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Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

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Very excited!!!! Just got my pre-op and surgery dates for March...guess that officially makes me a March Bandit!

About me... my name is Lauren. I began gaining weight after I graduated high school back in 2003. I gained 100lbs in 4 years and another 20 between 2007 and now...I have topped off at 272lbs (as of my first pre-surgery appointment). A portion of my weight gain was a result of my PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and the other portion was a result of stress-eating and lack of exercise. My goal is to weight 150 lbs by my wedding in January...I'm not making any clothing size goals because I don't know what my body will look like (or how it will fit into clothes for that matter) after I have lost my weight. My overall weightloss goal is get down to 135lbs (which is comfortable for my height and age) but I do not expect to get there by my wedding...that will take a little longer :frown:

Date of Surgery: March 12th

Where Surgery will be: Palmyra Medical Centers- Albany, GA

Doctor/Center: Dr. John Bagnato

Seminar date: January 29, 2010

1st consult date: February 10, 2010

Surgeon-required pre-op tests (EKG, chest x-ray, labs) completed: March 2, 2010

Insurance-required Nutrition Consult date: March 2, 2010

Insurance-required Psych Eval date: None needed...

How is surgery funded? Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arkansas

Concerns? That I will not loose the amount of weight that want to before my wedding...I am committed to a gym as well as eating the things I should but I worry that it's not going to be enough!

Reason for banding? I am tired of feeling FAT!!! I have not always been overweight and I have tried every other method of weightloss and come to the conclusion that I need a LIFESTYLE change and a PERMINANT solution. Lap-Band seems to be the best solution for me.

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So cool. Yes I am having my surgery at City Hospital. Kinda nervious this kind of surgery is new to the hospital. I will be the only # 3 or 4 patient but my surgent is very good. His name is Dr. Cicchino he is from Pittsburg and his other patients are doing very well :sad:

Awesome! Very cool.. I am sure you will do fine.. :frown:

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Cool. Thats great.....Welcome...glad you joined!!!!

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Hi Jodi,

I have an idea for the medusa hair, you can use one of the caps that you get in those hair highlighting kits, and poke maybe fishing worms, (rubber of course), or fake toy snakes!! Not sure if it could work, but its an idea!!! :cool2:

OMG....this is such a great idea..about the hair color kit!! Thanks a bunch. We ended up getting pipe cleaners and wrapped them around fake boa strips and then glued googly eyes in each. I just couldnt think of how to get em all attached to her head. lol

Ive been thinking about your post about the peepers..lol This sunday is Purim and every damn store is filled with all sorts of baskets with candies, baked goodies and loads of chocolates and nuts!!. Im going nuts especially when the thought is...well, i havent had the surgery yet....one or two wont hurt now....hmmmm

Sunday...will be worse as all those baskets im seeing will be delivered by various families...and ill just be dumping them out as soon as I close the door in a big bag.....to donate to the first homeless person I see!

Thank you all for your responses. I was out today . I had to meet with the surgeon again and the nutritionist (again).

What a waste she (the nutritionist ) made me feel so uncomfy. It is so obvious that they are just churning people out. She hardly looked up at me and asked some perfunctory questions then started to drone on and on about all the stuff I already know and that was it. Out of there in less than 10 minutes. At least I didn't have to pay out of pocket for it.

Bad news for me though, as I was getting ready to walk out of the office I was told that even when I finish the testing it takes my insurance company 60-70 days to approve the surgery.

So I will not be a March bandster. I'll be fortunate if I can have it done in May or even June.

I am so depressed I felt like crying on the subway home.

I slipped this morning on all the ice in the street and twisted my already weak ankle. I just want to crawl in the bed and pull the covers over my head.

I am so fat and uncomfy that the only thing I can figure to do now is to start my low carb diet on Monday and try to lose like that. I cannot face another Summer being so fat and bloated.

I am really bummed .

Thank you all again for your words of encouragement. Jodi, finding me, kujhawkrulz everyone I read every word and I appreciate them. I addressed them earlier from my iPhone but the message was lost.

OMG....this really sucks. Are you sure there is nothing that can be done? 60-70 days seem such an awfully long time to have to wait...are they recquiring a 3 month supervised weight loss plan? I know how this feels I was pushed off three months for me as well...I was ready in January and if it wasnt for the sleep Apnea...I would have allready been banded. We will also begin to see other dates being changed as we come closer to those weve had set before for various reasons. Even as close to two weeks before.....Sometimes there are just things out of our control. What ever date you get we will be here with you!!! Big hugs coming to you.

