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Seeking removal...

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Well, I am really really grateful to find this forum. I got my band in 2000 with Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey. (He is wonderful, btw!) I confess that my aftercare was never the best, I couldn't exactly fly down to Mexico at the drop of a hat. I did see several different fill doctors, had flouroscopies done to check everything, and physically everything has been fine.

But.. except for the week after my surgery.. I'm always hungry. When I have good restriction, I feel clogged. food goes into my pouch and stays there... basically until I throw it up. But while that food is clogging my pouch, I don't feel full or satisfied, I feel hungry and deprived. Junk food goes down easily, most of the time, and that is the only way I get unhungry, generally speaking. Pretty ironic that I can eat junk food but literally cannot eat a salad!

I had my fills removed in 2006 when I got pregnant, gained 50 lbs with my baby (after having *gained* 20 lbs since my initial banding), and have not lost it. I can't eat properly or healthfully this way, and I feel deprived and hungry all the time. I really wish I'd never put myself through this. Even just a removal is *surgery* and has risks, not to mention the whopping expense.

Anyways, just wanted to say HI out there to all the others who've had a tough road with the band. I kind of feel like the band, more than any other surgery, brings out the blamers when you confess that it hasn't worked for you. But I have tried everything. It's been ten years!

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Well, I am really really grateful to find this forum. I got my band in 2000 with Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey. (He is wonderful, btw!) I confess that my aftercare was never the best, I couldn't exactly fly down to Mexico at the drop of a hat. I did see several different fill doctors, had flouroscopies done to check everything, and physically everything has been fine.

But.. except for the week after my surgery.. I'm always hungry. When I have good restriction, I feel clogged. food goes into my pouch and stays there... basically until I throw it up. But while that food is clogging my pouch, I don't feel full or satisfied, I feel hungry and deprived. Junk food goes down easily, most of the time, and that is the only way I get unhungry, generally speaking. Pretty ironic that I can eat junk food but literally cannot eat a salad!

I had my fills removed in 2006 when I got pregnant, gained 50 lbs with my baby (after having *gained* 20 lbs since my initial banding), and have not lost it. I can't eat properly or healthfully this way, and I feel deprived and hungry all the time. I really wish I'd never put myself through this. Even just a removal is *surgery* and has risks, not to mention the whopping expense.

Anyways, just wanted to say HI out there to all the others who've had a tough road with the band. I kind of feel like the band, more than any other surgery, brings out the blamers when you confess that it hasn't worked for you. But I have tried everything. It's been ten years!

I think it worked for me, it was just a torture device at times :wink:. I don't miss taking acid reducers everyday. But I can say now since I don't have a band or anything anymore that I miss restriction of any type. My doc wants me to get a sleeve but for the meantime, I'm calorie counting and working out and have still managed to gain weight. My removal was covered by my insurance as a revision (I was supposed to be rebanded, but it didn't work out).

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ive only had my band for 3 weeks now and i already want it gone! i knew adjusting was guna be hard, but i dont get through a day without throwing up at least 2 times. i even get sick in the middle of the night or in the morning before i can even get out of the shower. and its all acid and burns my throat reall bad. i hate this!!!!:thumbup:

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khash you sound too tight... perhaps you should contact your surgeon about that.

riff, mrl - the band is not for everyone. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Perhaps the sleeve would work better. I wish you all the success, weight loss is a very touchy and very difficult situation. :-(

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Dr. Carter did my LAP-BAND® in 2005 - whenever I was there for a visit -it was standing room only. I did feel as though I was being rushed and not being heard. I was in pain all the time- throwing up and ever time I would drink h2o or something it would burn so bad. My port area hurt- especially when I received treatment. Dr. Carter would say give it some time and it would clear up. NO, it didn't happen, so after a period of time -I stop going to Dr. Carter- I really didn't loose any weight. I found another doctor just recently: Dr. Clayton Frenzel - New Beginnings Surgial Group (he is also a Plastic Surgeon) instead of having the lap band lowered- I had it removed. I had an infection in my stomach and had to be cut out-got the band removed, my situation corrected and got the sleeve. I am so glad that I pursued another Doctor because I was tolorating the pain for so long. I am very pleased with Dr. Frenzel- since I had the surgery I have lost 30lbs (6 weeks). I feel sooo much better- I am so glad tha I had the band removed- the best decision I could have made. Dr. Frenzel called to check on me since my surgery and my next appointment is in March. I suggest you see Dr. Frenzel for a removal. He also does fills if you decide to keep it.:unsure:

Edited by healthy2

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The Lap Band really is NOT for everyone. It doesn't work for a lot of people, for a lot of reasons. The Lap Band is "hard sold" to people. But it isn't right for everyone. Do consider the alternatives; the Sleeve, and the gastric Bypass. They are all different procedures that are meant for different people. You have to do a lot of research to find out what is appropriate for you. Too many people just jump right in and decide on the Lap band, because it sounds easy (it's not). But there ARE alternatives....!

