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And this is the AirBake cookie sheets I use. If you want Cookies crispy, they will have to cook longer on these. But they are perfect for my thumb prints :(

(The flat square silver one)



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Hi Everyone,

How was everyone’s weekend? Anything fun and exciting?

I just ran around and did all the errands all weekend that I have been putting off all week. Okay, I admit it….I also slept late (really late). Eileen the early bird probably had a million things done before I dragged my lazy butt out of bed. Now to keep up with the laziness theme I’m flipping channels between the Jets game (it hurts to watch) and the Cup race. My doctor miraculously did not cancel on Friday so I had my first fill. It was quick and pain less, I’m back on mushies until tomorrow. I feel more restricted so that makes me happy. Right in time for Thanksgiving!

Beanie – enjoy your vacation! Swimming and Mexican food sounds like heaven to me!

Cindy – I’m sorry to hear the news about your Grandma. Are you going to make the trip for Thanksgiving?

Eileen – where can I get the hazelnut coffee delivery? MMMMMM

Pat – so have you decided which Cookies to bake? Of course I recommend mine (Eileen’s sounds good too)!!

Betty – I hope you manage to get some time for yourself with the extra work your doing.

Patty – Disney sounded like fun. Snow (although fake) without the winter coat? Sounds perfect to me!

So ever since the Texas girls got together I was thinking that maybe the NJ peeps should get together too. Of course everyone is welcome ….do I hear the words “road trip”???

Anyone interested?

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Hey Zan, I'm interested. I have 3 weeks off of work the end of December :( Ira, Lisa and any NY, NJ, PA, CT people wanna join in that would be cool too. Penni?? I would definitly meet if it was in Jersey. We could have a nice cup of flavored joe some where :) .

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Hey Eileen.... you changed your scale again! Didn't I say that you might lose 25lbs by Thanksgiving -- you go girl!

Cindy, I'm so sorry that news from Kansas isn't better. I will send up a prayer for you and your Grandma -- comfort for everybody. Oh, the boys and I put together a Birthday box for you and we want to ship it out. Could that cheer you up? PM me and we'll get it arranged asap.

More house cleaning to do, because my MOM is coming.... AUGHHHHHH.... I can't wait!

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Hey, Eileen, what about a Virginia gal?

I love those detailed cooking directions and pictures of the "equipment" needed.

I plan on making a trial batch on Wednesday.

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Good Morning :)

Patty LOL, ummmmmm after your done cleaning you can clean my house. I sware, I will have the house clean maybe 20 seconds and poof, it looks lke I never touched it. WTF lol.

Pat of course you could come LOL !!! Just remember if you make those on anything but an air bake pan, watch the time b/c I would think they will cook faster. Hope you like them. IMHO they are better the next day but my DD and DH like them warm. ick.

Call me weird but I don't like warm Cookies LOL, so if I can get them out of my house w/in 24 hours I'm safe :(

Its time to go wake up DD for school, she needs to lay on the couch and snuggle before she races off.

Nothing else planned for today DH is home on vacation this week, he is working on an inclosed deck and has the roof almost shingled so thats his project. He is a workaholic.

Have a great day everyone !!!!

Beanie I asked that girl again for the name of the Lawyer... she hasn't gotten back to me so I will call her today. I wonder if she is on vacation. Sorry for the delay.

HUGS !!!

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Good Morning!

I am getting ready to go to the store and finish my shopping for Thanksgiving. I was so frustrated Saturday that I didn't finish. I hate to be in a store and you can't even get up to the shelf you want to get things off of, and Saturday it was so crowded I just quit! We go to my DB for Thanksgiving, but I cook a lot of things to take. My DH ask me this morning if I was going to fix stuff for here too. He hates not having any leftovers. I always cook another whole dinner for home on Friday or Saturday. I think it has to be Friday now that I think about it, we'll be gone all day Saturday. We have a Harley thing to go to during the day, then dinner at my Nephew's house later on. Gosh, I am going to dinner someplace Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Man, I hate to think about the scales this week!

