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Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

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Hi all....

To start us off....Ill begin with a little about myself.

I had joined the thread Feb Bandsters...however...Ive been booted to March...as I am being treated for sleep apnea....so I needed to push back surgery date from Feb 8th to March 15th..hoping it stays there!!

Im hoping to connect with others that are on a similar time frame for surgery, for support, advice, education, encouragement and just to shoot the breeze...to share experiences from the first consult if needed to way after being banded...lets get together and share this journey the good, bad and the ugly of it all!!

so.....lets get to know you....by answering some questions that was asked of me before....im passing them on through this group....it was a great beginning. Ill start.

Date of Surgery: March 16th

Where Surgery will be: NY

Doctor/Center: New York Bariatric Group

Dr. Holover/Manhasset

Seminar date: January 2009

1st consult date: Dec 30th, 2009

2nd consult: Feb 3rd, 2010

Consults and tests completed: Cardiologist. Pulmonologist, Endocronologist, Sleep Study, Nutritionist, Endoscopy

Tests still needed: Psych test

How is surgery funded? Insurance

Concerns? How will I ever be able to re-educate my brain to eat differently

Reason for banding? See thread in "Introductions"for NYSparklegirl.

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I'm hoping to get my surgery done in March, also but I won't know if I have to do the 6 month diet until my surgeon submits my paperwork and HIP comes back with an answer. I'm hoping to be done with everything by the end of next month, as far as all the tests go.

What insurance do you have?

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Hey NYSparklegirl~ I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only person who originally joined the Feb Bandsters thread who has been booted to March!!! :biggrin: I'm not sure how... but we should start a March 2010 Social Group and come up with a name and logo...

About me... my name is Nicole. I am 25 and live in CA. I'm a therapist. I am 5'5" and my starting weight was 325. According to my surgeon, my goal weight needs to be 175, although I would not mind reaching around 140.

Date of Surgery: Tentatively set for March 5th (but at least I know it will definitely be in March)

Where Surgery will be: Mercy San Juan Hospital in Sacramento, CA

Doctor/Center: Laura Machado/Sacramento Bariatric Medical Associates

Seminar date: Jan 4th, 2010

1st consult date: Jan 18th

Surgeon-required pre-op tests (EKG, chest x-ray, labs) completed: Jan 20th

Insurance-required Nutrition Consult date: Jan 27th

Insurance-required Psych Eval date: Feb 5th

How is surgery funded? Blue Shield of CA Insurance

Concerns? I don't actually have any... possibly the result of extensive research and knowing several people who have undergone the procedure

Reason for banding? Probably the same reasons everyone else decided to have the surgery... I have known for a long time I wanted to have it done, but it was not until Jan 2010 that my insurance covered it to an extent that I could afford it.

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Hi Amy, Hi Nicole.....Glad to see you guys posted!!

Yes, a social group seems great....I started a social group it has the same name as this thread.....that I started before I figured out how to post new threads...so join it...soon we will have a whole bunch of March Bandsters to support and recieve support in return.

im going to copy some posts that I posted about my experience with the pre-op testing...which im still going through even if I thought I was done! lol

I live in NY. Long Island. Im a special educator. Im 44 and have an 11 yr old daughter. We just went to the second visit with the nutritionist last night...that was fun lol

Learned some very interesting behaviors that my daughter has...involving beahviors, some really good habbits and umm some bad she learned from me. After the nutritionist I went for my second sleep study with the CPAP....which is the reason why I was bumped 6 weeks... for the surgery...

well, nice to meet you both....any information that you think is helpful that you found, heard or learned....post them...so we can all benefit!!

Have a great night


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I'm hoping to get my surgery done in March' date=' also but I won't know if I have to do the 6 month diet until my surgeon submits my paperwork and HIP comes back with an answer. I'm hoping to be done with everything by the end of next month, as far as all the tests go.

What insurance do you have?[/quote']

Amy, I have Oxford. I just started a new full time job so the oxford is new as well....so far they have not denied any of the consults, tests or studys. I was told by the center that they deal with the insurance and I wouldnt need to worry about it....wew that was a relief I certainly didnt want to deal with that as well as all other stuff! How about you??

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Originally Posted by Manda87 viewpost.gif

For some reason, my dr schedules all pre-op tests in one day. We couldn't do the psych eval because they are closed for the holiday. But I could do Upper GI, EKG, Chest x-ray, and labs and the consult with the nutrionist. I was supposed to go to one hospital in Raleigh, but when I got there the lady at the desk said I was scheduled to go to the main hospital which is on the other side of town.

