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Considering a LapBand. Would you do it over again?

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Hello everyone.

I'm new to this forum and looking for some answers from people who have undergone LAP-BAND® surgery. After struggling with being overwieght my whole life, I am considering LAP-BAND® surgery. I did some reading online and read so many contradicting and scary statements...I wanted to seek out your advice.

1. Would you do it over again?

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done?

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? )

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda?

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly?

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers?

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery?

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers?

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever?

10. Post op diet consisted of?

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area?

I know this is a lot of questions and I want to TYIA for all your help and support.

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I would absolutely do it over again. I had it done just under a year and a half ago. It has been the best thing I've ever done for myself.

Feeling normal? I was back to work within 3-4 days and feeling fine.

Foods I can't eat. Pretty much just the foods I shouldn't eat. bread and rice stick something terrible. As long as I chew appropriately, I've had no problems with fruit or vegetables. I've heard popcorn too, but haven't had any problem with it and still have some when I go to the movies. Luckily, I don't go very often.

Giving up coffee and soda? I gave up soda. The carbonation and the artificial sweeteners aren't good. I did not give up caffeine entirely though. I was never a coffee drinker, but love my iced tea and continue to have 1 a day.

Heartburn & reflux? I had terrible troubles with reflux before the surgery. I have had no problems since. YMMV.

Not telling people. I told very few. Now that it's worked, I've become more open about it, but it took me a while.

Not losing weight immediately. Your body has gone through a shock. It takes time for you to recover. The hardest time is when you're feeling better, but have no saline in the band so no real restriction. It's not unusual to gain weight after surgery, but once you get the right restriction it gets going.

Type of band? Not a clue. Whatever my surgeon liked.

No liquids with meals. Not if you want it to work. It's not that hard to get used to.

Post op diet? A couple of weeks of liquids, a couple of weeks of mushies, and then slowly adding in real food. Now I eat whatever I darn well please - except those breads & pastas (ow).

Doctor? Sorry, can't help there.

Do you homework, and make the right decision for you. LAP-BAND® may or may not be it. For me - it most definitely was!

Good luck!

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Thanks Karen! Your post helped me out! :rolleyes2:

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I lost 110 pounds in the first 12 months. I was assualted at work and had to have my band readjusted and I have had a really hard year and I have put on 30kg. BUt that is from my own doing, self sabotage. The band is literally a tool to support you. You still have to put the work in BUT it is sooo worth it. I have a long way to go over 200 pounds and it helps to know I have my friend with me. Now I am in the right head space my band and I can work better together. I wouldnt give this up for anything in the world. I have a hard time with different foods but the foods you miss is stupid in comparison to the health benefits, the not just existing but living feeling that losing all the weight gives you!!

good luck with your decision

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I'm just shy of 3 weeks post op so I can't help you out with a lot of this but I can tell you there are already times when I forget I've had it done. I just feel like me. I've only had 1 bad episode of heartburn, about 2:00 a.m. New Years morning after I'd had Snacks I shouldn't have as well as sparkling grape juice...so, no more carbonation for me (luckily I've never been a big soda girl so that won't be too hard). I'm struggling with the liquids with meals issue but it IS getting better every day so I figure in a month I won't even think twice about it. I was on liquids (protein shakes) for 2 weeks pre-op then Clear Liquids 24 hours pre-op and 24 hours post-op followed by 2 weeks of full liquids, 2 weeks of soft/mushies, then another month of being cautious (no lettuce, peels, etc, most of the things you mentioned above). Weight loss post op varies a lot. The first week it melted off, then my appetite came back (damn the luck), I've continued 2-3 pounds a week but it's not as easy as I'd like it to be and I'm anxiously awaiting my first fill. I've had no complications at all an would do it again in a heart beat simply because it makes me more aware of what I'm eating...so, even if I don't drop 100 pounds this year I'm fairly certain I'll at least continue a gradual decline....definitely worth it! Good luck with your decision!!

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Would do it over again in an heartbeat!!!!

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1. Would you do it over again?


2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done?

I felt pretty normal about 2 weeks out physically, I was not quite myself emotionally for about 6 weeks. The first few months I thought about the band constantly. Now I "forget" about my band all the time, I have to remind myself I have it at every meal.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? )

I have not found any thing that I absolutely cannot eat, but now that my portions are so small, I find my self not wanting some stuff, like if I eat a hamburger I tear the bun off as I go because I want to fill up on meat, not bread.

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda?

