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So I'm trying to make a decision regarding lap banding.

I have previously lost significant weight on other diets. However - I have never kept it off.

In fact I gain it back and then some.

I now have a skin condition that makes exercise very difficult and I am a coeliac (wheat, gluten intolerant) which makes some diets difficult.

I have basically ignored my weight for the last several years and I am now tipping the scales at around 108 kg which is too high for my 170 cm frame.

My motivation this time is that I have two small sons and I not only want to be around for them - I also want to be an active part of their lives. Previously my weight has always been a cosmetic concern.

My doctor has suggested lap banding.

I am scared, embarrassed that it has come to this and worried how I will cope with two active children during recovery.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences that would help alleviate some of my fears?:lol:

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So I'm trying to make a decision regarding lap banding.

I have previously lost significant weight on other diets. However - I have never kept it off.

In fact I gain it back and then some.

I now have a skin condition that makes exercise very difficult and I am a coeliac (wheat, gluten intolerant) which makes some diets difficult.

I have basically ignored my weight for the last several years and I am now tipping the scales at around 108 kg which is too high for my 170 cm frame.

My motivation this time is that I have two small sons and I not only want to be around for them - I also want to be an active part of their lives. Previously my weight has always been a cosmetic concern.

My doctor has suggested lap banding.

I am scared, embarrassed that it has come to this and worried how I will cope with two active children during recovery.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences that would help alleviate some of my fears?:lol:

All of your concerns and fears are normal. Although my children are not young anymore, I am a mom of a son who was born with Down Syndrome. I will tell you that this is probably the best thing that I have done in my life. I also had open heart surgery in 2001 for an aortic aneurysm and valve repair. I will need to have it done again in a few years because the first time around they used a pigs valve and thie next time I'm getting a mechanical so it will last for the rest of my life.

As for your children you will probably need help with them for a few days. After that you will be amazed at how you are able to keep up with them after the weight starts coming off. I have read and heard many of stories where parents are so excited that they are able to keep up with their children after the surgery.

I had my surgery on Oct. 23, 2009 which was a Friday. I went back to work on a Tuesday.

In my opinion I would suggest reading as much as you can and read the book Weightloss Surgery for Dummies. It gives you alot of information. Ask alot of questions on here. After that you can make your determination. I will tell you that this surgery is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I to tried many diets and lost the weight only to have it come back again. Since my surgery I am down 41lbs and feel awesome. I won't lie to you. You can gain it back if you don't follow the program. This is not a get thin quick thing. It is a life style change and it does take work. It's just alot easier to keep it off in the long run.

I wish you much luck and I hope that my information has helped you in your journey.

Happy New Year.

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Hi there,

I just had my lapband done 2 weeks ago...

I was embarrassed as well at first. I went to the seminar with my specialist and cried for an hour in the car before it started. I also cried at my initial appointment.

The important thing is that you do it because it is what you want. It is a lifestyle change and a good tool to help in weight loss but you do have to work with it.

As for recovery, you will need help with your kids for the first week or two as you will be a bit tender. Also you won't be able to lift them up for the first month otherwise your band may slip from its position so you will need help with stuff like that and also carrying washing baskets etc.

am two weeks past my surgery now and I'm fine to play with and look after my 4 year old son, but just can't pick him up incase my band slips. It will be fully healed in place in another two weeks and I will be fine to pick him up then.

I hope that helps a bit.

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So I'm trying to make a decision regarding lap banding.

I have previously lost significant weight on other diets. However - I have never kept it off.

In fact I gain it back and then some.

I now have a skin condition that makes exercise very difficult and I am a coeliac (wheat, gluten intolerant) which makes some diets difficult.

I have basically ignored my weight for the last several years and I am now tipping the scales at around 108 kg which is too high for my 170 cm frame.

My motivation this time is that I have two small sons and I not only want to be around for them - I also want to be an active part of their lives. Previously my weight has always been a cosmetic concern.

My doctor has suggested lap banding.

I am scared, embarrassed that it has come to this and worried how I will cope with two active children during recovery.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences that would help alleviate some of my fears?:lol:

I also had taken off weight before, but I had never been able to keep it off for any time at all. The lapband has helped me take weight off and keep it stabilized even during my two plateaus. Believe me, previously, I would have started gaining prior to banding. As far as your active children, how old are they? If you still need to pick them up, you will need help for around 3 weeks or so after surgery.

