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I don't 'hate' anyone or call people haters. You can't prove it, and that is the reason for why you wont spend the time to pull anything up from the past, not cause you don't want to, but cause you can't! Cleo'smom has repeatedly said that the tea partiers are hateful racists. SHE is the one who uses the hate word over and over. NOT me. If I have used it, it is to defend her accusations of Hate.

Sounds like you're doing a "ninnie ninnie nah nah" here. The fact is that I could prove it if I chose to and if I were you, I'd drop the subject before one of us that you rub the wrong way pulls up your past posts and make you eat your words.

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Sounds like you're doing a "ninnie ninnie nah nah" here. The fact is that I could prove it if I chose to and if I were you, I'd drop the subject before one of us that you rub the wrong way pulls up your past posts and make you eat your words.

Too late. The following are pg's posts about me:

Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. Cause there is really no reason to admire Obama or anything he is doing to this country of ours.

The way you talk, I would think that you HATE white people. This would make you a 'racist'.

So, here it is in a nutshell. You are a racist. You don't like white


YOU are the Hater!!!!!! YOU are the RACIST!!!! YOU hate white conservatives and have said just as much with your rants about how they are black haters. If anyone is racist around here, it is you. Against white people who disagree with you on politics and every issue out there.

And for the record, I never denied that there was violence on the left against bush or that those people hated bush, but PG is in denial about the racism and hate on the right and tea party. She actually said the violence we claim "is all in our heads". And I am not the only one who has written about it. People who get paid to write columns have written about it and I've posted it.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Tea Party Racism

by phpThumb.php?src=01244762120_USER_IMAGE_3904_200png.png&w=25&h=25&zc=1 Dean Walker April 11, 2010

Over the last week, I have been having an online debate with an activemember of the Tea Party (T.P.) Apparently, he found a previous article I hadwritten offensive because I described certain members of the T.P. movement as“teabaggers.” He claimed that I was denigrating a large number of Americans andthat he personally found it insulting. Of course, he never mentioned all thedenigrating language the T.P. movement, Fox News, and the rightwing media spinmachine use on a daily bases to describe liberals, progressives and socialists.My T.P. friend earnestly believed that I was using “hate speech” when used theterm "teabagger," but that there is nothing wrong in usingpejoratives when referring to the left. I once again pointed to the widespreadracism found at T.P. gatherings and he dismissed my examples as the work of “just a few loons,” which he claims can befound in every movement.

While I agree every nationwide movement is bound to have a “few loons,” recent polling data on T.P. members show racism is represented in a solid majority and is proving to be a systemic problem within the movement. Over the last month, I have visited dozens of Tea Party websites, YouTube videos of rallies, read speeches and articles from T.P. supporters, and researched academic reports that have been released on T.P. ideology, racism and their connections to militant extremists. And while the T.P. movement is just over a year old, there is a growing mountain of data which allows us to draw some early conclusions. One conclusion that is becoming increasingly clear is that the Tea Party has a problem with racism.

This week, April 7, 2010, Professor Christopher Parker of the WISER Institute, at the University of Washington, released the results of a political science poll studying racism in American politics. Here is an excerpt from the report: “America is definitely not beyond race. For instance, the Tea Party, the incipient movement that claims to be committed to reining in what they perceive as big government, appears to be motivated by more than partisanship and ideology. Approximately 45% of Whites either strongly or somewhat approve of the movement. Of those, only 35% believe Blacks to be hardworking, only 45 % believe Blacks are intelligent, and only 41% think that Blacks are trustworthy. Perceptions of Latinos aren’t much different. While 54% of White Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be hardworking, only 44% think them intelligent, and even fewer, 42% of Tea Party supporters believe Latinos to be trustworthy …” The report reveals that Tea Party members are 36 percent more likely to be racially resentful than non-Tea Party supporters. According to Professor Parker, "While it's clear that the tea party in one sense is about limited government, it's also clear from the data that people who want limited government don't want certain services for certain kinds of people. Those services include health care."

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Sounds like you're doing a "ninnie ninnie nah nah" here. The fact is that I could prove it if I chose to and if I were you, I'd drop the subject before one of us that you rub the wrong way pulls up your past posts and make you eat your words.

Call it what you want. Pull them up!

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Too late. The following are pg's posts about me:

Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. Cause there is really no reason to admire Obama or anything he is doing to this country of ours.

The way you talk, I would think that you HATE white people. This would make you a 'racist'.

So, here it is in a nutshell. You are a racist. You don't like white


YOU are the Hater!!!!!! YOU are the RACIST!!!! YOU hate white conservatives and have said just as much with your rants about how they are black haters. If anyone is racist around here, it is you. Against white people who disagree with you on politics and every issue out there.

