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Hey Y'all!

How goes the battle?

Betty, you had better un-cross those fingers for a bit. I appreciate the thought, but I don't want to be responsible for any permanent damage due to continued crossing of fingers! lol.

Eileen - Whatcha reading?

Pat - What a cutie! That is a great little Harley he has there. Did you pick that up at the Harley store on highway 75? lol.

Cindy - Wow. More hugs! I hope Granny is not too badly damaged by the stroke. Definitely spend as much time with her as you can. One of the few regrets I have is that I didn't spend enough time with my Great Aunt Irene when she was alive. My G-Ma wasn't much of a "Warm Fuzzy" kind of person - but Auntie Irene was. She was the one that taught me to crochet & knit. She was the "Fun" one of my Dad's family. I really miss her. You can't spend too much time with the people that you love.

And Cindy - you couldn't possibly tell us more that we want to know. We want to know EVERYTHING. :] Thanks so much for keeping me in your prayers. I appreciate it.

Patty - How smart were you to include the Disney passses in the Divorce Decree? I am impressed. That certainly will make a lasting impression on the kids. Sounds like you could use a hug, too! Darn, girl! How much crap can any one person take and stay sane? It sounds like you are doing pretty well, all craziness considered. Keep your chin up. Money is pretty low on the list of things that kids remember - most memories are centered around things that happen - like "Remember when we all had to cram into that tiny manufactured house - and Mom always made us pancakes? " I think that's the stuff they will remember - and feel good about. Hugs!

Ira - I saw you lurking while I was typing... Whatcha doin? Are you tearing up the scale - you weightloss stud, you?? Tell All!

I have decided not to stress about the whole insurance thing. I am just going to submit my stuff to the state and trust in good karma and all your positive thoughts and prayers. I'll work on it from my folks house next week. I know that they will have some great tidbits to add to any letter that I might send in addition to the previous info I submitted to the Stinkers at Blue Cross. My medical records are copied and waiting for me at AIGB and I have the signed form from Dr. Fox by Fax. Now all I need is the second declination letter from Blue Cross. Hopefully, that will have come in the mail today - or will arrive before we leave for Tucson on Sunday.

My DH has decided that he is just going to diet me down to an acceptable BMI for Blue Cross.... While that may work, it might be too late, if my company adds an exclusion - or my new 2006 policy no longer covers the band.... It can't hurt - so I am going along with it. Even when he cooks healthier, his cooking is so good that I hardly notice. Yeah, Buddy. I feel like Oprah, with my own diet chef.

In order to qualify under the Blue Cross BMI guidelines, I have to get my lard butt down to 299 - that's another 49 lbs, folks. No small task. It may be a long haul, unless miracles happen at the State Insurance Board. Everybody keep your fingers crossed (except YOU Betty - no permanent damage, remember? Maybe you can cross your toes for a bit instead?). I will need lots of cheerleaders if I have to do this the old fashioned way. Dust off those pom poms, people. Get ready to shake It!

Well, I am off to a hot date with my husband for dinner and the gym. Everybody keep on keepin' on.


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Hey, Rene

You are just way cool. Give your Prince Charming a kiss, he sounds simply adorable. Does he have a brother?

Princess Patty

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it might be too late, if my company adds an exclusion - or my new 2006 policy no longer covers the band.

Are you thinking that they will exlude the band, but keep Gastric bypass?

are you counting calories?

Not at all, just keeping it very simple, high Protein, low fat.

I am still going to the gym 45 min a day, 6 days a week.

I can't really eat in the morning, my first meal is around 12 noon. Usually something like chicken or chili. I find that I need more spice to taste anything. I snack on peanuts, and dinner is a South Beach diet bar if I am at work, or more chicken, beef, etc if I am home. No other snacking at all. I am never hungry. Once a month I have a glass of wine, otherwise no other alcohol. Drinking lots and lots of Water and Tropicana sugar free orange-aid. I found that crystal light was making me dehydrated for some reason.

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Hi Everyone!

Eileen – the new color sounds great. I’m desperate to get my “natural blonde” a touch up. Who am I kidding? The last time I was a real blonde I was also a skinny 15 year old!

Pat – sounds like we both treated ourselves to pampering this week! Hope you had a great anniversary. Rock fishing off the pier sounds really relaxing and peaceful. How adorable your grandson is!

Cindy – I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I hope everything is okay, and you get to spend some time with her on Thanksgiving. My grandmother spent so much time for years between hospitals and rehabilitation places that the holidays were always challenging. Hang in there!

Patty – Beanie’s exact words… Moms are amazing. I can barely take care of myself. What you do is amazing and wonderful.

Beanie – so did you treat yourself to a pedicure? What color – vixen red?! You totally deserve it dealing with all the insurance crap and your dedication to overcome the evil elliptical machine. Betty and I will be a tag team with the crossed fingers to prevent injuries. In the meantime, giving the voodoo dolls a good workout on your behalf.

