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The republicans need this type of drivel published everyday so they can justify thier mean, hateful behavior. Since they are so small minded and can not think on their own they must have these people do it for them, in the form of these anecdotal stories that have no basis in science, history or any other logical discipline its all feelings and innuendo.

You see the truth in what is said and you just can't stand it when someone may be right.

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And I published a report that studied the effects for a longer period and found positive outcomes, so what's your point, other than to take another thing away from poor kids.

When the thing you are taking away from those "poor kids" isn't benefiting them in any way, why continue to fund it?

Let's reduce corporate welfare by $7 billion per year and keep this program. Making corporations finally pay their fair share of taxes would be a first step.

That sounds good.

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Bottom line PG,

People would starve and die under your proposed process. Rely on charity to help the poor? You have been saying time and time again that people would find out how to scam for free things. People like you would take that attitude towards the charity and not give. Not saying you never did, but you like many would get tired of doing it without help. Bottom line some people are selfish to others when it is their choice, like giving money or food right into the hand of a poor person instead of an agency. If poor people came to your door everyday to ask for food and clothing, you would get tired of it and look for other sources they could go to or start your own services, WITH the help of the government and not out of your pocket. The government knows this so they have implemented programs for these people. Just because they are wasteful, and I didn't say that you did, don't mean people don't need them, nor need to have them in place when people do need them.

Like I have said, over and over, I am not opposed to the government helping the poor with a hand up, it's the handouts I oppose. And, I am not oppposed to SOME help, but the government has gotten carried away. When you get to the point where there is no more money, the charity needs to stop.

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I have some updating on what the lying, hypocritical and obstructionist republicans have been up to:

Former PAC chairman fined by D.C. is hired as GOP fundraiser

By Perry Bacon Jr.

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, April 5, 2010

Neil S. Alpert, whom the District fined three years ago for improperly spending money from a political action committee he chaired, has been hired by the Republican National Committee to help with its fundraising.

Alpert, whose new role was reported Sunday by AOL's Politics Daily, will serve as a special assistant for finance to RNC Chairman Michael S. Steele. His hiring comes as fellow Republicans have sharply criticized Steele and the national committee after campaign finance reports unearthed last week showed that an RNC aide had authorized spending almost $2,000 at a bondage-themed nightclub in West Hollywood as part of an effort to recruit young donors.

In 2007, the District's Office of Campaign Finance found that Alpert improperly spent $37,670 on items that were not authorized by the D.C. Baseball PAC, which he chaired, or the D.C. Baseball Association, a nonprofit group that the PAC created to raise money for youth programs. He was asked to reimburse the groups, which were dissolved after Major League Baseball authorized a Washington franchise, and was fined $4,000.

This not only calls into question the judgement of the RNC, but you want THESE people guardians of our tax money? Seriously? :)

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Next on the list we have Sen. John Kyl (R-Arizona) - you might remember him as the one during the healthcare debate who questioned why there needed to be maternity care in it since HE didn't need it.

Well, he is already saying he will filibuster a non-existent nominee for a not even yet vacant supreme court position.

Way to go Kyl! Keep up the good republican obstructionism. Do they give out trophies for that at the GOP?

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And next we have sour grapes McCain. He might get the hypocrisy of the week award.

He actually said that he does not consider himself a maverick.

Has he become so senile that he forgets that a 3 hour video could be made of all the times he referred to himself as a maverick just during the presidential campaign?

Not to mention that the subtitle of his book mentions his maverick title.

I mean the rate at which these republicans are trying to rewrite history is staggering. Have they not heard of video cameras? :)

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I am on the edge of my seat wondering who Obama will nominate for Supreme Court. Stevens is probably stepping before the next term. I'm thinking Hillary Clinton might be an interesting choice. I wasn't her biggest fan before the last election, but I could not be more impressed with how she has handled the transition and her job as Secretary of State.

