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Toyota IS not bad DON'T fall for the HYPE

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I heard on the news of Toyota's recalls and now i am hearing alot of people talking bad about Toyota.

Its going to be their big down fall

:huh2:UHHHHH helloooooo every car has recalls on it some bad and some really bad and some that might not even seem important.

Toyota makes great cars just because they had a recall everyone want to try to say how bad they are and some people are even saying to buy a FORD

My parents always brought me and them self TOYOTAS and they ran great, even my grandmother's 1980 Toyota is still running. I never seen a 1980 FORD still running.

In 2007 i was brought a new Camry and i loved it but then i wanted to get a FORD vehicle, even though all my friends had problems with them: but i was thinking well now they might have better people and machinery working on their cars since they receive their welfare checks.

So I brought a 2009 FORD FLEX and that was the worst 6 months of my life.

A Month after getting my car the heat stop working, i got that fixed

2 Months later I happened to look at my odometer and i was just in shock to see that in two months i drove 35,000 miles and i brought the flex with only 1000 miles on it so had to get that fix,

3 Months later my starter went, and brake lights blew out.

Luckily I brought the flex with cash so i was able to sell it without having to bring it back to the dealer or deal with a bank. Even though i had to sell it 4000$ less then what i paid on it oh well, I learned a 4000$ lesson and will go back to cars with GREAT reviews.

So that was my first hand experience with FORDS and it just disgust me that FORD is trying to ruin TOYOTA and harping on toyotas recalls. When FORDS have their very own problems.



so now i still stand my ground that FORDS suck and mostly all American cars. Those particular car makers shouldn't be talked so highly of just because Toyota has recalls.

And what makes me tickle is that i hear idiots saying wow I'm not getting a Toyota because they are sooo bad, I'm getting a LEXUS :P Cmon man REALLY REALLY REALLY!

Every call model have a recall on it but the only reason why this was so publicize was because it was Toyota and no other car maker can compete with them.

Click on the link and put in your car make model or your VIN to get full details of any recalls on your car. And when you see the recalls look on TV and see if its on the news.

I'm not saying all car makers are perfect right not i have a 2010 Nissan maxima and thats pretty new and i have two recalls on it right now nothing major but there is recalls.



The cars I trust are NISSAN, TOYOTA AND HONDA and their sister company LEXUS, ACURA and INFINITI.

:lol: By the way, none of these car makers above received any welfare checks :thumbup:

:tt2:And people please understand what a rant and fave forum is, I met one lady well actually two ladies that were offended in a rants and rave forum if you cant handle some disagreeing with your opionion you need not to have one in this forum.

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The cars I trust are NISSAN, TOYOTA AND HONDA and their sister company LEXUS, ACURA and INFINITI.

:lol: By the way, none of these car makers above received any welfare checks :thumbup:

None of them are American either!

I have owned only Fords since 1987 and haven't had any major problems or even headaches.

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Toyota have always had a great rep for reliability and they run and run and run and run. The best car to buy when you're young and buying your first one was always a corolla or something similar.

The worst you could say about Toyota is Boring with a capital B. We have a Camry at the moment and ... yawn... its just such a bland, plastic car. I hate it. Its reliable, cheap to service, has reasonable power and such, is well made and has stayed together (which is more than you can say for my stupid Ford Territory which has been a pain in the backside since I bought it four years ago brand new) but sheesh, its just such a boring, unsexy family car.

I'd actually stay away from Ford, my car has been such a nuisance. Two recalls for safety items, and constant, constant problems with central locking, electronics and windows requiring boring, inconvenient, unscheduled camp outs in the dealership. My rear windows got stuck open yesterday and I had to leave my car parked at school out in the open, unsecured AND it was raining, GRRRRR.

I'd say every manufacturer has a glitch occasionally, its their reputation over decades that counts. But a bad experience does put you off.

However, both our cars are being replaced this year, Doug's got his eye on a BMW, but I'm going for a Honda this time. I love the new Accord.