I couldn't see my nutriontist because she was the one that I should have gone to at the hospital that I was supposed to go to, plus I was more than 15 minutes late. UGH. I was and still am frustrated. When I called my dr. I was about to cry. So, they have to reschedule that appointment.

I thought this was supposed to be happy? I'm just frustrated and stressed out. This is the hardest thing that I've ever done. I'm alone in this process. My family isn't supportive and when I talk to them they get negative. I mean, really? They see how big I am, but apparently they don't care? I remember a couple of years ago they cared. I know there are support groups and the such, but it will not replace what I should have.

Sorry to rant... frown.gif

I so feel for you!!! I have been running around with consults as well....tests and more tests. Unfortunately the consults and med tests are recquired....and I find this the most frustrating of all procedures..but we must be in good health with no complications in order for us to be able to have this surgery...

My orriginal date of surgery was for the 8th of Feb however, when doing the sleep study...one of the recquirements in NY they found I have severe sleep apnea..SO, I need a CPAP fitted which means another sleep study..before and after treatment starts with 6 weeks in between. My sleep doc..(pumonologist) will not give clearance till after this is all done....this will put me at March..15th the new date. He also did a full lung work up and my lungs are not working as well as they should...so he changed my asthma meds.

After the endoscopy the upper GI Doc.,...found I have a germ testing positive that Ill need to take an antibiotic for two weeks straight. This would not have interefered with date of surgery however left untreated causes ulcers.

I needed to go and find my own nutritionist and psychologist...because the centers...didnt take oxford my insurance...and they wanted $250 each...as opposed to a $30 buck copay each..I called the insurance and called anyone on their provider list and asked if they had exp, with LAP-BAND® if yes...how soon can I see them? I got one of each which was all I neede..turned out I really like the nurtritionist so Ill be seeing her on a reg basis.

Im still waiting for the lan results from the endocronologist....and i wouldnt be suprised if they find I have some weird diagnosis...lol but im hoping not! I get them back today.

I was told this is the harderst time period of the whole prodedure...I feel like im running from work to doc to doc to work to home to doc to home to work lol however, it all needs to be done,,,,so im just doing it...

This is what helped me.....perhaps it can help you

I have a pocket calendar, in addition to my blackberry. I write everything down each doctor, date of consult,phone number, address in full....I know ill be calling each to hound them for tests results, scripts and the clearance letter. I do this for every apt..regardless if ive been before ..this way I have the info in several places if needed. (and youl need it multiple of times)

I made an excell spread sheet...(had help here) with all the consults needed and then spaces that I can check off each with the headings....consult date, test done, results, consult letter, in to LAP-BAND® center. at the end of each I put a big check showing everything was done.

In addition to above...I tried to find all the doctors in the same building or area..so if I need to run from some office to another for any reason....I can...and have. In LI, NY this is possible most practices assoc with one Hospital are usually in one location.

This has been a harrowing experience and I can understand your frustration! This all is hard enough with support...I cant imagine it without!!! SOOOOO let us be your suport family. come talk to us...yell with us cry to us, laugh with us..believe me their will be plenty of all the above....so far...Ive been here two weeks...and I thank my lucky stars I fell upon this site....

Dont give up,.just keep going it will be over before you know it and surgery will be just around the corner!!!

Good luck!!!


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Amy, I have Oxford. I just started a new full time job so the oxford is new as well....so far they have not denied any of the consults, tests or studys. I was told by the center that they deal with the insurance and I wouldnt need to worry about it....wew that was a relief I certainly didnt want to deal with that as well as all other stuff! How about you??

I have HIP and I haven't had any problems yet, either. Getting referrals is a pain in the :) though. But other than that I haven't had any problems. I may have to do a 6 month phys supervised diet but they're not sure yet. They said HIP changed their guidelines to require one but they said those guidelines were in place in 2008 but they still approved ppl without the 6 months so we'll see. This is so new so I don't have anyone to go on and from reading other ppl's experiences with calling HIP for information on surgery I don't know if I even want to waste my time. I don't get why they're so hush hush about it. :) As far as dealing with them, my surgeon's office is awesome! They even deal with my primary physician and call and request referrals from her so I don't have to do it. I love them! So, wish me luck that HIP lets me slide in under the radar soon and I can have my surgery in March. :)

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Date of Surgery: March 17 or March 18

Where Surgery will be: NC

Doctor/Center: Dr. Scott Bovard of Bovard Bariatric Center

Seminar date: Didn't go to one

1st consult date: Dec 30th, 2009

2nd consult: Haven't had a second one yet.