I also heard Sen. Amy Klobucher (D-MN) but she said she referred to herself as a wise Slovenian so she might have ruined her chances. :)

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Oh, I almost forget. There's republican Tom Coburn who pulled a "Jim Bunning" before Congress recessed for 2 weeks on March 26th. He blocked extension of unemployment. (You might remember that republican Jim Bunning did the same thing a few weeks ago).

Now, in his defense, that's just (at least) two weeks that those greedy unemployed won't get a check to pay their rent or mortgage of help feed their kids.

I mean - can't they go out and cut grass or sell crafts or something? I would add shovel snow but I think that's over til next winter.

I wonder if any of those who won't get checks belong to the tea party. But hey, keep voting these guys in. That's the plan, right?

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"BTW, you are so wrong about Christrians." sez patty.

I don't clump all Christians together as one and the same. I don't expect you to understand my post. It seems there is no end to what you don't understand. But that's for you to handle. I didn't take you to raise.

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patty I have an interesting observation to tell you about. I had never paid any attention to your personal info until the other day when I noticed that you're 48. I was frankly very shocked.

From the first post of yours that I read, a long time ago, when the real green was still alive, that you were some crabby older woman, probably in her 60s or 70s who was just mad at the world and set in her ways. Someone who thought she knew everything and was unwilling to listen to anyone else or consider any viewpoints that were different from her own.

Ever since I saw how old you are when I read one of your posts recently I can't help but think you're just a really, really misguided soul who is fighting every day to justify her life and live down her past transgressions. You've conveniently structured your faith to do just that. You can't allow any differing views to influence you because it would mess with who you were and who you're trying to become.

I used to feel sorry for you because you were a crabby old woman but now I just feel sorry for you because I think you're a desperate person. Someone who is striving to find her way but is losing ground every step she takes in the wrong direction.

I know this sounds judgemental but I am not trying to judge you. I am simply trying to understand you. It seems I may be starting to figure out where you're coming from.

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Oh, I almost forget. There's republican Tom Coburn who pulled a "Jim Bunning" before Congress recessed for 2 weeks on March 26th. He blocked extension of unemployment. (You might remember that republican Jim Bunning did the same thing a few weeks ago).

Now, in his defense, that's just (at least) two weeks that those greedy unemployed won't get a check to pay their rent or mortgage of help feed their kids.

I mean - can't they go out and cut grass or sell crafts or something? I would add shovel snow but I think that's over til next winter.

I wonder if any of those who won't get checks belong to the tea party. But hey, keep voting these guys in. That's the plan, right?

You think that's funny, but I happen to know someone who is collecting unemployment and working under the table getting paid cash in a restaurant. It happens all the time. I also know someone who is collecting SSI and is capable of working. I know someone else who could take a job as a Big Y Cashier and get off unemployment benmefits, but feels it is beneath him to work in a grocery store, since he was working as a Cook before.

I am just one person, yet I can personally identify many, many perople who are receiving from the Gov. in some way, yet don't really need to. If I know that many people who are scamming the system to get something for nothing, then there are alot more out there doing it.

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patty I have an interesting observation to tell you about. I had never paid any attention to your personal info until the other day when I noticed that you're 48. I was frankly very shocked.

From the first post of yours that I read, a long time ago, when the real green was still alive, that you were some crabby older woman, probably in her 60s or 70s who was just mad at the world and set in her ways. Someone who thought she knew everything and was unwilling to listen to anyone else or consider any viewpoints that were different from her own.

Ever since I saw how old you are when I read one of your posts recently I can't help but think you're just a really, really misguided soul who is fighting every day to justify her life and live down her past transgressions. You've conveniently structured your faith to do just that. You can't allow any differing views to influence you because it would mess with who you were and who you're trying to become.

I used to feel sorry for you because you were a crabby old woman but now I just feel sorry for you because I think you're a desperate person. Someone who is striving to find her way but is losing ground every step she takes in the wrong direction.