Edited by Jachut

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I love Toyotas. I've had 3. And my husband has had 1. We actually have had 3 Ford trucks (2 F-250's and 1 F-350 dually). Well, we got rid of all 3 Fords! He now has a Dodge Dually. Anyways...Toyotas are great cars. I know they will get this fixed, and everybody will be ok. It may take some time, but every automobile company will go through this sometime.

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None of them are American either!

I have owned only Fords since 1987 and haven't had any major problems or even headaches.

Point made on the american part

The experience I felt first hand and that I know a lot of people delt with problems with fords

I mean even though its catchy I didn't come up with "find on road dead"

certain dealership will not let you trade an american car in to buy another one.

My brother had a mustang and older one not quite sure of the year (it wasn't a 2000) he went to a dealership and they would not except it stating that they don't want to get stuck with it if it had any problems, the dealership didn't mind to sell them to people but did not want to receive one as a trade in.

And then we went to another dealership and they were trying to get me to trade in my car cause it is a nissan and I'm like uhhh I'm not the one here doing a trade in and with the mustang they weren't that excited about it but they only wanted to give him 2000$ for it and they said just because it was a ford now remind you it only had 65000 miles on it and from what I can see it was in great condition

The older fords seems to be ok but thats when people took pride in what they produce and when I say older I mean the older older one. Now it just seems like they want to produce everything now fast fast fast and no longer care about the quality

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Toyota have always had a great rep for reliability and they run and run and run and run. The best car to buy when you're young and buying your first one was always a corolla or something similar.

The worst you could say about Toyota is Boring with a capital B. We have a Camry at the moment and ... yawn... its just such a bland, plastic car. I hate it. Its reliable, cheap to service, has reasonable power and such, is well made and has stayed together (which is more than you can say for my stupid Ford Territory which has been a pain in the backside since I bought it four years ago brand new) but sheesh, its just such a boring, unsexy family car.

I'd actually stay away from Ford, my car has been such a nuisance. Two recalls for safety items, and constant, constant problems with central locking, electronics and windows requiring boring, inconvenient, unscheduled camp outs in the dealership. My rear windows got stuck open yesterday and I had to leave my car parked at school out in the open, unsecured AND it was raining, GRRRRR.

I'd say every manufacturer has a glitch occasionally, its their reputation over decades that counts. But a bad experience does put you off.

However, both our cars are being replaced this year, Doug's got his eye on a BMW, but I'm going for a Honda this time. I love the new Accord.

Yeah the camrys are quite boring i received the camry with nothing extra in it, but i do modify all my cars so that kinda made the camry a little fun.

The reason to me that they dont do anything fancy with thier cars (toyota) becuse then everyone will want to buy the cheaper version of the lexus

if you can get a hooked up camry with all the features of a lexus at half the price you will never buy anything from thier sister company (lexus)

But if you want a FUN toyota then you gotta go next door and get a lexus for double the twice :lol:

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Dollar for dollar, no car manufacturer produces a better quality vehicle with the longest bumper to bumper 5 year 60,000 mile warranty then either Hyundai or Kia from Korea. I had a Hyundai in 1988 (Excel) and it was the worst car I ever owned. Like they say, you`ve come a long way..baby! The fit,finish, quality control of (all) their current models are up to Lexus,BMW and Mercedes. The only knock is low resale trade in values 3 to 5 years down the road. So.....your paying up front 3 to 4 thousand dollars less at time of purchase. No brainer.....drive a new 2011 Sonata when they hit your dealers lot, (made in Alabama I might add),and you will drive one home.

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Dollar for dollar the least expensive car to buy new is the Toyota Corolla. Once you factor in the cost of the vehicle, insurance, repairs, depreciation and gas.

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well i guess i was wrong lol:blush:

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Check out the new 2011 Hyundai Sonata ! For a $21K vehicle that gets 35 mpg highway, there is nothing in the market place with a 5 year/60K bumper to bumper warranty that can touch it. Looks like its costs 15 K more! Resale value.....your paying 3K less to purchase soooo, its worth at resale 3K less...no problem.

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Phil, I respectfully disagree.