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I was banded in August 2008. To date I really haven't had much luck either. I have bounced around the idea of having it removed. I originally researched and was prepared to have gastric bypass but the surgeon talked me out of it. I am not sure if I am happy about that or not but I know I am not happy about the struggle I am still having with my weight. I really haven't lost at all - the few pounds that I did lose are back and then some. I have had fills - they have taken some out thought I was too tight! I have been so tight I couldn't swallow Water. All in all I feel OK no complications but I certainly didn't get the results I was after. I was ready to do the work but now I don't even care. My doctor told me I had to eat 600 calories!! I am not planning on living my life like that - I want to be able to eat less but healthy and I don't see 600 calories being healthy. I also find it easier to eat the junkier food than the hard Protein I just cannot get it down and certainly can't enjoy it. Don't know what to do - how do you convince the insurance company that it's a failure and has to come out?

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I was banded in August 2008. To date I really haven't had much luck either. I have bounced around the idea of having it removed. I originally researched and was prepared to have gastric bypass but the surgeon talked me out of it. I am not sure if I am happy about that or not but I know I am not happy about the struggle I am still having with my weight. I really haven't lost at all - the few pounds that I did lose are back and then some. I have had fills - they have taken some out thought I was too tight! I have been so tight I couldn't swallow Water. All in all I feel OK no complications but I certainly didn't get the results I was after. I was ready to do the work but now I don't even care. My doctor told me I had to eat 600 calories!! I am not planning on living my life like that - I want to be able to eat less but healthy and I don't see 600 calories being healthy. I also find it easier to eat the junkier food than the hard Protein I just cannot get it down and certainly can't enjoy it. Don't know what to do - how do you convince the insurance company that it's a failure and has to come out?


From what you are describing it does, in fact, sound like the Gastric Bypass WOULD have been a better choice for you. The Lap Band and the bypass are two entirely different procedures that are meant for different people, with different eating and/or metabolic disorders. If it has been suggested that you have consume 600 calories or less to lose and then maintain your weight with the Lap band, then something is very wrong. I would, seriously, speak with a surgeon about having a revision to a Gastric Bypass. And not your original surgeon. He seems "married" to the Lap band, and even some bariatric surgeons do entirely "get" the differences in the surgeries, especially if they are really new to the field.

Do some serious research in your area, and find a different surgeon who can advise you. I am all for making the Lap Band work IF it is possible, but for many people it is simply the wrong choice. Find a surgeon that will do the revision, and let them convince the insurance company that a revision is required for you to achieve your desired results....

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Oh My God,,,I thought I was the only one out there who is not finding success with the lapband. I've read everyone's story and I can certainly identify with all of you. I had my lapband surgery done 7 months ago. I wish I didn't do it at all. I am hungry all the time. Like alot of you, the Protein hurts to go down, but the bad food goes down with no problem. What is that all about???? I thought lapband would at least curb my appetite a little while I'm eating. I have lost about 30 lbs. since my surgery, but most of it was lost when I was on liquid and pureed foods. I have been putting weight on here and there. I try so hard, but it's not what I expected. I can't believe I went through all this. I think it was a mistake. I had such a hard recovery. I ended up in the hospital 2 mon. after surgery for dehydration, and I followed the instructions. According to my primary doctor, even though I was drinking alot, I was peeing it out just as fast and not able to retain any Fluid. She told me to drink a huge bottle of diet ginger ale because it contains salt. The salt helped to retain the fluid. That made me feel so much better within 2 days. Why didn't my surgeon tell me this???? As I said, what a bad experience. I'm not young, I'm 58 and it was hard for me. I should of just gone on Jenny Craig or W.W. again. Thank you for letting me vent. I have switched doctors and now have an appt. with him next week. Maybe this will help me get through this. Again, thank you for this site.

