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Patty, open the picture in your photo editor software and do a "SAVE AS", then on the copy, reduce the size of the image to like 250 x 250, save it and try uploading that smaller image.

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Patty I'll send you my email addy..... send it to me and I'll post it for you IF YOU WANT?

Hugs !

Hey Ira :D Whats happening?

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Allow me to whine about life insurance again.

Yesterday a representative from CHASE LIFE told me (and I quote) "The mortality rates for bypass surgery are off the charts" ( I DIDN'T HAVE BYPASS SURGERY, I HAVE THE BAND, I said) "Well it's all the same to us, so don't call us until next year."

CHASE LIFE must be very proud. Well in the unlikely event that defy the odds and I manage to survive until next year, I really don't think I will be calling again.

I swear when I have time, I am going to write to Dr. Ortiz to make sure he includes a line about this in his next revision of his Lap Band book, and then a note to the most appropriate person I can find at the ASBS to promote awareness about this problem with potential bariatric patients.

On a brighter note, my goal weight is most likely being changed to 125 on the advice of both of my physicians. (that is, if I am still alive.)

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Ira, 125 for a goal weight for a man???? I'm only 5'2 and I don't think that's a do-able goal for me. Heck I'd be happy at 135, well at this point 150's looking good.

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Hi everyone,

I just got back from Kansas and grandma's funeral. i got everything unpacked andput away, and am ready to go to bed and get some rest before work tomorrow. Everything went well. The weather was horrible...cold and super windy. I even saw a couple of snowflakes floating around in the air! It was good to be with all the cousins. Seemed like we were there a long time for such a short trip. My poor Michigan cousins had to drive about 18 hours, one way! My Colorado cousin's DH almost didn't make it, because the eastward highways through Kansas were closed due to high winds. But, we all made it, and got through a tough time.

Patty, gosh. Part of me says to tell him no way, and part of me thinks it might go easier on the kids if you just suck it up and include them. I don't have any experience with your situation. So, don't put too much credence in my thoughts, okay?

Eileen, enjoy this last week of "vacation"...I hope you got the chance to rest and enjoy yourself enough to last ya for a while!

Lisa, wow! Already all decorated?! I bet it's pretty...post pictures if you can!

Betty....be sure to give us the run-down on what you are baking....I'm just nosey like that!

Everyone else: thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.

I haven't read everything in this thread, so excuse me if I missed commenting on something...just wanted to write a little something before bedtime!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning :)

Ira, sorry the insurance people are being so ignorant. Check with MetLife, maybe they'll be better informed.

Cindy its good to see you. We did miss you. I'm glad your G'ma funeral went well, as well as it can be right.

Nothing happening today, SOSDD. Taking DD to school and a run to the store. Thats about it. My washing machine broke last night in the middle of a was so now I have all my clothes sitting in a machine full of Water LOL.... SHOOT !!!

How's everyone today? Happy Hump Day :D


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GoodMorning everyone,

It's a new day and I'm gonna be positive.

Eileen I just sent you an email. Us girls will try to stick together and victory is in sight!

Cindy-loo... I'm so glad you're home! I have been so worried about you and the challenges this last week presented you and your family. I have decided to tell my ex to leave his new family home.... My boys don't like their stepbrother nor the step Mom and I'm not in the mood to cater to people that I did not invite, if my focus is my son I want to give him all my attention. It's a 2hr party, she can wait for him to come home - and no "goodie" bag!

Rene.... where are you?

Oh, I've got to share something cute. Yesterday I was in class with one of my students who is in second grade. He's a wiggleworm and my job is to keep him on task. We were working on the story about the Gingerbread man... you know "run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread man!" When we FINALLY finished our assignment I told him that he had done a great job and then I reached into my totebag and pulled out a small gingerbread cookie made by "Mothers" (my favorite) I told him he was to eat it at lunchtime(just happened to have these). And I got up to leave. Before I get to the door he tackles me with the biggest bear hug! I love my job and these kids just find a place in your heart. I wouldn't have traded that moment with anyone!


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She's Ba-ack......

Hello Friends! I am home at last and loving sleeping in my own bed. We had some computer issues at Mom & Dad's so I had no way to check in.

