StephanieF 1 Posted December 27, 2009 Hello all. I've reached a point 3.5 years into my journey at my goal weight and a size 6 where I am what people call a pretty picture, but the misery that lurks beneath is ruining my life. Basically, I keep a tight band, because I cannot do the regular gym routine, and there is no way on earth I will gain back any of this weight. That being said, I can eat, I just can't eat things like veggies, fruit or anything with too much Fiber. All my Vitamin levels are good, blood sugar, thyroid, hormones, everything normal. So, I started having Constipation pretty much right after surgery. Surgeon said to take a suppository every day if I needed. So, guess what happened? I became dependant. Throughout the course of that and as the weight loss progressed it got worse. It got to the point where now I had to do the warm Water enemas. I started seeking care from a colorectal doc about a year ago. I had the MRI defecografy, a CT scan and a colonoscopy. MRI showed weak pelvic floor, CT scan showed nothing and colonoscopy showed nothing. I was diagnosed with IBS with constipation. So, in addition to having IBS, I can't even get the stuff out of me due to these muscle issues. I have to take 3 Dulcolax oral pills every night, one Colase morning and night, and all that does is put me in a state of constant anxiety. My docs have me on pain meds which I try not to take since they cause further constipation. I have been given every prescription medication there is including Amitiza, but it didn't work. My life revolves around the pain, and bloating, and stress of knowing when I go out or have something social to do that I'm going to feel like crap, so I spend the hours before trying to get relief by getting it out of me. I'm to the point now where even creamed spinach is my demise. I can't eat steak or chicken, and my diet consists of pretty much mashed potatoes, yellow rice and any sort of fried fish. My dumbass PCP says, oh, metamucil at night and fiber. considering I really can't tolerate too much Fluid intake, that was a disaster, and no one said you must drink crazy amounts of fluid or you will end up in a tormented hell, that is what happened. Started with the Fiber One Cereal, almost ended up in the emergency room. Now it's to the point where if I go out to eat, the moment I stand up and walk a block I'm in crippling pain. Of course my surgeon insists it has nothing to do with the band, and I understand that band itself is working fine, but this is the result of his recommendation that I take suppositories daily at a point where I could still eat, and a band which allows me little food. I can only really eat standing up also. I started taking peppermint oil capsules a few days ago. It has stopped the pain, but now I feel so bloated and so uncomfortable. Maybe I always did, but the pain was more prevalent. I spend hours of my life on the toilet, and after eating out my night is ruined. My ex-boyfriend was so ridiculously understanding and cool and didn't care if I disappeared to do what I needed to do. But he's my ex now, and the thought of having to deal with this with a new guy, with whom there are many opportunities, is giving me crazy anxiety. Xanax isn't helping. I would sooner not go out to eat than have to attempt to fake being in pain. I have tried the magnesium, can't eat a prune if I want to live to tell the tell, the senna-based stuff doesn't do much. Fiber is my enemy. I used to be happy with a handful of Froot Loops for Breakfast until they decided to add fiber. Miralax, I could have died for the three days I was waiting for it to work. I have seen every doctor under the sun. Biofeedback physical therapy was recommended, but it's only half the problem. So, tight bandster who can't eat or drink much of anything, I really need tips or suggestions on what to eat that will be beneficial to me. So, here I am. I can't be the only person who is going through this, since I know a lot of bandsters who choose the tight band approach. Please, I am seeking tips/suggestions from seasoned bandsters with some experience on the topic, and I am not looking to be judged or lectured on my choices. I need help. I am not going to be loosened to any point where I can start eating all this stuff again and gain the weight back, and I couldn't anyway now that I have IBS, all the "good" stuff would give me so much gas and bloating I would die. I am desperate at this point, and I really don't know what to do. I feel very alone, and I actually cancelled a date tonight because I didn't want to deal with it. Thank you in advance for reading, and I look forward to any constructive feedback. 1 jadeink reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaciqltz 0 Posted December 27, 2009 I have the same issue..I used to be a regular 8:45am girl..then came the lapband...if I do not drink "smooth move" tea every day, and take 6 spoons of benefiber in my shakes, I NEVER have a BM my own any more! It really sucks too..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fae 0 Posted December 27, 2009 I'm sorry to hear what your going through. I had a very similar problem. However, the only thing I found that worked was raisins. At least 3oz of them a day. I tried a lot of the same alternative methods to Constipation you tried. But really, when it comes right down to it, your body can't exist without Fiber. Natural fiber, not something from a pill ether. If you don't have bowel movements, your in for a world of pain, as you have experienced first hand. You really have to find someway to get fiber into your system or you will have to live with how you are now. That can't possibly be a healthy thing, long term ether. