. For months I use to just go between LBT, support and the lounge, then I wised up and started using the "new posts" short cut. Just a thought.

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Good Morning :)

How is everyone today ?

DH is at the doctor for his back (chiro) but as soon as he gets back I'll be at the store getting a few odd's and ends. Today is cooking day for tomorrow. Beanie, yes I make the turkey and I use the turkey juice to reheat it, it comes out tender and moist. Makes em all wonder LOL !!! My entire meal is fattening as all heck so whats a little turkey juice to make the turkey tender. I'm glad your habing a good time and Mom is up and at it. Slow is good :)

Whats everyone doing today ?

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Good Morning Everyone!

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm running really late for work since I did not pack my bag last night and of course now can't find anything. I'm leave for my Mom's right from work today and will be back on Sunday. So I figured I'm already late for work so I might as well take a minute for a post!

Enjoy the holiday! Stuffing and mashed potatoes here I come!

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Well, I'm going to the BBQ Restaurant to pick up big bird, he got smoked last night, lol.

This AM, I'm doing a practice run on the Cookies, I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning!

It looks like everyone here has their plans in order, and are hard at work!

Pat, I can't wait to hear how your Cookies come out...with the expert guidance here from Eileen, I am sure you will do great!

Beanie, thanks for checking in from the sunny climes of Tucson. Swimming sounds so great! It's warm here, too...but I like hearing about the snow! I guess it comes from so many years in Texas (all my life!).

Zan, have a great trip. And a safe one!

The news from Kansas is g'ma's respiration is very slow (10-12 per minute), low blood pressure, low oxygen level. The body is still ticking, but they say she's been gone since Sunday. We are still waiting, still "on hold."

We are definitely having T-giving meal at a restaurant tomorrow, which will be different. Steve's brother is in town from D.C., so we've gotta do something. I'll miss cooking, though. Like it says on your signature, Eileen, "walk in faith." I believe there is a plan for it all, and maybe making the holidays different is just a way to help us handle the loss of Mom...? We'll all know the answer someday, but I think I"ll just think of it like that for now.

I love coming here to chat with you all....enjoy your day!


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Hey Everyone!

I'm getting ready to leave for work(10-12:30) and then race to the train station to pick up my Mom by 1pm. The Boys are in daycare until 6pm so I have a few hours alone with my Mom. We'll do lunch then come straight home, so that I won't tire her out so much. This is her first trip out to my house since her quintuple bypass last year. She has done so well with this health emergency and we are so glad that we still have her, this holiday is very special. OK I'll stop blubbering. I gotta go curl my hair.< /p>

Beanie, I just realized that if you're in Tucson, you're just one state away from me.... com'on band buddy.... lets get together! Luv ya!

Happy Turkey Day everyone!

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Oh my dogs are barking (aka, my feet hurt lol).

I just finished with the last of the mashed taters, sweet taters, stuffing, cutting and cleaning the cauliflower for tomorrow. Turkey should be done in 1 hour :D The house smells wonderful, I also baked a pumpkin pie and man oh man it smells good. After the turkey is done I'll finish cleaning up so tomorrow will be bed making, and reheating. The only thing I'll need to cook fresh is the mushroom gravy and the cauliflower.

Pat, good luck with your cookies...just remember they taste better the next day.. IMHO that is lol, Cindy I'm way far from an expert LOL !!! silly.

Cindy, sorry about G'ma. HUGS. I'm glad your going out to eat, it can be very nice and a change of pace. You know, it doesn't matter what or where you go, the only thing that matters is that your with the ones you love.

Zan enjoy the weekend and happy T day to you too :)

Patty, I'm glad your mom is making a strong recovery, thats awesome !!! Enjoy your thanksgiving with her and the kids.

I need a nap :)~

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Hi y'all!

Well got back from doing the billing, then started some of my preparations for tomorrow. I got all my onions diced, my corn bread made, my chicken is cooking along with some baked Beans. I am getting ready to make some pies. The rest will be done tomorrow.

I had a great time last night at our dinner. I will tell you more about it later. I will say I had tons of compliments on my weight loss from a few that hadn't seen me for a while. I loved every minute of it too! :):):D

Eileen - you definately get a jump o things don't you? Sounds like you have been really busy!

Cindy - Sorry about your G'ma, my thoughts are with you. Enjoy dinner out for a change, you deserve a break from cooking right now anyway.

Patty - Sounds like you will have a great visit with your Mom.

Zan - Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Enjoy your visit and have a safe one too.

