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Looks like for the sake of caring for their parent they will need to give up that luxury car and have their kids go to the local community college or take out student loans themselves. Like I said, It's a sacrifice, and I know that's a dirty word around here, but why should everyone else have to pay for your parents stay in a nursing home?

We as Americans sacrifice every day of our lives by working harder and longer than any other place on earth. We are the richest, most technologicaly advanced and the most powerful country on earth because of our hard work. Although you(Patty) make it sound like we're a bunch of deadbeats standing around waiting for our country to offer handouts, I call it reaping the rewards of our sacrifices and hard work, why shouldnt the end of someones life be made easier by the country(government)that person worked so hard to help create. Face it Patty, this is the best place on earth. Thats why everyone wants to be here. Its not all gloom and doom like you want everyone to believe!

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from pattygreen (with reference to my posts about violence from the teaparty and right wing):"This 'violence' you speak of is in your head as well as every other liberal out there who would just 'love' to see it be true. Since it isn't true, they feel the need to make it up."

This violence is all in my, and all the other liberal's, head(s)?

We would love to see it be true but it isn't so we make it up?

I have made all it up?

And it's all in my head?

These words speak for themselves and you can try to explain them away. But too late. These are the words of someone in total denial. And out of touch. And delusional. And I proved that with the posts and pictures about violence in the tea party that wasn't made up. And when I did, you had nothing to say then.

I would like others on these boards to see if they interpret your words any differently than I do.

Everything Patty says is out of touch with reality. The scarey thing is there are many more just like her!

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We as Americans sacrifice every day of our lives by working harder and longer than any other place on earth. We are the richest, most technologicaly advanced and the most powerful country on earth because of our hard work. Although you(Patty) make it sound like we're a bunch of deadbeats standing around waiting for our country to offer handouts, I call it reaping the rewards of our sacrifices and hard work, why shouldnt the end of someones life be made easier by the country(government)that person worked so hard to help create. Face it Patty, this is the best place on earth. Thats why everyone wants to be here. Its not all gloom and doom like you want everyone to believe!

loserbob, I do not feel that this country is a horrible place to live. I agree with you that it is the best place. I give God the credit for that because He made this Nation as a safe haven for those who believed in His Son and wanted to have the freedom to worship Him and not have a government lord over them where religion was concerned.

You may call everyone chipping in to pay for your parents elderly care reaping the rewards of our hard work, but I call it robbery. Why should I, or anyone else have to pay for your parents elderly care? I will pay for MY parents elderly care. You pay for yours. It is God's plan for each of us to care for our parents when they can't do it for themselves any more. It's the right thing to do.

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." 1 timothy 5

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

This is why the country is in the finacial state that it is in. The government can not expect the people they govern to carry the financial burden for the whole Nation. When they do, everyones burden is increased 100 fold. The government is VERY wasteful with its funds. This is not to be debated. It is truth! People need to start being responsible for themselves and their families, and their own actions, and stop laying the burden at the feet of the rest of the Nation. We can't afford it!

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Everything Patty says is out of touch with reality. The scarey thing is there are many more just like her!

Thank you. you are soooo kind.:)

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If Republicans got their Way ...

by jamess

Sat Aug 14, 2010 at 06:57:11 AM PDT

If Republicans got their Way ... there would be no more Medicare.

If Republicans got their Way ... you couldn't Retire until 70.

If Republicans got their Way ... they'd privatize Social Security.

If Republicans got their Way ... there would be no more Corporate income tax.

If Republicans got their Way ... they'd eliminate taxes on Capital gains.

If Republicans got their Way ... they'd cut in half the taxes of the richest 1 percent.

If Republicans got their Way ... the Bush Tax Cut for the Rich would never end.

Factlets from The Republican's
Roadmap for America's Future

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

By Paul N. Van de Water -- July 7, 2010

If Republicans got their Way ... BP would be held harmless.

If Republicans got their Way ... Fracting would be deemed simply public hysteria.

If Republicans got their Way ... Unions would become an ancient relic.

If Republicans got their Way ... Congress would spend its time on subpoenas.

