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Conservative VS Liberal

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Thank you. I have seen It's a Wonderful Life. It's a great movie.

I think your Mom would be proud of all the nice things you said about her. As a Mom, I think that all we want is validation that we got most things right. Your Mom will be rewarded for all her good deeds.

It sounds like someone is watching over your son. I know that boys especially play so rough and take risks sometimes that they need another pair of eyes looking out for them.

My husband and I battled cancer together. I had breast cancer and then he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer 11 months later. You don't survive EC even when caught very early, like his was. It was a very rough time for us. So my kids and grandson are my life now which is why you can understand why I would be outraged that someone would post something about them and my parenting which is crossing the line. They are off limits and so is my parenting.

As to the rednecks around here. Tell me about it. I have an Obama bumper sticker on my car and the rednecks and racists seem to think that gives them carte blanche to say things to me. Some yahoo asked me how the hopey changey thing was working out and I said great. And then I told him to eff off. I will not be intimidated. If I had been in that restaurant and heard you I would have told you I felt the same way. :cursing:

I know this has nothing to do with this board so if others dont want to hear about it dont read.

Just to explain how selfless my mother was. In 1998 my girlfriend of about 7 months(now my wife) was graduating from The University of Pittsburgh. I made plans with my parents a couple days ahead to borrow their car because I owned a Nissan truck which was a small vehicle. The day of graduation I met my father around 4:00 pm and we swapped vehicles. We had a great time, an exciting time for my wife. When I finally got home around 11:00pm my sister called me to inform me that my mother had suffered a major heart attack during the earley morning hours that morning(the morning my wifes graduation)and they werent supposed to tell me until after because my mother didnt want to ruin my now wifes graduation from college! Talk about the going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows! And one of the reasons I know the 10 months she got to spend with my son where her happiest is because my son used to cry when anyone but my wife or I would hold him. She said she would get him to love her if it was the last thing she did. She baby sat for us on Valentines day on 04. When my wife and I got back to the house, she was on my living room floor playing with him, he was rubbing his face all over her head and she asked what he was doing, we told her thats how he shows his love, his way of kissing her. She died a week and a half later, that was the last time she saw my son.

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Thank you. I have seen It's a Wonderful Life. It's a great movie.

I think your Mom would be proud of all the nice things you said about her. As a Mom, I think that all we want is validation that we got most things right. Your Mom will be rewarded for all her good deeds.

It sounds like someone is watching over your son. I know that boys especially play so rough and take risks sometimes that they need another pair of eyes looking out for them.

My husband and I battled cancer together. I had breast cancer and then he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer 11 months later. You don't survive EC even when caught very early, like his was. It was a very rough time for us. So my kids and grandson are my life now which is why you can understand why I would be outraged that someone would post something about them and my parenting which is crossing the line. They are off limits and so is my parenting.

As to the rednecks around here. Tell me about it. I have an Obama bumper sticker on my car and the rednecks and racists seem to think that gives them carte blanche to say things to me. Some yahoo asked me how the hopey changey thing was working out and I said great. And then I told him to eff off. I will not be intimidated. If I had been in that restaurant and heard you I would have told you I felt the same way. :cursing:

Yah, the other day my wife and I where driving down rt 30 and I saw a bumper sticker that said something about "Oh, so now Im making your mortgage payment"! What really pissed me off was the kid couldnt have been any older than 17-18. I wanted to ask him what the F%$K he knew about politics!

Thats what Im talking about when I say I hate republicans. Im just so frustrated with the stupidity. The stupid comments, Its really driving me insane. Its definitely changing me as a person! I used to be "easy going, Happy go lucky", all that bs. Now Im just angry! I turn on the TV I hear hatred, I turn on the radio I hear hatred. Im just so tired of rep politics! Theyre not going to stop until it goes too far, if you know what I mean!

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loserbob, I do not feel that this country is a horrible place to live. I agree with you that it is the best place. I give God the credit for that because He made this Nation as a safe haven for those who believed in His Son and wanted to have the freedom to worship Him and not have a government lord over them where religion was concerned.

You may call everyone chipping in to pay for your parents elderly care reaping the rewards of our hard work, but I call it robbery. Why should I, or anyone else have to pay for your parents elderly care? I will pay for MY parents elderly care. You pay for yours. It is God's plan for each of us to care for our parents when they can't do it for themselves any more. It's the right thing to do.

