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Conservative VS Liberal

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I was just interested on what conservatives and liberals would think (if they would think differently on it). But I'll post it over there too- that thread hasn't been stirred up in a while. :bored:

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You know if this fiasco in Arizona causes a more serious look at the immigration problems between Mexico and the U.S., I welcome it.

Republicans stirred this up and Republicans are the ones who have historically looked the other way when it was in their interest to allow people to come here illegally from Mexcio.

Our laws haven't been seriously enforced and in fact, we have encouraged illegal immigration of Mexicans by structuring our laws to favor them - like allowing the children of illegal immigrants to be natural born citizens if they are delivered here, allowing them to have medical care and other benefits whether they have medical insurance or not, employers looking the other way when it comes to the lack of green cards and other things that make it attractive for them to come here illegally.

What we need to to is figure out how to handle the whole thing legally and how to structure our laws so that we can live with them and also so that we can enforce them.

I think any sane person knows that having a gestapo like climate on the streets of Arizona is crazy and unworkable. But if this tactic helps us begin to straighten it all out by making what we do very public in our courts of law, then it will have made sense in a very nutty and unconventional way.

Man, the of political dirty laundry is coming to the surface now that Democrats are at the helm is welcome by me - it's been a very long time coming and we're way overdue for fixing some of this stuff.

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Republicans to the unemployed: Go F*** yourself.

Fri Jun 25, 2010 at 03:52:12 AM PDT

Republicans fillibuster the jobs bill, but that's not the ugliest aspect of this strategy (HP):

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) said she believes
Republicans are trying to prevent the economy from improving in order to foster an anti-incumbent mood come November.

"Cynically, for them, It doesn't serve them in terms of the elections in the fall if things are beginning to turn around," she said. "If they can stop the recovery from occurring, If they can create as much pain as possible, the cynical view is people will be angry and either drop out and not vote at all or vote against those in the majority."

Having this bill linger is not an option. The fact of the matter is that bread lines don't exist in the same way they did in the 30s and the results of this fillibuster will be catastrophic:

Extended unemployment benefits lapsed at the beginning of June. By Friday, more than
1.2 million people out of work for longer than six months will have found themselves ineligible for the next tier of extended benefits
, which were originally provided by the stimulus bill to fight the recession. Other programs that lapsed include
elevated federal aid for state Medicaid programs and a "Doc Fix" that prevents doctors from a 21-percent drop in reimbursement for seeing Medicare patients.

Simply put, your republican representatives would prefer you die in the street, starve, succumb to an expensive illness, go bankrupt, homeless, fall in to a pit of despair and off yourself before they will provide one cintilla of help or further support.

"F**k you!" is the simple message to their actions. Now, with corporations like BP, they apologize for the inconvenience of questioning them about an environmental disaster that will have a generation's worth of problems. They will insert themselves into the financial bill to make sure that multi-billionaire CEO's won't have to worry that their companies will have to conform to any "pesky regulation" to ensure they don't send us into a spiral again.

They'll do everything they can to make sure their lobby contacts and job opportunities remain robust for that moment when they jettison from their useless government jobs and make the real money as lobbyists.

But as far as you go? F**k you. You can die. You are of no interest to them since you cannot further their future careers.


Stand with the big corporations while kicking the regular people, that's the republican agenda.

And these are the people who some want to elect more of? :bored:

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Well let's just hope that Americans don't have a short memory at election time. I trust that the Democrats are going to do a better job of campaigning than they have in the past. It's always a crap shoot though since Americans historically have listened to the lies and bought into them in the past. And when they did, they forgot that they wound up hating themselves for it later.

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Well let's just hope that Americans don't have a short memory at election time. I trust that the Democrats are going to do a better job of campaigning than they have in the past. It's always a crap shoot though since Americans historically have listened to the lies and bought into them in the past. And when they did, they forgot that they wound up hating themselves for it later.

A short memory? Are you kidding? The republicans will do everything they can to sabotage this economic recovery, filibuster unemployement benefits and then come November will blame it all on the democrats and the stupid voters will believe them.

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I know, I know. Sometimes I give people more credit than they deserve. I just hate thinking that people are so gullible and easily influenced by the some of the bad guys. But we have to realize that there is huge, HUGE money behind the Republican lies.

