I started a relationship with a guy back in 2004. We were young and in love!
Well the past three years took a nose dive we had a blissful seven years that I will eternally cherish. The last three years were a hazy mess. We both have Bipolar. His anxiety got so bad and so did his obsessing over the relationship and his different phobias took place. I haven't really seen him in the past three years, I tried to stick it out hoping he would get better. Then tonight it came down like a Hurricane! He told me if I left his life he could get better. As harsh as it was hearing it I realized I needed to walk away for good. So we split amicably!
I really feel alone I mean I have no friends, all I had was him. Sure I have my parents and my family. It's just not the same. I'm however embarking on this amazing journey of attending a weight loss seminar tomorrow and I see a bright future for myself!
I guess you can say this has been a blessing in disguise.
I'm finding myself again!