And for the record, I never denied that there was violence on the left against bush or that those people hated bush, but PG is in denial about the racism and hate on the right and tea party. She actually said the violence we claim "is all in our heads". And I am not the only one who has written about it. People who get paid to write columns have written about it and I've posted it.

pgreen's post: I don't 'hate' anyone or call people haters. You can't prove it, and that is the reason for why you wont spend the time to pull anything up from the past, not cause you don't want to, but cause you can't! Cleo'smom has repeatedly said that the tea partiers are hateful racists. SHE is the one who uses the hate word over and over. NOT me. If I have used it, it is to defend her accusations of Hate.

So, as you can see, It was Cleo'smom who called me a racist and a hater eons of times prior to this post of mine that she puts up here and I all I did was just turn the tide on her an call her the hater. Like I said, I have never called anyone or a class or group of people haters, EXCEPT CLEO"SMOM WHEN IT WAS IN DEFENSE OF HER CALLING ME A HATER OR A RACIST. Notice how I emphasized in the post the words you. "YOU are the racist!" "YOU are the hater!" I did that because she was previously calling ME a racist and a hater.

Nice try though.

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"Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. Cause there is really no reason to admire Obama or anything he is doing to this country of ours.

The way you talk, I would think that you HATE white people. This would make you a 'racist'.

This is kind of like what the leftist media does with sound clips. Pulls them out of context to suit their agenda. lol

All of this was said by me AFTER Cleo'smom bombarded me with being a racist and hating black people.

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The left is working over time to disuade people from listening to the great ideas of the tea party organization by calling those who are their members 'racists' and 'haters' because of the poor actions of a few loons who were among them. It's their only ploy and scheme against the right and it's not working. The right is RIGHT! The democrats don't have a prayer in November, and I am so happy about that!

The American people keep losing their desire for this president. They do not approve of his policies and agenda. Even those who share his skin color are falling away from supporting him. So, the tea partiers, whose majority of people are white, but not all of them, are only feeling the same way the black and hispanic community are feeling. Why? Because it's not about his skin color, it's about HIM!

Poll: Pres. Obama Losing Support of Blacks, Hispanics

Gallup’s latest weekly compilation of polling data on President Obama’s job approval rating shows him at 85 percent among black Americans, down from a 94 percent approval rating among blacks as recently as March. The 85 percent figure is also Obama’s lowest-ever as president among African-Americans in the Gallup weekly poll. The poll data is from July 19 to 25, meaning Gallup sampled opinion as the Shirley Sherrod matter, and the Obama administration’s handling of it, exploded into controversy.

Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics in the latest poll, 52 percent, is also his lowest rating among that group in Gallup’s weekly measurement. He was in the low-to-mid 60’s earlier with Hispanics earlier this year.

Obama’s approval rating among whites is 38 percent, mostly unchanged from recent weeks but down a few points from the beginning of 2010. Overall, Obama’s weekly job rating is 45 percent approve, 47 percent disapprove, down from a 51 percent approve, 42 percent disapprove in February.

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July 13, 2010 6:30 PM

Poll: Support For Health Care Reform Drops

Posted by Stephanie Condon 40 comments


CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto.

Updated Wednesday at 8 a.m. ET

Americans continue to be more likely to disapprove than approve of President Obama's sweeping health care reforms, a new CBS News poll shows. While approval of the law is slightly higher than it was when the reforms were signed into law in March, support for the measure has dropped seven points in the past two months.

Forty-nine percent of Americans now disapprove of the health care reform measure, according to the poll, which was conducted July 9 - 12. Thirty-six percent support the law.

In a May CBS News poll, 47 percent disapproved of the new laws, while 43 percent approved.

While the new poll shows a recent drop in support, the numbers have still improved overall since March, when 53 percent of Americans disapproved of the new laws and 32 percent said they approved of them.

Most Republicans and independents disapprove of the reform package, the poll finds, while most Democrats approve of it.

Americans continue to see little personal benefit from the health care reform legislation. By more than two to one, Americans think it will hurt (33 percent) rather than help them (13 percent). Forty-eight percent expect the reform to have no effect on them personally.

When asked to name the country's most important problem, 6 percent named health care - about the same percentage of Americans who named the federal deficit (5 percent) and the Gulf oil spill (5 percent). The most cited problem by far, at 38 percent, was the economy.

Thirty-nine percent of Americans said Mr. Obama has spent relatively too much time on health care reform. Thirty-one percent said he has spent the right amount of time on it, while 24 percent said he has spent too little time.

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"Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. Cause there is really no reason to admire Obama or anything he is doing to this country of ours.

The way you talk, I would think that you HATE white people. This would make you a 'racist'.

This is kind of like what the leftist media does with sound clips. Pulls them out of context to suit their agenda. lol

All of this was said by me AFTER Cleo'smom bombarded me with being a racist and hating black people.

