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Patty "We’ll have more shortly."

I hope you don't mean more posts on this 1 incident, 5 different posts from the same occurrence is enough. Especially since the disturbance was mostly concert goers (Rage against the machine) not political activists.

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So, as you can see, Cleo'smom, Broken widows, spitting, physical attacks, sand bags being dropped off bridges onto moving cars, Clorox being thrown at people,etc. Liberals are terrorists, too, I guess, huh?

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September 2, 2008

Moonbat Brownshirts Assault RNC Delegates

Moonbats have gathered in the Twin Cities to welcome Republican delegates, and to give them a taste of what Hope and Change would mean were these people to seize control of the government, as has happened in places like Russia, China, Cuba, and Cambodia. Some Obamunists are content to spit on the grownups, while others splash bleach. From yesterday's Everyday Republican:

The Connecticut delegation to the Republican National Convention was attacked today as they attempted to enter the Xcel Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. […]

When Chairman Healy’s mother Lila was spat upon by a protester, former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons stepped between the elder Healy and the crowd. He was doused with a liquid substance that was later determined to be a mix of clorox and Water. At least 10 other delegates also were hit with liquid. […]

The St Paul police and the Secret Service are investigating how the protesters were able to get into the area unopposed.

One 80-year-old member of the delegation had to be treated for injuries, and several other delegates had to rinse their eyes and clothing.

The Enlightened progressives threw rocks at buses, including the one carrying the Alabama delegation. Here's a bus the moonbats attacked:


They went after other buses with sandbags dropped from overpasses. This is known in legal circles as attempted murder.

Not appalled yet? The moonbats also attacked a bus full of Cub Scouts:

A group of protesters — liberals, Obama supporters, or whatever — blocked the road, surrounded the bus, and attacked it, rocking the bus back and forth, denting and scratching the sides, and generally terrifying the children trapped inside.

Atlas Shrugs has some photos of the festivities that ought to be on the next cover of Time, including these:



We take civilization for granted. But as these presumptive Obama supporters remind us, it's never more than an election or two from coming unraveled.

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The Face of Evil

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September 1, 2008 Posted by John at 8:17 PM

The first day of the RNC was fun but muted. One group, though, wasn't deterred from pursuing its agenda by events in the Gulf. The Communist/anarchist/truther/pro-Obama protesters were out in force, committing various crimes and attempting to disrupt the proceedings.

The most shocking events are described by Jim Hoft, who was on a bus that was attacked from above when a group of protesters dropped sand bags on to the top of the bus. This is attempted murder: if the protesters had succeeded in hitting the windshield, a sand bag would have crashed through and killed the driver. The resulting accident would have killed or injured others on the bus. To my knowledge, the left-wingers/would-be murderers were not caught.

A little later, a busload of Cub Scouts were en route to the convention, where they were to present the colors to open the convention. A group of protesters--liberals, Obama supporters, or whatever--blocked the road, surrounded the bus, and attacked it, rocking the bus back and forth, denting and scratching the sides, and generally terrifying the children trapped inside. The left-wing protesters attacked a number of buses in the same way, but there is something especially despicable about attacking a group of Cub Scouts.

Among us conservatives, it's pretty much an article of faith that people of all political persuasions are good folks who should be treated with respect; we just disagree about issues of public policy. (Liberals generally don't adopt that view, although there are some honorable exceptions.) But sometimes that model doesn't apply. The liberal/anarchist/Communist/pro-Obama protesters we have seen today in St. Paul are terrible people who, in many cases, should be subject to long prison terms. Let's hope that a few of them, at least, are prosecuted.

UPDATE: While the attack on the Scouts' bus was reported to me by a reliable source, I'm not sure it is correct. The demonstrators attacked a number of buses in the manner described, but I haven't been able to verify that the Scouts were on one of them. And I think they were Boy Scouts rather than Cub Scouts, too. Which doesn't make the demonstrators' behavior any better, of course.

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from pattygreen (with reference to my posts about violence from the teaparty and right wing):"This 'violence' you speak of is in your head as well as every other liberal out there who would just 'love' to see it be true. Since it isn't true, they feel the need to make it up."

I will say the same thing to you, now. You have made up all of this, none of it is true, you have made it up and it's all in your head. You would just love it to be true.

When the posts about the teaparty violence were made, I don't recall anything being said about condoning violence from the other side but condemning it from the right. So, I hardly see where all your ad infinitum, ad nauseum posts have any relevance. They're just further deflection from the issue at hand.


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Patty "We’ll have more shortly."

I hope you don't mean more posts on this 1 incident, 5 different posts from the same occurrence is enough. Especially since the disturbance was mostly concert goers (Rage against the machine) not political activists.