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FabBy50 0 Posted December 27, 2009 I have battled Constipation for as long as I can remember but since the band it is worse, way worse. I have tried everything under the sun too. My Dr reccomends taking fiber, that does nothing for me. I wish I had a magic bullet for you. Good luck and maybe someone will give all of us a good remedy! Good luck, Bernadette Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StephanieF 1 Posted December 27, 2009 Okay, well, I got some raisins and ate a bunch...I'll hope for the best, although sometimes stuff with skin is even more torturous, but I won't hold ya to it...I'll try anything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soocalchic 1,087 Posted December 27, 2009 Hi guys i know too well about the Constipation thing i dealt with it prior to banding what always works for me is a green smoothie i have them on an empty stomach 1 16oz once a day keeps me regular. I make them with fresh squeezed orange and grapefruit juice and add spinach and whatever sweet fruit to make it palatable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FabBy50 0 Posted December 27, 2009 The smoothie thing sounds good but too much trouble for me. And the raisens they don't work for me either, I have eaten pounds of cherries at a time and nothing, my husband is always amazed at how irregular Iam!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StephanieF 1 Posted December 27, 2009 If only I could tolerate the acid from fruit, I would be able to eat it. The words grapefruit and orange juice is giving me heartburn just reading it. :smile: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted December 27, 2009 Really, without lectures, the answer is staring you in the face. For your own bowel health and every day comfort, you have to eat right and you have to exercise. There's no way round it. You cant overcome a basically bad diet without fibre supplements and such and you cannot live the rest of your life having it ruined by consitipation caused by having yoru band so tight. Sooner or later, you are going to have to learn to eat right, get in enough Water and enough exercise to cause your bowels to work like they should. Dont you see how insane what you're saying sounds? How on earth could you say you've been liberated from obesity when in reality, you've only swapped one set of miserable circumstances for another? This is not "health" and its not "normal life". This is an eating disorder in every sense of the word. I read your other post and truly, I think you've lost perspective and need some help to get it back. Being thin is not worth living with painful Constipation and avoiding any normal sort of food intake forever. Your band cant do it all, you simply have to take some of the responsiblity for self control. Let some Fluid out of your band and include some healthy foods. Your bowel is only the one issue you can see and feel. What on earth do you think is going on in your body as a result of semi-starvation that might come back to bite you in the future? I really am not lecturing you. We are all sick with this disease to varying degrees and your take on controlling it is completely and utterly understandable. But you are truly risking your long term wellbeing and you are certainly greatly increasing the chances of having band problems by remaining so tight. 1 elcee reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aubrie 6 Posted December 28, 2009 Just a word of caution. I've known several people now that have had fiber free diets, chronic Constipation etc., and all ended up with colitis or worse, colon cancer. Don't do that to yourself. You could have fissures in your colon and end up with septic bowels and abdomen. Sit down, be HONEST with yourself and think about what you're doing. Like Jachut said, the obvious answer is RIGHT THERE..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StephanieF 1 Posted December 28, 2009 That's not MY answer though. And I've had every test under the sun done, CT, MRI, colonoscopies..that's one healthy colon they all say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kagead 0 Posted December 28, 2009 This might sound weird, but would you be open to acupuncture and/or acupressure? I have a good friend who has IBS and she has found great relief with the help of a good holistic Dr. It might be worth checking out, especially since you know there aren't any underlying medical issues. Good luck to you! kagead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FabBy50 0 Posted December 28, 2009 Constipation is a serious issue, trust me I have battled it for so many years I can't count! I do eat right, excersize and still nothing works. I just went through a huge battle with a bowel obstruction my bowels just don't work!! Don't know why, but my mom was the same way. I have 5 sisters and none of them have the same problem. I don't have a problem eating fruits but some veggies make me gassy. I just wish for once in my life I could be "normal" like everyone else. Good luck Stephanie and maybe an unfill is in order, I have never gotten heartburn from fruit! Bernadette Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jenschmitz 1 Posted January 29, 2010 ok, my experiences.. I have ALWAYS suffered from Constipation. Even before lapband. I went and saw a person that does colonics. My my my. What a BIG difference it made to my life! My colon was given the ability to do what it is meant to do-move waste along. I needed to get the peristaltic motion going again. And yes. I was a metamucil junkie. All it did was block me up. The colonic was great. The guy that did it was a naturapath and very professional. It took about 45 minutes in total. Its like its helping restore the proper motion the muscles are meant to have. you sound all kinked and wound up. And totally out of kilter with all the stuff you are taking so you can go. I consider it akin to getting my dental check up now. I do it every 6 months or so. Keeps me bobbing along. Also, I found out I had Fructose Malabsorption. When I ate the fruits and vege that are good for that diet I had less number 2 problems and alot more settled tummy and hardly any wind too. Mind you, when I stuff up and eat fruit and vege which is high in fructose I get sore tummies and musical behinds!! Hope that Helps!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Humming Bird 275 Posted January 29, 2010 I sometimes have the same problem with Constipation and as I have stated before, I have a pretty tight band right now. Remember it is very common for bandsters to only have a BM every few days. I find it very helpful to keep a calendar and a pen next to the toilet. I just circle the date when I go. This way I can keep track. If it's been several days, I eat a prune or take a childrens laxitive strip. I was thinking about trying Activia yogurt. Has anyone tried it? Does it work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites