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I have been seeing this logo all over the board, can someone please tell me what it's all about? I must have missed something. THANKS!

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Good Morning!

I have been so busy that I haven't had any time to spend here at all. Sorry about that! I am filling in for a friend while she is on vacation, and it has taken us a lot of my time, but I am so glad I could do it for her. This morning I have to go in and do my billing as I couldn't do it this week. Then it is off to the grocery store to get a few things I am out of. I figure I will do most of my shopping early in the week so everything will be good and fresh!

Ira - There is a thread called do you want some chips, and you sign up to eliminate or do something for 30 days straight. If you do that, you get that chip! You are doing such a great job with your band!

Cindy - I am so sorry about your Grandma, I am sure you will find the right answer in your heart on what to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you. What great people you have in your life! Enjoy all the attention, you deserve it!

Eileen - I think we all go through being afraid of eating solids the first time, but don't worry, it will be fine. You are still wide open, so things will go down pretty easy, just watch the fattening stuff and you will be fine. I went to the Galvaston Bash right when I could start eating stuff, and I had some steak and salad. I also had some snack stuff and it went down too good! :):D:D Don't worry, your first fill is just around the corner and it will help take care of any weight you might add on right now. Actually eating all I did, I didn't gain any back.

Beanie - Have fun in AZ. We use to go there every year when DH father was alive. He lived in Tucson, he still has some Aunts/cousins there too. I would love to go back out there, I enjoy it! We almost moved there before we came to Texas, I am really glad we decided on Texas. Enjoy your meal, one day isn't going to hurt you! Even my doctor's office told me that last year!

Pat - I just loved that picture of your GS! What a cute Harley! :D:D:D I hope you have a big picture made of that one! My nephew has a real chopper, I have been trying to get a picture of him with it for a long time. My nephew finally brought one in for me, now my scanner isn't working properly for me to scan it, so my DB is going to scan it and send it to me, but that has been about 2 weeks ago. Maybe in 6 months I might have it! :)

Well folks, I gotta run and get my billing done. Hopefully I will get a chance to get back on here later today. I miss you all when I am not here.

Hello Patty and Zan! I hope you have a great day!

I hope I didn't miss anyone!

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Good Morning Betty, I was wondering where you were hiding. I look forward to seeing the picture of your nephew.

Ira, I must have not read that thread either with the "chip".

Eileen you'll do fine with the solids, just remember small bites and think of the train, CHEW CHEW CHEW, lol. (Use a baby spoon if in doubt of bite sizes).

Beanie, Cindy, Patty, Zan have a great safe day.

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Hey everyone... I just got back from PCP and had a chat about surgery. I told him I was interested in Lapband and of course he said that RNY is the gold standard. Then I told him that my insurance would cover anything I wanted. Soooo, could I have a referral. After some hesitation...... he said that I might need to think about it. Doctor, I said, my father passed away from a sudden heart attack in 1987, my mom had quintuple bypass in 2004 and my uncle(my moms bro) had quintuple this year.... what's to think about??

Well, OK he says!? Lets get you in to see the dietician. Hoop #1 score! Now, what am I to expect from that visit? I was told that all the referrals are what's gonna hold up this process. Any hints as to how to keep the ball rolling? My personal desire was to have a date for february, but now it seems redtape make make this more difficult. Trying to keep a good attitude... nothing ventured nothing gained. Thanks for listening.

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Betty, its good to see you. Don't work to hard today but if you do, reward yourself with something sinful tonight :) and I don't mean food :)

Pat, your picture on the WL picture thread is beautiful, you really look so different, so pretty and beautiful colar bones :D Hot stuff.

Patty, my surgeon was the one to decide what tests and other doctors I needed to see, my PCP had nothing really to do with it although he did send in a letter to the insurance company...didn't hurt. Most surgeons make you go to a seminar first before they will even see you. The seminar is usually given by the surgeon and they tell you in detail everything about the procedure and even about gastric bypass. If you decide to go with the surgery they (the surgeon) give you a list of things you must do and people you must see before you actually have the consultation with him/her. So this is what I had to do.


Blood Work


Chest Xray


Psych Evaluation

Support Group Meeting

Surgeon Consultation (I had to bring a list of every diet and exercise plan I was ever on in my life, you need to include dates and how long you were on each program/diet/exercise etc., it was 3 pages when I got done, the surgeon needs this to build a case for the insurance company)

I had to prove 6 months of a supervised diet by a doctor, I had plenty of that with my PCP's records.

