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Cleo's your last paragraph is exactly what I was thinking in response to pattys suggestion that kids just need to take care of their aging parents.

I do agree that some people could take care of their aging parents, but certainly not every aging parent.

Some aging folks don't even have children. People are living much longer these days and many of them are living with horrible debilatating illnesses because of new treatments and medicines. Many of those people require nursing care and medical equipment that cannot be installed in private homes.

Trying to answer the problems of our aging population with one simple solution of home care is assinine and stupid. I would said naive but I had to consider the source - the person with all the hands on experience.

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Cleo's your last paragraph is exactly what I was thinking in response to pattys suggestion that kids just need to take care of their aging parents.

I do agree that some people could take care of their aging parents, but certainly not every aging parent.

Some aging folks don't even have children. People are living much longer these days and many of them are living with horrible debilatating illnesses because of new treatments and medicines. Many of those people require nursing care and medical equipment that cannot be installed in private homes.

Trying to answer the problems of our aging population with one simple solution of home care is assinine and stupid. I would said naive but I had to consider the source - the person with all the hands on experience.

pattygreen's simplistic, one-size-fits-all solutions to complex problems reflects a naivete, immaturity and the inability to understand the dynamics of our government and the problems it faces.

This is seen by so many on the right, especially the tea party candidates, who make grandiose promises that are totally unrealistic but appeal to the uniformed.

For example: getting rid of the Dept. of Education, the IRS, amending the 14th amendment, etc.. None of these things are going to happen but it doesn't stop them from promising them.

Actually, I am happy when a tea party candidate wins a republican primary because their extremist positions will be more than amplified by the democratic candidate and mainstream voters will be turned off by their whacko ideas.

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Got this in the mail today:

I want to thank the OFA supporters who stood with House Democrats as they raced back to Washington this week to cast a vote on a state assistance bill. I'm proud to say they passed the bill yesterday and the President immediately signed it into law.

And, because of it, hundreds of thousands of jobs will be saved -- including an estimated 14,500 public school teachers across Texas.

Republicans called this bill a "bailout" and a "handout." They called the police officers, firefighters, and teachers whose jobs were on the line "special interests." And nearly every House Republican voted no.

But Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats did the right thing, reminding us again of what we're fighting for in the upcoming elections. When voters cast their ballots in November, it's up to us to make sure they remember who's fighting for them.

It was from someone who works for the president.

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Suffering the consequences for our own actions is how we grow. I suppose you never let your children suffer the consequences for their actions. You probably fixed all their mistakes and covered for their every wrong doing. In so doing you failed as a parent.

The government is not our parent. That aside, how dare you speak about my parenting of which you know nothing. I am a very good parent. As was my late husband. As teachers we had high standards for both behavior and academic achievement for our children. Both are college educated, both married college educated people and all four have good jobs. There were consequences for their bad behavior. And they all turned out great. I guess the proof of my parenting is in the pudding. And I'll hold my kids and my parenting up against anyone's.

*I said you "probably" fixed all their problems. I get that from your desire for the government to be the 'fixer' of American's problems.

I don't expect the government to solve all the problems but I do expect them to provide safety nets for the least among us, just like they provide corporate welfare for the most among us.

And just to let you know in no uncertain terms: ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS. GOT IT??

NO. I don't 'GOT' it. Don't talk to me like you can tell me what to say and what not to say. I'll say anything I please.

And, YES! You do expect the government to solve all the problems of the people. Your stand on all topics concerning politics proves it. These "safety nets" that you say the government provides are more like house boats than nets. They have gone too far in parenting the people. To the point of enabling them to be totally dependent upon them. This has hurt the people, not helped them. As a parent yourself, you should understand how enabling your adult child to be irresponsible in things hurts them in the long run and doesn't help them. I never said anything about your children. I said it about YOU. That's all I said concerning your parenting. You probably fixed all their problems, the same way you want the government to fix all the peoples problems.

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People cannot afford to give up a job to take care of an invalid parent even if they get their SS checks.

