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Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

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My Surgery Date: March 12

My surgery is in: Pittsburgh, PA

My doctor is: Doctor Urbandt.

Insurance: PPO Blue Plus (Blue Cross)

Seminar date: Never had one

First Appt:July 27 (I believe) Insurance Required six month diet

Met Surgeon: Every 2 months since July heheh

Psych Evaluation: In Nov dont remember the date..

Tests I still need: EKG, Blood work

Reason for banding: I am only 26, have been active my whole life (hints the username) but my food intake has always been my problem area and I never feel full.. I am always just feel hungery or Stuffed hehe. Plus I am Paramedic And Volunteer Firefighter, Hope to one day get a paid firefighter/medic job. Plus I have a strong family history of Heart issues and diabetes, Neither of which i want heheh.

Concerns: I still I won't feel full, and that I may just be trying to go back to work so soon.. But I am not good for sitting around, I am afraid if i dont take weeks off a work , all i will think about is food.. ( I am only taking 1 1/2 weeks off work (medical field, some bending, no lifting patients at all) and 2 weeks off my Paramedic Job (this is the one i am most worried about cause I do have to lift patients but I do have a partner with me to help lift)

BTW I am 5'10, Starting weight was 302, I am now around 275 but still trying to lose, Would love to be under 270 for the surgery.

WoW!!! Another March 12th bandster!!! I look forward to hearing about your journey and hope to be there for you if you ever need me and vice verse!!! I think you make at least 3 of the posters on this thread with a March 12th date!!:thumbdown:

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You all are so fortunate that your insurance seems to be covering most of the surgery. I was rejected from BC BS even though I have a BMI of 34, osteoarthritis and diabetes. I just couldn't afford to self-pay with a US doctor so we will be going to MX for the surgery.

The doctor was actually referred to me by a local bariatric surgeon who was trained by the MX doctor! I will be following up with the local bariatric surgeon for all my after-care, fills, etc.

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Just wanted to say Hello..this is all new to me...will be banded March 1st...trying to learn how to navigate around this site!

Hi, Girl2boy1 Welcome....yes this is a great site. Ive spent hours just trying to read all the posts from just a few threads. After a week or so...youl begin to see which threads are interesting to you and which you want to subscribe to!

Keep us posted about how its going.


Hope you don't mind if I join this thread. I am new to the forums but have been lurking for a few das now. I am excited and scared to have this done, so I am looking to find a few people that are about to get banded as well. Good luck to all of you on this wonderful new journey that we are about to start.

Date of Surgery: March 25th

Where Surgery will be: KS

Doctor/Center: Dr. Malley/New Hope Bariatrics

Seminar date: December 2009

1st consult date:Feb 10, 2010

Consults and tests completed: I only had to have 1 consult and only pre-op blood work to do in March.

Tests still needed: pre-op blood work

How is surgery funded? Partly cash, some help from my parents , but mostly financing.

Concerns? How will I eat after? Will my family be forced to eat the foods I eat or will I be the one eating something different? Will I regret having it done? I could keep going....

Reason for banding? I have become a person I never wanted, nor thought, I would be. I need to be a better mother and in order to do that I need to lose the weight so I can play with them and just have the energy that is need to keep up with them. Plus I want to feel comfortable about myself so I can be a better wife to my husband. Somewhere along the road of life I have lost who I once was to the weight and I am ready to find that person again.

Hi. Finding Me....Welcome...of course you can join us...just jump in at any time to respond, present concerns or just touch base about whats going on and how your journey is going! Good Luck on the road to finding yourself. I am reading a really good book that addresses your concerns about eating after the band and families etc....you might want to check it out..Im finding it helpful about food, eating and retraining our brains on how we think about food and eating called "BECKS, DIET SOLUTION" check it out maybe it will hep you too. Welcome again.


Hi all,

I'm starting to get very anxious about everything.

As said before I had to cancel my endoscopy on Wed. because of the snowstorm and now I have to wait until the 22nd for an appt. cuz my Dr is going on vaca.

Next week on the 17th I meet with my surgeon again and the nutritionist.

I already met with a nutritionist with the NYU program that I paid $250.00 cash for and she did no more than recite to me what was obviously a speech that she gives everyone and gave me a photocopied manual of what not to eat and what to eat b4 and after surgery. I thought it would be more personalized so I am not too excited about seeing one again if I'm gonna get the same treatment. No one has mentioned whether I will have to pay again.