Well, it is official I will be a March Bandster. My doctors office called me about an hour ago and informed me that my insurance approved my procedure. So I am all set. I start my 1 week pre diet on tuesday all liquids. Then I have bootcamp at the hospital next thursday. All worth it my procedure will be at 7:30 on March 2nd!!
Im not all sure what exactly bootcamp is. I know that I have to be at the hospital where the procedure takes place at 9am. I will talk to the anesthesiologist for an hour and go over everthing. Then there is a little class for another couple hours. Not sure exactly what. But then you also get a tour of the hosptal. And at some point I will go over to my doctors office and talk to the surgeon. Other then that all I know is this... I posted a subject in the forum asking if anyone knew this. But I guess a lot of other doctors do not require bootcamp.

StevieVieth, Interesting description for the day everyone seems to be spending hours at the hospital about a week before surgery. lol I think every surgeon has its own special name for certain procedures lol.

Mine is called "pre-surgery/ Patient education day". Im not sure I like "bootcamp" as I was never much into beeing pushed to do things....that I might not want lol.

Im assuming that "Bootcamp" means the same as what my presurgery day..is......how about a poll???

What other creative names have the surgeons come up with for procedures that seem funny, or unusual?

Anyone else??

Hi out there. I am scheduled for March 2 and hope I don't chicken out like I did last year. I had a Jan '09 date but stopped during the clearance phase. But I have to do this. It is hard wrapping my head around the pre-op diet that I have to start in the next day or so. I have my pre-op testing tomorrow morning and then go shopping for Protein Shakes. blech. :blink:

Yup....I agree the clearance phase is what I find the hardest of this whole process!! Its a wonder that I actually made it to the end. I olmost lost my nerve as well...but, am so glad I didnt....we will push you if you need pushing!! Just post lol. Perhaps there is another bandster that you can go to apts together or a support group in your area where you can meet people that are also being banded the same time and arrange some times together.....its a thought nto sure if logistics would allow it...but hey ya never know. I am assuming from your post that you are past this stage now and have a date very soon!!! Good luck!

It's official I have my date, I will be banded March 1st!! Yeah!!!:tt2:

Yea you!!!! You are first!!! Lead the way....

:smile: Good morning, my surgery is March 17th. so excited, but

have to say little nervous!!! :laugh:

St, Patricks day...how lucky can you get??? If I had a choice of days in the month of March...I would have chosen the 17th and used a the clover leaf and a pot of gold for a ticketeer. lol

They said that he is out of town that week and they didnt realize that until monday.. :tongue_smilie: They could have done march 6 which would have been a week earlier but i cant do it cause our work schedule is already out for that week and it would have been a pain in my butt to try to get it off..

Maybe March 19 is meant to be...


hey, you never know....I always look at this way....what ever day.....a day here or there....like me...I wish it was next week...but its not...must be for a reason. It will be here soon enough!

;1418087]Can join up?? My surgery date is March 17th and I feel isolated because I dont know anyone who's had it....

You just did!! Jump in at any time...ask, answer, vent, support, recieve.....thats what we are all here for together!!! Glad you joined...another St. Patricks lucky Bandster.


My name is LaQuita and I am 'new' to this board. BUT I am not a new bander. I was banded in August of 08. I am 5'2 and weighed 241.

The first fill I was supposed to have, I couldn't have b/c the port had sliped and turned sideways. The Dr could not access it for the fill.

I had to have surgery again 6 weeks later so the Dr could secure the port with more stitches.

I had lost over 40+ pounds (down to 198) before I had my next set of problems with my band.

I got to 7cc and started throwing up so the Dr took out 4 cc, waited a ferw months and we started back again.

I got up to 7cc again and this time I started throwing up and wouldn't stop. My Dr couldnt see me so me sent me to the ER to have a raiologist take it ALL out. We did this the week before Christmas.

I saw the Dr the first week of January and he said that the radiologist said my and had silpped from all the throwing up.

So, now that this has happened twice I am having a band revision. This time he will use the Relaize band on me. He is taking the 'other' one out and putting this one in on March 1st.

I have since gained back some of the weight I had lost, from being able to eat more than I should. I am now at 225.

I am an emotional eater, we have a special needs child at home (she is 20 years old) . I am her primary caregiver.

I NEED encouragment especially since I feel that I have had so much trouble with my first band. Any encouragment that anyone can give me

WILL BE GREATLY appreciated.!!

