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What i cannot understand is why people want to act like what works for them should work for everyone??? I mean, seriously?

I HAVE to eat low carb. My blood sugar will go completely out of control and I will get into serious trouble. For those who dont have it, I am actually very happy for you. God bless you. You have a better metabolism than I do.

I tell people what works for me, and expect them to figure out what works for them. NEVER...NEVER...NEVER would I come on her and do a fake "shudder" over someone elses diet. Lord, what is wrong with people here? As if it isnt bad enough having the whole world watch us eat, now we have to catch it from people who should be more understanding.

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After doing my homework prior to the procedure and my surgeon making it very clear to me that if I had an addiction to non-diet soft drinks or milkshakes I should not expect to lose any weight I knew going in to this I would have practice some common sense with my new "portion control tool". Even when it comes to sweets, I have problems consuming most starchy foods such as cakes and pie crusts and I can only eat a cookie or two before my band goes to work and the restriction causes me to stop eating. Everyone is going to have different experiences but my point to being able to "eat what you want" is that my portions of "real food" have been cut by 75% and although I don't eat a lot of it, my portions of junk food have also been reduced by 75%. Not too terribly amazing that the net effect of that has been weight loss.

Count yourself lucky - cuz my band doesn't stop me on pie crust nor cake or Cookies

I alway say that I have done 75% of the work by making better food choices and exercising and my band has done the other 25% by providing restriction

I'm actually glad this was posted with all the pros and cons and reasons why.

I have been obsessing about what I'm eating more now than before being banded. I'm worried I'm not eating enough Protein, I'm worried I'm not eating only 1/2 cup of food, I'm worried I'm eating every 2 - 3 hours instead of 4- 5 hours. :)

Over all I'm eating WAY better than I did prior to surgery. My downfall was quantity. I could sit and eat a serving size bowl of salad and think it was ok.... :smile2: I also like ice cream and knew going into this I wouldn't be able to eat it like I used to. I think eventually I will eat once in awhile but not every day anymore. Maybe a treat once a month of every other month. I also am going to try to not eat too many carbs. I just feel better not eating them now. I should have realized that earlier.

Over all I feel better and even though I'm not loosing the weight quickly, which I never did before anyway, I know I have a tool for life and I will work with it and see where it takes me. :)

I focus alot more now a days on the nutritional value of my foods - I don't count calories or pt grms any longer (I did keep a food diary for the 1st yr until I got to goal) I do make sure that I am getting healthy food - some days - I want a quesdilla (sp) I will have one for lunch - not often (may every couple of month)- cheese is another one of the foods that I have very limited quantities of - it's too high in fat and calories

I also limit my starches - but include some every night with dinner - I can't do an adktin type eating plan - it's to restrictive for me..

Yes once a month or every couple of months is a good plan - I went to a bday party when I was like 2 months out - had 1/2 slice of cake - What I do is look at the calorie content of the cookie I want - 2 cookie 300 cal - well that's an hour on the treadmill - then I ask myself - is it worth it - usually it' not but some times it is :0)..

I agree with everyone...please keep in mind that you did not come this far to gain all your weight back...they say we have an 12-18month window to lose as much weight possible; so for all of you who are counting your calories and trying to do it the right way it will pay off in a couple of years....for those of us who are eating whatever we like eventually it will catch up with us as well...lets all stay on track; for me it will be the first of the year. I have fallen off track, but I plan to lose 20 -35 pds by March 20th...and Yes I can do it at least I have hope and determination. smile.

I measured & weighed my food for the first few months - I needed to understand and know what 4 oz of meat looked like - I needed to know what 1/2 cup of something looked like - These were learning tools - I counted calories and kept food diary for the 1st yr til I got to goal - Again another learning tool - now I know for the most part the # of calories in the foods I am consuming - where as before I had no idea that a slice of cheese cake from he cheese cake factor (low carb one) has like 500 calories - a regular slice has like 1000+

The whole weight loss thing isn't a race - some of us are stricter with our food choices than other - some of us keep out bands tighter than others - some of us have slower metabolism than others and some spend more hours in the gym than other..

We all do it a little diff than the next person and that's fine - nothing is written in stone - I feel that you have to find what works for you and do that - cuz this is a lifetime lifestyle change - and for it to truly become that for you - it has to work for you and be livable..

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What i cannot understand is why people want to act like what works for them should work for everyone??? I mean, seriously?

I HAVE to eat low carb. My blood sugar will go completely out of control and I will get into serious trouble. For those who dont have it, I am actually very happy for you. God bless you. You have a better metabolism than I do.