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." 1 timothy 5

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

This is why the country is in the finacial state that it is in. The government can not expect the people they govern to carry the financial burden for the whole Nation. When they do, everyones burden is increased 100 fold. The government is VERY wasteful with its funds. This is not to be debated. It is truth! People need to start being responsible for themselves and their families, and their own actions, and stop laying the burden at the feet of the rest of the Nation. We can't afford it!

Why dont you start your posts by saying "Welcome to the Glenn Beck program"? Its like you tape the show, study it then put it in your own words. Come on Patty, think for yourself, I know your capable. Hell, when it comes to religion you know more than the pope about Christianity. You said it yourself!

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Yah, the other day my wife and I where driving down rt 30 and I saw a bumper sticker that said something about "Oh, so now Im making your mortgage payment"! What really pissed me off was the kid couldnt have been any older than 17-18. I wanted to ask him what the F%$K he knew about politics!

Thats what Im talking about when I say I hate republicans. Im just so frustrated with the stupidity. The stupid comments, Its really driving me insane. Its definitely changing me as a person! I used to be "easy going, Happy go lucky", all that bs. Now Im just angry! I turn on the TV I hear hatred, I turn on the radio I hear hatred. Im just so tired of rep politics! Theyre not going to stop until it goes too far, if you know what I mean!

My other bumper sticker says: I stand with Main Street and the Middle Class. I vote Democratic.

I have another one I haven't put on yet. It says:

Liberals have Facts.

Conservatives have Fox.

That was a very touching story about your Mom. She sounds like she was quite a lady. Aren't we lucky when we have someone like that touch our lives?

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loserbob, I do not feel that this country is a horrible place to live. I agree with you that it is the best place. I give God the credit for that because He made this Nation as a safe haven for those who believed in His Son and wanted to have the freedom to worship Him and not have a government lord over them where religion was concerned.

You may call everyone chipping in to pay for your parents elderly care reaping the rewards of our hard work, but I call it robbery. Why should I, or anyone else have to pay for your parents elderly care? I will pay for MY parents elderly care. You pay for yours. It is God's plan for each of us to care for our parents when they can't do it for themselves any more. It's the right thing to do.

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." 1 timothy 5

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

This is why the country is in the finacial state that it is in. The government can not expect the people they govern to carry the financial burden for the whole Nation. When they do, everyones burden is increased 100 fold. The government is VERY wasteful with its funds. This is not to be debated. It is truth! People need to start being responsible for themselves and their families, and their own actions, and stop laying the burden at the feet of the rest of the Nation. We can't afford it!

Wow, you really make your god sound selfish! I dont think my god would have a problem if someone outside my family helped in a time of need. Your making it sound like, you know what, its really not worth my time debating with you about this or any other issue, your like a tape recorder that wont turn off. Or your like the stupid kid that only knows 2 words, handout and responsibility! You say the same stupid, selfish bullshit over and over. Youll be the first to come crying when you need someone or something but it will be OK because it will be for your benefit!

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My other bumper sticker says: I stand with Main Street and the Middle Class. I vote Democratic.

I have another one I haven't put on yet. It says:

Liberals have Facts.

Conservatives have Fox.

That was a very touching story about your Mom. She sounds like she was quite a lady. Aren't we lucky when we have someone like that touch our lives?

Most definitely. Im proud to say my parents where and still are(dad) very caring and always there for me and my sister.

I like the Fox sticker, thats funny. And oh so true!

Good night, Im tired.

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Sometimes I come away from rants and raves just totally perplexed at the things that right wingers post. They make no sense to me and when those posters claim to be Christian righteous folks, it is incredibly depressing and discouraging.

Then something political comes up at home or with friends and I'm primed and ready to hop on anyone who parrots that same right wing extremist political rethorical bull$$$ that is broadcast daily on the Limbaugh show and on all the shows on Fox and in the newspapers Rupert Murdoch owns. Sometimes I've found myself saying things that sound very harsh and judgemental. After the audible gasps I've realized that I have to be more sensitive to others feelings when we're face to face, than when I'm on an anonymous thread of people duking it out here at R&R.

But one of the good things about this free for all we call Rants and Raves, is that we can tell life stories, like Bob about his 7-11 guy or about his wonderful mother and like Cleo's telling about some of her trials going through hers and her husband's illnesses but then about the happiness she feels when she sees her husband's dimples recreated on her grandson's cheeks.