Thanks so much



LaQuita....third times the charm? isnt that what they say?? and since March is that lucky month...well you are surely going to make it this time!!! Just...relax and forget about the past experience and focus on the new ones your about to embark on. Surely you will succeed as nothing has stopped you from continuing on your journey to becoming healthy. Remember we are all made differently and our experiences will be different..some will have an easier time then others...just keep going dont stop and dont look back!!! Good Luck!!!

Welcome! My surgery date is March 9th!! I don't know anyone who has had the surgery, but am going to start going to a monthly support group to meet others.

"Can't wait to begin the journey!"

Good luck!! Welcome...March 9th just around the corner!!

Happy Thursday evening all,

Today was a good day!! My husband and I joined a fitness club. We worked out for about an hour and half which was not bad for our first time at it. I feel good, nothing hurts.....yet!! I am going to go at least five times a week, maybe even seven depends on how things work out time wise!! Hope everyone has had a good week so far!!

Okay. you have given me that push I needed...I was planning on joining "Curves" but havent gotten a chance...heck what am I waiting for after the surgery??!!! Thanks...

Yes, thanks for the tip about the ticksters....I did it and it worked....but only for that one post,. lol. Ill figure it out but that was a start!

Congrats to everyone!! I am schedules for March 31 and CANNOT wait!! I am waiting to get my sugar levels down (I have diabetes type II) before we can go ahead!

Thats great!! Good Luck and welcome!!! I hope you will get banded at the right time!!

Hi Dawn, Matilda and Lauren. Good Luck and keep posting fellow Marchers.....

Wow...so many new posts and new names to remember!!!

I think ive caught up with all the posts ive missed over the last week and reentered....responses to most.

I will try to check more frequently so I dont miss so many posts that I would like to respond to when they are posted!!!

Soooo its been a real hectic week for me and its kind of looking like this week might be just as hectic but for different reasons.

I have been working with the "Make a Wish" foundation. I work with one little boy who was being granted a wish and they came to grant it this past week. I was working so hard all week to get his house ready. The Foundation was making him a sensory/snoozelin room as he is medically fragile and he cannot go out of his house...outside of hospitals and doctor offices. Cant wait till tomorrow to use all the wonderful materials and activities they brought for him. Its been months of working with all the wonderful people and putting all this together!

This week...well it started out all good...until last night lol When my daughters ear started bothering her. This morning I took her to the pediatrician and well...that led to visit to the dentist and then the oral surgeon. It was not a lovely day to say the least. Antibiotics, muscle relaxer and pain killers. From what I thought was an ear infection to removing an cyst in the gum.....whd have thought?

Next week is a holiday that....involve lots of junk food and candy...not a good thing for me....its like Holloween for the whole family with lots of parties and eating! HELP!!! Id like to get away from it all however, I have this 10 year old girl who is just dying for all the hoopla...as it is the holiday for kids, and carnivals and parties including costume wearing. I have lots of cooking and baking because we have lots of baskets we have to give out. It will be just peachy! NOT.

I got my pre-surgery date what Stevie calls Bootcamp I think....The date is March 4th. Im so excited...but this month is so busy I wont have time to think about the surgery it will be here before I know it!

Well....next week its...March 1st..so far all the March Bandsters....we are here!!!

Have a great week all.


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StevieVieth, Interesting description for the day everyone seems to be spending hours at the hospital about a week before surgery. lol I think every surgeon has its own special name for certain procedures lol.

Mine is called "pre-surgery/ Patient education day". Im not sure I like "bootcamp" as I was never much into beeing pushed to do things....that I might not want lol.

Im assuming that "Bootcamp" means the same as what my presurgery day..is......how about a poll???

What other creative names have the surgeons come up with for procedures that seem funny, or unusual?

Anyone else??

Hi Dawn, Matilda and Lauren. Good Luck and keep posting fellow Marchers.....

Wow...so many new posts and new names to remember!!!

I think ive caught up with all the posts ive missed over the last week and reentered....responses to most.

I will try to check more frequently so I dont miss so many posts that I would like to respond to when they are posted!!!

Soooo its been a real hectic week for me and its kind of looking like this week might be just as hectic but for different reasons.

I have been working with the "Make a Wish" foundation. I work with one little boy who was being granted a wish and they came to grant it this past week. I was working so hard all week to get his house ready. The Foundation was making him a sensory/snoozelin room as he is medically fragile and he cannot go out of his house...outside of hospitals and doctor offices. Cant wait till tomorrow to use all the wonderful materials and activities they brought for him. Its been months of working with all the wonderful people and putting all this together!