Historically we've thought that if it is reported as news and if it is in print in an important newspaper, then it is probably true. It's amazing how much power the wealthiest have over the working class.

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A short memory? Are you kidding? The republicans will do everything they can to sabotage this economic recovery, filibuster unemployement benefits and then come November will blame it all on the democrats and the stupid voters will believe them.

I find it funny that you believe the majority of Americans are inferior to yourself. You believe that the majority of Americans are stupid and you're so clever. How is it that liberals are just so intelligent and the rest of the country has the IQ of an ant?:)

Prov. 29:23 - "a man's pride will bring him low."

Prov. 11:2 "Pride comes before the fall."

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Obama's Oscar

Posted: March 08, 2010

1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

Fulton J. Sheen once said, "Pride is an admission of weakness; it secretly fears all competition and dreads all rivals."

I am no pinnacle of humility, and I've learned my fair share of hard lessons from the camps of conceit. But I'm not sure the former Chicago politician occupying the White House has ever been schooled with a primer on the perils of pride.

It's one thing (though still distasteful) to be boastful in a sports or fighting ring – it's quite another in the Oval Office. We were promised change, but it seems to me this White House's smug swagger and strut rivals the great taunts and bluster of Mohammed Ali in his heyday. In fact, if I were handing out awards, President Obama would win hands down the Oscar for overconfidence and arrogance.

Here are a few examples of his Oscar political performances:

Who can forget the State of the Union back in January, when the president utterly disregarded and disrespected our military commanders and the U.S. Supreme Court? President Obama rebutted the entire Supreme Court in its presence and before the whole nation, with a premeditated and prepared accusation that the justices "reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections." (We now know why U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito immediately shook his head in dismay and mouthed the words "not true," because there are at least three accounts in the 183-page ruling that forbid its application to foreign nationals, groups or corporations.)

I ask you, which is worse: South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson's impromptu outburst "You lie" to President Obama during his September 2009 address to Congress or the president's premeditated public innuendo and lie during the State of the Union that the U.S. Supreme Court justices are not protecting American sovereignty but handing over political sway to international powers? And did anyone see the mainstream media afterward pressure the president to apologize the way Wilson had to?

And what about the faces on the military commanders during the State of the Union? Regardless of one's views on gays in the military, the president's smug demeanor in pushing the issue and our military's stoic response prompted me to ask, "Is the State of the Union really the place for a commander in chief to cast in-your-face politics before his leading military personnel, with all America watching?"

Consider even the recent so-called health-care summit. It might sound simple to some, but I believe it is symptomatic when, away from the teleprompters but still on C-Span, other members of Congress call the president "Mr. President," while he calls them only by their first name. For example, when Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner started his remarks, the president said, "John, go ahead." And Rep. Boehner replied, "Mr. President, I want to say thank you for having us here," to which Boehner added at least another five addresses to "Mr. President." At the end of his statement, President Obama again replied, "John, you know, the challenge I have here …"

The president went the entire six hours or so in this room full of Washington politicians and various notables addressing them by their first names, rather than the socially accepted and proper forms of address for senators and congressman that the rest of us use: "Paul … Jim … Charles … George … Eric … Louise … Tom … Jay … Marsha," etc. One may argue that these are examples of familiarity, but I believe they are of contempt.

In addition, to Sen. John McCain's, R-Ariz., genuine concern for ramming a pork-ridden health-care bill through Congress by politics as usual, president Obama replied, "We're not campaigning anymore. The election is over."

And after Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., politely opened his remarks by saying, "Mr. President, thank you again very much for having us and for staying with us for the six hours. I appreciate that," the president sarcastically commented about the high stack of pages in front of Rep. Cantor by saying: "Let me just guess – that's the 2,400-page health-care bill. Is that right?"

Is it just me, or does the president's lofty arrogance bother anyone else, too? Imagine how it would make headline news if anyone in that health-care summit addressed the president as simply: "Well, Barack, let me tell you my opinion …"

Down here, particularly in the South, we use sir, ma'am, Mr., and Mrs., your honor, etc., and every other fitting and proper title in addressing others. People call it Southern hospitality. Mom raised me on it in Wilson, Okla. As a result, I believe respect is deserved by all people – regardless of color or creed. Of course, in martial arts, restraint and respect are two of the most critical components. I might have played tough guys in movies and television, but in real life it's respect all the way. But I confess that those to whom I often find it most difficult to show respect are the kings of conceit – those who lord and laud themselves over others.