Why not? Their parents were obviously living on it. It's not that. It's that kids are self centered and don't want to sacrifice for a while or give up anything in order to care for their parents until they are gone.

The elderly parents can live off of it because their homes are paid off and their families grown. Parents who have children at home with college in the future, a mortgage, car payments, etc.. cannot afford to quit their job. As usual you have unrealistic "solutions" to complex problems.

Looks like for the sake of caring for their parent they will need to give up that luxury car and have their kids go to the local community college or take out student loans themselves. Like I said, It's a sacrifice, and I know that's a dirty word around here, but why should everyone else have to pay for your parents stay in a nursing home?

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NO. I don't 'GOT' it. Don't talk to me like you can tell me what to say and what not to say. I'll say anything I please. Then I will report you and that includes calling me a racist or hater, too. Just do it again and I will get you kicked off these boards. I might not be able to stop you from spewing forth your garbage but the moderator can. So don't push it. GOT IT????

And, YES! You do expect the government to solve all the problems of the people. Your stand on all topics concerning politics proves it. These "safety nets" that you say the government provides are more like house boats than nets. They have gone too far in parenting the people. To the point of enabling them to be totally dependent upon them. This has hurt the people, not helped them. As a parent yourself, you should understand how enabling your adult child to be irresponsible in things hurts them in the long run and doesn't help them. I never said anything about your children. I said it about YOU. That's all I said concerning your parenting. You probably fixed all their problems, the same way you want the government to fix all the peoples problemsQUOTE]

Again, trying to backpedal about what you said, just like you did when you said the violence in the tea party that I wrote about was all in my head.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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That's right. I forgot your unrealistic plan. Live in a $100/week apartment with roommates and work at at McDonald's (or Walmart) and go to school to be a CNA at night and I forget who's supposed to watch her kid or how she's going to get to and from school and work. I guess she'll have to find one of those magical apartments right near a bus line that goes to both. And paying for school? Well, again, the details are sketchy.

You know, this is funny. You think it is unrealistic to live in a one room apt. at $100. a week and save your money and work and sacrifice your way up to a better life style. People in other countries live outside and/or in a box and don't complain. American's don't count their blessings.

You left out who was going to pay for the childcare while this woman is working and going to school - day and night (work during day, school at night or visa versa) or how she's supposed to get to both job and school. Public transportation is not that good. Our standard of living in this country is such that living in a box and not complaining is not acceptable, despite the fact that that is where republicans want us to go.

Her family or friends or the father of the child will have to help her. Fathers pay support for that reason.

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Looks like for the sake of caring for their parent they will need to give up that luxury car and have their kids go to the local community college or take out student loans themselves. Like I said, It's a sacrifice, and I know that's a dirty word around here, but why should everyone else have to pay for your parents stay in a nursing home?

Another naive and sweeping statement. Yes, I know that all those people who have elderly parents have luxury cars and their kids should go to a community college. Plus, medicaid doesn't kick in until all the patient's assets are used up.

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Her family or friends or the father of the child will have to help her. Fathers pay support for that reason.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. All those single moms are living in that apartment because they have all this help from families and the baby's daddy. I sometimes wonder where you get these ideas. You really are not connected to reality in the least.

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It's Who We Are

by Alan Grayson

Wed Aug 11, 2010 at 01:27:13 PM PDT

Times are tough. Maybe you noticed.

In certain parts of the world, 100 years ago, when times were tough - a drought, a famine - they ate each other. Literally.

That's who they were.

We're different. When times are tough, we don't think about ourselves alone. We think about those who need help. The sick. Senior citizens. The disabled. Children. When times are tough, they're the ones who need help the most.

That's why I was so proud yesterday to vote for money for schools and for health care for the poor.

  • that's why I was so proud yesterday to vote for money for schools and for health care for the poor.

Why? Because if we voted it down, schools would close. And hospitals would close.

But we won't let that happen. When times are tough, we rise to the occasion. We shelter the homeless, we feed the hungry, and we heal the sick. We teach the children. We help those in need.

We're Americans. It's who we are. And I'm proud of it.