After the Consultation I got my surgery date

As I got closer to the date I had to see my PCP for a medical clearance and I had to get more blood work done (pre op stuff).

So from the consultation to the actual surgery it was 2 months and in that time I waited for my insurance to deem this surgery medically necessary. I got my approval the friday before my monday surgery...talk about chewing your nails to the bone LOL.

Every doctor is different, some make you lose weight before surgery, some make you also do a 2 week pre op liquid diet. My doc didn't make me do any of this. Also some doctors will put you thru more medical testing depending on whats wrong with you.

Hope I didn't confuse you LOL !!!


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Hi everyone! You know, those cyberhugs are about as good as real-life hugs! I thank you all!

Nothing new today about g'ma. We will just have to wait for God's own time.

Had Breakfast with friends this morning. Then did a tiny bit of shopping. DH has the big smoker going, and is smoking a turkey, plus briskets, and pheasant, ham, ribs, chicken....it'll be one big meat cleaning fest tomorrow!

Trying to straighten out our Ebay warehouse, oh, I mean, my HOUSE! Preparing for Christmas decorations. My dad and sis don't want to do much decorating, not in the mood. But, I have DD, and think she needs to have as "normal" a Christmas as we can have, and decorating for Christmas is part of it. My mom LOVED Christmas, and it would be a shame to pretend it didn't exist...I don't think mom would want us to be so sad we didn't enjoy her favorite holiday.

I'm just full of depressing banter...sorry.

Eileen, I totally agree with you about Beanie! Incredible positive attitude...I get so mad at her insurance company, and she is rolling with the punches, or lying, one of the two! LOL! Either way, I love ya to pieces, Beanie!

Zan, I went through the same thing before my 2nd fill...that scale wouldn't move, and if it did, it went up a little and back down to where it was before...It will all be okay, and you hang in there until you get your fill!

See ya'll tomorrow! Cindy

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When those scales aren't moving it gets so discouraging, but everytime I got stuck I had gained muscle, which is suppose to be a good thing.

Eileen, I'll have to go look for the collar bone, LOL. I think the before picture is just so horrible it would make anyone look great, but thank you and everyone so much. I was so touched by everyone's remarks I called my DH into my study and had him read the notes.

Oh yeah, what is more sinful than food? ????

Cindy, we're gonna start calling you Ebay Mama.

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Hi Guys!

I don't know about a ray of sunshine (and no, I am not lying) - but I think I am pretty philosophical about the whole thing because, somewhere in the back of my soul there is a little voice saying "you won't be able to pig out ever again... you won't be able to make fresh bread and roll around in it anymore...." That little voice that makes people get all scared and freak out right before surgery is GLEEFUL every time the insurance company says "no." So, it is sort of a battle between what I know is the right and correct thing - my desire to have the band and take control - and what I have always done, which is to eat whatever I want. I will continue to fight for the coverage or for the surgery in any way that I can - but when it doesn't work, it is almost a guilty pleasure - like being able to eat stuffing on Thanksgiving. It's not a noble thing at all... I am BAD. (and enjoying it!) Can you guys empathize with that?

The good news is that I have taken to viewing my trips to Tucson like a mini-spa visit... It's always so nice and warm there. If the pool temp is over 75 we can swim (it was 77 on Thursday) and DH and I walk the neighborhood there for exercise. We do tend to eat a lot - we DO have to hit all the good Mexican Food! - but we burn a lot of calories in our swimming and tromping around.

Ira and Pat - that logo is the 30 day chip for LBT. Mine is for not snacking after dinner. I am working on another one for exercise. Alas, I had a couple of oranges last night - so I am out of the running for a 60 day chip for no snacking, but those are available, too. Just go to the "who wants some chips" thread and declare your abstinence. Then, after 30 days of purity, you too can sport one of these fabulous 30 day chips in your signature.

Ira - You could probably have one now for exercising 6 days a week... DANG! That's great. I have had to force myself to do four days... I had to re-start my 30 day count for the week I only did three days. I went today, though... I am trying to keep that Evil Eliptical at bay WITHOUT slowing down so much the machine goes into pause-mode. Today, I did 10 minutes with no pauses before my heart rate got too high. I haven't fallen off once! lol.