These personal stories are the reasons I come here. I like the discussion of politics, but I learn from personal stories about life experiences and how those experiences have come to mold their political ideology and their spiritual beliefs.

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Hey all, long time no read,

Did I just read correctly that Fake Noise donated 1 mill big ones to a republican governors association?

What kind of garbage is that? This is the channel that calls itself fair and balanced? I thought they could not get any lower than that Sherrod debacle. Yet, I still think we have idiots that think of it as a real News channel instead of the right arm of the rethuglican party. Proof is in the donation.............The mindless have been chained to the tv, disheartning.

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But one of the good things about this free for all we call Rants and Raves, is that we can tell life stories, like Bob about his 7-11 guy or about his wonderful mother and like Cleo's telling about some of her trials going through hers and her husband's illnesses but then about the happiness she feels when she sees her husband's dimples recreated on her grandson's cheeks.

How sweet of you to say this. Every year I write a "In Memoriam" to put in my newspaper on the anniversary of my husband's death and this year I will have so much to say. My second grandson is going to be born to my son and his wife in a few weeks. So, there are the grandsons, and the one with the dimples also has his name for his middle name. When we discovered his dimples right after birth I was so happy. Another thing he got from my husband is that if he looks at the sun he sneezes. If my husband felt a sneeze coming on and needed a little help, he would look up at the sun. So, it's cute to see my grandson do the same.

Thanks for commenting on this, it means a lot to me that there are nice people like you out there.

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Two Victories for Liberals

1) The Supreme Court upheld the $20,000 fine against that whacko birther Orly Taitz for filing frivilous lawsuits :(

2) Laura Schlessinger is pulling the plug on her radio show. Guess she can't stand the heat in the kitchen. :frown:

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Why dont you start your posts by saying "Welcome to the Glenn Beck program"? Its like you tape the show, study it then put it in your own words. Come on Patty, think for yourself, I know your capable. Hell, when it comes to religion you know more than the pope about Christianity. You said it yourself!

I like Glen Beck, but I'm being very honest when I say that I don't watch Tv much. I probably watched bits and pieces of his show once a month. Never the whole show because I don't sit down and watch Tv for more than a half hour at a time or so. I don't like it.

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Hey Cleo's, I love reading your posts - especially when you're telling us your own stories and perspectives! I have a lot of respect for you. You're obviously an educated, thinking woman who is not selfish or single minded at all. You see the big picture and you care about others and this country.

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I like Glen Beck, but I'm being very honest when I say that I don't watch Tv much. I probably watched bits and pieces of his show once a month. Never the whole show because I don't sit down and watch Tv for more than a half hour at a time or so. I don't like it.

You like Glenn Beck but you don't like his show? If you like him, what's not to like. You should get a real charge out of his rants since you like him and agree with his politics.

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Hey all, long time no read,

Did I just read correctly that Fake Noise donated 1 mill big ones to a republican governors association?

What kind of garbage is that? This is the channel that calls itself fair and balanced? I thought they could not get any lower than that Sherrod debacle. Yet, I still think we have idiots that think of it as a real News channel instead of the right arm of the rethuglican party. Proof is in the donation.............The mindless have been chained to the tv, disheartning.

Fox has some of the deepest pockets on earth. So a million is chump change compared to how much they invest every day in furthering the cause of the very wealthy in this country. And I have no idea how they get away with all of the dishonest things they broadcast. Although deep pockets explains a lot of it.

But then I've said for years that preachers tell people how to vote and yet they get to operate without paying taxes. Politics is a dirty business. That's one of the reasons why we must understand the reasons why separation of church and state is vital to a free nation for all its' citizens, rather than having just one select group rule over all the others.

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Against this backdrop, the president's approval

ratings have been sliding dramatically all summer,

with the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential

Tracking Poll of US Voters dropping to minus 22

points, the lowest point so far for Barack Obama

since taking office. While just 24 percent of

American voters strongly approve of the president's

job performance, almost twice that number, 46 per

cent, strongly disapprove. According to Rasmussen,

65 percent of voters believe the United States

is going down the wrong track, including 70

percent of independents.

Obviously the American people do not feel as the 3 of you do here about Obama. I have the rest of the nation in agreement with me, even if the 3 of you think differently.

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