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A few nice nuggets thrown in with the gravel at first doesn't fool anyone. We see it for what it will do to us LATER. When there is no money to support it and they will have to deny care to people due to not being able to cover the expense of it.

So, you can see that collectively these are more than a few nuggets. The current system allows insurance companies to DENY coverage to you or drop you if you get sick, something that you denied until I proved you wrong.

The current system allows insurance companies to DENY coverage if you have a pre-existing condition.

So, there is denying going on all the time NOW, but I guess that's okay.

The real denial is yours - about all the insurance abuses taking place now, before this healthcare was passed that eliminates these abuses. You must be pro-insurance abuses.

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I am not the hypocrite, you are. I am not the one who has denied the hatred for bush on the left. But you are the one who has denied the violence, hatred and racism for Pres. Obama on the right - going so far as to say it's all in my head.

So, you admit you 'hate'?

Anyways......I have ALWAYS pointed out that there will always be a few in every group who are idiots! BUT to classify the whole group for the idiotic actions of a few is wrong. And that's what YOU do.

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So, you admit you 'hate'?

Anyways......I have ALWAYS pointed out that there will always be a few in every group who are idiots! BUT to classify the whole group for the idiotic actions of a few is wrong. And that's what YOU do.

Where did I say I admitted to hate? I said that I have never denied that there was hatred for bush on the left. It was you who was in denial and said that violence in the tea party was all in my head. :)

from pattygreen (with reference to my posts about violence from the teaparty and right wing):"This 'violence' you speak of is in your head as well as every other liberal out there who would just 'love' to see it be true. Since it isn't true, they feel the need to make it up."

Sounds like a sweeping denial of violence on the right to me!!! Make it up? I have proven it over and over. You are the denier in chief.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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SOCIAL SECURITY COMMISSION RELEASES REPORT ON STATE OF ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM - Dan Froomkin: The new health care law has significantly improved the prognosis for Medicare, extending the life of its trust fund by 12 years until 2029, and thereby delaying any need for dramatic changes in benefits or revenues, according to a new report. The annual check-up from government actuaries overseeing the nation's two central safety-net programs also found that Social Security continues to be much less of a problem than Medicare, and will remain in strong financial shape at least through 2037.'The financial outlook for the Medicare program is substantially improved as a result of the far-reaching changes in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,' concludes the Medicare report -- although the trustees warned that the improvements depend on the successful implementation of the law."

Another "nugget" of the healthcare reform.

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Where did I say I admitted to hate? I said that I have never denied that there was hatred for bush on the left. It was you who was in denial and said that violence in the tea party was all in my head. :redface:

from pattygreen (with reference to my posts about violence from the teaparty and right wing):"This 'violence' you speak of is in your head as well as every other liberal out there who would just 'love' to see it be true. Since it isn't true, they feel the need to make it up."

Sounds like a sweeping denial of violence on the right to me!!! Make it up? I have proven it over and over. You are the denier in chief.

Whenever you speak of the right, you speak of them as a whole. You rarely differentiate between those few who do stupid crap, like holding a sign that says "I hate Obama" and the millions who don't do that kind of crap. You lump them all together and truly believe that they are all haters and racists. Cause if you didn't you wouldn't go on and on about how it has to do with Obama's skin color instead of the fact that we can't stand what he's doing to our country.

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Whenever you speak of the right, you speak of them as a whole. You rarely differentiate between those few who do stupid crap, like holding a sign that says "I hate Obama" and the millions who don't do that kind of crap. You lump them all together and truly believe that they are all haters and racists. Cause if you didn't you wouldn't go on and on about how it has to do with Obama's skin color instead of the fact that we can't stand what he's doing to our country.

Nice try, but you made the sweeping statement that the violence/hatred/racism on the right was all in my head - thus denying that ANY on the right were hateful, racist or violent.

And as far as what Pres. Obama is doing to our country - let's recap:

-5 months of positive job growth.

-stock market went from 6000 to 10,000

-healthcare abuses ended

-healthcare for the uninsured

-financial reform for the crooks on wall street

-$20 billion from BP for the oil spill victims and clean up

-Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

-millions of jobs saved or created from stimulus bill

-the auto bailout was a big success saving thousands of jobs (maybe a million if you count auxillary companies)

But the party of no was against all of this. Including extending unemployment for those hurting and the small business bill that would have helped small business owners that they keep yapping about. But they didn't want democrats to get credit for it, so they voted against it.

They don't care about this country or its people. They just care about getting elected. And these are who some people want to elect more of? :redface:

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Just when I thought I had heard all there was from hateful, mean-spirited republicans, I recently learned about the following. This is a republican state senator.