If Republicans got their Way ... they'd impeach the President.

If Republicans got their Way ... they'd give Wall Street even more Derivative trading.

If Republicans got their Way ... Congress would be reduced to Gridlock.

If Republicans got their Way ... America would fail, whenever Dems were in charge.

If Republicans got their Way ... They'd END all government programs, designed to help People.

Why Do Republicans keep getting their way?

Why are they allowed to hold hostage, the American Dream?

If Republicans got their Way ... Dems would be no longer relevant.

If Republicans got their Way ... the World would become their strip mine.

If Republicans got their Way ... the Future of the Planet ... is headed ... for Pain.

We must NOT let ... the Republicans keep GETTING their Way.

(How do you think we got in this MESS, in the first place? ...

maybe because Republicans HAD their Way ...)

daily kos

We cannot allow the republicans to destroy our country. They came pretty close under bush. The new breed is even worse.

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loserbob, I do not feel that this country is a horrible place to live. I agree with you that it is the best place. I give God the credit for that because He made this Nation as a safe haven for those who believed in His Son and wanted to have the freedom to worship Him and not have a government lord over them where religion was concerned.

You may call everyone chipping in to pay for your parents elderly care reaping the rewards of our hard work, but I call it robbery. Why should I, or anyone else have to pay for your parents elderly care? I will pay for MY parents elderly care. You pay for yours. It is God's plan for each of us to care for our parents when they can't do it for themselves any more. It's the right thing to do.

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." 1 timothy 5

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

This is why the country is in the finacial state that it is in. The government can not expect the people they govern to carry the financial burden for the whole Nation. When they do, everyones burden is increased 100 fold. The government is VERY wasteful with its funds. This is not to be debated. It is truth! People need to start being responsible for themselves and their families, and their own actions, and stop laying the burden at the feet of the rest of the Nation. We can't afford it!

The gov was put in financial restrain under Bush. Now the gov has to rely on us to rebuild ourselves back to being a strong nation. You people said if you didnt tax big corp they would come back to this country, where are they? And with a country this big theres never going to be 100% fiscal responsability!

Is it your neighbors fault his company downsized due to technology he probably helped create? Is it his fault his co. layed him off because of the recession? Whats he supposed to do if there are no "handouts" to help he and his family survive during these hard times? You reps keep babbling about "handouts"(and you all do it, I hear it in TV, radio every day). The situation we're in is very tuff because its like the "which came first, the chicken or the egg"? We need peoplec to spend money and for business to hire to get through this recession but theyre both waiting for the economy to pick up first! Then with you reps preaching gloom and doom every day doesnt help consumer confidence but youd rather the economy collapse so you can get back into office.

Two of the main causes for the recession are the two wars we're fighting in! One one of which we should have never started and the other we should have been out of years ago! We cant keep spending billions of dollars a month to support these two wars. There where alot of other reasons also but I believe these are the main problems. Bush had us go into Iraq under false beliefs thinking it would be 2-3 months like the first gulf war then didnt have a plan in place to account for the insurgency. From the begining there where questions about the # of troops. We had over 500,000 troops in the first gulf war, we had maybe 1/3-1/2 that # in this war. W was a very incompetent president who ruined this country! I remember war planners saying we needed more troops but Bush and Chaney and a few of their military buddies disagreed, now who was right and who was wrong? If your going to overthrow a country you should have adequate forces to provide security so the situation doesnt cause a power vacume. Bush thought they could use Iraqis to provide security, you see how it all worked out so far. We will come out of this and it will be considered a success but if we had taken more time to plan, we could have saved thousands of lives Im sure!

Why cant you see its the reps who know nothing about financial responsability? Clinton came into office having to clean up the first gulf war. Then he left office with a surplus! Then came Bush, NUF SAID!!!! Now Obama is having to clean up 2 messes of wars which where poorly planned and executed and you act like hes the problem because you disagree with his policies even though theyre working. Are there ups and downs yes but over all his Ideas are working. Believe me when theres a down moment you guys pounce on it like a pride of lions on a wildabeast(I cant believe I used the words pride and reps in the same sentence) and never seem to aknowledge the ups!