I mean, how much pride and arrogance does it take for a president to ramrod a national health-care bill through Congress and down the throats of all Americans, despite a majority of Americans have voiced opposition to it, every Republican in the House and Senate opposes it and Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak and 11 other Democratic lawmakers vow to kill it?

And to those average Americans and others who oppose Obama's far left agenda, rather than respecting their opinion or working with their differences, the president spoke about them before a live audience

and condescendingly declared, "To those who are trying to stand in the way of [my] progress, let me tell you: I'm just getting started! I don't quit. I'm not tired. I'm just getting started! It's important for those folks to know: We're just going to keep on going."

And President Obama had the audacity before an audience in France in

to call America "arrogant"?

The president believes he is above any opposition, and even tried to demonize No. 1 Fox News as an illegitimate news organization because some commentators disagree with him.

was right when he concluded that, "This White House has no humility."

Amazingly, and a shocking testimony to a society blindly drinking Washington's political Kool-Aid, most mainstream media still marvel over Obama's deification. Many are under some type of political hypnosis, like the editor of Newsweek who gloated last year on MSNBC's Chris Matthews' show, "I mean, in a way Obama's standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of God." No wonder one acrostic for E.G.O. is "edging God out."

The president doesn't just lord himself over broadcasts agencies, other politicians, his opponents and the American people, but over its most precious founding documents. As I noted in last week's column, I repeat here for emphasis:

described the Constitution as "an imperfect document … a document that reflects some deep flaws … an enormous blind spot … and that the framers had that same blind spot." In so doing, the president places himself above the Constitution and those "blind framers" who just couldn't see the big picture as he does today. After all, he's the constitutional scholar and the framers were just, well, the creators of the document!

It might have worked for Al Capone, but the Chicago politics slogan is unbecoming for any occupant of the White House: "Hire your friends, and smash your enemies." Lou Pritchett, a former vice president of Procter & Gamble who worked for that company for 36 years until his retirement in 1989, hit the nail on the head when he wrote his now famous "open letter to President Obama": "You are the thirteenth president under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me. … You scare me because you lack humility and 'class,' always blaming others."

Even stranger and possibly his gravest error, President Obama haughtily placed himself above the Judeo-Christian religion and scriptures, when

as a senator of Illinois. In that message, he denigrated biblical books like Leviticus and Deuteronomy, ridiculed the issue of inerrancy and the Bible, called the Sermon on the Mount a radically inapplicable passage of scripture, and declared that basing public policies upon the Bible "would be a dangerous thing." He arrogantly concluded that "folks haven't been reading their Bible," setting himself not only above most others' understanding of scripture but all of us who read it. In olden days, such sacred contempt would have been regarded as an abominable desecration – a man standing in the house of God claiming to be like a god, above others and even scripture itself.

President Obama, I don't know if you've spent a day in a Sunday-school class, so here's a verse that might help you. Proverbs 16:18: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

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I find it funny that you believe the majority of Americans are inferior to yourself. You believe that the majority of Americans are stupid and you're so clever. How is it that liberals are just so intelligent and the rest of the country has the IQ of an ant?:)

Prov. 29:23 - "a man's pride will bring him low."

Prov. 11:2 "Pride comes before the fall."

I never said the majority of Americans are inferior to me. Trust a neocon to lie.

Voters who believe the lies, fear tactics, misrepresentations and half-truths by the tea party, fox news or the republicans are stupid. They need to educate themselves on the facts.

For example: I saw a fox news clip with the 3 anchors - names? the blonde woman and some pointy nosed guy - and they had Newt Gingrich on camera and here is what they asked:

"President Obama took no time in replacing Gen. McCrystal, so why is it taking him so long to cap the oil spill? Is that a fair question?"

Newt Gingrich looked like that was the most stupid question he ever heard (and I'm sure it was) and said "No"

People who get their news from fox are stupid. Period.

And BTW, I don't claim to be clever. Just educated with the ability to fact find and dismiss the lies from the right. I also can read, do research, etc..

I will never apologize for being educated and smart. :smile2:

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I don't believe it makes you stupid to get your news information from Fox. I think it makes you stupid to get your news from ONLY Fox (or CNN, or NBC, ABC, CBS, the Huffington Post, etc). If I read something on a news station, I automatically try and find another source. I don't think any one news station is best to find ALL your news needs- they're all slanted to pander to their audience. Variety is best.