Cindy - I am sorry about Granny. She looks like a great lady and I am glad that you have good memories to comfort you now that she is gone. Sorry that DD is suffering. She's probably panicking if her Nana & her G. Gma are her first experiences with Loss. One death was scary enough - but with the second one she is probably wondering who is next. Spend lots of time with her and give her lots of hugs. Reassure her that you & DH are in good health and all that sort of thing. Try NOT to comfort with food. I know it's hard - since we are all programmed to do that - but try. I had similar traumatic experience when I was about her age and I am convinced that the insecurity drove me to fixate on the one constant in my life - food. Find something else to do with her - a special game or sport that you can play with her. I have fond memories of dancing with my brother to old showtunes - maybe something like that. Just my two cents. HUGE hugs for both of you.

Patty - it sounds like you had lots of fun on your non-traditional Thanksgiving. I am glad that you and Mom had so much fun. Regarding the ex - I agree with Eileen. You have to just tell him you can't handle that yet - and specify that when you asked your Lewis, he said he didn't really want them there. I am sure that it is probably the ex trying to make his son more a part of his new life - or the new wife trying for that, or something - but there is no reason why you & Lewis have to suffer because they want another photo op. Talk to the ex about it. If he holds the money over your head, just point out to him that it is stuff like that that made the marriage fall apart and find a way to cover the cost yourself. Women have been squeezing money out of nothing for generations... Maybe your mom can help? Good luck!

Ira, Ira, Ira! You crack me up. So, DID you tell him you have lost weight? And yes, Samosa is the word I was looking for. I swear it's early onset alzheimers. Hopefully the progression will be slow. How tall are you, Ira? 125 is my Supermodel Dream Goal Weight - and I am 5' 5". I can't imagine anybody taller at that weight... Who is your doc anyway? Ickabod Crane? Sorry about the Life Insurance. I guess if the MEDICAL insurance people can't sort it out, then we really can't expect the Life guys to get it either... bummer. Hope you survive the year. :]

Pat - your cookie pictures are pretty funny. Nice kitchen BTW. I made some Cookies last night, too. It's pretty funny - I had to find a recipe with no milk in it - because we just got off the road and there isn't any dairy in the house. I ended up finding one with only two tablespoons of milk. I used some plain yogurt. :] The cookies actually turned out pretty well, all things considered. But, my counters looked somewhat like yours, Pat! It's a baking thing. If you will clean - Cindy & Betty & I will come over and bake. It's a deal.

Betty - HAPPY belated ANNIVERSARY!! I hope you guys had a great day. Was it actually Thanksgiving in the year that you got married? I am glad to hear that your Niece is doing ok. Also, I love the pie story. I have done that sort of thing too - but to my nephew. I have to tell you that we ate turkey sandwiches and stuffing every day after Thanksgiving and there was still a HUGE amount of both left when we hit the road. Mom said she was going to parcel it out in to small portions and put it all in the freezer. I expect she will be eating about 50 meals with some part of out feast leftovers in the next several months!

Eileen - you and I have to go back to work on the same day. I will hardly remember how to work by then. I will be doing Christmas shopping over the next few days in order to get it all done. Once I go back to work, DH is on his own... OMG!! Your DH could make a small fortune hiring himself out as a designer for little girls fantasy rooms!! Set him up with a website and charge obscene amounts of money and see if it doesn't get some work for him. That room is incredible. Who ever would have thought to put music boxes in the bedposts? Wow!! Your girl is lucky!! I think we should do a little reality TV... HUSBAND SWAP! I get yours for 30 days, and you get mine. Your's can do household things here, and mine can cook for you!! It's a shame you can't post pictures of flavor... My DH is a whiz in the kitchen!

Zan - I am glad you had a great time - but am I jealous of you! I ate everything in sight (again) this year. Although, I did stop before the Pain Point. I have had years when I ate so much it hurt. I guess that is a small victory. It is nice not to have a bunch of stuff here, though. I am sipping a Protein Shake as I sit here, and we will be going back to the gym, today. I have to say that my Spa portion of the trip just did not come to pass this year. We slugged out the whole time. Both DH & I had allergy attacks - just enough to keep our heads feeling huge and us feeling slow & stupid. Add to that the fact that Mom is still recovering from Knee Surgery and it was a very laid-back and uneventful trip. We just hung out and ATE!! Oh well.....

Lisa - your daughter sounds like a sweetie. She was obviously trying not to hurt your feelings, bless her littel heart. Clearly, you made the correct choice in telling her. She probably would have been upset if she had found out any other way. I know that when I was little I found out my parents were divorced by reading a note to my teacher... It was not pretty. Not exactly trust-inspiring, if you know what I mean. If you want her to be able to tell you everything, you have to do the same... And yes, the truth generally sucks. The good news is that you are going to take control and alter that truth for yourself. Good luck with the surgery!! :]

Sara - hope you have a great time on your vacation!!