Most importantly, can you say hi without bringing god into the conversation? There are many different religions represented in this country, why is your god having input?

Thank god you will never run this country, any imput you have is too much! You come on here preaching religion and how you fostered children, let me stress, black children or child, its very impiortant we know that point. Really your a cold-hearted(you fill in the blank)who only thinks of herself which in very unchristian like!!!

Anyhow, enjoy the rest of your weekend, which Im sure your spending either fostering children, handing out food at the foodbank, or working your hands to the bones!

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loserbob, I do not feel that this country is a horrible place to live. I agree with you that it is the best place. I give God the credit for that because He made this Nation as a safe haven for those who believed in His Son and wanted to have the freedom to worship Him and not have a government lord over them where religion was concerned.

You may call everyone chipping in to pay for your parents elderly care reaping the rewards of our hard work, but I call it robbery. Why should I, or anyone else have to pay for your parents elderly care? I will pay for MY parents elderly care. You pay for yours. It is God's plan for each of us to care for our parents when they can't do it for themselves any more. It's the right thing to do.

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." 1 timothy 5

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

This is why the country is in the finacial state that it is in. The government can not expect the people they govern to carry the financial burden for the whole Nation. When they do, everyones burden is increased 100 fold. The government is VERY wasteful with its funds. This is not to be debated. It is truth! People need to start being responsible for themselves and their families, and their own actions, and stop laying the burden at the feet of the rest of the Nation. We can't afford it!

Because I have the best parents in the world!

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Because I have the best parents in the world!

Good for you. And sometimes the most responsible thing you can do to care for your parents is to make sure they have the proper 24/7 care they need in a nursing home. Putting a parent in a nursing home does not mean you're not doing your duty to care for your parents anymore than putting a sick child in a hospital does. Some people are just so narrow minded, judgemental and with a one-size-fits-all attitude to problem solving that their opinions are irrelevant.

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Good for you. And sometimes the most responsible thing you can do to care for your parents is to make sure they have the proper 24/7 care they need in a nursing home. Putting a parent in a nursing home does not mean you're not doing your duty to care for your parents anymore than putting a sick child in a hospital does. Some people are just so narrow minded, judgemental and with a one-size-fits-all attitude to problem solving that their opinions are irrelevant.

In 96 my grandfather(mothers dad) had a stroke during an operation because of mini-strokes. My mother wanted to keep him home to care for him. After consulting with people at a nursing home she decided to put him there, they convinced her it would be too much for her to handle on her own. She had a sister who didnt do much for anyone else but expected help from others when in need and my mother was always there for her, in fact when she had the heart attack in 98 she told my dad if something happened to her for him to look after my aunt. My mother was the main caretaker(oldest child) always cooking and doing for my grandfather and everyone else.

In Sept. of 98 my grandfather passed away. In Dec. of 98 my mother suffered a major heart attack(arent they all major). I believe going there everyday for two years and seeing him in that condition took its toll. She always worried about everything and everyone, almost to a fault. She would go play the piano for the residents of the home, they looked forward to it every week. She even kept going after my grandfather died. She passed away in March of 04 at age 57. Way too young. It was the worst day of my life, multiplied by thec fact that she was a school secretary and always had funny stories to tell about the kids at school. She only had 10 months to spend with her only grandchild, my first son! The good thing is, I know they where the best 10 months of her life. She used to visit my aunt before work in the mornings(my dads sister), my aunt always tells me "all she ever talked about was my son and how proud she was. Sorry for all the info., everyone has similar and even worse problems but my point is, its hard for anyone to have to go through these kinds of problems and just adding proof to Cleos point. Whats wrong with some kind of help from the gov. Patty? We work so hard to make this the best place on earth, why not have help? You reps are hanging on to the word "handout", but Im sure theyre not handouts when they benefit you!!