Well this morning people on the city streets ran for cover as a scale fell from the sky. Luckily no one was injured but fear runs rampant through the city. Week #3 and the scale did not move. Tomorrow I once again have my doctor’s appointment. They better not cancel on me again for the 4th time or someone will be hurt. Hoping I can get a fill and not have to throw another scale out the window next week – that could get expensive.

What are everyone’s plans for the coming weekend?

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Good Morning,

Wow, nice to see you all, I would have started writing a 1/2 hr ago but there was so much to read here *GRIN*

Pat that mini motorcycle is sooooooo cute, I know he's gonna have a great time with it. Who ever carved that out of wood did a fantastic job.

Beanie girl, we are all here for you and I truly believe there is Power In Prayer. I'm glad you DH is helping you with your WL. I know you can do this. 49 lbs is alot of weight and lets face it, the problem for us is not losing weight, its keeping it off. So I know you can do it!! I just pray your insurance will continue your coverage since you did start this in 2005, maybe you'll be grandfathered?? GO BEANIE GO BEANIE !!! Every time you feel like cheating, just remember those asswipes in the insurance company telling you now and you say "TAKE THAT BCBS" yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaw !!

Patty, you certainly are carrying a load on your shoulders. Just remember the teenage years are the hardest but once they are past that your kids are going to say to themselves OMG My Mom is a HERO!! They are going to just love you for what you are doing for them. I am the youngest of 7. We never went without but we didn't have extra thats for sure. My dad made peanuts and my mom went to work after I was born scrubbing people's toilets. Our vacations were in the stationwaggon, our christmas's were clothes we needed, not toys and I remember not one of us complaining. We made due. Knowing now how hard my parents struggled for us just makes me love them even more, ya know. They did good. You sound like a really strong person and like I said, God doesn't give you what you can't handle.

Zan, good luck today for crying out loud !!!! they had better NOT cancel your appt. Tell them you know some guys from Jersey that will escort you to the office (vinnie, louie and paulie from the sopprano's lol). My nephew is Always! in the city so please, no throwing scales out he window....he doesn't have very good luck LOLOL !!!

Betty Boop !!! whats shaking toots, where are you off and running to today?

Cindy did your meeting go well yesterday? how's the fill going? I know you said a bar can last 3 hours, thats cool.

Ira, your weight loss is going great but it sounds like your not eating much. I hope your watching and getting enough calories. One thing you don't want to do is go to low. Hows your son and wife? Is he excited about the holidays coming?

Today I promised my DD I would take her to Friendlys for lunch. I believe they have Soup so I'll have that instead of trying to struggle with choosing something thats not good or friendly to the band.

TGIF !!!!

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Hey gang, thanks for the nice words about my little cutie grandson, he's a mess.

Talk about eating out, I'm as excited as a bug in a rug when I go anywhere that has the Soup and salad combo, and even more so if it's the bottomless bowl of soup.

Eileen, did you ever try any of those mashed taters by Country Crock?

My heart goes out to all the single parents in the world, it's tough enough with two active parents. (Thank goodness mine are grown, but just because they're grown doesn't mean you're worry free)

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Happy Friday before a holiday week! I can hardly stand myself, I am so ready for a break!

Our meetings go fine around here...I swear we are like a big, dysfunctional (but loving) family! It's the REASON for meetings that gets on my nerves...It is never that we (teachers) are doing anything right, or even miraculous! There is so much nit-picking and micro-managing, and most of the true managers (state legislature, Congress) have not been in a school for decades or ever studied the business of education. Let's hear it for more governmental interference! NOT. I believe in standards, and high standards at that. I also believe that most teachers work their butts off, and want their kids to excel. It would be hard to explain how gov't. regulations, and special ed rules, and gifted rules, and high-stakes testing gets in the way of the overall objective, but they do. Okay, that will end my mini-lecture on the state of education in America. (Oops, who got that soap box out?)

Tonight two of my best friends are taking me to dinner for my birthday (it's always during Thanksgiving, so I get to spread out the celebration!). Tomorrow, two other friends are taking me out to Breakfast. On Sunday, my family is getting together to go to lunch (birthday again!). Am I lucky or what?!

My grandmother is immobile on her right side, and apparently can't see out of her right eye, either. She is sleeping alot, which I understand is to be expected after a stroke. We are "on hold" as far as our plans to go to Kansas next week, until we see how things are going. We might make a decision on Sunday.

Everyone, have a great Friday!


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Hey Cindy,

Happy Birthday.... You are such a lucky girl. You have friends and family that Love you and are willing to show it. Great big blessings on this your Band Year!! Celebration eating is the best....just don't over-do it though, that mini goal butterfly is staring at me and it wants to go down another 3lbs. SOOOO, put another candle on your birthday cake!

Does anyone still remember Sheriff John??-- it was a kids show in the early 60's LOL


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CINDY !! your birthday is today ? Well girl dang !!




Patty, nope I don't remember sheriff John...? I was in diapers in the 60's LOL. Actually I do remember some stuff from the 60's. I remember the man walking on the moon, I remember my easy bake oven. Watching I dream of jeanie. My sister fussing over the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Why do you ask?