Next week I also am having Ab/ultrasound which is a little nerve wrecking . I had one about 9 years ago when I was having woman probs but don't remember much about it other than it was uncomfy. You have to starve from the midnight b4 which will not be a problem for me .That's part of my weight problem I can go all day w/o eating and then around 4 I start grazing. However after not eating and drinking from the midnight b4 I have to bring a 32oz bottle of Water with me and drink all of that in 1 hour and hold it b4 the test :smile:.

I hope my DH can take off that day so that he can go with me.

I still have to book an appt with a psychologist . I guess I should get on that today and I have to get my last 6 month med. supervised diet sheet from my PCP that appt is the 25th.

So with all of that still to go and then them sending for approval from my insurance I'm really not thinking that my surgery will still be on the 8th . Hopefully my insurance will quickly approve. I have BC/BS and GHI. I'm not even going to consider that I won't be approved. I have every reason to be approved my weight is very high about 250 my BMI is about 46 and I have 2-3 comorbidities.

I'm also feeling anxious about trying to lose a little b4 my surgery and starting and sticking to some exercise program. I was going to Curves but the owner there is so intrusive that she can sometimes make you uncomfy. My membership is over in March and I don't plan on going back. I have a treadmill and everything else at home.

Ok, I know I've had a long rant but that's how I'm feeling today.

Any suggestions, tips, what's everyone else doing in preparation?

Hi. I see that you wrote about having to wait to get a a consult with a nutritionist..even though you allready had one at NYU that you paid for. Why do you need another one? Cant you get the one you had the original consult with to give you her letter of clearance? I didnt have to use the nutritionist or psychologist from LI Bariatric if i didnt want to..and I didnt as they didnt take insurance and if found my own people I could. So i did...I called oxford and I asked them for referals and they gave me several in my area. Perhaps you can do the same? I would ask your doctor if you can use what you have previously..like you said no reason to have one again! I agree.

You all are so fortunate that your insurance seems to be covering most of the surgery. I was rejected from BC BS even though I have a BMI of 34, osteoarthritis and diabetes. I just couldn't afford to self-pay with a US doctor so we will be going to MX for the surgery.

The doctor was actually referred to me by a local bariatric surgeon who was trained by the MX doctor! I will be following up with the local bariatric surgeon for all my after-care, fills, etc.

You really want to do this..and you found a way you could!!! Good for you!! Good luck! Ive heard alot of people having going to Mexico and have a great experiences.

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Good evening everyone. I went to a support group this morning. The group was surprisingly large. I would say that there was about 35 to 40 people there. It was a group that the doctor that is doing my surgery has started. It is at the office and meets once a month for about 2 hours. I really learned a lot and got some great tips. One of the things that I learned was that my doctor wants you to eat your meals with in 30 minutes..no less and no more. If it takes you less your are eating to fast and not chewing your food well enough. If it takes you more then you are "grazing" and may be able to eat more than you need to. Also one of the ladies that was there, she lost over 100 lbs in a little over a year, said that she went out and bought toddler size plates, bowls and utensils. She said this helped her with Portion Control and the right size bites of food. Makes sense to me. She said she even carries them in her purse when she goes out to eat. I am starting to fell a little better after going today and can't wait until the next meeting. I even met someone that was just banded last month and she gave me her email and phone number and told me to call her whenever I had a question or just wanted to talk about it. Oh, they also have a clothes closet that is free. As you loss weight you can bring in your old clothes and get new ones so you don't have to run out and spend money everytime you loss a dress size. This was great news as I am self pay and it is costing me $16,500.00 :smile:. But I know that it will be worth every penny in the long run. Wow this got a little long.

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Hi all....

To start us off....Ill begin with a little about myself.

I had joined the thread Feb Bandsters...however...Ive been booted to March...as I am being treated for sleep apnea....so I needed to push back surgery date from Feb 8th to March 15th..hoping it stays there!!

Im hoping to connect with others that are on a similar time frame for surgery, for support, advice, education, encouragement and just to shoot the breeze...to share experiences from the first consult if needed to way after being banded...lets get together and share this journey the good, bad and the ugly of it all!!

so.....lets get to know you....by answering some questions that was asked of me before....im passing them on through this group....it was a great beginning. Ill start.

Date of Surgery: March 16th

Where Surgery will be: NY

Doctor/Center: New York Bariatric Group

Dr. Holover/Manhasset

Seminar date: January 2009

1st consult date: Dec 30th, 2009

2nd consult: Feb 3rd, 2010

Consults and tests completed: Cardiologist. Pulmonologist, Endocronologist, sleep Study, Nutritionist, Endoscopy

Tests still needed: Psych test

How is surgery funded? Insurance

Concerns? How will I ever be able to re-educate my brain to eat differently

Reason for banding? See thread in "Introductions"for NYSparklegirl.