You have to follow your docs rules on this one, I gave up coffee for several months, now I have a few cups a week. I rarely miss soda, I do occasionally let a diet sprite sit open over night and let it go complete flat and then mix it with diet ocean spray cranberry juice (Yummy).

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly?

I had very bad reflux pre-op, and immediately post-op, now the ONLY time I get heartburn is if I eat too much too fast. And it is no where near as bad as it used to be.

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers?

I was selective about who I told. No one reacted the way I thought they would, people I thought would understand didn't, and others I thought would judge me turned out to be some of my greatest supporters! I told all of my coworkers, my husband, daughter, mom and sisters, no one else, none of my in laws :). I just now started telling more people. It really is your choice on who you do and don't tell.

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery?

I did lose right after surgery. It all depends on how tight your band is. When you have no Fluid in your band you can pretty much eat like you don't have a band at all, you have to keep up with fills to keep losing weight.

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers?

I have the Lap-band, my doc told me to pick what I wanted, the both had pros and cons.

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever?

Turns out, I really don't miss this either. Pre op I though "oh crap this one will be really hard" but its really not.

10. Post op diet consisted of?

Everyone's doc had different rules, but mine was clear liquids, full liquids, mushies, then regular, that time is over really fast. Just stick to the rules for the few days/weeks let your body heal and you will be back to normal foods in no time at all.

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area?

No, sorry :rolleyes2:

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1. Would you do it over again? Right now, in a heartbeat

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done? about 2 weeks, I forget I have had surgery until I eat. If you can forget you are banded after you begin getting fills, it is time for another fill.:rolleyes2: I keep my band loose enough that I eat basically what I want, just less of it.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? ) meat that is dry and I haven't tried lettuce

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda? I have not had a soda in 18 months, but I do drink coffee, because my surgeon said not to drink it because it causes hunger. It has never caused me to feel hungry, so I drink it.

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly? Nope, only if I eat too late

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers? I might could have, but if you tell even 1 person, others will find out. I do not keep my band a secret.

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery? I think many do not, but I did lose. I put the amount of food I was supposed to eat in a 4 oz container and ate only that. I chewed slowly and carefully and by the time I finished I realized I was satisfied.

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers? Lapband and I am not sure how different they are but the Realize band is shaped differently. Check out alex's thread about it.

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever? Not even once, unless you consider a small amount of skim milk in my Cereal.< /span>

10. Post op diet consisted of? Clear liquids 5 days, full liquids for 2 and then I was allowed to move to mushies on day 8

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area? Nope, sorry, can't help you there.

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1. Would you do it over again?

Yes! In a minute! It's the best thing I've ever done for myself!

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again?

It took me about 2 weeks to feel good again. It all depends. Some people feel great right after surgery, I think I had a harder time adjusting emotionally. Once I got past the liquids phase, it was much easier.

Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done?

Sometimes, when I am really hungry and eat too fast. Then the band reminds me that I have to slow down.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op?

I have trouble with bread and french fries. I can eat a piece of bread sometimes if I wait until I have eaten the rest of my food. But I can not eat sandwiches. I don't have a problem with fruit skins if I chew really well. I can eat Pasta as long as it's the really thin kind. I eat popcorn all the time with no trouble.

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda?

All doctors are different, but mine said no carbonation for the first year. I never was much of a soda drinker, so it wasn't that hard for me. I drink flavored bottled Water now. My doctor said coffee was ok in moderation. I do drink a cup most mornings. I drink Decaf tea a lot also.

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly?

No, I have never had heartburn since getting the band.

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers?

Yes, you can have it and not tell many people. I only told my immediate family. I told none of my coworkers. Everyone was always on some type of diet anyway, so no one even suspected I had surgery. They just thought I lost weight on a diet. To this day, they still don't know.

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery?

I did lose weight immediately after surgery. I have found the closer I get to goal, the harder it is to come off.

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers?

I have the lap band. I just went with it since it had been around longer. I don't think it makes much of a difference.

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever?

No, never. It's really not hard once you get used to it. Some people can drink with meals, but I tried once and got very sick. So I wait about an hour after I eat before I drink. The hardest part about this is convincing everyone else that I really don't want anything to drink with my meal. I will order Water at restaurants, just so no one notices.

10. Post op diet consisted of?

I had to do one week Clear Liquids, one week any type of liquid, one week soft food, and then on to regular food. All doctors are different, but I think most people can't eat anything solid for about a month. That was the hardest part for me. But I think that's what keeps me motivated! I just think "I didn't go a whole month without solid food for nothing!"

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area? No, sorry.