UPDATED: State senator: HIV babies are punishment for promiscuous moms

By Wendy Norris 2/25/09 4:25 PM

State Sen. Dave Schultheis restated his opposition to a bill requiring HIV tests for pregnant women by claiming that infected babies would cause families to “see the negative consequences of that promiscuity.”

The Colorado Springs Republican with a penchant for foot-in-mouth moments tells The Rocky Mountain News in a follow-up story to Wednesday’s Senate floor controversy:

“What I’m hoping is that, yes, that person may have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby and when they grow up, but the mother will begin to feel guilt as a result of that,” he said. “The family will see the negative consequences of that promiscuity and it may make a number of people over the coming years begin to realize that there are negative consequences and maybe they should adjust their behavior.”

Yes, Schultheis really said he is “hoping” people “have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby …”

His home page is full of all the typical right-wing, conservative views on everything from abortion, to marriage, to sexuality. So while he considers himself pro-life and pro-family he hopes people have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby..and that HIV is punishment for being promiscuous (read: having sex).

And once again, I ask - and these are the people some want to elect more of?

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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The thing that patty, and others, don't seem to understand about progressives thinking that they are racist is because the president is actually doing the work that Bush did not do and he's also reparing some of the terrible stuff that Bush did do. And many of those things are the very things that tea baggers and conservatives complain about! So if they are against the president, but he's proven that he's not as far to the left as they claimed he would be, his actions have actually been quite centrist, and he's hasn't raised taxes on them which is another thing they complain about, and hasn't taken away their guns and all that, then what's left for them to dislike him for? Trumped up rhetoric that doesn't hold Water for a second.

It's pretty darned obvious when you go to a tea party rally and idiots wave racist signs and shout racist slogans and suggest that the president wasn't born in America. There's just nothing else a reasonable person can believe if one is following their words and their behavior that is so provocative and hateful. Especially since the things that they want for America seem to be the things that the president is trying to do for America.

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Nice try, but you made the sweeping statement that the violence/hatred/racism on the right was all in my head - thus denying that ANY on the right were hateful, racist or violent.


It's all in your head that we're all racist and hateful like the few who held up their biggoted signs!

Just take a look at your last post.

{Cleo's quote} "Just when I thought I had heard all there was fromhateful, mean-spirited republicans, I recently learned about the following."{end quote}

You just can't stop calling all republicans "hateful".

You place everyone, who doesn't feel the way YOU do on an isssue, as a HATER. Either that, or, because Obama is a black man, a "racist". If he was white in appearance, the racist thing wouldn't even be an issue with liberals. But because his skin is black, liberals use the race card "liberally." They use it because they have nothing else, but hate.

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Nice try, but you made the sweeping statement that the violence/hatred/racism on the right was all in my head - thus denying that ANY on the right were hateful, racist or violent.


It's all in your head that we're all racist and hateful like the few who held up their biggoted signs!

Just take a look at your last post.

{Cleo's quote} "Just when I thought I had heard all there was fromhateful, mean-spirited republicans, I recently learned about the following."{end quote}

You just can't stop calling all republicans "hateful".

You place everyone, who doesn't feel the way YOU do on an isssue, as a HATER. Either that, or, because Obama is a black man, a "racist". If he was white in appearance, the racist thing wouldn't even be an issue with liberals. But because his skin is black, liberals use the race card "liberally." They use it because they have nothing else, but hate.

There are plenty of hateful, mean spirited republicans and I have called them out on here when I discover them. AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. Too bad if you don't like it. I don't think Susan Collins is hateful, or Olympia Snowe. But there are plenty, like this republican in my previous post, John Kyl and many others like beck, limbaugh, colter and others. There's plenty of hate and mean-spiritedness from these people, like beck calling Pres. Obama a racist and making fun of his daughter. Or limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails and cheering his loss of getting American to hold the Olympics. Cheering against america!! Or coulter saying "Gore is a fag". Most right wing republican talk is all about hate, mean-spriritedness, bashing and sinking to new lows. Michael Steele, RNC chair, said today that Nancy Pelosi will have to go to the back of the bus after November. Nice choice of words from someone who is lucky to still have a job considering his constant foot in mouth.

And I notice that you never address what the republicans say or do but rather make your responses about me. Very telling.

And again, nice try, but read your quote again. You said: "this violence of which you speak is all in your head..." In other words, you didn't believe that ANY of the tea party was violent. It was all in my head you said. Ha!! I proved you wrong about that just like I have about so many things.

