If you’re like me, you’re a little streaky. There are times when things are going well, and it’s not that hard to eat right, exercise well, and feel relaxed and confident. Then there are other times when things are a little more challenging. I may eat a little too much, or have a little more trouble getting out the door for a run or I just don’t feel quite as excited about things as I usually am.
What do you do when you have those down times? How do you get back in your groove? For some people, the answer seems to involve retreating. I know some introverts who crave peace and quiet, and can get back in their groove when they get a little extra alone time. Other people are more extroverted, and they feed off of others’ energy. Spending time with others helps them get their motivation back.
How do you get your motivation back when it flags, or get back in your groove when you’re knocked out?