I plan to spend the rest of mine on some shopping and some relaxing! I have to get my present sent off to my LBT person! I hope she likes it. (and no, it isn't anyone here.) As for decorating, we will see. If I find the perfect faux-tree, I may do a tree this year. I love trees - but they are messy and expensive. I can get the same tree smell with a wreath - and I will - but no tree unless I can find a good fake within my ultra cheap budget. I am just decorating for myself, anyway. I already have my santa out and some candles... I am not looking forward to the mall.... I guess it is good that I can go during the week. I certainly don't need anything badly enough to wrestle for it.

Well, I figure everybody is tired of reading by now. I will check in again later.

Hugs to all. Love you guys!


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Hi, guys!

I'm back at work, maybe a day too soon...my emotions are a little shakey. As the day goes on, I feel better, though.

Patty, "Cindy-loo" is so familiar...lots of people call me that, and my sister calls me Cimbo. My nickname in high school was "Fireball" for my debate style! I can still have a firey (sp?) temper on occasion...it's just that I don't lose it often. I think whatever decision you make in regard to the birthday party is fine, and good luck!

Ira (or whoever knows), about the life insurance....are you getting new coverage, or trying to increase coverage you already have? I have life insurance, but was turned down when I tried to increase it, due to weight. I was going to get under their magic number, and ask to increase it, so I am interested in your saga. Since I am retiring in a year, I need to do that before then.

Eileen, bummer on the washing machine! When you get yours fixed or replaced, have your handy DH (mine is good like that, too!) build you in some counters to fold on, etc...I think I would enjoy folding clothes if the room looked as good as your daughter's! Mmmmmm, that's a thought.....

BEANIE!!!!! Do we smell bad? Or, are you recovering from your vacation? Hey, at least you know you are missed!

I am picking DD up from school...my dad usually does it, but he's still in Kansas...then she has chimes and choir. HOWEVER, I am about to decide not to take her, and get her home early so she can rest. She was bawling and crying when I left this morning, so I know she is not "over it." That makes sense to me...I think she needs some home time, down time. The chimes teacher will just have to deal with it. She's a tough cookie, though, so I may get in trouble.

More later, Cindy

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BEANIE BEANIE BEANIE !!! I missed you girl. Its so good to see you and your cute little santa hat. I'm glad you had a good visit with Mom&Dad :D

Cindy... what can I say except we love you and hang in there. Just let yourself feel what you need to feel.

Patty, that gingerbread story was wonderful (I collect gingerbread thingys lol). I'm so glad your rewards are so sweet for lack of a better word LOL !!!

DD wants my pc so I'm gonna surf real fast and let her have it ROFL !!!


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Hey Everyone!

I just walked in the door, been gone all day and I am dog tired!

Beanie - Welcome back! You were definately missed! I love your new picture too! See girls/guys I told you she was a lot prettier than her last picture showed! Yes, we actually did get married on Thanksgiving day. It was the only time we both could get off work for any length of time, and we got married in Vegas. I did finally tell DH about the pie when he was at my DB house bragging on the great pumpkin pie I baked. When I said Honey, it was a sweet potato pie, he said "you think thats funny don't ya?" :D

Patty - What a lovely family you have! Thanks for sharing with us! :) I love the gingerbread story! How cute :D

Cindy - Honey, take some time to heal. That is the best advice I can give you. I went back to work right away too because they needed me and it just took forever for me to heal. I didn't have any time to actually morn my parents. I would never do it that way again, I would take my time and let myself heal like everyone else does.

Ira - Sorry about the insurance. I would never have thought it to be that way, you would think they would like it better when you are healthier.

Well, got to run, I haven't even thought about supper yet and still have some things to put away.

Catch you all later.

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Mouse- Yes this is for new coverage. The short version of the story is that If I had got the policy before the surgery while I was morbidly obese, it would have been no problem, and I could have negotiated an excellent rate by pitting companies against each other for my business. Now I can;t get anyone to talk to me at all.

Irene & Pat, I am 5'1'' or 5'2" depending on who's form I am filling out.

Betty, absolutely... it is so ironic.

Eileen, I will check Met Life, thanks.

The charts are really putting me at 125 for ideal weight. I was shooting for 130 because it was the high end of normal and I thought that anything less would make me look sick. I guess the only thing to do is get to 130 and then see how I look and feel.

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