Right now people who are having money problems arent all "poor" people who have never "gotten off their asses to do anything". I work for alot of people every day, mainly people who have money, or had. This recession is affecting everyone Patty, so the rich people who actually "did something" to contribute dont deserve handouts either or isnt it considered handouts if your rich, or where? Its not our fault we had an incompetent president who gave all the rights to the big corps, credit companies, and most of all health insurers and said "screw the middle class"! Look where it got us. Dont blame Obama. The short time hes been in office hes done alot more to help everyone, even the rich. So go listen to Hannity and Beck spew hatred about Obama and dems. Meanwhile those milliomaires who dont have the same worries as you and I are making their millions off idiots like you who believe everything they say! Trust me, Ive been there and thank god I see differently!

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loserbob, I do not feel that this country is a horrible place to live. I agree with you that it is the best place. I give God the credit for that because He made this Nation as a safe haven for those who believed in His Son and wanted to have the freedom to worship Him and not have a government lord over them where religion was concerned.

You may call everyone chipping in to pay for your parents elderly care reaping the rewards of our hard work, but I call it robbery. Why should I, or anyone else have to pay for your parents elderly care? I will pay for MY parents elderly care. You pay for yours. It is God's plan for each of us to care for our parents when they can't do it for themselves any more. It's the right thing to do.

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." 1 timothy 5

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

This is why the country is in the finacial state that it is in. The government can not expect the people they govern to carry the financial burden for the whole Nation. When they do, everyones burden is increased 100 fold. The government is VERY wasteful with its funds. This is not to be debated. It is truth! People need to start being responsible for themselves and their families, and their own actions, and stop laying the burden at the feet of the rest of the Nation. We can't afford it!

"We the people" are this country. It is our responsability to "carry the burden" but when its run right its not a burden to anyone! Think about it, you yap all the time about how you scrimped and saved and worked million hour weeks to get where your at, if a thief robbed you of your money you worked so hard to earn, you would have to figure out how to recoop that money

Now, insert BUSH where I typed thief, what the f$%^s the difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Clinton ran this country I didnt feel any burden, only when a rep is in office and sends our troops all over the globe to kill and be killed for their profit, is when I feel burdened. You people always refer to Reagan as being a great pres. I really dont remember anything he did except bombing Panama, Libya and probably others. Do you see a theme here? Clinton will go down as one of the best presidents(dont interpret "going down" to mean anything other than the way its used!(sorry I felt the need to explain).

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In 96 my grandfather(mothers dad) had a stroke during an operation because of mini-strokes. My mother wanted to keep him home to care for him. After consulting with people at a nursing home she decided to put him there, they convinced her it would be too much for her to handle on her own. She had a sister who didnt do much for anyone else but expected help from others when in need and my mother was always there for her, in fact when she had the heart attack in 98 she told my dad if something happened to her for him to look after my aunt. My mother was the main caretaker(oldest child) always cooking and doing for my grandfather and everyone else.

In Sept. of 98 my grandfather passed away. In Dec. of 98 my mother suffered a major heart attack(arent they all major). I believe going there everyday for two years and seeing him in that condition took its toll. She always worried about everything and everyone, almost to a fault. She would go play the piano for the residents of the home, they looked forward to it every week. She even kept going after my grandfather died. She passed away in March of 04 at age 57. Way too young. It was the worst day of my life, multiplied by thec fact that she was a school secretary and always had funny stories to tell about the kids at school. She only had 10 months to spend with her only grandchild, my first son! The good thing is, I know they where the best 10 months of her life. She used to visit my aunt before work in the mornings(my dads sister), my aunt always tells me "all she ever talked about was my son and how proud she was. Sorry for all the info., everyone has similar and even worse problems but my point is, its hard for anyone to have to go through these kinds of problems and just adding proof to Cleos point. Whats wrong with some kind of help from the gov. Patty? We work so hard to make this the best place on earth, why not have help? You reps are hanging on to the word "handout", but Im sure theyre not handouts when they benefit you!!