So far as the Stuffing is concerned, my problem with that is NOT the actual feast day. My problem is that I love nothing more than eating T-Day leftovers for the rest of the week. I shred up some turkey, throw it in a pan with some stuffing and gravy - heat it and eat it. Every day until the stuffing runs out. I don't feel that we have had a proper Thanksgiving unless I get to eat stuffing for 3-4 days afterwards. I suppose I am going to have to revise this opinion... Or work out a LOT more... :]

Patty - YES, find a seminar near you. Do you have a particular surgeon in mind? Then ask him. He will know where the seminars are being held. If not, see if your doc knows where there is one. Failing that, you can search on line. I found lots of information there, including this website! Good luck and happy hunting!

Cindy - the smoker, huh? My DH mostly smoke salmon (MMMMMMMMM) but once in a while he will smoke something else before cooking to add flavor. Have fun with the meat cleaning fest... At least your Protein will be smoky and delicious! And try to have fun decorating. I am sure you are right - your Mom would not want you to keep the house gloomy at Christmas and your Daughter should have the best Christmas you can give her, every year. Your Dad & Sis may actually appreciate the decorations, once you get them put up. Give them lots of hugs. It will help all of you.

Pat, you hot chick, you! You are going to be the best looking Red Hat woman ever...Is that the group that is doing the cookie thing? Tell all.

Zan, how you doin? I hope you are having a great day.

I have to get on to bed, now. We hit the road in the morning. I will try to stop by after I arrive in Tucson. Happy Thanksgiving!!


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Good Morning :)

Beanie, your vacation sounds like a great one, enjoy. When are you leaving?

I must start getting ready for church, today DD gets to do a Thanksgiving dance with the rest of the little girls. Its gonna be so cute, they have black long dresses, like just below the knee and they wear pink footless stockings. Then after the dance for thanksgiving comes the Christmas dance (in a few weeks) and they wear the same outfit but they put a big ol red sash around their waists. Of course I'll be there video taping it.

Then its home and I have to start cooking for DH's lunches and our dinners until Wednesday (since thursday we know what we're having lol gobble gobble).

Oooop, my coffee has arrived... DH wanted a bagel so he offered me a cup of hazelnut joe.... like I'm gonna say NO HAAA !!!

Whats everyone doing today?

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Friday I went to the doctor for my monthly statistics check-in. I love his scale, it's always a half pound less than what I am expecting.

To Celebrate, we had Indian food for dinner. Indian is my favorite and I really haven't had it for a while. I still feel like I need more and more spice.

In regards the to stuffing discussion, my wife makes a sausage stuffing, it is incredible. I guess that will be my treat this week. If anyone is interested I will post the recipe.

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Good Morning everyone,

It's a beautiful Southern Californian Day!

Thanks for my checklist...it helps me alot since I'm so goal oriented. My PCP had told me that I can only go to with a certain surgeon that is in my medical group(HMO), so monday morning I will make 2 phone calls and ask those offices are they on the plan. Then I will definately sign up for the seminar.

Eileen: The way you did it seem so quick and giving you your date immediately would totally freak me out. At this point none of it seem quite real..... freaking yet to come! Hey, what have you tried to nibble on, now that food is a "go"??

And my dear Rene: Wanna maybe you and I can be on the bandwagon together, wouldn't that be so cool? Lets Mantra that..... I say we focus on February, unless you have something better to do? Then I'll wait. Hugs

And for my Disney Friends; I went to the park Friday night to view the Christmas parade - fun. It would felt alittle more like christmas if the temperature wasn't 89degrees, we were wearing shorts! The real live tree in town square was bejeweled with thousands of golden twinkling lights and ornaments, just beautiful. The pine smell, inviting. The only downside to our visit was that the nightly fireworks show was cancelled due to our high wind condition(we have several fires happening)so the disney people went to plan B and began the music to "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" while the snow machines went full blast. It was very pretty and Lewis didn't have time to produce tears over his beloved fireworks show. Alls well.

Have a magical day, everyone!