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Great questions! :smile2:

1. Would you do it over again? Absolutely. I've lost 105 lbs since June '09, I am very happy with my results so far.

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done? I was back at work a week after surgery, took another week or so to feel 'normal' again. I generally forget about the surgery except mealtimes.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? ) I can't eat potato skins (didn't even think about it, went to Applebees and got the steamed potatoes w/dinner, and, well, lesson learned. Guess even at mealtimes you can forget about the surgery!)

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda? You will want to check with your surgeon on that one. I wasn't much of a soda drinker, but I do love my coffee, and drink it regularly now.

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly? I'm fortunate in that I have never had any problem with this.

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers? I'm sure you can, but I'm also sure they'll all be asking how you're losing the weight. I told everyone, and they are supportive. i don't have to explain why I can't eat this or that, or the portion size, they understand and even ask questions about the surgery so I get to educate people about it as well.

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery? I started losing weight right away, but everyone is different and everyone's body reacts a little differently to the surgery. You need time to recover and adjust, and that can take a little time.

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers? I have a Lap-Band, you and your surgeon should decide which is best for you.

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever? That's a tough one for me, I try really hard but sometimes I do have Water closer to meals than I should.

10. Post op diet consisted of? Clear liquids til I got home from the hospital, full liquids for a week, then mushies until the surgeon said I could have pretty much anything. I haven't tried Pasta or rice or popcorn, but I probably will eventually.

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area? I'm no help there, but good luck finding the right surgeon, and best wishes on your weight loss journey.

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1. Would you do it over again? Absolutely. The band has changed my life in countless positive ways, and the things about it that I thought would be hard have not been a big deal at all.

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done?

This is a really interesting question. For me, I was only obese for 6 or so years. So, it's only been since I lost about 30-50 pounds (and beyond) that I felt like had rediscovered my "normal" self once again. It has been the best feeling in the world.

No, I don't think you ever forget completely that you were banded because it forces you to think out your food choices. That said, I no longer stress when going to a restaurant or to dinner at someone's house. I know how to eat without getting stuck, what to order, etc.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? )

I can eat all of the above, but the type of bread that gets soft and Gummy when you eat it is totally out of the question. Toast or the crust of a hard roll is fine though.

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda? Doctors' instructions vary on this. I still drink coffee every day, but I did give up diet soda and sparkling Water. I do still have sparkling wine on occasion, and it's never been a problem.

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly?


6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers?

Hell yes. It's harder at the very beginning if you have to eat with people . . but if you have your surgery in winter, you can just have Soup all of the time when you are post-op. I was VERY selective about who I told (and am glad about that in retrospect) and I eat normally enough that people don't tend to question it. I've posted about this a bunch on my blog -- feel free to check it out (link below).

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery?

You have to go through a "healing" phase before your doctor will fill you to good restriction. During that time, your band is (generally) wide open and you can eat as you did before. Many people gain during this phase -- it's called "Bandster Hell" for that reason. But, the weight comes right off soon enough.

As for me, I put on about 5 pounds during Bandster Hell. Cut to today, and I'm less than 10 pounds from goal, wearing a size 10. So, don't stress about it!

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers?

I have an Inamed 5 cc band and my sweet spot (which has remained good for me through the past 9 months) is 2.85 ccs. I don't know about differences between mfrs.

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever?

Whatever -- this is the one bandster rule that I've never been able to follow. I probably would have lost faster if I did, but I'm OK with my rate of loss.

10. Post op diet consisted of?

2 weeks of full liquids, 2 weeks of mushies, then regular food. (Posts about this at the beginning of my blog.) It was like heaven to be on full liquids after my 3-day clear liquid pre-op diet! There are plenty of good things to eat during this time, and it wasn't very hard at all. Just required a few advance calls to restaurants when I had plans to eat out!

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area?

No, sorry!

Best wishes to you! This has been an incredible solution for me, and I hope that you find the right solution for yourself!

All the best,


Edited by Catherine55
Misread "post op" as "pre op" and wanted to change my answer.

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I'm finding out my surgery date tomorrow and I have done a lot of research on my Doctor and he's great, I live in Ventura County so if you are interested let me know :smile2:

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Hello everyone.

I'm new to this forum and looking for some answers from people who have undergone LAP-BAND®® surgery. After struggling with being overwieght my whole life, I am considering LAP-BAND®® surgery. I did some reading online and read so many contradicting and scary statements...I wanted to seek out your advice.

1. Would you do it over again? No, I'd get Gastric SLEEVE instead.

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? For me 2 days...and then I was hiking again.

Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done? Hell no... the band reminds me everytime I eat something.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? ) I can eat popcorn and some veggies cooked WELL but yup the other things you mention get stuck

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda? I drink coffee o.k., but SODA is a definete NO=NO... I don't normally miss it either anymore. However, when I want a RUM and COKE... I take a diet coke, microwave it, stir it until all bubbles are out and then put ICE in my 'cocktail'.

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly? Only when my BAND is too tight

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers? Absolutely, now family are the only ones that'll say " hey, are you dieting again, you didn't eat much?"

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery? Sometimes you do, especially if you are sticking to the full liquids for a while after. Now , your not losing its no biggy cause you need to wait until you have a few fills before you are restrickted... then you'll lose no problem

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers? I have an French Mid-band, holds 10cc's. Some bands hold only 4 cc's. It just means that you will get bigger fills to start off with, then tiny adjustments thereafter until you reach your sweet spot.

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever? CORRECT. this is a very important bandster rule. You must wait until your band has started to empty before comsuming liquids... I wait 30 mins. some folks wait 45 mins before drinking. You get used to it... Plus, I drink all the way up to meal time then quit.

10. Post op diet consisted of? Clear Liquids x 3 days, Full liquids x 3 days, mushies for x3 days. then solids.

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area?

I know this is a lot of questions and I want to TYIA for all your help and support.

No worries Mate, the more info you have the better decision that you will make.:smile2:

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1. Would you do it over again? The quick answer is YES! But there have been moments where I wondered. I have a lot of emotional attachment to food that has been hard to get over and the band doesn't help with that until your fills start to kick in and really help with the "full" feeling. So bandster Hell is real and for some lasts longer than others.

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done? I went back to work within 5 days but I would say it was two weeks or better before I felt normal. I can't remember how long it lasted but I really felt like I could feel the band in there. It was strange but it gets better. I used to forget all the time but now that I am a little more serious about "working the band" I think about it more often.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? ) I have a hard time with potatoes...just the white ones not sweet. They just feel really hard to swallow. I suppose that is the "stuck" feeling. But Popcorn is fine and I haven't found any fruits or veggies I can't eat.

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda? The carbonation from soda can mess with your new little stomach so I would say yes on this plus you are trying to get healthier and even Diet soda does nothing good for your body :smile2: That said I drink coffee every morning with a healthy does of FF French vanilla Creamer! lol I gotta have the coffee!

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly? I have never had any trouble at all with this.

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers? I only told my husband and one close friend. It was very tough at times because I am a very open person and very close to my family but I am SO glad I went this route. Then when I was stalled in Bandster hell! I didn't have to face any questions from people about why I wasn't losing. It was hard enough without that.

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery? I want to say the 1st week after I didn't lose but then I think the next 20lbs came off fast. Everybody's bodies are different. Some people lose fast all the time, some lose slow all the time and some go in spurts. It really just depends on your body and your ability to follow the guidelines.

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers? I have a lapband. The one that holds 10cc and I am currently at 6.8

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever? I sometimes sip a couple of sips but really if you are keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day, not drinking at mealtimes won't be too hard.

10. Post op diet consisted of? Are you asking for specifics? There are quite a few threads with ideas but a lot of thin Soups until you slowly move into more solid foods. Some people really struggle during this but some like me have no problem with being on a liquid diet.

11. Anyone have a doctor they can recommend in the LA, Ventura area? No sorry...good luck on your search and I hope we are all helpful! It is a big choice to make.


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1. Would you do it over again?

No. I have had 2 slips and reflux issues. I have had it for 32 months but it will be removed next month. At that time I will get gastric sleeve.

2. How long post-op until you feel normal again? Do you ever "forget" you had the surgery done? I was back at work 3 days later. Desk job.

3. Are there any foods you CAN'T eat post-op? )I heard veggie and fruit skins, pastas, popcorn? ) For some reason milk didn't sit well with me. Now that my band is unfilled I have no problem with it.

4. Do I need to give up coffee and soda? Forget soda. coffee is fine.

5. Do you deal with heartburn or reflux regularly? YES!

6. Can you have this surgery and NOT tell your whole family, friends, and co-workers? I find it too hard to remember who you told and who you didn't. Once 2 or 3 people know EVERYONE knows.

7. How is it you DONT lose weight immediately after surgery? Because you have no restriction until they fill if a few months later.

8. What type of band do you have and are there any differences in the manufacturers? I have Vanguard

9. No liquids with meals, whatsoever? Nope.

Good luck. It may work very well for you. There sure are a lot of success stories out there. Spend a lot of time in the complications section.

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