Right now people who are having money problems arent all "poor" people who have never "gotten off their asses to do anything". I work for alot of people every day, mainly people who have money, or had. This recession is affecting everyone Patty, so the rich people who actually "did something" to contribute dont deserve handouts either or isnt it considered handouts if your rich, or where? Its not our fault we had an incompetent president who gave all the rights to the big corps, credit companies, and most of all health insurers and said "screw the middle class"! Look where it got us. Dont blame Obama. The short time hes been in office hes done alot more to help everyone, even the rich. So go listen to Hannity and Beck spew hatred about Obama and dems. Meanwhile those milliomaires who dont have the same worries as you and I are making their millions off idiots like you who believe everything they say! Trust me, Ive been there and thank god I see differently!

I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother at age 57. My beloved husband of 32 years died 5 years ago of cancer at age 56 and didn't live to see his first granchild, my grandson, born this May. But my grandson has my husband's dimples so I think it's his way of saying part of him is with him.

Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman - giving to others first, caring for people. I'm sure it was a great loss to your father and whole family. I still grieve everyday for my husband. I think your post was heartfelt and I'm glad you posted it.

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"We the people" are this country. It is our responsability to "carry the burden" but when its run right its not a burden to anyone! Think about it, you yap all the time about how you scrimped and saved and worked million hour weeks to get where your at, if a thief robbed you of your money you worked so hard to earn, you would have to figure out how to recoop that money

Now, insert BUSH where I typed thief, what the f$%^s the difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Clinton ran this country I didnt feel any burden, only when a rep is in office and sends our troops all over the globe to kill and be killed for their profit, is when I feel burdened. You people always refer to Reagan as being a great pres. I really dont remember anything he did except bombing Panama, Libya and probably others. Do you see a theme here? Clinton will go down as one of the best presidents(dont interpret "going down" to mean anything other than the way its used!(sorry I felt the need to explain).

Loserbob, here is an example of what the republicans want to cut:

Rightwing Anti-Government Ideology killed 12 year-old boy

by xxdr zombiexx

Sun Aug 15, 2010 at 06:33:55 AM PDT

US outrage over public service cutbacks across America has found a rallying point in the death of 12-year-old Frank Marasco

If we are lucky - which I don't believe we are - this might be one of those so-called 'turning points' in this bulls**t battle between

and those who attempt to get this country back on track after 30 years of systematic Republican sabotage.


The people who are cutting government budgets are the same ones who despise healthcare reforms so - if you were smart - you would probably want to consider these people more of your 'enemy' than somebody you are having a meaningless, superficial disagreement with.

In US Cities Face Up to Massive Cuts a young autistic boy is reported to have died in a fire that was possibly started by a stray cigarette. It would have been a routine fire to extinguish in times gone by.

But not now. Not when the government public services have been under assault by full-bore nutjobs and hate-filled republicans. They have simply laid siege to your government services and this is one of the consequences:

The inferno should have been a routine job for Philadelphia's 1,900-strong fire brigade, the fifth biggest force in the US which handles four major incidents daily. But the nearest fire station to Frank's house, just two blocks away, was unavailable after a so-called "brown out".
Firemen at the station, barely 90 seconds' walk from the site of the fire, were on a maintenance run after a 12-hour shutdown, part of a rota of rolling daily closures imposed by city authorities grappling with a wrenching deficit of $2.4bn (£1.5bn) over five years.

"Everybody was running around trying to get the little boy out – he was stuck on the second floor," said a distraught neighbour, Virginia DeShields, whose house was damaged by smoke. She believes the boy might have been saved if the local firehouse had been open:
"It's all right if you want to cut. But you shouldn't cut where lives are concerned. You can cut the prison system, cut the libraries, anywhere. But don't cut people who save lives."

The firehouse was closed. They were trying to save money in the city because Republicans want to dismantle America.

Note the second bolded bit about the lady agreeing with government cuts but not with cutting to essential services. This is a measure of how successful the GOP, the official party of the Cutters, are with their media campaign to make people think up is down and that black is white.

The cutters want to cut ALL services (including Social Security) and we have heard THEM want to cut fire, police, and we all know how they feel about health care. The cutters have a nationwide network of radio shows and access to a corporate-controlled media that is friendly to their mission, so the average American - who doesn't look deeply into things claimed on the tv and other American media - tends to agree with all they have heard.