My surgery date is March 1, 2010.

I am in Alabama. My surgeon is Dr. Edward Facundus.

I had my first consult back in November, 2009.

I had my mamogram, physc evaluation, Stress Test, blood work, etc. all was sent to my insurance company and they have now approved me for surgery. I feel very fortunate that it looks like BCBS anthem will cover it 90%.

I am not really sure what to expect. I have surveyed many people I know who have had lapband or gastric bypass prior to make this decision. To every person I asked, "If you had this to do over, would you still choose to have the surgery?" Every person said yes with no hesitation. I read all these wonderful success stories on here. I am afraid that I will not be successful. Fear of failure can play mess with your mind.

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So I have been reading a lot of posts were people are talking about all these tests and meetings they have to do. I did not have to meet with a phycologist or a nutritionist. I also do not, that I know of, have to have an EKG or a sleeping test done. Are those things only required if you are covered by your insurance? I am I not having to do these things because I am self pay?

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Date of Surgery: March 22

Where Surgery will be: Rochester, NY

Doctor/Center: Dr. Gandhi/Rochester General

Seminar dates: 10/2009 and 11/2009

Consult date: 11/13/2009

2nd consult: 1/15/2010 and 2/12/2010

Consults and tests completed: Psych, sleep Study, Nutritionist, upper endoscopy.

Still needed: 3-hour class in surgeon's office and preop labs, chest-xray, EKG, and physical.

How is surgery funded? Excellus BCBS

Concerns? Not really, just the usual presurgery worries (I hope I don't have any complications).

Reason for banding? I want to be healthier and feel better (of course, looking better doesn't hurt either!) :angry:

Edited by matilda01

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hi I am being banded March 1st, I start my pre op liquid diet tomorrow. I am from Odessa Tx. I amso excited for this I starrted my process in Oct of 08. Insurance is covering part of mine. :angry:

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So I have been reading a lot of posts were people are talking about all these tests and meetings they have to do. I did not have to meet with a phycologist or a nutritionist. I also do not, that I know of, have to have an EKG or a sleeping test done. Are those things only required if you are covered by your insurance? I am I not having to do these things because I am self pay?

Hi. I had the same question you had after noticing that not everyone was recquired to have different consults and tests done before surgery. What I was told..that it really depends on the state, hospital, insurance and doctor that you are using....however it seems that NY recquires the most testing and consults to have done..I couldnt believe all the doctors and tests that I needed!! All in all it took about 6 months just to get those clearance letters!


Welcome Neverquit, Matilda and Daurceart NEVERQUIT!!

Glad you guys posted....March is just around the corner....jump in anytime you see a post you want to respond to or ask questions about etc etc....we are all here to help and support!!


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Good evening everyone. I went to a support group this morning. The group was surprisingly large. I would say that there was about 35 to 40 people there. It was a group that the doctor that is doing my surgery has started. It is at the office and meets once a month for about 2 hours. I really learned a lot and got some great tips. One of the things that I learned was that my doctor wants you to eat your meals with in 30 minutes..no less and no more. If it takes you less your are eating to fast and not chewing your food well enough. If it takes you more then you are "grazing" and may be able to eat more than you need to. Also one of the ladies that was there, she lost over 100 lbs in a little over a year, said that she went out and bought toddler size plates, bowls and utensils. She said this helped her with Portion Control and the right size bites of food. Makes sense to me. She said she even carries them in her purse when she goes out to eat. I am starting to fell a little better after going today and can't wait until the next meeting. I even met someone that was just banded last month and she gave me her email and phone number and told me to call her whenever I had a question or just wanted to talk about it. Oh, they also have a clothes closet that is free. As you loss weight you can bring in your old clothes and get new ones so you don't have to run out and spend money everytime you loss a dress size. This was great news as I am self pay and it is costing me $16,500.00 :angry:. But I know that it will be worth every penny in the long run. Wow this got a little long.

Hi...this sounds really great. Thanks for all the information. This was so helpful.

I wish the support group that my doctors office had was as informative as yours!

I went to my first one with them Thursday night and well...it was nice but it was more like going to an AA support group. I love the idea about plates and the clothing exchange. I am going to recommend we try to do the same. I for one certainly cant afford new clothes! There is btw also a clothing exchange thread on this site as well....I posted to it but havent gotten responses yet. Thanks for sharing!

