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Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

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msdv.....I wish I could give you a big hug. I think we can all relate to how you are feeling or at least I can. But you know what it is ok and you are ok. You know why.....because you realize that you need the help to lose the weight and you are doing something about it. We are in this battle together and we are going to win. And next time you are in that store you demand their attention! You hold your head up high and make sure they see you and if they pretend they don't make sure you make a stick to get them to wait on you!!! lol...and as far as being called m'am take it as a it is a generic greeting. I answer phones all day long and that is how we address everyone regarless of there age. be it 60, 23, 45, or 98.

Thank you finding me...just depressed today. I'll get over it.

Thanks for caring. I appreciate your words.


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Ok well I just spoke with the insurance person at the doctors office and she told me what I already knew. That my insurance will cover no part of the lapband nor any other bariatric surgery....that's ok I was prepared for that and knew I would be a cash paying pt so it is what it is....still a little disappointed

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Hey all,

Snowing again today in NY. I was going to see the psych today but decided not to . I'm not much for taking the bus & train and definitely didn't want to navigate all of that today with snow on top of snow on the ground. I've already broken my ankle 2x in the last few years. I think that's another result of my weight.

I'm a little depressed today. I went to the mall yesterday with my DH. I wanted to buy a Coach wallet that i had been looking at and a bag .

Have you ever just felt invisible? That's how I feel, invisible.

I'm standing in the store with my big down coat on and my long matronly skirt to hide my fat and my boots on and I just feel invisible standing there waiting to be helped and being ignored and I feel inside that's it's because of my dowdy , fat body now. After I finally got someone to wait on me I went across to the MAC store and same thing except as I walked in one of the young girls says "hello M'am" UGHHHH!!!

How did I ever get here? How did get so fat that I'm having surgery to help me solve this problem?

I have been told my whole life how pretty I am and then it turned to you have such a pretty face. Now all I feel is fat and unattractive.

OK, I just had to vent somewhere. I'm too embarassed to tell my DH how I feel and my friends would never understand.

Msdv its ok, Im sure most of us feel this way. I am actually going to therapy because of my body and self image. It is embarassing but if you need to talk to someone about it without judgement I advise you to do it this way. In 2007 before I got pregnant with my son I was only 120 lbs. I had taken an unhealthy attempt at becoming thin and believe me it worked but I am paying for it now. I believe my actions resulted in Karma coming around and making me gain 80 lbs during my pregnancy and keeping it on since then. I have tried really hard to lose weight, but even with diet and exercise I am merely losing a lb here and a few lbs there. And now my body is not likeing the weight, or the choices of weightloss. It sucks and I hear oh youre not fat. But YEAH right I know I am. How can you say someone who is 200 lbs and is only 4'10" is not fat? But in reality I have never been a skinny.. Even at 120lbs I was still curvy, but I was healthy. Think positive it will get better. Atleast this is my new outlook. By receiveing the band and taking the journey to a new and improved you.:biggrin:

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Hey all,

Snowing again today in NY. I was going to see the psych today but decided not to . I'm not much for taking the bus & train and definitely didn't want to navigate all of that today with snow on top of snow on the ground. I've already broken my ankle 2x in the last few years. I think that's another result of my weight.

I'm a little depressed today. I went to the mall yesterday with my DH. I wanted to buy a Coach wallet that i had been looking at and a bag .

Have you ever just felt invisible? That's how I feel, invisible.

I'm standing in the store with my big down coat on and my long matronly skirt to hide my fat and my boots on and I just feel invisible standing there waiting to be helped and being ignored and I feel inside that's it's because of my dowdy , fat body now. After I finally got someone to wait on me I went across to the MAC store and same thing except as I walked in one of the young girls says "hello M'am" UGHHHH!!!

How did I ever get here? How did get so fat that I'm having surgery to help me solve this problem?

I have been told my whole life how pretty I am and then it turned to you have such a pretty face. Now all I feel is fat and unattractive.

OK, I just had to vent somewhere. I'm too embarassed to tell my DH how I feel and my friends would never understand.

I've spent most of my adult life as in a invisible person. I know how you feel and to top it all off I've become boisterous and loud to make up for the lack of attention. I took a class over the summer on how to communicate effectively and have actually use that instead of always being a clown.

I've went into places before and shopped for hours and was not noticed one time, but witnessed the "sexy" girl walk in and they were practically breaking their legs to get to her and assist her. It makes me sick. I recently left a nursing position where the boss was picking who he wanted in the building based on sexual attraction....guess what? He told someone that he was going to get rid of the fat girls. It had nothing to do with our performance on the job, it was all about our physical attributes.