Rightwing Propaganda is so pervasive and so successful average people believe its OK to gut your government services.

Republican anti-government hysteria contributed to the death of that boy and is wreaking havoic across the country.

The linked article provides some more examples, as if you really need more examples of the damage these Un-American, mouthbreathing, knuckledragging racist homophobic illiterate numbskulls want to make happen and does a fair job, but it does overlook the odd willingness of a lot of people to simply put up with this like it is a normal state of affairs.

That is Mission Accomplished for Grover Norquist and Republican/Rightwing propaganda.


The party of no is the party of cutters. They do want to dismantle the government, strip away protection for the poor and the least among us, wreck havoc with middle class wages, buying power and american dreams.

We can't let this happen. We need to fight back.

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Loserbob, here is an example of what the republicans want to cut:

Rightwing Anti-Government Ideology killed 12 year-old boy

by xxdr zombiexx

Sun Aug 15, 2010 at 06:33:55 AM PDT

US outrage over public service cutbacks across America has found a rallying point in the death of 12-year-old Frank Marasco

If we are lucky - which I don't believe we are - this might be one of those so-called 'turning points' in this bulls**t battle between

and those who attempt to get this country back on track after 30 years of systematic Republican sabotage.


The people who are cutting government budgets are the same ones who despise healthcare reforms so - if you were smart - you would probably want to consider these people more of your 'enemy' than somebody you are having a meaningless, superficial disagreement with.

In US Cities Face Up to Massive Cuts a young autistic boy is reported to have died in a fire that was possibly started by a stray cigarette. It would have been a routine fire to extinguish in times gone by.

But not now. Not when the government public services have been under assault by full-bore nutjobs and hate-filled republicans. They have simply laid siege to your government services and this is one of the consequences:

The inferno should have been a routine job for Philadelphia's 1,900-strong fire brigade, the fifth biggest force in the US which handles four major incidents daily. But the nearest fire station to Frank's house, just two blocks away, was unavailable after a so-called "brown out".
Firemen at the station, barely 90 seconds' walk from the site of the fire, were on a maintenance run after a 12-hour shutdown, part of a rota of rolling daily closures imposed by city authorities grappling with a wrenching deficit of $2.4bn (£1.5bn) over five years.

"Everybody was running around trying to get the little boy out – he was stuck on the second floor," said a distraught neighbour, Virginia DeShields, whose house was damaged by smoke. She believes the boy might have been saved if the local firehouse had been open:
"It's all right if you want to cut. But you shouldn't cut where lives are concerned. You can cut the prison system, cut the libraries, anywhere. But don't cut people who save lives."

The firehouse was closed. They were trying to save money in the city because Republicans want to dismantle America.

Note the second bolded bit about the lady agreeing with government cuts but not with cutting to essential services. This is a measure of how successful the GOP, the official party of the Cutters, are with their media campaign to make people think up is down and that black is white.

The cutters want to cut ALL services (including Social Security) and we have heard THEM want to cut fire, police, and we all know how they feel about health care. The cutters have a nationwide network of radio shows and access to a corporate-controlled media that is friendly to their mission, so the average American - who doesn't look deeply into things claimed on the tv and other American media - tends to agree with all they have heard.

Rightwing Propaganda is so pervasive and so successful average people believe its OK to gut your government services.

Republican anti-government hysteria contributed to the death of that boy and is wreaking havoic across the country.

The linked article provides some more examples, as if you really need more examples of the damage these Un-American, mouthbreathing, knuckledragging racist homophobic illiterate numbskulls want to make happen and does a fair job, but it does overlook the odd willingness of a lot of people to simply put up with this like it is a normal state of affairs.

That is Mission Accomplished for Grover Norquist and Republican/Rightwing propaganda.


The party of no is the party of cutters. They do want to dismantle the government, strip away protection for the poor and the least among us, wreck havoc with middle class wages, buying power and american dreams.

We can't let this happen. We need to fight back.