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I think I waited about 9 months before I discussed removal with my surgeon and I never lost weight after lap band just on the liquid diet prior. I was 47 at the time and had type 2 diabetes and couldn't figure out why losing was so hard for me. I also struggled eating the healthier foods and would vomit a lot and ended up eating mostly sliders which never helped my diabetes. Also developed GERD which helped with my approval for removal and eventual revision. Anyway much happier and healthier now that I've revised to RNY. Good luck with you all it's not always the right procedure for us, Nancy.

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I really appreciate all the input from everyone here.

I too am seeking removal.

I was banded in Nov. 2006 by Dr. Julie Kim - Boston, MA. I have had nothing but problems and have barely ever had any fills. I think I'm currently around .75 cc of a 4cc band. When my surgeon woke me, the first thing I was told was "We had to place the band in a slightly different spot than we usually do because of the particular shape of your stomach"

I tried to be positive - but having been told that, I have lived in fear ever since and I feel the unusual placement could be the reason why my fills were never a success. I currently have acid reflux and it's getting worse as time goes on. Lately I've been having off and on pain that feels a little bit different from reflux. To make matters worse, when I got married in 2007 - the hospital confused my chart with someone else who had the same name as my new married name. I've struggled and made endless calls trying to get it straightened out with no success. I'm even afraid to just go see the surgeon because they constantly have my chart all mixed up - and - I get charged a huge fee b/c of my new insurance. While I work for the same employer, my insurance carrier is different and does not cover obesity surgery or medical charges relating to obesity.

My next step is to call insurance again and try to get a firm / correct answer as to if they will cover band removal should my surgeon deem it medically necessary.

I might end up being self pay if I can't get this covered. I completely hate the band and wish I had listened to my family and not had the surgery in the first place. Again, I thank everyone here for posting their doctors names and successes / stories. It's very helpful.

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At last, I thought I was the only one who felt getting the LAP-BAND® was an absolute disaster. I debated over all of the weight loss options and thought this would be ideal for me...so many people are 'thrilled' at having it done and with so much success. I can't go 5 minutes watching TV without seeing someone bragging about how fantastic the LAP-BAND® is.

Well, I was banded on February 5th, 2010 and I have unhappy since the second week. I have always had a cough for over 20 years, it's from allergies and no doctor has been able to stop it, it's treated with a very strong cough syrup...this I have lived with so I am used to it. What I am not used to is the agony I experience every time I cough now, the pain is unreal. scale of 1 - 10 [Can we say 15?]

I feel terrible, maybe worse than I felt immediately after the surgery. I can not sleep comfortable (I have to sleep mostly upright) and I am in almost constant pain in the port area. I have spoken to my doctor who has told me 'give it time' but I have told him, I am all but bed-ridden most of the time. Exercise, forget it, bending over, a thing of the past, sleeping through the night, by gone days, weight loss, not when I am on pain meds confined to bed.

I want this thing out of my body, I'll take the hard road and continue trying naturally to lose weight...at least then, I could have a life. I am waiting for approval from my insurance company to have it removed then I'll have cause to really Celebrate. To think, I was so excited and waited so long to do this to myself. Well, maybe it's great for so many other people but it is DEFINITELY not for me! :wink2:

Edited by MsMamaBaby1

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Had an endoscopy a week ago today. Found out I have an ulcerated erosion, and NOT a hiatal hernia. Apparantly this has been this way for quite some time slowly getting worse. My surgeon was out this week and so I have not been scheduled yet. I am very frustrated because no one seems to think this is urgent or important, even though I have phoned Tufts telling them I am in near constant pain and discomfort.

The manufacturers say that erosion happens in less than 1% of patients and that was all the info I could find in late 2006 when I had this band placed. There's so much more out there regarding the band these days. Some resources I found say that this happens in around 15% of patients.

I'm hoping and praying this is covered by my insurance as it is "medically necessary" for the band to be removed. I will not be opting for any further surgeries or any sort of revision. I was 60 pounds down at the end of last summer when I started to have the "GERD" like symptoms. I'm confident once I can eat normal veggies / fruits and real foods that are good for me again... that I can continue my downward trend to a healthier me.

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Good luck Felisity,

My removal was covered by insurance and hopefully yours will be too! Nancy.

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