This week...well it started out all good...until last night lol When my daughters ear started bothering her. This morning I took her to the pediatrician and well...that led to visit to the dentist and then the oral surgeon. It was not a lovely day to say the least. Antibiotics, muscle relaxer and pain killers. From what I thought was an ear infection to removing an cyst in the gum.....whd have thought?

Next week is a holiday that....involve lots of junk food and candy...not a good thing for me....its like Holloween for the whole family with lots of parties and eating! HELP!!! Id like to get away from it all however, I have this 10 year old girl who is just dying for all the hoopla...as it is the holiday for kids, and carnivals and parties including costume wearing. I have lots of cooking and baking because we have lots of baskets we have to give out. It will be just peachy! NOT.

I got my pre-surgery date what Stevie calls Bootcamp I think....The date is March 4th. Im so excited...but this month is so busy I wont have time to think about the surgery it will be here before I know it!

Well....next week its...March 1st..so far all the March Bandsters....we are here!!!

Have a great week all.


Bootcamp is just what my surgeon calls it, Well the whole hospital itself. They call it that because it is to get you ready for the procedure.Like in the army they send you to bootcamp to get ready for combat or anything. So I dont look at it as someone pushing you around. I look at it as preparing you for the day and the healing process. I learned more about it. They also call it pre admissions testing. I arrive and speak with the anesthesiologist, then I tour the surgery floor where I will be staying after Im out of recovery, then we meet with nurses and answer and ask questions, have blood drawn, get a goodie bag(suport pillow, the breathing tool to keep you from getting pnemonia, and paperwork) Not the type of goodie bag you want, but need. Then we go back to the surgeons office and meet with him. I had started my 1 week pre op liquid diet yesterday and it isnt that bad. I had a carnation instant Breakfast sugar free with skim milk in the morning it was only like 190 calories but 13 grams of Protein. then for lunch I had some chicken boullion(broth) and for dinner an Isopure Protein Shake. and a little sugar free Jello. I had made sugar free vanilla pudding but I did the smart thing and added a scoop of isopure creamy vanilla to it to make it actually worth eating. :tongue_smilie:

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I am SO excited!!! I have my surgery date! They just called me and I was approved through my insurance (Just a few weeks wait!) and now I'm moving forward with this. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I've been praying for this for a while.

Anyway, here are the deets.

Date of Surgery: March 22nd

Where Surgery will be: JourneyLite of Cincinnati

Doctor/Center: Dr. Trace Curry

Seminar date: December, 2009

1st consult date: January 20, 2010

Surgeon-required pre-op tests (EKG, chest x-ray, labs) completed: None required...

Insurance-required Nutrition Consult date: March 8, 2010

Insurance-required Psych Eval date: Done Jan 20th

How is surgery funded? Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA

Concerns? I want this tool to really help me. I know that I need to use all of my willpower, but I really want to stay on track for this. I've done diets before only to give up after 40 lbs or so. I don't ever want to give up again.

Reason for banding? Being overweight is the only thing in life I've never really been able to conquer. If I say that I'm going to do XYZ from a career/personal standpoint, I've always done it. Weight has been the one thing that I could never truly tackle all by myself. I was an overweight child, then thinned out during my teen years, then met a wonderful man, got married and 100+ lbs later here I am. I have great kids, a great husband and now I want to have a healthy body. I want to be able to run around with my girls and not be huffing and puffing. I don't want to feel self conscious if I eat dinner out. I want to fit comfortably in seats on a plane and at a game.

Height/Weight: I'm 5' 9" and right now weigh in around 285. I'd like to hit approximately 170 (or less!) but at this point in my life, would kill to see Onederland!

Edited by gingerjane
Add starting weight and goal weight.

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I am SO excited!!! I have my surgery date! They just called me and I was approved through my insurance (Just a few weeks wait!) and now I'm moving forward with this. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I've been praying for this for a while.

Anyway, here are the deets.

Date of Surgery: March 22nd

Where Surgery will be: JourneyLite of Cincinnati

Doctor/Center: Dr. Trace Curry

Seminar date: December, 2009

1st consult date: January 20, 2010

Surgeon-required pre-op tests (EKG, chest x-ray, labs) completed: None required...

Insurance-required Nutrition Consult date: March 8, 2010

Insurance-required Psych Eval date: Done Jan 20th

How is surgery funded? Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA

Concerns? I want this tool to really help me. I know that I need to use all of my willpower, but I really want to stay on track for this. I've done diets before only to give up after 40 lbs or so. I don't ever want to give up again.