So yeah, I understand what you are saying. Try to keep your head up and remember that those same people will still be there when you lose the weight...I don't plan on being mean by any means, but will take a little pride in seeing how fast they assist me when I'm smaller, then I'll go to the shelves and try on all kinds of clothing, and walk out of their store without buying a darn thing!!!

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[quote name='wlcoyle;1416024

Hi Whitney' date=' Welcome!! [/color']

You just keep posting and we will surely get to know you and make sure you remember how fantastic inteligent, beutiful, and talented you are regardless of your appearance...no matter what your outward appearance might be and before you know it....after being banded you will begin to feel the same on the outside as well as inside too! You seem to have a built in support system from your parents at home...that surely will be some help and support! Good luck!

Hi Edmgirl

Welcome....Glad you posted! Jump in share/ask away and respond anytime. The more we all do that the more educated we all will be regarding the ins and outs on this jouney we are embarking on in the same time frame, Good luck!!

Hello Everyone,

First things first.. I am excited about starting my life over or beginning a new Journey which ever statement you would prefer. I am only 23 (yes, I know rather young to be banded) But there are so many issues medically in my families history that requires me to take charge of my life.

My tentative surgery date is right around the corner. March 2, 2010. I am just waiting on the insurance to accept. My last office visit was 2/9/10, and they said they will know within 5 to 7 days.SO I am just waiting on the lucky piece of paper to come in the mail finalizing my surgery date and bootcamp date.

My procedure will be funded if accepted by the insurance company.

Hi StevieVeith,

HI.....Never to young...the younger the better...for the rest of your life youl be healthy! I hope you get that date...the 2nd...Good luck...keep is posted!

And we have the same date should go here

Yea.....Us!! There is a possibility that I get a date sooner if there is a cancelation between now and March 15th as Im now cleared for surgery however....im not expecting any time sooner. lol

I am sad :( My surgery Date got moved... Its now March 19.. Guess the Doctor is out of town March 12.. Nothing like waiting 3 weeks before to tell someone...

oh no...im sorry to hear this...I was sad to when my surgery was bumped from Feb 8th to March 15th because of sleep apnea...but your right....that wasnt nice....but maybe its an emergency? I always think that what ever the date...given instead for some reason...is somehow meant to be...and maybe that will be revealed to us at some time and then maybe it wont...but whatever the date...it will happen and we will keep you company until then....anxiously waiting together!!!

Thanks Finding me!... The Price does include all the fills if I could go to the Clinic in Toronto... But I live in Alberta so they have teamed up with a Dr. here... I heard the Dr. only charges $75 a fill, so its not too bad. Eventually I'm hoping the Government will allow private Dr.'s offices in our Province and they can open a clinic.

Wow.. my insurance does not include fills even after they pay in full for surgery but not cover the fills....how crazy is that?? so Im going to have to pay $250 a fill. Im coming over to you! $75 is not bad at all!

Hey all,

Snowing again today in NY. I was going to see the psych today but decided not to . I'm not much for taking the bus & train and definitely didn't want to navigate all of that today with snow on top of snow on the ground. I've already broken my ankle 2x in the last few years. I think that's another result of my weight.

I'm a little depressed today. I went to the mall yesterday with my DH. I wanted to buy a Coach wallet that i had been looking at and a bag .

Have you ever just felt invisible? That's how I feel, invisible.

I'm standing in the store with my big down coat on and my long matronly skirt to hide my fat and my boots on and I just feel invisible standing there waiting to be helped and being ignored and I feel inside that's it's because of my dowdy , fat body now. After I finally got someone to wait on me I went across to the MAC store and same thing except as I walked in one of the young girls says "hello M'am" UGHHHH!!!

How did I ever get here? How did get so fat that I'm having surgery to help me solve this problem?

I have been told my whole life how pretty I am and then it turned to you have such a pretty face. Now all I feel is fat and unattractive.

OK, I just had to vent somewhere. I'm too embarassed to tell my DH how I feel and my friends would never understand.

Oh Im so sorry...you had this experience..but I have to also say...Ive felt the same way at times. Its worse when you see people who you havent seen in a long time....and for me..well Ive just gained my weight after pregnancy so ..those I havent seen in the last 12 years and I see them...are like....omg what the heck?? (that makes me feel real good seeing them, not) I then feel like I have to explain how this happened. Like I know?? I just got married, had a baby got divorced, my ex died and im a single parent...thats how...need I say more to them?? As far as shopping and going out etc etc...Its the same..you get treated differently...I know this first hand. SO. Ive stopped going out shopping...as nothing looks good anymore anyways! Why bother!! Im just waiting till I can go back to reg sized clothes...12 and under lol. Ill be happy at 12 at this point!