This is not true. I have said that ground zero for the tea party is their hatred of Pres. Obama because he is (1) a progressive democrat - and their guy lost and (2) there is now a black man in the white house.

I stand by that analysis and the posts I have made by columnists who have anaylzed the statistics bear this out. This isn't just my opinion, it is the opinion of many. Many see the tea party movement as rooted in racism.

Now, if the shoe fits, wear it - as the saying goes. The fact that you protest so much just means that once again I have struck a nerve and you as usual are trying to deflect.

I have proven with your quotes that you have called me a hater and racist so quit saying you haven't or that it's only in response to my post. That doesn't matter. You either said it to me or you didn't. And you did. The whole "she said it first" (I didn't) childish excuse doesn't fly.

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July 13, 2010 6:30 PM

Poll: Support For Health Care Reform Drops

Posted by Stephanie Condon 40 comments


CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto.

Updated Wednesday at 8 a.m. ET

Americans continue to be more likely to disapprove than approve of President Obama's sweeping health care reforms, a new CBS News poll shows. While approval of the law is slightly higher than it was when the reforms were signed into law in March, support for the measure has dropped seven points in the past two months.

Forty-nine percent of Americans now disapprove of the health care reform measure, according to the poll, which was conducted July 9 - 12. Thirty-six percent support the law.

In a May CBS News poll, 47 percent disapproved of the new laws, while 43 percent approved.

While the new poll shows a recent drop in support, the numbers have still improved overall since March, when 53 percent of Americans disapproved of the new laws and 32 percent said they approved of them.

Most Republicans and independents disapprove of the reform package, the poll finds, while most Democrats approve of it.

Americans continue to see little personal benefit from the health care reform legislation. By more than two to one, Americans think it will hurt (33 percent) rather than help them (13 percent). Forty-eight percent expect the reform to have no effect on them personally.

When asked to name the country's most important problem, 6 percent named health care - about the same percentage of Americans who named the federal deficit (5 percent) and the Gulf oil spill (5 percent). The most cited problem by far, at 38 percent, was the economy.

Thirty-nine percent of Americans said Mr. Obama has spent relatively too much time on health care reform. Thirty-one percent said he has spent the right amount of time on it, while 24 percent said he has spent too little time.

AP poll suggests growing support for healthcare law

By Julian Pecquet - 06/17/10 09:29 AM ET

The Obama administration is touting a new Associated Press-GfK poll that suggests growing support for the healthcare reform law. The poll notes that while Americans remain divided — with 45 percent in favor of the new law and 42 percent opposed — support has been growing steadily since reform was signed into law in March; just last month, opponents still outnumbered supporters 46 percent to 39.

"The Obama administration has been working diligently to implement the new legislation," notes a White House official, "with the president and his team acting quickly and carefully to deliver the benefits of reform to the American people and answer their questions."

In particular, The Associated Press reports, support has been growing since May among men (from 36 percent to 46 percent in favor), working-age Americans between 30 and 49 years old (from 35 percent to 49) and even Republicans (8 percent to 17).

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Senator Graham is being ridiculed for talking about Tea Party. He said theyre a loose nit group that will fall apart. Theyve only been around for about a year and dont have a coherent vision about how to run the country!

He was also on tv with candy Crowley yesterday and he said Obama is handling Afghanistan and Pakistan better than any other leader has or could be expected to!

Sounds like another convert to me! You know he's going to be unpopular to the reps because hes starting to realize saying "NO" to everything isnt the answer!

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If Graham is speaking with a softer stick, it's because his constituents have been giving him negative feedback about his behavior and his party. He needs to figure out a way to work with this congress and this administration and get things done for the people who elected him.

Compromise has always been the way laws are made in Washington. Repbulicans have been "just saying NO!" (thanks a lot Nancy Reagan) and their constituents are beginning to realize what that means for them - the people.

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The anti-Obama, anti-democrats who are hoping to elect more republicans can look forward to the following if they become the majority:

1) tax cuts for the rich that add billions to the deficit and of course are not paid for

2) privatizing social security (can anyone say stock market bust?) or cutting it and medicare

3) continuing their cuts to the aged, they would also cut domestic spending for programs that help the poor

4) escalate war and the unfunded spending that goes with it and adds to the deficit. Maybe Iran next?

5) de-regulate wall street and business with the predicable consequences like the economic crash, BP oil spill and Massey mine deaths.

6) further interject government into your bedroom and uterus by further restricting women's and gay's rights.

Why does this all look so familiar? Oh, I know!! Let me answer. These are the failed policies of bush and the republicans that got us in the mess to begin with.

But you can't stop ___*____people from voting against their own economic self-interests because republicans have NEVER done one thing for the middle class in america. They just keep drinking the kool aid.

* add any adjective that you think fits: stupid, ignorant, lazy, uninformed or other.

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