Reason for banding? Being overweight is the only thing in life I've never really been able to conquer. If I say that I'm going to do XYZ from a career/personal standpoint, I've always done it. Weight has been the one thing that I could never truly tackle all by myself. I was an overweight child, then thinned out during my teen years, then met a wonderful man, got married and 100+ lbs later here I am. I have great kids, a great husband and now I want to have a healthy body. I want to be able to run around with my girls and not be huffing and puffing. I don't want to feel self conscious if I eat dinner out. I want to fit comfortably in seats on a plane and at a game.

Height/Weight: I'm 5' 9" and right now weigh in around 285. I'd like to hit approximately 170 (or less!) but at this point in my life, would kill to see Onederland!

Congrats, I know how exciting it is to hear about the approval through the insurance companies. I was sooooo excited when my dr.'s office called me to confirm, well mostly because I read some insurance companies take over a month to get back to you, but mine only too 5 days. My procedure date is next tuesday, 1 week!

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Bootcamp is just what my surgeon calls it, Well the whole hospital itself. They call it that because it is to get you ready for the procedure.Like in the army they send you to bootcamp to get ready for combat or anything. So I dont look at it as someone pushing you around. I look at it as preparing you for the day and the healing process. I learned more about it. They also call it pre admissions testing. I arrive and speak with the anesthesiologist, then I tour the surgery floor where I will be staying after Im out of recovery, then we meet with nurses and answer and ask questions, have blood drawn, get a goodie bag(suport pillow, the breathing tool to keep you from getting pnemonia, and paperwork) Not the type of goodie bag you want, but need. Then we go back to the surgeons office and meet with him. I had started my 1 week pre op liquid diet yesterday and it isnt that bad. I had a carnation instant breakfast sugar free with skim milk in the morning it was only like 190 calories but 13 grams of Protein. then for lunch I had some chicken boullion(broth) and for dinner an Isopure Protein Shake. and a little sugar free Jello. I had made sugar free vanilla pudding but I did the smart thing and added a scoop of isopure creamy vanilla to it to make it actually worth eating. :tongue_smilie:

And I was not looking forward to the pre-surgery date!! Now Im actually getting excited about it! Thanks for the explanation and your experience!! Thanks. I hope for all the rest of us will be simular!!

I am SO excited!!! I have my surgery date! They just called me and I was approved through my insurance (Just a few weeks wait!) and now I'm moving forward with this. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I've been praying for this for a while.


Well...Another day "not at work" I just could not leave my daughter while she was in pain still from that cyst. Im not at all upset its also miserable outside. lol

Actually kind of tired of this NY weather. Where the heck is the spring? I think its so time......

Well...have a great day all.

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Im not sure who it was that asked about the pre- and post LAP-BAND® diet...and this is a great site that I found.

This is the article along with several others about how much time to eat...liquids, broth going on to ground, blended etc...over about a 4-6 month period.

This is the site...


this is the article.....

how much food and Protein does one require after having LAP-BAND®

Surgery? | LAP-BAND® Diary

They have several great articles explaining what and how much and when....I found it pretty interesting. Several things that were not explained to me with the nutritional consult that lasted the 1/2 hour. lol

okay.....here is another post-op diet that gives you options and exact amounts for the clear liquid diet and the pureed diet. This diet also gives you the amount pf daily dietary allowances for protein and suggests that after surgery we try to eat 25-30 grams of protein each day. It then gives suggested Proteins that are soft or can be pureed.

This diet can be found at:


Edited by NYSparklegirl

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Im not sure who it was that asked about the pre- and post LAP-BAND®® diet...and this is a great site that I found.

This is the article along with several others about how much time to eat...liquids, broth going on to ground, blended etc...over about a 4-6 month period.

This is the site...

Support for Post Surgery Lap Band Patients | Lap Band Diary

this is the article.....

how much food and Protein does one require after having LAP-BAND®

Surgery? | LAP-BAND®® Diary

They have several great articles explaining what and how much and when....I found it pretty interesting. Several things that were not explained to me with the nutritional consult that lasted the 1/2 hour. lol

okay.....here is another post-op diet that gives you options and exact amounts for the clear liquid diet and the pureed diet. This diet also gives you the amount pf daily dietary allowances for protein and suggests that after surgery we try to eat 25-30 grams of protein each day. It then gives suggested Proteins that are soft or can be pureed.