Consults and tests completed: Upper GI, lab work, EKG

Tests still needed: Nutritionist and Psych test

How is surgery funded? Insurance

Concerns? Work, if they will be understanding as to why I will be out for 6 weeks (I'm a CNA and have a very active job) and I can retrain my brain to stop thinking I need to eat all of the time... and to realize that I'm full and that I need to stop.

Reason for banding? I'm 22 and 327 pounds... I think that says it all.

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Concerns? Work, if they will be understanding as to why I will be out for 6 weeks (I'm a CNA and have a very active job) and I can retrain my brain to stop thinking I need to eat all of the time... and to realize that I'm full and that I need to stop.

As far as retraining your brain, as long as you eat slow and chew chew chew you'll be good. Even that is easier said than done but you'll get it. Just start practicing now :)

Good luck! :)

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I am hoping to be a March 2010 Bandster! :) I had my consult last night and with insurance approval (I have BCBS Mass, so they don't think I'll have any issues) I might see a surgery date as early as March! :) I can't wait!!!

I did check out the pre-op diet "food" last night and :). I bought a few samples so that I can figure out if I'm going for all shakes or what. I'll have to do a 2 week pre-op diet to shrink the liver.

Now, it's just the waiting game! (What insurance says, etc.) Hopefully I'll have a date in the next few weeks but was hoping I could "join" your group now. (I know - wishful thinking, right?!) But, I have a feeling that it will move quickly. :)

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I am hoping to be a March 2010 Bandster! :) I had my consult last night and with insurance approval (I have BCBS Mass, so they don't think I'll have any issues) I might see a surgery date as early as March! :) I can't wait!!!

I did check out the pre-op diet "food" last night and :). I bought a few samples so that I can figure out if I'm going for all shakes or what. I'll have to do a 2 week pre-op diet to shrink the liver.

Now, it's just the waiting game! (What insurance says, etc.) Hopefully I'll have a date in the next few weeks but was hoping I could "join" your group now. (I know - wishful thinking, right?!) But, I have a feeling that it will move quickly. :)

So glad you joined.....not knowing for sure...afterall until we are banded its all up to what I call "Beseret: a hebrew word. the meaning whenn and what is meant be!! No matter when...well be here for you!!

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Date of Surgery: March 17 or March 18

Where Surgery will be: NC

Doctor/Center: Dr. Scott Bovard of Bovard Bariatric Center

Seminar date: Didn't go to one

1st consult date: Dec 30th, 2009

2nd consult: Haven't had a second one yet.

Consults and tests completed: Upper GI, lab work, EKG

Tests still needed: Nutritionist and Psych test

How is surgery funded? Insurance

Concerns? Work, if they will be understanding as to why I will be out for 6 weeks (I'm a CNA and have a very active job) and I can retrain my brain to stop thinking I need to eat all of the time... and to realize that I'm full and that I need to stop.

Reason for banding? I'm 22 and 327 pounds... I think that says it all.

Welcome....Glad you joined. Sounds like you are on your way! Whats a CNA? Listen.....they will understand or they will not.. if they dont..well....Ive got two words lol

Its not about them is it?? Sometimes its hard to deal with all this and carry on a work life, family life etc while we are engaing on our new life...and their will be people who will on board and those who will never be...so just take it one day at a time.

Ive heard that people have gone back to work after a week. Can I ask why you think you will be out for six weeks if its not too personal to ask that is. I am a teacher and work with Early Intervention..running from house to house all day....lifting and climbing stairs? Should I be taking off more then one week? I did let them all know...that I might take the 2nd week off...but im hoping not. well we will be banded the same week..if all goes well from now on.....

Good luck to us.


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Hi all. I am reposting my initial post....as I couldnt find it before....but just came upon it when someone responded to it!! lol

so here it is.....would love to get to know you all and hear your stories...and share your experiences and be a support system...along this journey.....

so here it is!!!

Ive recently had to change my surgery date from Feb 8th to March 15th due to my sleep study results which demonstrated severe sleep apnea and will need at least six weeks of treatment before the pulmonologist will give surgical clearance.

So I hope you all will allow me to join your thread.....I am now olmost finished running from doctor to doctor recieving consults and having exams....this was so exhausting but apparently necessary!!!! I have just one more consult to schedule...Psych! Saved that one for last. lol Figured if im still sane after all the above.. then I must be ready for surgery!