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My name is Whitney

Date of Surgery: March 2nd

Where Surgery will be: Kentucky

Doctor/Center: Dr. Jeff Allen/Norton Suburban Hospital

Seminar date: March 2009

1st consult date: Dec 17, 2009

Consults and tests completed: Nutritionist, Psych

Tests still needed: Pre-Op

How is surgery funded? Humana Insurance


-Being able to relearn to eat.

-Surgery Complications (never had surgery before):)

Reason for banding? Many many reasons...

My dad and step-mom have been banded for over 5 years. My mom had gastric bypass. I have an extensive family history of obesity and obesity related illnesses. I am 23 and have been participating in various sports and atheletic activities for the entirety of my life yet I have remained overweight. Every doctor appointment my physician will tell me that I am severely obese (um, duh) but also that my boold work and all tests run are perfect. No high blood pressure, heart problems, breathing problems...nothing. How frustrating is it for me to hear that I am healthy but not healthy...hmm, awful. Sooo, now I will finally have the tool to help me look the way I feel...Healthy!

Of course there are the confidence and outward appearance related reasons. I have always been the fat kid in class. It was quite satisfying, I must say, to be able to out play many of my classmates and team mates when I was on sports teams. they'd always say...wow, I didn't think you'd be that fast. hmm, kind of an insult to assume that I was slow just becasue I was overweight but whatever...:biggrin:. I have trouble believing in myself, in more than one area. I have trouble seeing the fantastic parts of myself - intelligent, beautiful, talented...etc because of my outward appearance. Sad, but true.

all in all - I am ready for this journey to begin!

Good luck fellow march 2010 bandsters!!!! :wink2:

Edited by wlcoyle

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Welcome wycoyle!!! Good luck adn I can't wait to get to know you.

I had a message on my cell phone today that came across on friday but for some silly reason it just now showed up. Anyway it was my doctors office telling me to call them back that they wanted to talk to me about what my insurance quoted them???? I thought that I was self pay. I have called my insurance and have been told that it is a plan exclusion. I am so confused. Would the office have called it a "quote" if it was a denial? And if it was a denial why wouldn't the office just tell me that? Well here I sit keeping my fingers crossed, but trying really hard to not get my hopes up, that they will cover at least part of it.

How is everyone else doing?

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Hello All!! I'm from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... being banded in Mississagua at the Surgical Weight Loss Center by Dr, Mumford on March 30. I am paying the 16 grand out of pocket. My provincal health insurance covers the surgery but only allows 25 surgeries per year per surgeon, so the wait list is over two years. Hence the reason I decided to take the plunge, fly over 3 hours and pay the large sum.... But this will change my life for the better so it is al worth it. I am nervous and excited and would like to gather as much info for all of you as I can.

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Welcome EdmGirl. I am in the same boat. I will be paying $16,500.00 out of pocket to unless be some miracle the office gets the insurance to pay. But I feel the same way you do. I can't wait anymore. My cost covers everything for the first year including all my fills does yours?

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My name is Whitney

Date of Surgery: March 2nd

Where Surgery will be: Kentucky

Doctor/Center: Dr. Jeff Allen/Norton Suburban Hospital

Seminar date: March 2009

1st consult date: Dec 17, 2009

Consults and tests completed: Nutritionist, Psych

Tests still needed: Pre-Op

How is surgery funded? Humana Insurance


-Being able to relearn to eat.

-Surgery Complications (never had surgery before):)

Reason for banding? Many many reasons...

My dad and step-mom have been banded for over 5 years. My mom had gastric bypass. I have an extensive family history of obesity and obesity related illnesses. I am 23 and have been participating in various sports and atheletic activities for the entirety of my life yet I have remained overweight. Every doctor appointment my physician will tell me that I am severely obese (um, duh) but also that my boold work and all tests run are perfect. No high blood pressure, heart problems, breathing problems...nothing. How frustrating is it for me to hear that I am healthy but not healthy...hmm, awful. Sooo, now I will finally have the tool to help me look the way I feel...Healthy!

Of course there are the confidence and outward appearance related reasons. I have always been the fat kid in class. It was quite satisfying, I must say, to be able to out play many of my classmates and team mates when I was on sports teams. they'd always say...wow, I didn't think you'd be that fast. hmm, kind of an insult to assume that I was slow just becasue I was overweight but whatever...:biggrin:. I have trouble believing in myself, in more than one area. I have trouble seeing the fantastic parts of myself - intelligent, beautiful, talented...etc because of my outward appearance. Sad, but true.

all in all - I am ready for this journey to begin!

Good luck fellow march 2010 bandsters!!!! :frown:

Hiya Welcome and Best of luck! :wink2: I am the same boat of being in sports and such but alway being overweight..

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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