This diet can be found at:


Bariatriceating.com is also a great site for pree and post op dieting and such. They also sell Protein Shakes and misc. protein items.

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Hi! My name is Marcia and I have been lurking for months!! Have everything completed and am looking at a surgery date of March 16th!!! Am excited!!!!

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Good evening all,

Today was my day for all my final testing. I had a chest x-ray, Pulmonary function test, pulse oximetry test, upper G I test, lab work, and an EKG. I think that is everything that I had to do. I have to get clearance from my regular doctor, but i can't do that until the 5th as he is out of the office. I'm sure it will not be an issue as he is the one who refered me to the Lap band doctor in the first place. I can't believe that the 12th will be here so soon. I am so jazzed about this how procedure, i'm looking forward the the next chapter of my life!!!

Have a great rest of the night and day tomorrow.


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Good evening all,

Today was my day for all my final testing. I had a chest x-ray, Pulmonary function test, pulse oximetry test, upper G I test, lab work, and an EKG. I think that is everything that I had to do. I have to get clearance from my regular doctor, but i can't do that until the 5th as he is out of the office. I'm sure it will not be an issue as he is the one who refered me to the LAP-BAND® doctor in the first place. I can't believe that the 12th will be here so soon. I am so jazzed about this how procedure, i'm looking forward the the next chapter of my life!!!

Have a great rest of the night and day tomorrow.


Isnt the Upper G I series horrible. I was reading up on it and I believe you have to do something similar after surgery too. The Barium is terrible. I felt so sick after that. But I also had all of my testing done at once. First the chest x-rays, then the Upper G I series, then I went and did my pulminary functions, where they also drew blood from a vein where the woman said blood has oxygen and it was on the side of my wrist. Then I went and had a ekg, then someone came in an did a eeg which is a sonogram of your heart that was pretty neat to watch. I did my bloodwork and nicotine pee test another day, because my insurance didnt cover it through the hospital. Tomorrow is my pre admissions testing, I am excitedddddd tuesday!:)

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Hello again all.

It is wonderful to hear of so many others who will be starting their journey at the same time as me...I will think of that often in the good and bad times and probably come here often for support!

So my date is just under a week away and I am getting quite nervous. I have never had surgery before and I have never spent the night in a hospital. The whole process is scareing me a bit. I know that the whole thing is worth it and that I will be so happy probably about a week post-op but as the date approaches I can hardly believe it seeing as how I have waited so long for it to come. Again, my date is March 2, 2010.

Any words of encouragement and support about the hospital experience and surgery in general is welcomed. I am scared of the pain because for me, I have no idea what to expect and although I am quite tolerant of pain I have never been through something like this. I hope that everything goes well and that the nerves and butterflies go away. I want and need to do this and I will not chicken out but I really need to get my head in a good place in order to be ready for 11am next tuesday...(still can't believe it)

again, any advice and kind words are welcomed. :wink:

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Hi Everyone! I am new to this thread and wanted someone to share my super exciting news with. I just received my surgery date!!! I will be banded on March 24th. I am so excited, I can't stop doing the happy dance! I'm 27 years old, 5' 2'' and currently at 220.6 pounds. My heaviest was 268. I lost 30 pounds using alli and exercising like crazy. Once the weight stopped coming off, I decided to go for lap-band. I lost 18 pounds in my surgeon's pre-surgery diet program (1200 cals/day and exercise for at least 150 min/week). Here is my info:

Date of surgery: March 24th

Where surgery will be: Burlington, VT

Doctor/Center: Doctor Forgione, FAHC Bariatric

Seminar date: August 2009

1st consult date: October 2009

2nd consult: November 2009, I had an appointment with their nutritionist and nurse once a month.

Consults and tests completed: Psych eval, EKG, EGD (horrible), monthly appointment with nutritionist, 6 month supervised diet with daily food and exercise journals, behavioral eating class, nutrition class, required monthly band support group meetings, 3 day liquid diet trial, 3 day belnderized diet homework, lost the required 10% of my body weight!

Tests still needed: Pre-surgery appointment with surgeon, nurse and nutritionist on March 11th. I believe that they need to run some blood tests at this appt.

How is surgery funded? Insurance, BCBS of Vermont. Wondeful insurance company. They approved me 2 days after receiving the papers from my surgeons office.

Concerns? Learning to eat soooo very differently. No drinking while eating!

Reason for banding? I don't want to be fat anymore. I'm done with it! I want to feel hot and sexy again.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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