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I never said the majority of Americans are inferior to me. Trust a neocon to lie.

And I never said you said that. I believe that's how you feel. That the majority of Americans are inferior to you (intellectually).

Voters who believe the lies, fear tactics, misrepresentations and half-truths by the tea party, fox news or the republicans are stupid. They need to educate themselves on the facts.

The tea party movement is not lying about anything. Nor do they use fear tactics. This is your opinion only.

For example: I saw a fox news clip with the 3 anchors - names? the blonde woman and some pointy nosed guy - and they had Newt Gingrich on camera and here is what they asked:

"President Obama took no time in replacing Gen. McCrystal, so why is it taking him so long to cap the oil spill? Is that a fair question?"

Newt Gingrich looked like that was the most stupid question he ever heard (and I'm sure it was) and said "No"

People who get their news from fox are stupid. Period.

This is what I mean about you. You are critical of others who don't agree with you politically, or who don't feel as you do on an issue. Fox news has a conservative mindset because the people who work for them are usually independents, republicans or conservatives. MSNBC has a liberal mindset for the same reasons. YOU are critical of those who are not liberal, and it shows up as an inferior stand that reeks from you. You call those who don't think as you do stupid. You feel that you are superior intellectually, which in doing so, only makes you look foolish.

And BTW, I don't claim to be clever. Just educated with the ability to fact find and dismiss the lies from the right. I also can read, do research, etc..

I will never apologize for being educated and smart. :)

You're also boastful.

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I don't believe it makes you stupid to get your news information from Fox. I think it makes you stupid to get your news from ONLY Fox (or CNN, or NBC, ABC, CBS, the Huffington Post, etc). If I read something on a news station, I automatically try and find another source. I don't think any one news station is best to find ALL your news needs- they're all slanted to pander to their audience. Variety is best.

I agree. I get most of my news from FOX, but I also watch the other stations, but not for long, because I can't stomach their beliefs. I get my knowledge of the world from the bible. I also read newspapers like the Republican American and the Wall street journal and the Washington post. I never listen to radio commentators or news from the radio.

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Originally Posted by Cleo's Mom viewpost.gif

I never said the majority of Americans are inferior to me. Trust a neocon to lie.

And I never said you said that. I believe that's how you feel. That the majority of Americans are inferior to you (intellectually).

Don't try to tell ME what I believe. And don't try to nitpick with your slight nuance of words. You said I believe most Americans are inferior to me and again, you don't know what I believe.

Voters who believe the lies, fear tactics, misrepresentations and half-truths by the tea party, fox news or the republicans are stupid. They need to educate themselves on the facts.

The tea party movement is not lying about anything. Nor do they use fear tactics. This is your opinion only.

I have posted many, many posts that illustrate their lies, hatred of Obama, racism, etc.. Do I really need to do it again? And it isn't only my opinion. Many others who are not easily duped share my opinion.

For example: I saw a fox news clip with the 3 anchors - names? the blonde woman and some pointy nosed guy - and they had Newt Gingrich on camera and here is what they asked:

"President Obama took no time in replacing Gen. McCrystal, so why is it taking him so long to cap the oil spill? Is that a fair question?"

Newt Gingrich looked like that was the most stupid question he ever heard (and I'm sure it was) and said "No"

People who get their news from fox are stupid. Period.

This is what I mean about you. You are critical of others who don't agree with you politically, or who don't feel as you do on an issue. Fox news has a conservative mindset because the people who work for them are usually independents, republicans or conservatives. MSNBC has a liberal mindset for the same reasons. YOU are critical of those who are not liberal, and it shows up as an inferior stand that reeks from you. You call those who don't think as you do stupid. You feel that you are superior intellectually, which in doing so, only makes you look foolish.

Why would anyone watch a news channel with supposedly serious anchors who would ask such a stupid question? You wouldn't see that kind of idocy on any other legitimate news program.

You are critical of those who don't support your conservative viewpoints. And you continue to bash our president and mock those who support him, so what's your point?

And BTW, I don't claim to be clever. Just educated with the ability to fact find and dismiss the lies from the right. I also can read, do research, etc..

I will never apologize for being educated and smart. :)

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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