I know this sounds judgemental but I am not trying to judge you. I am simply trying to understand you. It seems I may be starting to figure out where you're coming from.

I've never hid my age from anyone, as a matter of fact, I have given my age out before here.

Where do you get off saying that I am fighting every day to live down my transgressions? Before I met Jesus, I didn't even think I was a sinner or in need of a savior. Cause I was a pretty 'good' person. It was after I met him that he showed me my need for him as a sinner. He showed me everyones need for him. The opposite of what you say is true. I don't need to fight down my wrongs in life. Jesus already did that for me. I have peace. It is you and everyone else who will not embrace Jesus as their Savior who needs to fight, cause without Jesus, no one is forgiven and all are lost.

I am definitely not striving to find my way. I have al;ready found it and am content in knowing I have the truth. I am not losing any ground. I have already gained all the ground I need. I am saved and nothing else could be better. I will live eternally with my Father who created me in a marvelous place forever. Who could desire anything more. There is nothing more. It is life's ultimate goal.

It's not that I can't allow differing views, it's that God has already spoken. His word is law. You can give me another view to go on, but his will always trump it. I can't go against what God has already spoken. He is the truth.

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You think that's funny, but I happen to know someone who is collecting unemployment and working under the table getting paid cash in a restaurant. It happens all the time. I also know someone who is collecting SSI and is capable of working. I know someone else who could take a job as a Big Y Cashier and get off unemployment benmefits, but feels it is beneath him to work in a grocery store, since he was working as a Cook before.

I am just one person, yet I can personally identify many, many perople who are receiving from the Gov. in some way, yet don't really need to. If I know that many people who are scamming the system to get something for nothing, then there are alot more out there doing it.

You sure know a lot of dubious people. I have a lot of acquaintances, and I couldn’t say that I know of that many that are cheating in those ways. I wonder if my friends are just less deceitful, I am less nosey, or you are more judgmental? I’m sure the answer is in there somewhere...

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You think that's funny, but I happen to know someone who is collecting unemployment and working under the table getting paid cash in a restaurant. It happens all the time. I also know someone who is collecting SSI and is capable of working. I know someone else who could take a job as a Big Y Cashier and get off unemployment benmefits, but feels it is beneath him to work in a grocery store, since he was working as a Cook before.

I am just one person, yet I can personally identify many, many perople who are receiving from the Gov. in some way, yet don't really need to. If I know that many people who are scamming the system to get something for nothing, then there are alot more out there doing it.

Then why don't you report all these people to the proper authorities and offer your clear evidence of what they are doing? Isn't that your civic duty?

Unless you are the doctor of the person getting SSI, I don't see how you could possibly know whether that person is disabled enough not to be able to work or not. Not all disabilities are visible.

All working people pay into unemployment so it is a benefit that they pay for. As for the extensions - well we have a very unique economic situation with the current recession - and I support the extensions. People pay taxes on unemployment and use the money to buy things and pay their bills.

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I do not know one person who is cheating the government (actually cheating me because I pay taxes), not one person. And I have to tell you that I know a lot of people.

One of my projects is a women's league that raises money for charity. We come in contact with people who need help all the time. We research thoroughly the organizations and people that we help. Over 20 years I have only known one organization that asked for funding from us that was not worthy.

That group refused to go by government guidelines because they didn't want "big brother" breathing down their necks. In other words, they did not want to have to have any oversight over their organization. You can't help but wonder why. So we visited their facility. They were way understaffed, marginally clean and offered nutritionally inferior meals. They are the only ones I've come across that weren't doing good and they weren't even taking money from any government program.

And I have a neice who worked for WIC for several years. She counseled young mothers on nutrition and breastfeeding. Some of them were comletely ignorant about both of those things and yet they were bringing babies into the world. You can't tell me that that wasn't a worthwhile thing for WIC to be doing for the small community there and for the good of the future of the United States in the broader view.

I can't help it, patty, I feel sorry for you.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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