The "we" to whom he refers were the democrats (and a few republicans). And it's who I am (proud to say). The rest of the republicans view these people as "special interest" and union bosses. That's how out of touch they are with middle america.

But let's not forget that they are working hard to keep those tax cuts for the top 2%. With money we don't have and that will add to the deficit.

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patty: "... the father of the child will have to help her. Fathers pay support for that reason."

What father? You want girls to be forced to have babies when they may not even know who the father is. So since want that, you better be prepared to pay for the needs of that child because the girl won't be able to work since she has a child to raise. She can't afford child care because she doesn't have a job. She can't afford medical care because she doesn't have a job. She may be an orphan herself so you can't expect her parents to pay for her mistakes - oh wait, you don't believe in that anyway... she's got to learn the hard way from her mistakes, right? So patty, you personally better be ready to pay for all these babies you're so anxious to force girls into having. Not all of them are Sarah Palin's daughter.

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P.S. Let's all hope that clown that impregnated Bristol Palin gets his own reality show so he can pay child support. Otherwise, by patty's standards (making children pay for their own mistakes) Bristol is on her own. Did she graduate from high school? Heck if so then she should be able to get a job and pay for child support and medical care, right? A job at McDonald's pays how much now? Well if that doesn't work, she can always write a tell all book.

Man, this free form thinking is underrated. No wonder patty has such a good time posting here.

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NO. I don't 'GOT' it. Don't talk to me like you can tell me what to say and what not to say. I'll say anything I please. Then I will report you and that includes calling me a racist or hater, too. Just do it again and I will get you kicked off these boards. I might not be able to stop you from spewing forth your garbage but the moderator can. So don't push it. GOT IT????

Don't threaten me!!! I'm not one to take that kind of crap. If you want to report me, then do it!! I wont be BULLIED!! GOT IT!???

And, YES! You do expect the government to solve all the problems of the people. Your stand on all topics concerning politics proves it. These "safety nets" that you say the government provides are more like house boats than nets. They have gone too far in parenting the people. To the point of enabling them to be totally dependent upon them. This has hurt the people, not helped them. As a parent yourself, you should understand how enabling your adult child to be irresponsible in things hurts them in the long run and doesn't help them. I never said anything about your children. I said it about YOU. That's all I said concerning your parenting. You probably fixed all their problems, the same way you want the government to fix all the peoples problemsQUOTE]

Again, trying to backpedal about what you said, just like you did when you said the violence in the tea party that I wrote about was all in my head.

I'm NOT "backpeddaling" anything! That's EXACTLY what I said!

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patty: "... the father of the child will have to help her. Fathers pay support for that reason."

What father? You want girls to be forced to have babies when they may not even know who the father is. So since want that, you better be prepared to pay for the needs of that child because the girl won't be able to work since she has a child to raise. She can't afford child care because she doesn't have a job. She can't afford medical care because she doesn't have a job. She may be an orphan herself so you can't expect her parents to pay for her mistakes - oh wait, you don't believe in that anyway... she's got to learn the hard way from her mistakes, right? So patty, you personally better be ready to pay for all these babies you're so anxious to force girls into having. Not all of them are Sarah Palin's daughter.

Are you kidding me!!?? Just when do you think is the right time in a persons life to stand up and be accountable for their own actions? Or should the rest of the working world pay for the wrongs of all society?

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I'm NOT "backpeddaling" anything! That's EXACTLY what I said!

from pattygreen (with reference to my posts about violence from the teaparty and right wing):"This 'violence' you speak of is in your head as well as every other liberal out there who would just 'love' to see it be true. Since it isn't true, they feel the need to make it up."

This violence is all in my, and all the other liberal's, head(s)?

We would love to see it be true but it isn't so we make it up?

I have made all it up?

And it's all in my head?

These words speak for themselves and you can try to explain them away. But too late. These are the words of someone in total denial. And out of touch. And delusional. And I proved that with the posts and pictures about violence in the tea party that wasn't made up. And when I did, you had nothing to say then.

I would like others on these boards to see if they interpret your words any differently than I do.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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