I just know...I need to be happy with me...regardless of how much I weigh...I know I need to present myself in the best light....regardless of the situation...and remember....I am a fantastic person...and if whomever cant see this....I just say...heck with them...they arent worth it. However much I say this....no matter it still hurts and it still feels when we are made to feel small!

Im sorry you are feeling so bad. Perhaps...in time. In a very short time you will begin to see things a little differently. Until then....chin up and we are here to listen to whatever you have to say and feel!!


msdv.....I wish I could give you a big hug. I think we can all relate to how you are feeling or at least I can. But you know what it is ok and you are ok. You know why.....because you realize that you need the help to lose the weight and you are doing something about it. We are in this battle together and we are going to win. And next time you are in that store you demand their attention! You hold your head up high and make sure they see you and if they pretend they don't make sure you make a stick to get them to wait on you!!! lol...and as far as being called m'am take it as a it is a generic greeting. I answer phones all day long and that is how we address everyone regarless of there age. be it 60, 23, 45, or 98.

I couldnt have said what you just wrote any better than that!! You are so right! Oh and about the Maam...I have this friend...she is from Texas..and omg...when she has to talk to a stranger...for something and she says...excuse me Maam or thank you Maam...I want to smack her silly, lol I know she only means well but here in NY...well I hear the possibility of being insulted but your right we cant take it to heart.

Hi everyone.

Hope all is well and everyone had a great Presidents day and all those on Holiday are enjoying.

I am on vacation however because I want to take off for the week of surgery and if need be the following week im working this week...and I worked Christmas week as well so just in case I need two weeks I wont feel guilty.

Its kind of strange how I was so busy the last three months getting all the consults and tests done...and going back for follow ups...and now..its so um quiet. Since I orriginially was supposed to have my surgery on the 8th of Feb and I was bumped because of the sleep apnea for six weeks supposedly. Well...now that..that was cleared before the six weeks...due to good behavior lol. I feel like Im in limbo...just waiting around doing nothing. Im ready...but have to wait a month. Not happy! Im ready. I know another month wont kill me however.....this was a good time for me...not March....March 16th is my daughters bday. Purim is the first week and Passover is the last week. Can there be a worse time?? NOOO. but...like all others..who are waiting...I am waiting as there really is no choice unless there is a cancelation..which there might be...but if there is it will still be after the first of March! Lol

Okay....finished venting...sorry..just tired of the waiting after all the busyness of getting ready for the surgery! Kind of a let down at the end of the process...instead of the surgery being the culmination of the whole process.

well...I certainly have plenty to do besides the surgery stuff to keep me busy.

Tomorrow is pet day at my daughters school. Not really sure how im going to get the dog to the school at 11:30 and then go to work and be home by 4:30. Im not a magician but sometimes feel like I need to be one. I really dont want to bring the dog to school. She isnt going to like it! lol but, the kids are expecting all their pets for show and tell? Didnt show and tell end in pre school? My daughter is in the fifth grade.

I think that the dog should just be able to come to school for the day!!! Yea. Let her take her with and bring her home. Im sure the class would love to have her eat all the school lunch leftovers that the kids throw out! Other that im working for free this week....lol Its olmost Wednesday and I still have baking and shopping to do for the upcoming holiday of Purim. Why im procrastinating im not sure...but there is still one more week left before..and ill just kill myself the last week like always...to get everything done in time..lol (WHY I ASK??)

The one thing I did do ...is get my daughters costume ready. After seeing "The lightening Theif" She wants to be "Medusa the greek goddess" on Purim ..like Holloween the kids dress in costumes....So..I was able to get her a Roman mideavil costume...now I just have to figure out the hair? ? snakes?? lots of snakes?? any suggestions..will be accepted gladly!

Well you all have a great night!!


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Hi Jodi,

I have an idea for the medusa hair, you can use one of the caps that you get in those hair highlighting kits, and poke maybe fishing worms, (rubber of course), or fake toy snakes!! Not sure if it could work, but its an idea!!! :(

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Greetings all,

So a small victory for me this weekend.....my husband I were at Target and they were stocking the Easter stuff, and the baskets and candy. Well I walked right past the Peeps and did not even grab any for my cart. For me that is such a huge huge victory!!! Peeps are my weekness, I so love those marshmallow confections!!!! Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!!