I desire to bring home the point that leftist liberals are NO better. You all post adnausium on how horrible the right is, yet the left is NO better. I wouldn't call a group of people who want their voices heard terrorists. Especially since this country has been under the attack of terrorists who attempt to destroy us. We are NOT terrorists! We are US citizens and we have brains. We don't like Obama and his policies any more than you all liked Bush and his! Just because there are always a few in every group who do stupid crap (yours included, which I have proven) doesn't mean that is what the group as a whole stands for.

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Attacks and violence by those on the left have diminished while those on the right have increased:

Are right-wing domestic terrorists still active?

Yes. Attacks by left-wing or special-interest groups were the most common until the 1990s, when right-wing terrorists began staging more attacks aimed at civilians. The FBI says that the Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by far-right extremists who feared increased UN involvement in domestic policies, opposed stricter gun-control laws, and were enraged by “several confrontations between members of right-wing groups and law enforcement officers at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho.” A right-wing extremist, Eric Robert Rudolph, was also responsible for the 1996 Olympics bombing in Atlanta that killed two and injured more than one hundred. The decline of right-wing terrorist attacks since 2001 could be attributed to extremists’ anger shifting toward foreign entities and away from the U.S. government, the Los Angeles Times reported in March 2008.

The FBI reports that eight of the fourteen terrorist acts prevented between 2002 and 2005 were planned by right-wing groups. The others ranged from an anarchist plan to bomb a Coast Guard station, a prison-gang attempt to attack military and Jewish targets around Los Angeles, and a few people who attempted, individually, to establish ties with al-Qaeda.

And yes, PG, those on the right who promote violence are domestic terroritsts.

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from pattygreen (with reference to my posts about violence from the teaparty and right wing):"This 'violence' you speak of is in your head as well as every other liberal out there who would just 'love' to see it be true. Since it isn't true, they feel the need to make it up."

I will say the same thing to you, now. You have made up all of this, none of it is true, you have made it up and it's all in your head. You would just love it to be true.

When the posts about the teaparty violence were made, I don't recall anything being said about condoning violence from the other side but condemning it from the right. So, I hardly see where all your ad infinitum, ad nauseum posts have any relevance. They're just further deflection from the issue at hand.


No one from the right side, and I do mean the right side, condones violence. As a matter of fact, all FOX news casters and shows have talked about violence not being the answer to this administrations attack on our freedoms. All of them have pleaded with their viewers to do the 'right' thing and control their tempers. They have ALL said to their viewers that November is our day of getting what we want. I heard it from Beck, Orielly, and many others.


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No one from the right side, and I do mean the right side, condones violence. As a matter of fact, all FOX news casters and shows have talked about violence not being the answer to this administrations attack on our freedoms. All of them have pleaded with their viewers to do the 'right' thing and control their tempers. They have ALL said to their viewers that November is our day of getting what we want. I heard it from Beck, Orielly, and many others.


You always throw those buzz words out there - like freedom. Pres. Obama is taking away our freedoms. Which ones? Speech, religion, assembly, owning a gun, voting - which ones? Because it isn't happening. It just is more imflammatory rhetoric. If anyone infringed on our constitutional rights, it was bush with his warrantless wiretapping.

I can't wait for November, either, when the republicans won't make nearly the gains they think they will. Oh, they will win some seats, no biggie, but they will not take the majority. They had the majority under bush and we are all currently paying the price for their disasterous and failed policies.

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Did you post the attacks that occured at the Rethuglicans congress peoples homes? These are all public forum activities you post. Did anyone go to a congress persons home or did they primarily hit public forums with this garbage?

Edited by tdslf1

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Cantor digs deeper

by Jed Lewison

Fri Mar 26, 2010 at 02:00:44 PM PDT

Greg Sargent gets Eric Cantor's defense (or at least, Cantor's attempt at a defense):

A spokesperson for Eric Cantor is pushing back on criticism that he shouldn’t have referenced the bullet shot through a campaign office window at a presser yesterday about threats on his life, offering a detailed chronology of what happened.

Richmond police announced this morning that the bullet was an "act of random gunfire," leading critics to say Cantor had jumped the gun in sharing the story yesterday.

But Cantor spokesperson Brad Dayspring, in an interview with me this afternoon, offered a chronology of events. Short version: When Cantor gave his statement, all he knew was that a bullet had been fired into his window, there was an ongoing investigation into the incident, and that he had received other threats on his life.

Basically, Cantor's office is defending itself by saying that they had no idea what the facts were. The problem is, in his statement to the national press corp, Cantor was emphatic in his certainty that he had been the target of a shooting incident:

Just recently, I have been directly threatened. A bullet was shot through the window of my campaign office in Richmond this week and I’ve received threatening emails.