Eileen - Thanks for the recipe, I already have some of those pans, so I won't have that problem. It sounds yummy! Send DH this way if he gets bored, I have lots of stuff he can do here! :(:):D

Zan - Glad to hear you finally got your fill. Hope it works great for you.

Hello to all of you that haven't checked in!

Catch you all later!

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arealsweety vbmenu_register("postmenu_131759", true);

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I was banded by the good Doctor Huacuz on November 3 and it was a VERY good experience! I absolutely LOVED the bedside manner! The caring that was shown was above and beyond my expectations. Kudos to him and his entire staff! You know I actually expected left shoulder pain and had NONE. Believe me, that was a good thing because getting rid of all that gas was no joke! ahahahahahaha!

I have made sure that all my follow up appointments will be with him and his team since I live here in San Diego. They have maintained contact with me through emails and phone calls to acertain my progress. I LOVE it!

I have just been so busy getting stuff done here at work that I have not had time to come in here and post. And by the way, yes, I am STILL excited! I can't believe I have already dropped a dress size.

he is excellent i had my surgery. i lost 30 pounds. in two monts

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Hello to all!

Keep those prayers coming...everything is still the same, with no change to report to you. Just continued comfort care and waiting. We will make the trip to Kansas, but probably for her service. Thanksgiving is on "hold"...if we are here, we will probably eat at a restaurant. That'll be different...and no leftovers. Which is a good thing, but a bad thing, too.

I PM'd you, Patty...you are too sweet!

As for the random post...well, hmmmm.

I am so glad everyone seems to be doing so well...I miss Beanie, don't you? Of course, she is on her vacation so I am sure she is having a great time!

Zan, so happy you have made it through fill #1. It really is not painful at all. Fill #2 is doing very well...I might be up for fill #3 in a while. I am pretty sensitive to them, so am going slow on purpose!

Pat, did you find any of my Ebay listings? I have just listed some small sweaters (we list stuff for other people; these are way too small to have ever been mine!).

Betty, I hope you got to the store when it was less crowded...what's with this new trend of stacking boxes in the aisle, so two carts can't go down it? I hate that!

I'll keep you posted on the continuing story...thank you for being there!


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Hey gang,

I got an email this afternoon from a Bariatric Center here where I live and they answered one of my most important insurance questions. My PCP told me that my surgeon has to be within my medical network(HMO), so this is what I told center #1. She wrote back and said YES they will gladly take my insurance! Well, that has freaked me out alittle bit because it's starting to feel real. Man, on surgery day I'm gonna be a mess! OK, should I still contact clinic #2 and ask them the same question? Whew.... real answers and I learned about this thing called LapBand just 2 weeks ago. Thanks friends,

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, the shopping is done! I am happy about that, I just hate it when it is so crowded! Now, on with the preparation of things. :) I have a dinner to go to tonight, it is a late Halloween dinner. My SIL prepares all this crazy stuff and gives it nasty names. It's good food, just yucky names for it all. She goes way out and prepares tons of stuff. She delayed it this year so her daughter could be here for one. It is a lot of fun to go to.

Cindy - I hate all that stuff in the isles. You would think they could do that during the night when not as many shoppers are there. I think the other thing that drives me crazy is the people that work there cut you right off, walk right in front of you and make you stop your cart. Talk about rude! I always try to get to the stores early, early, early! I am still praying for you family, it is a very hard time to go through all of this. Hugs to you!

Patty - Yes, get all the information you can, then make your decisions. Check out the doctors, the aftercare and how and when the fills are done. Check how many surgeries the doctor has done. Dig, Dig, and then Dig some more! :):):)

Beanie - We miss you! We always go for long walks in the desert when we are there. I love walking out there, you just have to be careful of what you touch, kick, or what moves! lol

Pat - How are the Cookies coming along? I have to get mine started soon too. I am trying to wait till after Thanksgiving though, but I am fighting starting them earlier. I just want to get it over with, but I hate to have them laying around the house too!