So don't try to get out of what you said or try to explain it away or twist the words now. The proof is in your post. Period.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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There are plenty of hateful, mean spirited republicans and I have called them out on here when I discover them. AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. Too bad if you don't like it. I don't think Susan Collins is hateful, or Olympia Snowe. But there are plenty, like this republican in my previous post, John Kyl and many others like beck, limbaugh, colter and others. There's plenty of hate and mean-spiritedness from these people, like beck calling Pres. Obama a racist and making fun of his daughter. Or limbaugh saying he hopes Obama fails and cheering his loss of getting American to hold the Olympics. Cheering against america!! Or coulter saying "Gore is a fag". Most right wing republican talk is all about hate, mean-spriritedness, bashing and sinking to new lows. Michael Steele, RNC chair, said today that Nancy Pelosi will have to go to the back of the bus after November. Nice choice of words from someone who is lucky to still have a job considering his constant foot in mouth.

And I notice that you never address what the republicans say or do but rather make your responses about me. Very telling.

I don't respond to what the republicans do because they do the same sort of things that democrats do when they don't have a president that they approve of in the WH. You can be very hypocritical. You point out every sliver that conservatives have in their eye, yet you ignore the plank in your own. How sad. I could go on and on about democrat liberals who say and do the same kind of stupid crap. but it wouldn't matter one iota to you. you will still be a liberal, just as anything you say about conservatives will not sway me from continuing to have conservative view points. It only shows people how BOTH sides are human and have sinful natures that can't be tamed.

And again, nice try, but read your quote again. You said: "this violence of which you speak is all in your head..." In other words, you didn't believe that ANY of the tea party was violent. It was all in my head you said. Ha!! I proved you wrong about that just like I have about so many things.

I will clear up what I meant when I said that. "This violence that you speak of, (when you speak of the teapartiers as a whole), is all in your head." I have NEVER denied that there are a few in every group that make any group look bad by their stupid actions.

So don't try to get out of what you said or try to explain it away or twist the words now. The proof is in your post. Period.

{Cleo's quote} "Just when I thought I had heard all there was from hateful, mean-spirited republicans, I recently learned about the following."...{end quote}

That's republicans with an "S". You are speaking of all republicans when you quote your rants about the few.

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I suppose cleo's is okay with the government paying for all those signs to advertise how the stimulus has wasted our money. Just another way for government to spend our hard earned money frivilously.:thumbup:

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Just when I thought I had heard all there was from hateful, mean-spirited republicans, I recently learned about the following. This is a republican state senator.

UPDATED: State senator: HIV babies are punishment for promiscuous moms

By Wendy Norris 2/25/09 4:25 PM

State Sen. Dave Schultheis restated his opposition to a bill requiring HIV tests for pregnant women by claiming that infected babies would cause families to “see the negative consequences of that promiscuity.”

The Colorado Springs Republican with a penchant for foot-in-mouth moments tells The Rocky Mountain News in a follow-up story to Wednesday’s Senate floor controversy:

“What I’m hoping is that, yes, that person may have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby and when they grow up, but the mother will begin to feel guilt as a result of that,” he said. “The family will see the negative consequences of that promiscuity and it may make a number of people over the coming years begin to realize that there are negative consequences and maybe they should adjust their behavior.”

Yes, Schultheis really said he is “hoping” people “have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby …”

His home page is full of all the typical right-wing, conservative views on everything from abortion, to marriage, to sexuality. So while he considers himself pro-life and pro-family he hopes people have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby..and that HIV is punishment for being promiscuous (read: having sex).

And once again, I ask - and these are the people some want to elect more of?

You constantly put your own swing upon what others say.

In this world, people do things to bring about the 'problems' that they have in life. If only they would think about the results of their actions BEFORE they do what they do. Consequences for your own actions should be a part of life. It teaches us and helps us to grow and change so that we will be better. Without consequences, people will go on living as they have and never change, and therefore, always be having problems. People need to be responsible for their choices, and when the "parent", whoever plays that roll, continuously bails the child out and paves the way for them to continue to live in that way, it is a shame. The "parent" does the child a disservice. He hinders the child from growth and maturity. Shame on the parent who does that to their child!

Shame on the government for doing that to the people they govern!

No one wants to see anyone get AIDS or any other "consequence" from their wrong choices in life, but sometimes, enduring consequences is needed in order for the person, and especially for the other people viewing the consequences, to stop their behavior.

He may have not worded what he was trying to point out to the people in an eloquent way, but what he was trying to say was clear. People must go through the consequences for their actions in order for those consequences to lesson for others. We learn from the mistakes and trials that we have gone thorough and those that we see going through them.

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:11)

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I understand that liberals in general feel that the government should be the parent and fix all the peoples problems for them, but the fact is that the government should NOT. People need to endure the consequences for their actions so that they can mature and grow and change from their bad behavior. It wont happen if the government just "gives" the people the fix.

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