Obviously, the claim that a gunman (presumably pro-reform) has targeted your campaign office is incendiary. It's the type of claim that you need to be sure about before you make it. If you don't know the facts, it's incredibly irresponsible to make such a claim. And when you're making it in the context of a political attack on your opponents, it represents dishonesty in the extreme.

On those grounds alone, Cantor's statement was an extraordinary breech of the public trust. But the facts of the matter reveal that what he did was even worse.

First, Cantor was fully aware that the gunshot may have been random. Although he did not say this to the national media, he told a local newspaper that he wasn't sure if the gunfire was random or not. (CNN reported this, to its credit.) So Cantor knew that his statement might have been untrue -- and yet he made it anyway.

Moreover, Cantor was also fully aware that the bullet didn't actually hit his campaign office. It hit an office in the same building as one of his campaign offices.

Finally, there's virtually no way somebody would ever have targeted that particular office if they were going after Cantor. For starters, neither his campaign site nor his official site list the building as his campaign office. The building itself does not have any markings to suggest that it housed his campaign office. And if all that weren't enough, the office isn't even located in his congressional district.

When Eric Cantor made his statement, he was fully aware of each of these facts -- but he proceeded forth, because he thought it made good political sense, truth be damned. He's receiving heavy criticism for that decision today -- as well he should.

I should not be astonded because they are know for this, but I am...WOW

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patty, are the people in the photos you posted part of an organized group like the tea baggers? Does the Democratic party encourage these kinds of signs? Do you think that the media and legislators encourage this kind of behavior in Democrats?

One reason that people have lumped mainstream Republicans (if there are actually any left) in with the tea baggers, birthers and violent acts that extremists have exhibited this week, is because the many famous Republicans have encouraged this behavior and in South Carolina, the Republican party said they want to work with the tea baggers and possibly merge with them. A few Republicans in congress said this behavior should be condemed but very few. And many have behaved badly on the floor of congress themselves. So lump them together is what we do.

No, it isn't actually representative of each and every person who was against the health care reform legislation. So no it really isn't fair to label all Republicans ignorant extremists that have a penchant for violence when they lose.

I do understand why it is so offensive to you and I hope that you are as against the really bad behavior this week as I am against any bad behavior by people who might be considered Democrats.

But honestly, showing these photos above really doesn't in any reasonable way, excuse the behavior of the wackos exhibiting violence against the legislation, the legislators or the president, now does it?

Edited by BJean

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Wake up people there are idiots on both sides of the spectrum. Am I a lib No do I hate them NO. I may not agree with there policies but I do not incite violence from either side or agree in it. I just find it funny how people try to have debates on issues and people in these threads try an act as if they are above the other side and yet call them Tea Baggers? Seriously can't we all be adults? So some of the Tea party members are idiots. But so are some dems and reps. Does that make them all bad people? Putting down a whole group because a few bad apples is just as bad as being racist.

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Wake up people there are idiots on both sides of the spectrum. Am I a lib No do I hate them NO. I may not agree with there policies but I do not incite violence from either side or agree in it. I just find it funny how people try to have debates on issues and people in these threads try an act as if they are above the other side and yet call them Tea Baggers? Seriously can't we all be adults? So some of the Tea party members are idiots. But so are some dems and reps. Does that make them all bad people? Putting down a whole group because a few bad apples is just as bad as being racist.

I disagree. Nothing is as bad as being racist. Or as stupid.

Sounds to me like you're trying to do the very thing that you are complaining about by insinuating that my use of the term tea bagger somehow equates to being a racist.

My calling the tea baggers that instead of the TEA PARTY stems from my lack of respect for them and especially because they try to identify themselves with an event that has no relation whatsoever to what they're doing. So I consider that name, THE TEA PARTY to be a misnomer. And I consider them worthy of my distain no matter what nutball demonstrators from the left do.

What's wrong with calling them tea baggers anyway? They adopted a name that they absolutely do not deserve to use. They're trying to compare themselves to events in Boston when early Americans demonstrated against the Crown. But dumping tea into the harbor isn't exactly the same as threatening bodily harm or shouting a racial slur or suggesting throwing bricks through windows or suggesting that our president is a Muslim or that he isn't an American born citizen or attempting to subvert the legal process of passing legislation.

Sorry dude, I agree that we shouldn't generalize and lump the tea party in with the entire party of Republicans. And I said so, in an earlier post. But as I also said, the Republican party has brought this on themselves.

And none of this is is an effort to say that there are no people from the left side of the argument who are guilty of doing bad things. Certainly there are. And trust me, I have just as much contempt for them as I do for the right wing wackos.

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