Zan - How's the fill doing?

Eileen - You're late this morning! lol So, what is on your schedule for today? You are certainly using your time off wisely!

Well, I'm going to go get something done around here. I need to get back into my walking. After taking that break for a week, I can't get in the mood to walk again.

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Good morning all!!

Sorry I haven't been around much, this computer is soo slow that I don't have the patience to sit here and wait for it. I looked into DSL and guess what...they don't even offer it in my neck of the woods. Can you believe that there are still places in NJ that you can't get DSL or regular ole' cable???

I can't believe all of the people who are all done their holiday shopping - you guys are awesome!!! I just started but I still have some to do. We try not to go overboard and we really like to remember "the reason for the season".

Anyways, I do have some good news......DECEMBER 13TH!!!! Yep, that's my surgery date..gulp! They just called yesterday, I was starting to think it wouldn't be until after the new year. Now is crunch time to get everything ready for Christmas BEFORE I go to the hospital. I did not tell my 8 yr old...well because I don't know what to say. I don't want others knowing (just a select few) and I don't want to scare her....she was VERY upset when I had to have my upper endoscopy, knowing I have to stay over night is really going to scare her. Any suggestions?????

Well gotta go, hope everyone enjoys this nice rainy day!

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HI everyone!

Lisa, first of all, I'm so happy for you that you have a date! That is a perfect time...I was fully operational (driving, shopping, cooking) 5 days after surgery, if I remember correctly...you will be able to do all the week-before-Christmas things with no problem, I would think. So, don't wear yourself totally out getting everything ready. About your DD--I have an 8 year old daughter, too. I chose to tell her everything. Of course, you know your DD better than anyone and know what she can and can't handle. With mine, the more she knows, the better she is at dealing with it. And, I also told everyone about my surgery, so there were no secrets that had to be kept. I've heard others say that you can "cover" your surgery by saying you had a minor abdominal procedure or something like that. I'm just an open book. I showed her the pamphlets, explained how it worked and why I was having it done. She was just excited that I would be able to dance with her!

Betty, have fun cooking! I was looking forward to it, but with everything up in the air, we are looking at eating out instead...I may have to make pumpkin pies anyway! LOL!

Eileen? Are you out of bed? Maybe your DD didn't have school today and ya'll are sleeping in....I'll check back later!

Patty! Yes! It's real! Ask everything, and keep a little folder with all the info in it. I carried that folder around for weeks, but when I needed the info, I knew right where to find it. Keep us posted!

It is sunny and cool here in Texas...looking at a high tomorrow of near 80. In Texas, we need Thanksgiving short-sleeved t-shirts AND sweaters....you never know what the temp. will be!

See ya later, Cindy

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I'm right on it, guys! I have my notebook filled up with notes and reminders of stuff I need to buy and questions to ask when I attend my seminars. I've started a WLS box that I'm filling with comfort items, Soup for the mushie stage, Protein Powder etc. I need info on liquid meds.... I know about gas-x and tylenol, what else?

Hey Eileenie, where are you??

Cindy and I are both in states where it is still SO hot. I'm having Thanksgiving with my Mom, she is taking the Amtrak to my home and we're going to a resturant for dinner(her treat!). My old tradition that I started with my family was to go to a place called Knotts berry Farm. They had a beautiful dinner set inside the theme park. After dinner they would let you walk around a sectioned-off part of the "ghost town" that was set up with various boutique sellers to buy ornaments and such. I took my Mom to Knotts several years ago and she didn't like it, so thats why we aren't doing dinner there but, she said she would walk the craft show with me! All my Christmas shopping is done and I saved stocking stuffer items for things like this! My boys are with their Dad this holiday and I'm OK with that. They'll be back with me later that evening to spend time with Oma(that's dutch for grandmother).

OH, I gotta go..... orthodontist visit w/ 2 kids! Til later!

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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