I was wondering if any of you who had the bypass use vitamin patches. I've been reading up on them, and I found this:
"There is not enough research available at this time to promote a multivitamin patch in the bariatric population. Especially after weight loss surgery, you should be very aware of what products you are using to ensure that you are getting all the required nutrients to promote good health. Many practitioners recommend that bariatric patients stay away from multivitamin patches because if they don't work, the deficiencies can lead to severe consequences down the line."
And this: "The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) says that vitamin A and B12 are deficiencies that bariatric patients experience the most, and therefore a vitamin patch simply wouldn't be adequate."
I'm aware that certain vitamins do not transfer well through the skin and therefore must be ingested. However, I'd like to know about your personal experiences with vitamin patches. Any information is appreciated! Thank you!