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Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

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Stevie - I haven't been told to stop taking BC...did they give you a reason for that?

And I feel the same about my metal...now I don't have as much :) but I do have three ear piercings (in each ear) and a belly piercing soooo I guess I'll take them out and hope for the best. Do you know a chain type place I can buy retainers for all of the above? (for relatively cheap)


ps. to everyone -I totally twisted my ankle last night and I don't even know how (something to do with a curb and my head being somewhere else completely)...my surgery is Tuesday and now my ankle is bothering me. I thought to myself (as it was happening) "Really Whitney...really? of all times to get hurt, this is not an option". It's more funny than anything but it does hurt. I will keep trying to work it out so that I can WALK on Tuesday...:mad2:

The Dr. Told me to stop right away, because for 3 weeks following surgery you are able to develope blood clots, and one birth control it triples that risk. I take the nuvaring and have been for over a year, and he told me to stop right away. So I would call your doctors office and ask before your surgery so you dont have a chance to get blood clots. So get a supply of condoms =) A chain store that you can get retainers at is like Hot Topic in the malls or like Spencers gifts. those are two off the top of my head, some odds and ends store that sells plugs and gauges for your piercings should sell them too. Not the fancy jewelry places, even claires accessory stores might. I know I have one or 2 for my monroe and septum, but I know I have to get one for my tongue ring. :eek:

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The majority of you guys are doing the liquid diet...my doc has me on SugarBusters!...I wonder which is better for me? :/

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Date of Surgery: 3/11/10

Where Surgery will be: Tampa, Fl

Doctor/Center:Dr. Wil Aguila, Surgical Bariactics Center

Seminar date: 3/2009

1st consult date: 3/2009

2nd consult: had the 6month diet plan that ended up stretching for 1 year

Consults and tests completed: on the pre opt diet for 2 weeks.

Tests still needed: check in for surgery

How is surgery funded? Insurance

Concerns? being able to eat to live and not live to eat and making it through the liquid diet

Reason for banding? i'm 25 and 266 lbs. i have a 5 year old and want to set a good example of being healthy and being around for a long time for him. im also doing this for myself bc i want to be happy and healthy. :eek:

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Hi Lauren

I've been told the reason for the one-week liquid diet is to give my liver time to shrink, which makes the actual surgical procedure easier. As it was explained to me by dr. office, this is standard for them, not because my liver is strange or anything.

So maybe your doctor does the procedure a little differently. Because from what I know of SugarBusters (which was created by three or four New Orleans doctors while I was living there; I'm in Florida now; as a journalist I wrote a little about it then), it's a lot like what I'm supposed to do after surgery when I can tolerate solids again. I'm supposed to eat little to no sugar and start with Protein, which is a lot like SugarBusters (although I don't think SugarBusters is low fat, and I've been told to do low fat). I think you need to do whatever doctor says though!


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Hey guys. I found this post really helpful from Indigo girl in the support thread. Im reposting it for all to see...as she answered some questions about the post-diet.

Clear Liquids - just that - chick broth (home made is the best - so make a batch pre-surgery - freeze it) sf popsicles - juice low sugar - preferably sf - flavor sf Jello - and I am not sure what else - I didn't have to to clear liquids one I got home from the hospital

Full liquids include clear liquids and - cream Soups (again homemade the best - I would make a pot of Beans - scoop the beans out - pureed them added them back to the bean broth - cream of bean soup)- sf/low fat yogurt (dannon lite in fit or yoplia sf - or some greek yogurt flagu or something like that - i have never found it) - sf fudgesicles - Protein shakes- sf jello flavored not plain ;0) - sf puddings

Mushie/Pureed - Refried bean - oatmeal (weight control as it has more pt and less sugar) - cream of wheat - scrambled eggs - anything pureed - baby food ;0) - well baby food fruit is ok plum & peaches

Soft - anythng you can cut with a fork


There is a food thread on the home page which will give you ideas

My doc said 60 grms pt - 1 oz of meat = 7 grms of pt (rule of thumb 64 oz of liquid

Banders don't dump - that's bypass

Slime - when food gets stuck your body produces thick saliva to try and get food to go down - and it will bubble back up and come out your mouth..