I tell people what works for me, and expect them to figure out what works for them. NEVER...NEVER...NEVER would I come on her and do a fake "shudder" over someone elses diet. Lord, what is wrong with people here? As if it isnt bad enough having the whole world watch us eat, now we have to catch it from people who should be more understanding.

Who did a fake shudder ?? I am lost by your post...

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Relax - Eat what you want - Well hell - that's how most of us got fat in the 1st place.

ROFLMAO! Geez...one of these days I'm going to electrocute myself when I spit Water across my keyboard.

I'm hoping the OP meant we can eat whatever we want 'in moderation'.


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I HAVE to eat low carb. My blood sugar will go completely out of control and I will get into serious trouble.

I have the same difficulty and it's because I've become insulin resistant (type II diabetes). It's why I do low carb (less than 3) Protein Shakes for Breakfast, lunch and my in between mini-meals. That way I can have 1/2 cup of some type of carb (potatoes, rice, etc.) with my meal.

I'm hoping that eventually my blood sugar levels will come back to normal and I will no longer be insulin resistant and I can stop monitoring my carbs so closely.


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ROFLMAO! Geez...one of these days I'm going to electrocute myself when I spit Water across my keyboard.

I'm hoping the OP meant we can eat whatever we want 'in moderation'.


Well we wouldn't want that to happen ElfiePoo lol... Be care full - I have don't it a couple of times myself :0)

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I did a fake shudder Indio - purely because I would hate to live low carb. I love my carbs.

I believe that I *ALSO* made the point that what works well for some doesnt for others.

In fact my whole post was about what works for some doesnt work for everyone. Dont be so darn sensitive minimeme! It's hardly important to ME what you choose to eat, nor does my opinion matter at all to you. If I dont like the sound of what you're having for lumch its hardly the end of the world is it?

I can eat what I like because I happen to like mainly healthy foods. I cant eat what I like in the sense that I can eat a cake everytime the urge hits me. Nobody was being that literal.

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I did a fake shudder Indio - purely because I would hate to live low carb. I love my carbs.

I believe that I *ALSO* made the point that what works well for some doesnt for others.

In fact my whole post was about what works for some doesnt work for everyone. Dont be so darn sensitive minimeme! It's hardly important to ME what you choose to eat, nor does my opinion matter at all to you. If I dont like the sound of what you're having for lumch its hardly the end of the world is it?

I can eat what I like because I happen to like mainly healthy foods. I cant eat what I like in the sense that I can eat a cake everytime the urge hits me. Nobody was being that literal.

Ok - Now I understand - I hadn't read anything on this thread that would offend anyone - so I was lost..

What caught my eye on this thread was - Relax Eat what you want.. I don't want newbies to think that they can eat want the want cuz like I said - that's how most of us got fat in the 1st place..

I also eat healthy and I have a starch every night for dinner and have never considered this a diet - but what I want to eat and eating healthy are 2 diff things

I still want those Cookies and candy - but now I know that they are not healthy for me and once I start I can't quit - I know my limitation - I think I remember reading that you have the same ones - so why start if you can't stop

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interesting topic! I think it just comes down to what works for each of us as individuals. Eating healthy is never a bad thing...and if you can eat healthy most of the time, and every now and then eat what you want and lose...that is great! Some people have sweet tooth problems or carb problem areas...of course deep down inside, we know what our weakness area is. I myself have been eating what I want...but at the same time, I ask myself...what is the best choice for me for breakfast today...or lunch...or dinner. I should say "I try to ask myself everyday". I have plenty of days where I grab what is convenient. Those types of foods are rarely the best choice...but I think the main thing is...I realize that they are not the best choice and therefore I don't eat them till I feel like I am going to pop. I am lucky because I like all kinds of foods. I enjoy cooking too.

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So glad this is up here. I have been having a few bad days, and they are nothing like a pre op bad day would have been but I may eat an extra snack or small meal once or twice a day and my gym membership has lapsed. I knew it would. I have a habit of being gung-ho on health kicks and giving up a few months in. So no big shock there. But I can't remember where I heard it but I read some where " if we were any good at being on a diet and working out we wouldn't have need surgery" I love this phrase and think of it often. I also take comfort that I would have to work really hard to actually gain weight. I think not stressing and obsessing is helpfull in loosing. I do make an effort but there are days when stress and myself get the better of me. I have made some choices I have been able to stay with like no soda. If it really is a learning process I must be a slow learner, But I am learning and that's something.