Beanie - CHRISTMAS??????? No way! I don't even want to think about that day yet! :D:D:D Hey girl, have a great Thanksgiving! We always go to a place (Mexican) called Crossroads in Tucson. It used to be very good, had to eat there a couple of times while we were there. If you get a chance check it out. It is real Mexican food, not the make believe stuff. (At least it was a few years ago) There Chimi's are great!

Lisa - Congrats on your surgery date! That's right around the corner, so start getting ready! :D

Pat - How's the Cookies going? Now, remember you have to report which cookies were the best ones! I just might want the recipe!

Ira - what is planned for your day?

Well, gotta go check the beans!

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Betty, thanks for the encouragement...I'm kinda looking forward to dinner out...something different. I am liking "different" these days!

Pat, oh Pat!? Are you okay? How are those Cookies, girl?

Eileen, you are a busy woman...enjoy the day tomorrow, and I know everyone will love your care and cooking!

Beanie, how's that Southwestern Thanksgiving treating you?

Everyone, rest up tonight. The BIRD awaits!

G'night, Cindy

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One last check in before I go to bed lol.

Betty, thats wonderful that folks noticed your WL and complemented you. It does feel good doesn't it.

I learned a long time ago that when I try to do to much in one day, it freaks me out. So thats why I cook ahead of time. You see I have ADHD and when I have something thats overwhelming I panic and want to run the other way. Its been a challenge trying to figure out myself especially since I only learned last year I had it. LOL. Thats why you might see my sentences run all into each other. Its because my brain goes faster than I'd like.... kinda like a guy with a remote control :)

I had kind of an NSV tonight. Nothing exciting but it felt good none the less. We went to the diner for dinner and I got ravioli. I think there was about 10 ravioli's on my plate. I ate 3 and was happier than a pig in sh*t. A bite of my salad and thats it. OMG to feel in control is wonderful, so wonderful I almost cried. I could cry now. I'm so glad I got this band, and I thank GOD so much, people just don't have any idea.

I'm so enjoying this evening. I got a ceramic christmas tree lighted and I'm listening to some old gospel country music from Jim Reeves... its so peaceful. Thank you Jesus !!!!

Okay I'm out of here...I'm getting mushy.

Love you all !

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I loved Jim Reeves, "put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone", LOL. He had the sexiest voice.

Oh about those Cookies, welllll, I still have everything sitting on my counter, but I had to go see my doctor today, did the muscle vs fat test again, I was tired of watching the scales not move, I'd lost 5 lbs since my visit in September, I'm at 53% of my loss, which is above what he expected, (ty, ty) and I'd gained 3 more lbs of muscle. I also found out I've been posting the wrong muscle gain, its now a total of 21 lbs, not 26, adding and subtracting was never one of my strong points.

The nutritionist was happy that my bmi was down to 28, a year ago it was 39.5.

I told him I wanted a fill after Christmas, which would be my last free fill.

We also talked about the erosion with bands done mostly in Mexico. I told him this site had seen a lot of band problems lately and he was quite interested and was headed for his computer to check out LaMadam and Jonathan's plight.

So I've put the cookies off until tomorrow AM, although I did pick up little bird from the smokers and took big bird to my sons he would have him at his house first thing in the morning. Plus, I got my hair done, so I've been busy, LOL.

I'll check with everyone tomorrow.

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Wowie! You guys have all been so busy. We went out for the last couple of things on the grocery list today and that is about it. The necks and gizzards are on the boil and we will be dicing and prepping for the stuffing after it is all done.

For us, part of the process is getting up early to put the bird in the oven. It's kind of funny - we had Mom pick up the Turkey before we got here. I thought it was the only way we could get a reasonably small bird. There are only four of us eating this year, and those small turkeys disappear fast. So, we sent Mom to get it. She bought a twenty pound turkey!! We'll have to get up at the crack of dawn! Anyway, we'll get up early and stuff the bird. Once we get it tucked into the oven, then we work on the potatoes and stuff.

The smell of the bird cooking and the anticipation of the meal are incredible. Plus, we have that working togetherness thing going on. It's all good.

Well, I have to run and start dicing gizzards...

Happy Thanksgiving and my love to all of you!

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Hi everyone happy Thanksgiving.

Betty, thanks for asking, but I am working. In fact I am at work right now at 2:30 AM.

Renee, chicken Tikka Massala is my favorite, but really I love it all. I think the word you were trying to remember was Somosa.

NSV of sorts: A coworker came up to me and asked "are you loosing weight?"

I was very tempted to tell him I just got a haircut.

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