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Hi, good afternoon :)

Patty, believe me when I say it goes quick but when your in the midst of it all, running her and there, it goes slooooow !! Your disney trip sounds so nice, it sounds like when your there, the rest of the world and their problems don't exhist :D I'm looking forward to going to florida some day. Last time I was there was 1971, 3 rides opened LOL. Its gonna be great. We are saving our pennies and its gonna be a 20th wedding anniversary present to each other plus DD will be old enuf. We never went on a honey moon so this will be like our honeymoon + dd :) I had chicken so far, a few bites of a baked potato and some whole cooked carrots. Ohh and Guiltless tortilla chips w/some chili :D I'm trying to learn to tast life instead of inhaling it lol. Its not easy thats for sure. I've had 2 M&M's and was so happy. I'm also having diet puddings.< /p>

Ira, are we interested in recipies???????? do bears poop in the woods LOLOLOL, I love recipies, bring em on !!!! I love cook books and watching the food network. Surprised??? My mom makes a wonderful potato sausage stuffing that is out of this world, but this year we are making plain bread stuffing.

I'm considereing going to the december support meeting. Hopefully that chick won't hog the entire meeting "ME ME ME ME ME" LOL, well if anything I did laugh real good at her. Schmuck !! snort ~

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Good Afternoon!

Been busy, cleaning and doing laundry, cooking, all that wonderful stuff :)

Ira - I love recipes, bring them on!

Eileen - I watch food network too! Love that show, I especially love Paula, just love hearing her talk! Hey, I'd like to have that cookie recipe you talked about. :):D:D

I have been going through some of my recipes, I can't find a bunch of them. I guess I put them somewhere I wouldn't lose them. :cry I am not much in the mood for digging for them right now, I wanted to make a list to take to the store, but maybe later.

Patty - I find it hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it is so warm too, but I am from upnorth where there was snow at Christmas. I'll keep the warm weather over the snow. I love the way they decorate a lot more with lights here. I just love all the decorations. :D Eileen is right, that time will go by quicker than you think.

Cindy - How is your fill working for you?

Beanie - Hope you have a great time in Arizona!

Pat - I was going to start a thread about posting good cookie recipes, but you beat me to it. How is it going with the recipes?

Well, going to go look for some more stuff, catch you all later!

Have a great one!

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Beanie, now you KNOW I am kidding (prodding, actually!) about the lying...just giving you an out, in case!

This 2nd fill is wokring out great...I eat about a third of what everyone else eats, and it takes me just as long. That works for me! No PBing at all. Right now, I am 'wanting" to eat for stress relief, but can't. I love my band!

Heard from Kansas today that G'ma is on "comfort care" which is a way of saying she is dying. My aunt said it could be hours, or a day or two. Please, if you pray, pray for her peace. She is strong in faith, and will be happy in the arms of her Lord. I know my mom and uncle and grandpa are waiting to bring her home. I will let you know when I know something.

Beanie, your explanation made total sense to me, anyway. I know it is hard to adjust to never pigging out again, but we'll get used to it. Isn't that the great thing about our LBT friends? Everyone understands. What a comfort!

I'm just killing time, keeping my mind and thoughts occupied.

Did ya'll see Vera's before and after pictures? Amazing!

Hugs, Cindy

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Cindy, glad you are enjoying your fill :) But I'm so sorry to hear about G'ma. Its just to sad for words.

Betty, these Cookies are baked with an AirBake cookie sheet. They do not burn and for some reason with these cookies they turn out perfect.

Eileen's Thumb Print Cookies :(

3 Sticks of soften butter (salted)

3 Egg yokes

1 Cup sugar

2 Tsp Pure vanilla extract

3 Cups sifted flour

Appricot Jam (I use Palmer)

Preheat Oven to 400 Degrees

Cream butter, sugar, egg yokes, vanilla and then slowly add in sifted flour.

With my pampered chef medium size scooper, I scoop out 12 cookies on each cookie sheet. With your thumb press and make an indent for the jam, don't go thru the cookie but make them deep enuf keeping the sides up. Fill center with Jam about 1 teaspoon, maybe less, you'll see.

Bake for 22 minutes until the cookie is golden brown but not "brown"

If I remember right it makes 2 dozen cookies, maybe a little more (can you tell I haven't baked these since last year LOL).

If you use a different cookie sheet, watch them b/c I'm not sure how much time you'll need to leave in the oven, prob less.

Transfer cookie to rack to cool.

These are my DH, DD and my favorite. Every year my co-workers beg me to bring them in.

You can use Raspberry jam (with seeds) but the appricot works the best.


This is the pampered chef scooper, they have small medium and large. I use the medium for the cookies.



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