2007 Hyundai Sonata SE--MSRP- $20,995..avg trade in now $8850.

2007 Toyota Camry SE--MSRP was $20790..avg trade in now $12025.

March 2010 NADA Southwestern Edition.

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Phil, I respectfully disagree.

2007 Hyundai Sonata SE--MSRP- $20,995..avg trade in now $8850.

2007 Toyota Camry SE--MSRP was $20790..avg trade in now $12025.

March 2010 NADA Southwestern Edition.

The figures don`t lie...or do they? First of all, with both Toyota and Hyundai, book values or trade in values will vary by both region, mileage , market conditions, etc. With both vehicle quotes, the dealer at trade in time will likely offer even (less) for either vehicle. But, your originally MSRP figures (don`t) factor in the "real" purchase price of both these vehicles. Hyundai usually has offered one to two thousand dollar rebates, plus five hundred to one thousand dollar rebates for financing through Hyundai Motor Credit, plus additional five hundred to one thousand dollar rebates for (Owner Loyalty current Hyundai owners) etc. Typically, after all the negotiating is over, Hyundai usually sweetens the deal with two to three thousand dollars of additional rebate discounts compared to Toyota. At trade in time, its a wash! Been there, done that with both Toyota and Honda.

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Camry rebates have averaged $1500 for a few years now.

Right now, they are 0%/2.9%/3.9% (36mo/48mo/60mo)plus $1000 owner loyalty.

Sonata is 2.9%/3.9% (60mo/72mo) plus $500 owner loyalty.

There are 3 trade in numbers in the NADA book, (below average, average and above average) I was compairing the trade in's as apples to apples, if you want to talk about real life, assuming that the cars are traded in at the same location, in the same condition and miles, I will hit the Hyuandi at below average book and the Toyota above average book based on the fact that I want the Toyota on my lot more than the Hyundai.

Real life at the auction averages,

07 Hyundai SE with 43K miles $8,405

07 Camry SE with 48K miles $13,091

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Camry rebates have averaged $1500 for a few years now.

Right now, they are 0%/2.9%/3.9% (36mo/48mo/60mo)plus $1000 owner loyalty.

Sonata is 2.9%/3.9% (60mo/72mo) plus $500 owner loyalty.

There are 3 trade in numbers in the NADA book, (below average, average and above average) I was compairing the trade in's as apples to apples, if you want to talk about real life, assuming that the cars are traded in at the same location, in the same condition and miles, I will hit the Hyuandi at below average book and the Toyota above average book based on the fact that I want the Toyota on my lot more than the Hyundai.

Real life at the auction averages,

07 Hyundai SE with 43K miles $8,405

07 Camry SE with 48K miles $13,091

I`m not trying to convince you or anyone else on the merits of Toyota vs Hyundai and their residual values. I`ve owned them both and traded in both. My own personal experience with both brands, 3 years vs 5 year bumper to bumper warranties and general quality, (excluding the recent Toyota recalls) Hyundai sales up 8% last year, (highest of all US auto sales) and their flag ship "Genisis" model, Car of the year award, Hyundai and its sister company Kia are blazing a burn and scorch the earth plan against (all) Japanese auto manufacturers. Lets see where (future) Toyota resale values level off after the damage control efforts are attempted. The land of the "Rising Sun" is no longer Japan but Korea.

PS. Your post on rebates is a bit mis-leading. Those Hyundai rebates are on the New 2011 Hyundai Sonata, 2.9% and 3.9% financing and $500. Owner Loyalty Rebate. Thats on the newly released 2011 Sonata which are flying off the dealers lot at full MSRP. See what kind of rebate and discount you can get on a 2010 Hyundai Sonata!

Edited by phil1336

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Plus like my husband said, if you buy a Hyundai, you will miss out on all of those great trips to the dealership waiting for your recalls to be fixed, you won't have that plain as vanilla styling, etc.

I just think the Toyota wins dollar for dollar. Not necessarily car for car. If you want to want to add in subjective values like looks, comfort, and amenities that is a whole different argument.

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