PB - productive burp - when you get stuck - food doesn't go down - you will bring it back up - it's not like throwing up - no stomach acid - like a burp with food - but really it's a little more but not as bad as throwing up

Stuck feels like a golf ball in your chest/stomach - its uncomfortable - no it's not like a stomach virus at all for me once it comes up I am find

Protein - Bariatric Choice is a site where I get my protein supplements & Vitamins (LAP-BAND®) they sell Proti which is what my doc office sells - it's really a matter of personal taste and I don't know the diff between whey & soya or egg white (jay robb makes a good one like i said) to me it's all the same - but i'm not super technical on things like that..

They also have the clear Liquid Protein crystal lite drinks - I love the grape & peach mango - and tropical fruit..

When you go to your pre op visit your doc should cover all these things with you- I got a 3 ring binder with my diet for each stage and list of foods.

The rule is low fat - sugar free - high protein - limited carbs

eat slowly - chew very well and tiny bite (eraser size)

I basically follow a WW type eating plan - I can't do Atkins - I have to have some starches - and veggies and fruit - I consider all those things (veggie & fruit) as healthy.. when I say carbs - I really am refering to starches (white)

Ok that's a quick version - you other banders - please put your 2 cents in cuz it's be 2 yr 7months since I was banded - I forget things that I did in the beginning.

Oh ya - what I think is the most important - logging your food - counting calories & pt grams - ..

Well it's 10 - I gotta hit the hay - will chat w/you all in the a.m. before I leave

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Hi. just wanted to touch base before the busy weekend.

Hi. CJPOI, Browneyes, and Countrychick... Welcome glad to see all the posts. Good luck and keep us posted with your journeys.

Whitney..so sorry to hear about your ankle that really sucks...but maybe by next week if you can stay off it ...it will get better.

Eileen. Hi. I also have a CPAP machine that I was given six weeks ago. I deal with it everynight as well. Its okay. Im learning to deal, not loving it but its part of this whole process so...im doing it all the way. I will have to bring my mask to the surgery as well...as it is overnight stay. At first I was really bummed out about it but now..well whatever...hopefully we will both not need it much longer after we have the surgery.

Stevie...im feeling soo old. lol I was trying to figure out what BC meant for the longest moment...then it hit me.

at 44 and no husband or bf at this time..I guess the doctors didnt even ask as I didnt list BC as a medication on the "what meds are you taking list"

Glad to see that there are people still having sex however...lol

The ring thingys...that totally lost on me...so wont even ask but I hope you guys get what you are looking for to keep the holes open during surgery.

I grew up in Bayside Queens. The girl Stevie that I heard of was my friend Karens.BFF when we were like 12. lol

I remembered it then and thought that...I would really like that if I ever have a girl for a child. Unfortunately my Husband at the time.....his mother passed away 8 months before my daughter was born..and well she was going to be a "Hadassah" whether I liked it or not...as that is what his mothers name was....Lucky I was able to make it short...to Dassi which was at least cute to me and tollerable...funny thing however...the name has grown and I love it as much as I love her.

Well have a great weekend all.... those on the east coast stay dry and warm!!!


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Hi. just wanted to touch base before the busy weekend.

Hi. CJPOI, Browneyes, and Countrychick... Welcome glad to see all the posts. Good luck and keep us posted with your journeys.

Whitney..so sorry to hear about your ankle that really sucks...but maybe by next week if you can stay off it ...it will get better.

Eileen. Hi. I also have a CPAP machine that I was given six weeks ago. I deal with it everynight as well. Its okay. Im learning to deal, not loving it but its part of this whole process so...im doing it all the way. I will have to bring my mask to the surgery as well...as it is overnight stay. At first I was really bummed out about it but now..well whatever...hopefully we will both not need it much longer after we have the surgery.

Stevie...im feeling soo old. lol I was trying to figure out what BC meant for the longest moment...then it hit me.

at 44 and no husband or bf at this time..I guess the doctors didnt even ask as I didnt list BC as a medication on the "what meds are you taking list"

Glad to see that there are people still having sex however...lol

The ring thingys...that totally lost on me...so wont even ask but I hope you guys get what you are looking for to keep the holes open during surgery.