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Greetings all,

So a small victory for me this weekend.....my husband I were at Target and they were stocking the Easter stuff, and the baskets and candy. Well I walked right past the Peeps and did not even grab any for my cart. For me that is such a huge huge victory!!! Peeps are my weekness, I so love those marshmallow confections!!!! Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Good for you! I know that is going to be one of my weaknesses is holiday candy. I don't keep sweets in the house for day to day eating I just get things for holiday treats. So I guess the Easter baskets will have less candy in them this year for the kids and more fun things like bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Not only is having the lapband going to change my life but I am hoping that it will change my childrens life to.

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Greetings all,

So a small victory for me this weekend.....my husband I were at Target and they were stocking the Easter stuff, and the baskets and candy. Well I walked right past the Peeps and did not even grab any for my cart. For me that is such a huge huge victory!!! Peeps are my weekness, I so love those marshmallow confections!!!! Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Congrats to you, I know the feeling, My weakness is Nature valley granola nut clusters. They are fine in moderation.. But I can so eat a whole bag in one or two sittings. They are soo good. It does feel goo to walk by things in the grocery store, that you know you will feel guilty about eating later. When I know I am eating something I shouldnt be... It really bothers me in the long run. Physically and emotionally. a big HURRAY to me because this Valentines day I did not ask for chocolate, and my husband didnt even attempt to get any. Any candy for the matter. I did get Strawberries( Without the dipped chocolate) But that was it. I did ask for an edible bouquet ( The ones made of fruit) But the one I wanted was $69. Im a mush for Hello Kitty and they had one. But the Husband arlready bought me a rose bouquet and two hello Kitty Ty beanie Dolls!! I hope everyone had as good of a day as I had.

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Thank you all for your responses. I was out today . I had to meet with the surgeon again and the nutritionist (again).

What a waste she (the nutritionist ) made me feel so uncomfy. It is so obvious that they are just churning people out. She hardly looked up at me and asked some perfunctory questions then started to drone on and on about all the stuff I already know and that was it. Out of there in less than 10 minutes. At least I didn't have to pay out of pocket for it.

Bad news for me though, as I was getting ready to walk out of the office I was told that even when I finish the testing it takes my insurance company 60-70 days to approve the surgery.

So I will not be a March bandster. I'll be fortunate if I can have it done in May or even June.

I am so depressed I felt like crying on the subway home.

I slipped this morning on all the ice in the street and twisted my already weak ankle. I just want to crawl in the bed and pull the covers over my head.

I am so fat and uncomfy that the only thing I can figure to do now is to start my low carb diet on Monday and try to lose like that. I cannot face another Summer being so fat and bloated.

I am really bummed .

Thank you all again for your words of encouragement. Jodi, finding me, kujhawkrulz everyone I read every word and I appreciate them. I addressed them earlier from my iPhone but the message was lost.

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Well, it is official I will be a March Bandster. My doctors office called me about an hour ago and informed me that my insurance approved my procedure. So I am all set. I start my 1 week pre diet on tuesday all liquids. Then I have bootcamp at the hospital next thursday. All worth it my procedure will be at 7:30 on March 2nd!!

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Great!! I'm glad someone's dream is coming true.

That will be here before you know it. So exciting!!

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Well, it is official I will be a March Bandster. My doctors office called me about an hour ago and informed me that my insurance approved my procedure. So I am all set. I start my 1 week pre diet on tuesday all liquids. Then I have bootcamp at the hospital next thursday. All worth it my procedure will be at 7:30 on March 2nd!!

How exciting!!!! :( What is the "bootcamp"? What all do you do/learn?

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How exciting!!!! :thumbdown: What is the "bootcamp"? What all do you do/learn?

Im not all sure what exactly bootcamp is. I know that I have to be at the hospital where the procedure takes place at 9am. I will talk to the anesthesiologist for an hour and go over everthing. Then there is a little class for another couple hours. Not sure exactly what. But then you also get a tour of the hosptal. And at some point I will go over to my doctors office and talk to the surgeon. Other then that all I know is this... I posted a subject in the forum asking if anyone knew this. But I guess a lot of other doctors do not require bootcamp.

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Hi out there. I am scheduled for March 2 and hope I don't chicken out like I did last year. I had a Jan '09 date but stopped during the clearance phase. But I have to do this. It is hard wrapping my head around the pre-op diet that I have to start in the next day or so. I have my pre-op testing tomorrow morning and then go shopping for Protein Shakes. blech. :thumbdown:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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