Tomorrow is real food kids.... I get to eat real food, I'm so nervous. I feel almost like a druggie taking a small hit of speed or something like that. Like here alcoholic, you can have 1/2 a beer instead of a case. Does anyone understand how I feel? I've been starving these 4 weeks but I've felt in control, now that I can have "FOOD" I'm almost terrified. Guess I'm afraid of gaining and losing control again. I know I'll be okay, I just had to get that off my chest.

Where is everyone this beautiful evening ?

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Thank you for the birythday wishes! My actual day is on Thanksgiving, but we have to spread it out, you know! And guess what?! When I got to the restaurant, it wasn't my two girlfriends, but about 10 people! Some I work with, some that retired from my school, and an old friend from the "old days." I was truly surprised! They got a journal, and took it around and had people write in it, instead of a card...it is the coolest keepsake. I am supposed to carry it around and have people write in it during this year, and keep it for prosperity.

So, that was the fun part of today's rollercoaster; as in life, the hard part comes also. My aunt called to update me on Grandma's condition...it is getting worse. Non-responsive, pneumonia is getting worse, everything that suggests the end is near. We are still waiting to hear what tomorrow brings. My aunt asked me to think real hard about whether I should go up there now or not. Many fo the things that grandma is going through, physical changes, are very similar to my mom before she died. I think grandma would know why I really don't want to experience that again, and I know she knows I love her. My DH was just there with her last weekend. We always say I love you to each other every time we talk on the phone. So, right at this minute, I'm going to stay here and wait. How can something you can foresee, such as the death of your 92 year old grandmother, still be so sad? I appreciate being in your prayers. I will let you all know what is happening.

The tale continues...

Ya'll have a good night! Cindy

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Are you thinking that they will exlude the band, but keep Gastric bypass?

No, but my company could put an exclusion on for all bariatric surgery. I am hoping they don't - but I won't know for sure until after the first of the year.

If the insurance companies start offering a significant discount for this policy exclusion, lots of employers will take it. I am just hoping that Blue Cross is so huge that they will be too slow to make this change.

I guess as long as they keep denying everybody, the band won't particulary affect them - but the Lap Band has got to be cutting into the insurance company profits for a lot of companies. Way more people will be willing to have the band than would be willing to go through a by-pass...

By the way, Ira - great job on the exercise! You really are going to be a stud if you keep that up!!

Zan - You did the right thing by throwing that scale out the window! They are evil. Don't get another one!! I say you camp out in that doc's office until he gives you a fill. I didn't get my toes done - but I did challenge the Evil Eliptical to a 19 minute duel.

Eileenie - you are too funny. I don't know if I would want anybody at Blue Cross to get close enough to use as an asswipe! lol! I am just going to play "Little Engine That Could" at the gym... I am going to keep fighting the EE and doing my four little things. All I have to do is get past Thanksgiving... I LOVE stuffing and gravy. I could skip ALL the rest of it if I have Stuffing and Gravy. Dang all that Stuffing, anyway. BTW - good luck with the real food. PB's sound pretty scary - so be careful!

Pat - I got a little excited about some Soup today, myself! My co-worker brought in some Soup in a little plastic tub that she bought at our version of Safeway (we have Tom Thumb here, instead). It was a creamy Tomato Basil soup and it was sooooooo good. Mmmm. Now I am going to have to try some of the other Soups.

Patty - tell us about Sherriff John? What does this have to do with your mini-goal? I don't remember that show, either.

Cindy - HUGE cyber hugs. I wish there was something we could do to help your Granny. I hope she pulls out of this and you get to enjoy her and be with her for years to come. If all else fails, smuggle her in a chocolate milkshake. My Mom swears that is what saved my dad when he was supposed to have an hour to live. (uh - that was over 30 years ago...) We are all thinking good thoughts for her.

DH and I will be departing the icy shores of Texas for our Thanksgiving in Tucson with the M&P on Sunday morning. Tomorrow will be devoted to laundry and packing, so I might not get a chance to log on again until after we get to AZ. Just in case I don't get to check in, Y'all have a great weekend!!


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Good Morning and Happy Saturday :)

Cindy, boy am I sorry to hear about your G'ma. Yes, it does not sound good, not at all. You have to go with your gut instinct and do whats right for you. I'm so sorry.

Beanie you are just a ray of sunshine thru this all, you really are. I'd be pulling my hair out and you my dear are keeping your spirits up. Bet there's something good at the end of this journey. Listen, eat the stuffing and enjoy it for crying out loud. One day, one meal isn't going to make you gain, its the meal after and the next day if we keep it up ya know LOL. Have fun in AZ. I have relatives down there, in Phoenix. My BIL who just passed away lived there and his kids still do... I also have an aunt and a bunch of cousins that moved there from Jersey like 20 years ago.

Nothing on the agenda for today, which is nice :)

How about you all ?

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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