I grew up in Bayside Queens. The girl Stevie that I heard of was my friend Karens.BFF when we were like 12. lol

I remembered it then and thought that...I would really like that if I ever have a girl for a child. Unfortunately my Husband at the time.....his mother passed away 8 months before my daughter was born..and well she was going to be a "Hadassah" whether I liked it or not...as that is what his mothers name was....Lucky I was able to make it short...to Dassi which was at least cute to me and tollerable...funny thing however...the name has grown and I love it as much as I love her.

Well have a great weekend all.... those on the east coast stay dry and warm!!!


Jodi it is ok, I should have typed out birthcontrol. I didnt list it as a med that I was taking, but during my pre admissions testing I asked a question about it, and She was like well thats a medicine. I said I wasnt taking the pill I am on the Nuva Ring.

As for the previous post that you re posted here when the person referred to as "SLIME", the doctors will tell you it is called "Frothing" I have all this information in a booklet that I received at pre op education(BootCamp). Frothing would be the medical term, you will not hear your doctor refer to it as slime.

I just went through all of my extras and I need to go out and buy retainers for my facial piercings, I do however have my plugs so my 3/4" holes in my ears do not close.:cursing:

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Check in here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f22472/march-2010-only-please-110733/ and select your surgery date.

This way we can keep all the Marchies and their surgery dates straight.

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The Dr. Told me to stop right away, because for 3 weeks following surgery you are able to develope blood clots, and one birth control it triples that risk. I take the nuvaring and have been for over a year, and he told me to stop right away. So I would call your doctors office and ask before your surgery so you dont have a chance to get blood clots. So get a supply of condoms =) A chain store that you can get retainers at is like Hot Topic in the malls or like Spencers gifts. those are two off the top of my head, some odds and ends store that sells plugs and gauges for your piercings should sell them too. Not the fancy jewelry places, even claires accessory stores might. I know I have one or 2 for my monroe and septum, but I know I have to get one for my tongue ring. :wink2:

Claires sell them.. I have my nose pierced but I take it out all the time so times at 2 week intervals so I am not really worried about it growing over..

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Hiya Fellow March Bandsters.. Sorry I havent been around. Working my behind off at work.. 80 + hours last week and this week.. So hopefully things will calm down a alittle.

I have my final Preop visit Tuesday, I am scared I have gained weight, 1. because I am under a huge amount of stress and 2. I am on Steroids for a bad case of Bronchitis. Still working out and eating the same i just feel bloated :laugh: Hopefully they wont be mad if i gain a lb or two..

I brough a shirt yesterday at the mall that was 2 sizes smaller then i wear now, I thought i could be my goal shirt:smile2: Though I can actually worried it will never fit do to my large "twins" and being so Broad shoulder.. But we will see.

You all have a good weekend :wink2: Good Luck everyone whos having surgery 1st or 2nd.

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63 (ish) hours until my surgery!!!

Isn't it wonderful that March begins Monday!! It is finally our turn March bandsters!!


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63 (ish) hours until my surgery!!!

Isn't it wonderful that March begins Monday!! It is finally our turn March bandsters!!


Wonderful indeed!

I have to be at the hospital in 63 hours 6 minutes. :laugh:

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63 (ish) hours until my surgery!!!

Isn't it wonderful that March begins Monday!! It is finally our turn March bandsters!!


I know I have to be at the hospital at 6:30am est. Sooooo excited. I went to the mall and just bought one retainer for my monroe, and just a plastic steptum ring and a plastic tongue right. I start clear liquids on monday, and have to run out for antibacterial soap like Dial to shower with on monday and tues morning. Does anyone else have to take a urine sample the morning of?

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I hope we don't have to pee. I am going in at 11:30 A.M. and was told not to even drink Water after midnight.

They gave me the soap to use when I went to hospital for pre-op this week. Surgical scrub or something like that.

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I hope we don't have to pee. I am going in at 11:30 A.M. and was told not to even drink Water after midnight.

They gave me the soap to use when I went to hospital for pre-op this week. Surgical scrub or something like that.

Im not allowed to drink or eat anything after midnight as well, but at pre-op education they gave me a little pee cup and said to collect the first urine of the day. I dont know why? They just told me to go buy some dial antibacterial soap.this showering at 5:30am is not gonna go over very well. It is worth it though. :wink2:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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