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My question is kind of related to this post & some of the things that have been said in reply to the initial post...

Exactly how big is our pouch and how much are we "supposed" to eat?

I've been thinking I was doing good just eating about 8 ounces of food per meal...but I've been seeing a lot of people say 1/2 cup or 4 ounces...

What works for you all?

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who knows what the exact measurement is...there probably isn't one since our pouch size may vary. My best idea would be...eat till you feel full. Not bloated...but full. I just had my 3rd fill and I am hoping this is the sweet spot! So far I have discovered with this fill that I am able to still eat what I want (so far) but I am eating cautiously until I learn what this new fill is going to be happy with. I have also noticed that I eat less now and feel full much sooner. So, I know something changed with this fill. Today the kids had pizza...well darn...it's hard to say no to pizza, but I also know it is easy to get stuck on doughy products. I just ate the top off of one small piece and I feel like I am good to go until the next meal! The top is the best part anyway for me...so I am quite happy right now! Sorry to get off track with your question, but just wanted to add a little something about my personal experience. Good luck and happy holidays to you all.

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I have the same difficulty and it's because I've become insulin resistant (type II diabetes). It's why I do low carb (less than 3) Protein shakes for breakfast, lunch and my in between mini-meals. That way I can have 1/2 cup of some type of carb (potatoes, rice, etc.) with my meal.

I'm hoping that eventually my blood sugar levels will come back to normal and I will no longer be insulin resistant and I can stop monitoring my carbs so closely.


I do low carb also. I am a type 1 diabetic so I have done low (basically No) carb for the last 10 years. I too have a problem with Portion Control so I decided to get banded. I am so so happy I did. The low carb recommendations from my surgeon fit right into what I was doing anyway. My Blood sugar control is #1 for me, and weight loss is #2. Both are important but I plan to live until I am 95 so poor blood surgar control will not get me there. I do try to listen to my cravings but since I haven't eaten bread, Pasta, potatoes, or starchy vegetables for 10 years, I don't crave them at all. I occasionally eat one onion ring. I eat meat eggs, cheese,and green vegs. period. I have incorporated a hot Cereal I make with flax meal into my diet and it seems to work very well. I crave things like Avacado. Salsa, and cherry tomatoes!! Separately not together however now that I mention it, I might try them together. LOL..... My point is that occasionally indulging in cravings is only ok if it is something you can control. If not, we need to change our mind set. We can do it. Just stop thinking about the bad craving over and over again. It might take awhile but it will go away. I promise. It did for me.... I can not do Protein Shakes. Even the low carb ones raise my blood sugar. I stay away from them unless I need them for a fill, or recovery from a stuck episode.

Great discussion here. Thanks and Happy Holidays.......

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I eat what i want just a load less of it. I guess i am lucky as my diet has always been reasonably healthy just way too much of it! I couldnt cope with counting calories and weighing things or i could for a while just like every other diet i have ever done but certainly not on a long term basis i would just give up and the whole routine would collapse! As long as it works for you then thats all that matters i guess!

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Interestingly, I had a heated discussion on this with my mum on Sunday. She's a "dieter" like I mentioned. She got SO defensive when I said I hated the whole Weight Watches routine. She was saying that it worked and you cant just eat what you want.

Why do people assume that "eating what you want" means eating rubbish all the time.

I'm personally a huge fan of all those never diet again type books. I find eating what I want, yes, I occasionally want a muffin for breakfast. So? I just have it. When I truly gave myself permission to eat what I wanted, I found I ate poorly at first, but those "bad foods" lost their hold on me.

I truly dont see the good food/bad food distinction now.

The reason why i feel so strongly on this is that losing weight is only one part of recovering from obesity. Learning to let go of food so that it no longer has power over you is the bigger part. And I just dont see how you can do that constantly weighing, measuring and counting. I dont see how you can do it when you're relying not on your body and its feelings but on what someone else tells you to do. I really feel cured because I truly dont CARE what I eat at my next meal or how much Protein I get in a day.

Over time, everything evens out, you take in what you need in the course of a week, if not in a day.

I guess it depends on what led to your weight problem in the first place. I think I'm someone who wasnt really destined to become as fat as I did - I feel I dieted myself fat, truly. You know, lost 10lb, gain back 15. So to me, dieting is the enemy.

But I really am not fussed by how other people do it, or what they choose to eat. However, I do feel a bit like I've "discovered a secret" and its hard to remember that what has set me free, and that's how I choose to word it, might not be what everyone needs.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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