If your PCP suggested surgery, then they probably feel you are healthy enough to undergo the surgery and that you will benefit from it.Continue to look through this website and read up as much as you can about the surgery. Attend at least one seminar so you can ask any questions you have and if they aren't answered satisfactorially, then attend a seminar with a different surgeon.

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So I'm trying to make a decision regarding lap banding.

I have previously lost significant weight on other diets. However - I have never kept it off.

In fact I gain it back and then some.

I now have a skin condition that makes exercise very difficult and I am a coeliac (wheat, gluten intolerant) which makes some diets difficult.

I have basically ignored my weight for the last several years and I am now tipping the scales at around 108 kg which is too high for my 170 cm frame.

My motivation this time is that I have two small sons and I not only want to be around for them - I also want to be an active part of their lives. Previously my weight has always been a cosmetic concern.

My doctor has suggested lap banding.

I am scared, embarrassed that it has come to this and worried how I will cope with two active children during recovery.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences that would help alleviate some of my fears?:lol:

I just had lap band surgery on Monday, and I did not think about how it would impact my life as a single mom. It has been a struggle, but we are making it! I am hoping that I begin to feel better over the next couple of days.

I have been depressed, and have had no energy, but I do not want my son to know that; so I am putting on a happy face. I know this is not forever, and things will get easier.

I want to be alive and active for my son as he grows older. With this surgery, it will be possible! Hang in there. You will always have fears, but you need to do what you feel in your heart!

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thanks everyone!

I'm still very nervous and I'm not sure how I can cope not picking my kids up for 4 weeks!

I'm still embarrassed - do most people keep it to themselves that they've had this surgery?

I've only told my mum that I'm considering it - and she hasn't mentioned it since - don't think she is all that thrilled with the idea.


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As far as telling people about being banded, I honestly chose to keep it somewhat private. I have had people tell me that I did not need it (35 BMI with multiple co-morbids). I carry my weight well but am in bad shape (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholestrol, etc.). People come at you with their opinions. The people that mattered understood and supported me. Its a decision you have to make for yourself. I thank God I had the love and support of my family. I had my surgery Monday and feel its been the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. I want to be around a lot longer and live a healthier life.

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thanks everyone!

I'm still very nervous and I'm not sure how I can cope not picking my kids up for 4 weeks!

I'm still embarrassed - do most people keep it to themselves that they've had this surgery?

I've only told my mum that I'm considering it - and she hasn't mentioned it since - don't think she is all that thrilled with the idea.


You are doing this for yourself. Not for anybody else and you should not let what anybody but you thinks matter when it comes to your health and well being!

Repeat after me, "Screw them all, this is for me!!"

That being said, keep reading and asking questions. Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.

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Something to mention to you about the gluten intolerance. My Mom has it as well and has had for many years so it is something I am very familiar with. I did not inherit that but did however, inherit a horrible skin condition for which I was on oral steroids for three straight years so you can imagine what it did to my weight. Anyway, what I wanted to get at was the band will be very gluten free friendly since it is designed for few to no carbs. This would fit well into your eating plans.

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So many great words of wisdom posted already, yet i will proceed and offer my opinion & experience.

Firstly, this site is great, and people are very supportive. We are here because we have made a decision to avail ourselves of this tool. I too have fought weight since i was a teenager (now 49). I decided I wanted to change my lifestyle and diet until i am 50 - then I am what I am. This LapBand has been great -but it is just a tool. Just as you do can not stop smoking unless YOU want to, I believe the same is true about weight loss. YOU have to want to drop the weight. This is nota magical thing, it is a tool to assist.

And, when you have it, dont ignore the signs. I have just wasted 3 months by not going back to my dr. September i had a fill, too much of a fill. I spent a month thinking that it would adjust / come-right. It did not, but for all sorts of reasone, i did not go back until December, when the doctor removed .3 of a cc. Only then could i actually eat the proper food.Due to it hurting me, i had migrated to eating all the wrong things (mashed potato etc). LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.

Lastly Since I paid for the procedure, I only informed a few close friends .. typically those I might shae mealtimes with. I just informed the rest that i was dieting, had stopped fizzy drinks (no beer, soda anymoe). It has got nothing to do with them.

Good luck to you. Do what is right for YOU. and remember, this is a tool, not a magic spell. it will change what/how you eat.

Happy 2010 to all,


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Hi I had fought with myself for over a year to be banded or not banded. I study about it threw the internet talked to several people that had it and decided exactly one year later in january of 2009 I was going to go threw with it because whatever diet I would go on I would loose wieght but then gain it all back and more. So after I got all my stuff done I had the band done in september of 2009 and I have never felt better. food don't control me anymore and I exercise and have all kinds of energy instead of laying around don't get me wrong I have my days where everything looks good and could eat everything in the house or miss certain foods but i always work my way through it Needless to say I have done well before the band I was 349 and now I wiegh 279 I have not be under 300 lbs since I was 2 LOL!! at least that it is how it feels. So All who is interested in this it is not an easy process you still have to work at it but for me I am proud that I have made the decision and all my family and freinds are behind me 100% .

Edited by tendervitals

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I am vegetarian AND do not tolerate gluten, whey or lactose - so you can imagine how daunting this whole thing was for me!! But I have never been healthier and never had a better diet in my life - and I am 100% satisfied with what I eat.

Mandatory nutrition counseling was a part of my bariatric program, as it should be for everyone. I spend at least an hour a month with my nutritionist, which is a lot more than most folks have to, but I need her, and she totally gets it! She has suggested many new foods and combinations. Hidden gluten was causing my skin condition (boils, blistering, peeling, redness cracking etc) and it is almost 100% cleared up now - I have little minor flare-ups once every 6 weeks or so, but nothing like the full-time misery I had before. Believe me, the band is 100% friendly to a gluten-free diet! I could not eat bread even if I wanted to (yes, I have tried, more than once!) but potatoes are no problem. I am on modified carbs - almost 100% from fresh fruits and vegies - and I manage to net between 40 and 60 grams a day. I also easily get at least 60 grams of Protein a day, and that's no Protein shakes cause I can't tolerate whey. I do use a lot of soy milk (soy slender to be exact) and sometimes a soy Protein powder, but rarely - extra Protein is stored as fat just like extra carbs would be.

Actually, having a restricted diet sort of helps explain why you are eating funny if you don't want folks to know about your band. I told only those I had to before, but when you lose 1/2 your body weight in a year, people are going to notice! I am now a walking billboard for the lap-band and for the healthy lifestyle that goes with it. No one can argue my results!

You are the perfect candidate. the lose/regain cycle is common to almost all bandsters. Look at this as a weight maintenance surgery: you have to lose weight to get your band, then as you lose each 10 lbs more, they tighten it up to "lock in" your loss. It's the perfect tool!

Best of luck ~ Riley :biggrin:

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Hi I had fought with myself for over a year to be banded or not banded. I study about it threw the internet talked to several people that had it and decided exactly one year later in january of 2009 I was going to go threw with it because whatever diet I would go on I would loose wieght but then gain it all back and more. So after I got all my stuff done I had the band done in september of 2009 and I have never felt better. food don't control me anymore and I exercise and have all kinds of energy instead of laying around don't get me wrong I have my days where everything looks good and could eat everything in the house or miss certain foods but i always work my way through it Needless to say I have done well before the band I was 349 and now I wiegh 279 I have not be under 300 lbs since I was 2 LOL!! at least that it is how it feels. So All who is interested in this it is not an easy process you still have to work at it but for me I am proud that I have made the decision and all my family and freinds are behind me 100% .

Fantastic! Congratulations - great testimonial! Here's to a great 2010! :biggrin:

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Go for it.. I got it done on 10/28.. I'm very happy, satisfied and glad I did it.. I lost 32 lbs. I will be joining a gym on Monday. My highest weight was at 304. Today I weigh, 268.. (smile) Now, I must do the rest.. The LAP-BAND® gave me a jump start. Go for it honey!!!


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thanks I think 2010 is going to be a pretty good year I hope everyone meets thier goals and feels good about them selves Happy New year..

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