I decided to band for several reasons. They are really all connected as you will understand as you see......before I married I was a size 12 and 145 pds. I lived in NYC, had no car so exercize by walking was natural. After marriage at 32..I began to gain some weight....then became pregnant.

High blood pressure put me on bed rest for 6 months. The weight continued to 190. My husband wasnt really helpful in the healthy food dept so while on bed rest..fast food was really what we lived on. After the baby was born....ten yrs ago....the weight stayed.

The typical stressers of life after having a baby while working full time set in and the weight still didnt come off.

At the same time my husband at the time decided he didnt want to work anymore and wanted to just sit home and do nothing. well, not nothing but which ammounted to nothing but schemes and pyramids....We divorced after 7 yrs.

Three months after we divorced he had a massive heart attack and died after not following doctors orders about taking medications daily which he refused to take/do. (like work) leaving me and my daughter without any support or insurance.

(just a note to all parents..get life insurance...and never put a minor childs name to be a beneficiary to anything ever)!

Since then....the stressors have increased with being a single parent with no support. So another 20 pounds have added since..the divorce and his passing.

I want my life back!! Ive decided in the last year....it was time to begin to get it back and be in control again.

I want my premarriage/ pregnancy/ high blood pressure/cholesterol/ asthma/sleep apnea status!! Now is the time to do it.....

Ive had all first consult....visits with all the doctors and have recieved all the consults needed except for the psych. I am now waiting for all the written reports to come in and the second consult is next week and surgery set for...February 8th.

Im ready to get my life back in control....so this is the first step in getting a healthier me. Im so glad to see so many others here to share their experiences before and after. I hope I can contribute possitively and help others through my experiences. I also hope that I will be able to get help with questions and concerns that I know I will have before, during and after!!!

To all.....good luck, thank you in advance and and looking forward to sharing!!


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Hi all...good morning,

Its been one of those weekends where there is noplans.Bad idea to have no plans as then there is plenty of time to sleep and eat and eat. Cannot do this again.

Today was not as bad organized my kitchen and got rid of things that were starting to clutter up the small space in my living area. My daugter decided to clean up her room and is still working on it.

My daughter is off this week from school and most of friends are offon some sort of vacation. I am working so we arent. I have the babysitter all week....sometimes I wonder if its cheaper to go on vacation. lol

well...this week I meet with the pulmonologist to get my CPAP, and the nutritionist for a second meeting.

I have started the Prev-pac antiobiotics that the upper GI doctor prescribed after the endoscopy was done...and showed I have some wierd germ in my stomach.Apparently alo of people have this and the main effects are severe reflux...which I knewI had...but the endosscopy proved. It causes ulcers but I didnt have that.

I have to be on two strong antibiotics and prevacid for two weeks!! If I dont he wont clear me for surgery.

I am so sick from this three pac...I have this weird taste in my mouth and my stomach is beginning to hurt. I have been taking acidophilus pills because if I dont ill end up with a yeast infection and that will be yet another reason for surgery to be pushed back.lol so, i will be sick for two weeks. owell

Hope you all well and are having a good weekend...whats your schedules for testing and cosults this week??? let us know sowe can support you!!!

have a great week.....


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Hi I am being banded March 12, 2010 and the time doesn't seem like it is flying by fast enough, but I know it will be here some day ;)

I'm 38, mother of 2 boys, an LPN in nursing school as we speak to get my RN. On November 6th, 2009 I herniated my L4 disc and have been in and out of agony ever since. My doctor suggested I take off at least 100 pounds, but told me that it would all have to be done by diet or at least until I could get the pressure off my spinal nerves, yeah RIGHT!!!

Anyways, all I am waiting on now is for my income tax return to get here as I am flying in to El Paso and going into Juarez MX for my surgery to be performed by Dr. Jose Rodriguez as I do not have insurance and his reputation seems pretty good. I am using BeLiteWeight to facilitate my surgery and they are very nice.

My biggest problem with my weight seemed to come after my children were born and I had double oopherectomy operations after tubal pregnancies. I just started racking up the weight until I am so out of shape, my metabolism is shot, and I can't seem to get it off. My weight gain is making me hurt everywhere and I am to the point I won't look at myself in a mirror anymore.

My S.O. is a little reluctant and thinks I might leave him after I lose the weight, but with reassurance he is actually starting to get excited and showing me a lot more support. My family, who is all in the medical field, are very hard headed and continue to believe that I should just eat right and exercise and it will come off and feel that what I am doing is a bit self-serving and I could use the money somewhere else.

I will be very happy to join the March-banders and wish each and everyone of you the best of luck!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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