It just kills me when I hear poor people(middle class in this day and age)say how bad Obama is. They have no reason when you ask, other than he's taxing the hell out of me or he's killing this country! Neither of which he's doing.

The infamous 7-11 guy told me yesterday, After saying"No monkey news for you today", which is how he greets me every day that he doesnt have any problems with what Obama has done so far other than forcing him to buy healthcare, he said "the n^&*(* didntb take my guns away like I thought! Just shows you people hate him for more reasons than not supposedly doing a good job!

My wife got embarrassed today at Hoss's resturant. She asked me why I was being so bitter today and I kinda said loudly that I hate republicans! It was the one on S. Main St. in Greensburg, so(Cleosmom) you can imagine why she was embarrassed, all the red neck republicans in this area! I actually felt like I was eating dinner with the cast & crew from "Deliverence" or the Walmart crowd!

By the way, I remember awhile ago talking to you about your situation with your dr. and also your husband(2 seperate issues)and Im sorry you and he had to go through that. Its a very, very hard way to watch someone have to end their life. Ive had a few family and friends go through that also and it really leaves a lasting impression on you! To me that has to be the hardest way to lose someone you love! I dont know if you ever fully "get over" someone you love dying, I deal with it by trying to block it out, not talking about it.

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I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother at age 57. My beloved husband of 32 years died 5 years ago of cancer at age 56 and didn't live to see his first granchild, my grandson, born this May. But my grandson has my husband's dimples so I think it's his way of saying part of him is with him.

Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman - giving to others first, caring for people. I'm sure it was a great loss to your father and whole family. I still grieve everyday for my husband. I think your post was heartfelt and I'm glad you posted it.

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. I remember when you told us on here. Your husband sees his grandson every day and is very proud Im sure. Did you ever see Its a Wonderful Life? They said on there that people die and become angels who have to do good deeds to earn their wings to get into heaven(Enough Patty, before you chime in, its a movie, I know thats not the way your church says you get to heaven). Maybe your husband is by your grandsons side looking after him. This may sound funny but I remember many incidents where my son should have been hurt but wasnt,(when he was about 2 we had a chest with a lid on hinges, it was open, my son was getting toys out and had both of his hands on the front where the lid would be if it closed, well it closed over both hands but the latch on the front was facing down and caught the side of the chest, thank god just leaving enough space for his hands. There are a few more unexplainable instances.

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Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. I remember when you told us on here. Your husband sees his grandson every day and is very proud Im sure. Did you ever see Its a Wonderful Life? They said on there that people die and become angels who have to do good deeds to earn their wings to get into heaven(Enough Patty, before you chime in, its a movie, I know thats not the way your church says you get to heaven). Maybe your husband is by your grandsons side looking after him. This may sound funny but I remember many incidents where my son should have been hurt but wasnt,(when he was about 2 we had a chest with a lid on hinges, it was open, my son was getting toys out and had both of his hands on the front where the lid would be if it closed, well it closed over both hands but the latch on the front was facing down and caught the side of the chest, thank god just leaving enough space for his hands. There are a few more unexplainable instances.

Thank you. I have seen It's a Wonderful Life. It's a great movie.

I think your Mom would be proud of all the nice things you said about her. As a Mom, I think that all we want is validation that we got most things right. Your Mom will be rewarded for all her good deeds.

It sounds like someone is watching over your son. I know that boys especially play so rough and take risks sometimes that they need another pair of eyes looking out for them.

My husband and I battled cancer together. I had breast cancer and then he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer 11 months later. You don't survive EC even when caught very early, like his was. It was a very rough time for us. So my kids and grandson are my life now which is why you can understand why I would be outraged that someone would post something about them and my parenting which is crossing the line. They are off limits and so is my parenting.

As to the rednecks around here. Tell me about it. I have an Obama bumper sticker on my car and the rednecks and racists seem to think that gives them carte blanche to say things to me. Some yahoo asked me how the hopey changey thing was working out and I said great. And then I told him to eff off. I will not be intimidated. If I had been in that restaurant and heard you I would have told you I felt the same way. :cursing:

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